568 research outputs found

    Marijuana for Parkinson\u27s Disease

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    The role of extracellular vesicles in cutaneous remodeling and hair follicle dynamics

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    Extracellular vesicles (EVs), including exosomes, microvesicles, and apoptotic bodies, are cell-derived membranous structures that were originally catalogued as a way of releasing cellular waste products. Since the discovery of their function in intercellular communication as carriers of proteins, lipids, and DNA and RNA molecules, numerous therapeutic approaches have focused on the use of EVs, in part because of their minimized risk compared to cell-based therapies. The skin is the organ with the largest surface in the body. Besides the importance of its body barrier function, much attention has been paid to the skin in regenerative medicine because of its cosmetic aspect, which is closely related to disorders affecting pigmentation and the presence or absence of hair follicles. The use of exosomes in therapeutic approaches for cutaneous wound healing has been reported and is briefly reviewed here. However, less attention has been paid to emerging interest in the potential capacity of EVs as modulators of hair follicle dynamics. Hair follicles are skin appendices that mainly comprise an epidermal and a mesenchymal component, with the former including a major reservoir of epithelial stem cells but also melanocytes and other cell types. Hair follicles continuously cycle, undergoing consecutive phases of resting, growing, and regression. Many biomolecules carried by EVs have been involved in the control of the hair follicle cycle and stem cell function. Thus, investigating the role of either naturally produced or therapeutically delivered EVs as signaling vehicles potentially involved in skin homeostasis and hair cycling may be an important step in the attempt to design future strategies towards the efficient treatment of several skin disordersThis research was funded by the Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria, Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CP 14/00219), Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), H2020-EU.1.1.—European Research Council (ERC-2016-StG 715322-EndoMitTalk), and Instituto de Salud Carlos III (FIS16/188). E.C. was supported by the Atracción de Talento Investigador grant 2017-T2/BMD-5766 (Comunidad de Madrid and Universidad Autónoma de Madrid). G.S.-H. was funded by an FPI grant (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid). M.M. was supported by the Miguel Servet program (Instituto de Investigación del Hospital 12 de Octubre

    La onomástica de la conversión: señas de identidad y transformación antroponímica de los moriscos de Granada (1500-1569)

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    Las transformaciones padecidas por los musulmanes de Granada a raíz de la conversión masiva de 1499-1500 se reflejan en el cambio antroponímico inicial y su evolución durante el siglo XVI. En este estudio se evalúa la autenticidad de los nombres árabes en los documentos castellanos y se propone una metodología onomástica que abarca dos sistemas diversos (el árabe y el castellano) y que permite un cierto grado de sincretismo. La onomástica comparativa (sincrónica y diacrónica) desde la Edad Media hasta la Moderna, con muestras de otros colectivos permite calibrar el grado de aculturación de los moriscos y descubrir patrones de comportamiento cultural que resultan difícilmente discernibles por otros medios.The Muslims of Granada experienced a series of transformations due to the widespread conversions of 1499-1500 which is mirrored in the initial anthroponymic change and its subsequent evolution in the sixteenth century. This study assesses the authenticity of Arabic names in Castilian records and proposes an onomastic methodology that bridges two diverse systems (Arabic and Spanish) and manifests a certain degree of synchretism. A comparative onomastic study (both synchronic and diachronic) from medieval to early modern times, using various samples of other social groups allows us to gauge the degree of acculturation of the Moriscos and to discover patterns of cultural behaviour that would otherwise be difficult to discern.Este trabajo ha sido posible gracias a la financiación concedida en el marco del XIX Concurso de Ayudas a la Investigación para Temas Mudéjares 2007 del Centro de Estudios Mudéjares de Teruel

    Concentrations, Distributions and Chemical Speciation of Zinc and Cadmium in the Equatorial and South Atlantic Ocean

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    Certain trace metals are important cofactors in enzymatic systems and are thus, essential for life in the world\u27s oceans. Two of these metals, Zn and Cd, are required by phytoplankton for enzymes that facilitate carbon uptake (Morel and Price, 2003). In seawater the total dissolved concentration of a metal (MTD) is distributed among different chemical species and this chemical speciation dictates a metal\u27s bioavailability. Strong organic metal-binding ligands greatly affect the metal\u27s chemical speciation in the ocean, potentially limiting phytoplankton growth by reducing the concentrations of Zn2+ and Cd2+, the bioavailable forms of these two metals to levels below those required for optimal, or even minimal, growth (Ellwood, 2004). In this study, Zn and Cd concentrations, distributions and chemical speciation in the Equatorial and Western South Atlantic Ocean are discussed. The focus, initially on Zn and Cd and their complexing ligands, shifts from depth profiles to sources to processes to analysis of specific hot spots. ZnTD and CdTD profiles mimic silicate and phosphate. Three separate, metal-specific, complexing ligands for Zn and Cd are reported, thanks to the use of a novel mathematical tool (TDI). Notable features include potential regional influences on the ZnTD, CdTD and ligand distribution exerted on surface waters near the Amazon River plume and on subsurface waters by a hypoxic region in the Equatorial Atlantic. As of water masses of more widespread distribution, the influence of factors like the Amazon River particles/Equatorial area high productivity on intermediate water masses and the Congo River shelf matter on deep water masses show high ZnTD and CdTD and very high ligand concentrations (L), in contrast to the ZnTD and silicate rich water masses originated near the Southern Ocean. The ZnTD/silicate ratios show the widespread presence of a ZnTD subsurface local maximum, suggesting Zn regeneration linked to grazing. A study of the ligand suggests some of them are related to primary productivity and some are related to grazing. Some ligands are very refractory and others are transported in intermediate and deep water masses as both their concentrations and binding strengths (logK) decrease as they age (estimated residence time ∼ 130 years), suggesting potential global distributions of a consortium of decaying ligands. The chemical speciation and bioavailability of Zn and Cd are compared with some inferred Co speciation data. This region of the Atlantic Ocean is not prone to limitation due to the sufficient concentration of free Zn2+ in surface waters, in contrast to regions where intermediate and deep waters are to upwell, which could show limitation due to low Zn2+ and Cd2+

    Huellas de la sociedad musulmana granadina: la conversión del Albayzín (1499-1500)

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    The mass baptism of Muslims in Granada at the turn of the sixteenth century was one of the key events that marked the end of an era. These religious conversions have been studied with the use of a series of baptismal lists from the central parishes of the Albaicín district. The issues related to this event, which took place in the span of a few days, are laid out in order to grasp the logic of the conversions. Furthermore, the data provided by these lists allows us to sketch a sociological portrait of the Muslim community with issues ranging from family structure, trades, and the various minority groups including Elches, Blacks, slaves and Mudejars. This study allows us to retrieve the vestiges of Nasrid society after the Christian conquest and the absorption of Granada by Castile

    Helicobacter pylori

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    Chronic gastritis is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa and has multiple etiologies. Here we discuss the pathological alterations induced by Helicobacter pylori (HP) leading to chronic gastritis and the epigenetic bases underlying these changes. We review the histology of the normal gastric mucosa and overview the role of HP in the multistep cascade of GC. We attempt to define the role of the Operative Link for Gastritis Assessment (OLGA) staging system in assessing the risk of GC. The epigenetic bases of chronic gastritis, mainly DNA methylation, are presented through examples such as (i) the methylation of the promoter region of E-cadherin in HP-induced chronic gastritis and its reversion after HP eradication and (ii) the association of methylation of the promoter region of Reprimo, a p53-mediated cell cycle arrest gene, with aggressive HP strains in high risk areas for GC. In addition, we discuss the finding of RPRM as a circulating cell-free DNA, offering the opportunity for noninvasive risk assessment of GC. Finally, the integration of OLGA and tissue biomarkers, by systems pathology approach, suggests that severe atrophy has a greater risk for GC development if, in addition, overexpressed p73. This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov NCT01774266

    Funciones trigonométricas en una geometría de Hilbert

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    En las geometrías conocidas, tales como la Euclidiana, Esférica o Hiperbólica, damos por sentado muchas propiedades elementales sin mayor reflexión. Por ejemplo, en la Geometría de Euclides sabemos que todos los triángulos equiláteros de lado 1 son congruentes entre sí, con área igual a raíz cuadrada de 4 sobre 3. Es interesante entonces conocer un modelo geométrico sencillo en el cual es preciso replantearse todas esas propiedades, tales como la definición de un ángulo o el área de un triángulo. Veremos que aquí no todos los triángulos equiláteros de igual lado son congruentes entre sí, aunque podemos hablar de ángulos, distancias y funciones trigonométricas. El modelo que planteamos es el de la Geometría de Hilbert en un triángulo que ya fue explicada en [ 1 ]. En este trabajo mostramos algunos resultados, con las potencialidades y beneficios ofrecidos por la Geometría No-Euclidiana no solamente desde el punto de vista científico, sino también, desde el punto de vista didáctico, toda vez que es posible usar este tipo de Geometría como herramienta para motivar e integrar a docentes y estudiantes en la comprensión de la Ciencia y a usar la tecnología educativa como campo de experimentación para desarrollar abstracciones en mundos imaginarios diferentes, donde la geometría es tratada por medio de modelos que toman como base un conjunto convexo proporcionado por David Hilbert y donde se hace necesario estudiar los conceptos básicos como la estructura y definición de un círculo y un ángulo, y nos concentramos en obtener algunos teoremas importantes en la Geometría hiperbólica. En resumen, si bien los resultados presentados en este trabajo constituyen un aporte creativo de conocimiento en lo científico (en lo respecta al estudio, investigación y obtención de algunos de teoremas de la Geometría No-Euclidiana), constituyen también un aporte desde el punto de vista didáctico en la enseñanza de la Geometría No Euclidiana

    Cannabinoid-Induced Enhanced Interaction and Protein Levels of Serotonin 5-HT2A and Dopamine D2 Receptors in Rat Prefrontal Cortex

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    Recent evidence suggests that non-selective cannabinoid receptor agonists may regulate serotonin 2A (5-HT2A) receptor neurotransmission in brain. The molecular mechanisms of this regulation are unknown but could involve cannabinoid-induced enhanced interaction between 5-HT2A and dopamine D2 (D2) receptors. Here, we present experimental evidence that Sprague-Dawley rats treated with a non-selective cannabinoid receptor agonist (CP55,940, 50μg/kg, 7days, i.p.) showed enhanced co-immunoprecipitation of 5-HT2A and D2 receptors and enhanced membrane-associated expression of D2 and 5-HT2A receptors in prefrontal cortex (PFCx). Furthermore, 5-HT2A receptor mRNA levels were increased in PFCx suggesting a cannabinoid-induced upregulation of 5-HT2A receptors. To date, two cannabinoids receptors have been found in brain, CB1 and CB2 receptors. We used selective cannabinoid agonists in a neuronal cell line to study mechanisms that could mediate this 5-HT2A receptor upregulation. We found that selective CB2 receptor agonists upregulate 5-HT2A receptors by a mechanism that seems to involve activation of Gαi G-proteins, ERK1/2, and AP-1 transcription factor. We hypothesize that the enhanced cannabinoid-induced interaction between 5-HT2A and D2 receptors and in 5-HT2A and D2 receptors protein levels in the PFCx might provide a molecular mechanism by which activation of cannabinoid receptors might be contribute to the pathophysiology of some cognitive and mood disorders

    Diseño y construcción de prototipo de una máquina cortadora de papaya, melón y sandía para la elaboración de ensalada de frutas

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    El presente proyecto está orientado al diseño y construcción de un prototipo de máquina cortadora de frutas, utilizadas para la elaboración de ensaladas, y su propósito es optimizar el tiempo de corte y brindar seguridad al operador, busca también garantizar el cumplimiento de las necesidades y expectativas para el área de procesamiento y corte de alimentos en pequeños emprendimientos dedicados a brindar este servicio. Se ha recolectado información digital y física en distintos establecimientos alimenticios, utilizando el estudio comparativo se seleccionó la mejor alternativa para encontrar la solución al problema que pretende ayudar dicho proyecto.The present project is oriented to the design and construction of a prototype of a fruit cutting machine, used for the preparation of salads, and its purpose is to optimize the cutting time and provide safety to the operator, it also seeks to guarantee the fulfillment of the needs and expectations for the area of food processing and cutting in small businesses dedicated to providing this service. Digital and physical information has been collected in different food establishments, using the comparative study the best alternative was selected to find the solution to the problem that this project intends to help

    Molecular Pathology of Gastritis

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