1,123 research outputs found
Nonholomorphic N=2 terms in N=4 SYM: 1-Loop Calculation in N=2 superspace
The effective action of N=2 gauge multiplets in general includes
higher-dimension UV finite nonholomorphic corrections integrated with the full
N=2 superspace measure. By adding a hypermultiplet in the adjoint
representation we study the effective action of N=4 SYM. The nonanomalous SU(4)
R-symmetry of the classical N=4 theory must be also present in the on-shell
effective action, and therefore we expect to find similar nonholomorphic terms
for each of the scalars in the hypermultiplet. The N=2 path integral
quantization formalism developed in projective superspace allows us to compute
these hypermultiplet nonholomorphic terms directly in N=2 superspace. The
corresponding gauge multiplet expression can be successfully compared with the
result inferred from a N=1 calculation in the abelian subsector.Comment: 12 pages, LaTex, includes 4 .eps figures, sign convention in path
integral definition changed, sign of nonholomorphic potential change
Five-dimensional supersymmetric Chern-Simons action as a hypermultiplet quantum correction
Building on the covariant supergraph techniques in 4D N = 2 harmonic
superspace, we develop a manifestly 5D N = 1 supersymmetric and gauge covariant
formalism to compute the one-loop effective action for a hypermultiplet coupled
to a background vector multiplet. As a simple application, we demonstrate the
generation of a supersymmetric Chern-Simons action at the quantum level, both
in the Coulomb and the non-Abelian phases. These superfield results are in
agreement with the earlier component considerations of Seiberg et al. Our
analysis suggests that similar calculations in terms of hybrid 4D superfields
or within the 5D projective superspace approach may allow one to extract
suitable formulations for the non-Abelian 5D supersymmetric Chern-Simons
theory.Comment: 12 page
Ion Beam Analysis of He-implanted fusion solid breedes
Lithium-based ceramics (silicates, titanates, ?) possess a series of advantages as alternative over liquid lithium and lithium-lead alloys for fusion breeders. They have a sufficient lithium atomic density (up to 540 kg*m-3), high temperature stability (up to 1300 K), and good chemical compatibility with structural materials. Nevertheless, few research is made on the diffusion behavior of He and H isotopes through polycrystalline structures of porous ceramics which is crucial in order to understand the mobility of gas coolants as well as, the release of tritium. Moreover, in the operating conditions of actual breeder blanket concepts, the extraction rate of the helium produced during lithium transmutation can be affected by the composition and the structure of the near surface region modifying the performance of BB material
On superpotentials for nonlinear sigma-models with eight supercharges
Using projective superspace techniques, we consider 4D N = 2 and 5D N = 1
gauged supersymmetric nonlinear sigma-models for which the hyper-Kahler target
space is (an open domain of the zero section of) the cotangent bundle of a
real-analytic Kahler manifold. As in the 4D N = 1 case, one may gauge those
holomorphic isometries of the base Kahler manifold (more precisely, their
lifting to the cotangent bundle) which are generated by globally defined
Killing potentials. In the U(1) case, by freezing the background vector
(tropical) multiplet to a constant value of its gauge-invariant superfield
strength, we demonstrate the generation of a chiral superpotential, upon
elimination of the auxiliary superfields and dualisation of the complex linear
multiplets into chiral ones. Our analysis uncovers a N = 2 superspace origin
for the results recently obtained in hep-th/0601165.Comment: 8 pages, no figures. V2: comments, references adde
Non-renormalization of next-to-extremal correlators in N=4 SYM and the AdS/CFT correspondence
We show that next-to-extremal correlators of chiral primary operators in N=4
SYM theory do not receive quantum corrections to first order in perturbation
theory. Furthermore we consider next-to-extremal correlators within AdS
supergravity. Here the exchange diagrams contributing to these correlators
yield results of the same free-field form as obtained within field theory. This
suggests that quantum corrections vanish at strong coupling as well.Comment: 21 pages, LaTex, 9 eps figures, typos corrected and references adde
On N=2 low energy effective actions
We propose a Wilsonian action compatible with special geometry and higher
dimension N=2 corrections, and show that the holomorphic contribution F to the
low energy effective action is independent of the infrared cutoff. We further
show that for asymptotically free SU(2) super Yang-Mills theories, the infrared
cutoff can be tuned to cancel leading corrections to F. We also classify all
local higher-dimensional contributions to the N=2 superspace effective action
that produce corrections to the Kahler potential when reduced to N=1
superspace.Comment: 9 pages, Late
AHP-based design method of a lightweight, portable and flexible air-based PV-T module for UAV shelter hangars
The use of renewable energy is spreading also to the military field. Its implementation in army forward bases has three clear advantages: an economic benefit lowering consumptions, an environmental profit reducing emissions, and a strategic interest minimizing risks in supplies. This paper presents a methodology for the design of a photovoltaic-thermal system (PV-T) to supply heat and electricity to military tents in forward facilities. UAV shelter hangars used by infantry forces have been chosen to implement this equipment. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) has been chosen to explain its application to designing the PV-T system. A CFD analysis of different design alternatives was performed in order to quantify decision making criteria and subcriteria. The best performance design was used to build a test bench of the system, using an Arduino-based platform. Telemetry is used to remotely register PV-T module parameters. Experimental data obtained was implemented as boundary conditions to validate the CFD model of the PV-T system, and heat exchange models were implemented using UDF (user defined functions) in ANSYS® FLUENT®. A making decision method was successfully applied to define a methodology for geometrical design, using CFD simulation to determine necessary parameters to quantify criteria and subcriteria defined in the AHP
Uptake, accumulation and metabolization of the antidepressant fluoxetine by Mytilus galloprovincialis
Fluoxetine, a selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressant, is among the most prescribed pharmaceutical active substances worldwide. This study aimed to assess its accumulation and metabolization in the mussel Mytillus galloprovincialis, considered an excellent sentinel species for traditional and emerging pollutants. Mussels were collected from Ria Formosa Lagoon, Portugal, and exposed to a nominal concentration of fluoxetine (75 ng L-1) for 15 days. Approximately 1 g of whole mussel soft tissues was extracted with acetonitrile:formic acid, loaded into an Oasis MCX cartridge, and fluoxetine analysed by liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MSn). After 3 days of exposure, fluoxetine was accumulated in 70% of the samples, with a mean of 2.53 ng g(-1) dry weight (d.w.) and norfluoxetine was only detected in one sample (10%), at 3.06 ng g(-1) d.w. After 7 days of exposure, the accumulation of fluoxetine and norfluoxetine increased up to 80 and 50% respectively, and their mean accumulated levels in mussel tissues were up to 4.43 and 2.85 ng g(-1) d.w., respectively. By the end of the exposure period (15 days), both compounds were detected in 100% of the samples (mean of 9.31 and 11.65 ng g(-1) d.w., respectively). Statistical analysis revealed significant accumulation differences between the 3rd and 15th day of exposure for fluoxetine, and between the 3rd and 7th against the 15th day of exposure for norfluoxetine. These results suggest that the fluoxetine accumulated in mussel tissues is likely to be metabolised into norfluoxetine with the increase of the time of exposure, giving evidence that at these realistic environmental concentrations, toxic effects of fluoxetine in mussel tissues may occur. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved
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