5,618 research outputs found

    Groundwater nutrient availability controls on nearshore benthic community structure in Biscayne Bay, Florida

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    Most studies have focused on nutrient inputs from rivers, atmosphere, and nonpoint runoff. One often overlooked source of nutrient loading is submarine groundwater discharge. For this reason, a 207 site survey and four transects were established to document spatial distribution of macrophytes, quantify potential groundwater discharge and associated nutrient concentrations, estimate water column nutrient concentrations, and relate nutrient availability to seagrass stoichiometry. A significant decline in Thalassia testudinum and an associated increase in Halodule wrightii were significantly correlated with decreased salinity and increased ammonium and total phosphorus concentrations from surface and groundwater. Total phosphorus loading from groundwater was estimated to be 2.55 metric tons y-1 in the Black Point area, almost half the phosphorus load to all of southern Biscayne Bay from the canals. These findings indicate that nutrients in groundwater are important in determining seagrass community structure and spatial distribution in the shallow waters of Biscayne Bay

    The Torii Project: Installation Manual

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    Serving as a symbolic gateway that establishes the entrance to a sacred space, is known as a Torii. The Torii is a traditional Japanese gate that holds great significance in Japanese culture. Our team is inspired to create a respectable and culturally appropriate Japanese torii in hopes of honoring the Japanese, Japanese-American community within the campus and the central coast. This Torii is meant to serve as a token of diversity, equity and inclusion in the Cal Poly community. The scope of manual for the Torii project explores what it takes for the installation process of the Torii after manufacturing is complete. The essence of the manual is to guide a future student to complete the Torii project, which consists of installing the Torii in the designated area within the Leaning Pine Arboretum within the Cal Poly Campus. The manual consists of the history of the project, a site-specific safety plan, site logistics plan, details of the excavation and foundation system, the procurement and installation of materials, the bracing system and the concrete formwork. Additionally, a brief conversation on the collaborative design of a Japanese-inspired garden that will house the Torii in the future

    In Vivo Cellular MRI In Experimental Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury

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    Spinal cord injury (SCI) remains one of the most devastating conditions in medicine; it is a complex medical condition with no cure currently available. Inflammation plays an important role in SCI as it can have both beneficial and detrimental effects. Cell therapy has emerged as a promising treatment for SCI due to the potential for stem cells, including multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC), for tissue regeneration and immunomodulation of the inflammatory cascade after the initial trauma. However, there are still important, unresolved questions regarding cell therapy that magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can help to address by producing high-resolution images with exquisite soft tissue contrast in a non-invasive, non-destructive and three-dimensional (3D) manner, allowing a dynamic view of changing pathology and cellular events in vivo. In this thesis in vivo longitudinal imaging of SCI in mouse and rat models is presented using MRI. A resolution of 200μm in all three planes was achieved using a balanced steady state free precession (bSSFP) pulse sequence in a 3T whole-body clinical scanner. Using iron oxide particles as a contrast agent, cellular MRI was used to assess direct MSC transplantation in a mouse model and acute inflammation in a rat model. This was the first study to use cellular MRI for cell tracking in a mouse SCI model. We report on the use of cellular MRI to locate transplanted cells and monitor their overall distribution as well as to evaluate the delivery of transplanted cells to the target tissue in the early phase. Limitations of long-term cell tracking using iron oxide are also discussed. This is also the first study using cellular MRI to image in vivo cells associated with the inflammatory response within the lesion in a rat SCI model and the first demonstration of the use of bSSFP at 3T for rat body imaging. Having the tools for longitudinal in vivo cell monitoring in SCI will help gain a better understanding of both inflammation and response to cell therapy. As these tools are refined, they can be used to test different potential treatments for SCI and optimize them

    Developmental and functional effects of steroid hormones on the neuroendocrine axis and spinal cord

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    This review highlights the principal effects of steroid hormones at central and peripheral levels in the neuroendocrine axis. The data discussed highlight the principal role of oestrogens and testosterone in hormonal programming in relation to sexual orientation, reproductive and metabolic programming, and the neuroendocrine mechanism involved in the development of polycystic ovary syndrome phenotype. Moreover, consistent with the wide range of processes in which steroid hormones take part, we discuss the protective effects of progesterone on neurodegenerative disease and the signalling mechanism involved in the genesis of oestrogen-induced pituitary prolactinomas.Fil: Zubeldia Brenner, Lautaro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Fundación de Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental; ArgentinaFil: Roselli, C. E.. Oregon Health and Science University Portland; Estados UnidosFil: Recabarren, S. E.. Universidad de Concepción; ChileFil: Gonzalez Deniselle, Maria Claudia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Fundación de Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental; ArgentinaFil: Lara, H. E.. Universidad de Chile; Chil


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    Introducción: La combinación propofol con Fentanil es una técnica muy usada para procedimientos de legrado uterino instrumentado, en este estudio compararemos la combinación de Propofol-Ketamina y designaremos su eficacia. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio prospectivo, transversal y descriptivo del uso de la combinación de Propofol y Ketamina en 60 pacientes de ASA I y II que fueron propuestas para legrado uterino instrumentado describiendo si existen variaciones hemodinámicas y ventilatorias. Resultados: El aborto incompleto fue el diagnóstico más frecuente ya que se presentó en 35 pacientes, que corresponde al 58%, en segundo lugar el embarazo anembriónico con frecuencia de 13 que corresponde al 21.6 %, en tercer lugar el huevo muerto retenido con frecuencia de 7 pacientes que representan el 11.6%, en cuarto lugar el sangrado genital anormal con 3 pacientes que corresponde al 5% y en quinto lugar la retención de restos ovulares con 2 pacientes que represento 3.3%. Del total de pacientes estudiadas 13 fueron ASA I lo que corresponde al 21.66%, y 47 pacientes fueron ASA II lo que corresponde al 78.33 %. Todos los pacientes con propofol-fentanil requirieron ventilación asistida y solo en 2 casos con ketamina. Se observó mayor frecuencia de bradicardia en el grupo de propofol-fentanil que en el grupo propofol–ketamina. En ambos grupos el Ramsay inicial fue clase II, lo que significa que ninguna de las pacientes estudiadas presentó algún estado de choque que repercutiera en su estado de consciencia. Conclusiones: La ketamina es un nuevo medicamento, eficaz para proveer este tipo de sedación sin necesidad de asistencia ventilatoría y con menor repercusión hemodinámica

    Silviano Enríquez Correa, destacado catedrático y difusor de la química en el Estado de México (1853-1900)

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    Silviano Enríquez Correa realizó sus estudios de nivel medio superior y de ingeniería en el Instituto Científico y Literario del Estado de México, del cual llegó a ser director y donde se interesó por la química. Además de ser un profesor autodidacta que se actualizaba frecuentemente para modernizar los diversos cursos de química que llegó a impartir en varias escuelas, fue un gran difusor de la ciencia. Escribió cuatro libros de texto de química y fundó el Boletín del Instituto Científico y Literario del Estado de México

    Rashomon at the kinetochore: Function(s) of the Mad1–cyclin B1 complex

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    In the film Rashomon, four witnesses describe seemingly contradictory views of one event. In a recent analogy, an interaction between the master mitotic regulator cyclin B1 and the spindle checkpoint component Mad1 was independently described by three groups who propose strikingly different functions for this interaction. Here, we summarize their findings and present a perspective on reconciling the different views

    In vivo sensitivity of the embryonic and adult neural stem cell compartments to low-dose radiation

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    The embryonic brain is radiation-sensitive, with cognitive deficits being observed after exposure to low radiation doses. Exposure of neonates to radiation can cause intracranial carcinogenesis. To gain insight into the basis underlying these outcomes, we examined the response of the embryonic, neonatal and adult brain to low-dose radiation, focusing on the neural stem cell compartments. This review summarizes our recent findings. At E13.5-14.5 the embryonic neocortex encompasses rapidly proliferating stem and progenitor cells. Exploiting mice with a hypomorphic mutation in DNA ligase IV (Lig4(Y288C) ), we found a high level of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) at E14.5, which we attribute to the rapid proliferation. We observed endogenous apoptosis in Lig4(Y288C) embryos and in WT embryos following exposure to low radiation doses. An examination of DSB levels and apoptosis in adult neural stem cell compartments, the subventricular zone (SVZ) and the subgranular zone (SGZ) revealed low DSB levels in Lig4(Y288C) mice, comparable with the levels in differentiated neuronal tissues. We conclude that the adult SVZ does not incur high levels of DNA breakage, but sensitively activates apoptosis; apoptosis was less sensitively activated in the SGZ, and differentiated neuronal tissues did not activate apoptosis. P5/P15 mice showed intermediate DSB levels, suggesting that DSBs generated in the embryo can be transmitted to neonates and undergo slow repair. Interestingly, this analysis revealed a stage of high endogenous apoptosis in the neonatal SVZ. Collectively, these studies reveal that the adult neural stem cell compartment, like the embryonic counterpart, can sensitively activate apoptosis

    Influencia del origen del jefe de hogar en el destino vacacional de las familias pertenecientes al G.S.E. alto y medio de Talca.

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    97 p.Este estudio tiene por objetivo principal investigar la posible relación entre el origen (rural o urbano) del jefe(a) de hogar, con el destino vacacional elegido. Para lograr este objetivo se aplic6 un cuestionario, basado en un muestreo aleatorio estratificado aproporcional (M.A.E.A), a 162 jefes(as) de hogar de los grupos socioecon6micos(G.S.E) ABC1(alto) y C2C3(medio) de la ciudad de Talca. La mitad de los jefes de hogares estuvieron compuestos por personas de origen rural y la otra mitad de origen urbano. El diseño muestral asumió inicialmente varianza máxima, un nivel de confianza(1- x) de 95% y un error muestral (e) final de 7,7%. Los resultados (sin agrupar los destinos vacacionales) indican que los turistas al elegir sus destinos vacacionales prefirieron la playa. Al agrupar Ios destinos vacacionales, en "rurales" (Campo, lago, rió, pueblo, montaña, parque y terma) y "no-rurales" (playa y ciudad) se apreci6 una tendencia por elegir un destino vacacional de acuerdo al origen del jefe de hogar. Es decir, el jefe de hogar de origen rural se inclin6 por el destino vacacional rural, en cambio el de origen urbano por el destino vacacional no-rural. Por ende, la investigaci6n exploratoria indica que el origen del jefe de hogar esta asociado con el destino vacacional elegido. Así, se estableci6 la relación origen-destino. Por lo tanto, es factible la segmentación del mercado turístico en base al origen del jefe de hogar