1,988 research outputs found

    Cuidado ao portador de hipertensão arterial na Unidade Básica de Saúde São Gabriel, em Belo Horizonte - Minas Gerais

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    A Unidade Básica de Saúde (UBS) São Gabriel, em Belo Horizonte - MG, conta com uma população de aproximadamente 17.000 pessoas; 5.212 pertencem à Equipe de Saúde da Família (ESF) 4 - Amarela. Na ESF 4 identificam-se problemas de saúde que afetam fundamentalmente a população adulta, mas também crianças e adolescentes. Entre eles se encontram hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS), diabetes mellitus (DM), asma brônquica, uso de psicofármacos, dislipidemias, tabagismo, sedentarismo, sobrepeso, alcoolismo e uso de drogas, desemprego. Um projeto de intervenção é apresentado para um problema considerado prioritário, neste caso a hipertensão arterial e seus fatores de risco na Atenção Básica, com enfoque na população da área de abrangência da ESF 4. Um indivíduo adulto é considerado hipertenso quando os níveis de pressão arterial são iguais ou maiores do que 140/90 mmHg, em pelo menos duas medidas realizadas em momentos diferentes. A HAS é a mais frequente das doenças cardiovasculares, sendo a doença crônica que mais afeta à comunidade, tendo o maior número de casos entre todas as doenças e problemas de saúde (758 hipertensos). É uma doença altamente prevalente, registrando-se anualmente muitos casos novos, atingindo em torno de 15 a 20 % da população adulta, podendo chegar a 50 % nos idosos, e é também um fator de risco para outras doenças e problemas de saúde. Os dados registrados no estudo foram obtidos através de revisões bibliográficas, registros da UBS, da ESF 4, e das agentes comunitárias de saúde. O trabalho é encaminhado a melhorar estilos de vida inadequados e promover ações de saúde que favoreçam o melhor controle e seguimento dos pacientes portadores da doença, sendo que não existe um acompanhamento adequado e eficaz desse grupo de pacientes. O projeto de intervenção propõe a criação de um protocolo de atendimento que garanta melhor assistência aos pacientes portadores de HAS e com risco elevado para adoecer, e assim tentar diminuir seus fatores de risco e a aparição de complicações

    Morphological markers to correlate bud and anther development with microsporogenesis and microgametogenesis in pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)

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    The identification of microspores or pollen grains at particular developmental stages during microsporogenesis or microgamentogenesis is an important step for different basic and applied purposes. Among them, the most relevant example from a biotechnological perspective is the production of androgenic doubled haploids. For this and other techniques, precise, fast, easy and reliable criteria to identify flower buds carrying microspores or pollen at particular stages are essential. In anthocyanin-producing pepper types, the particularities of flower development allow for the identification of several morphological markers potentially useful as criteria for such an identification. In this work, our aim was to determine the easiest and more accurate criterion to correlate visible, measurable traits of bud and anther development with each of the individual stages of microsporogenesis and microgametogenesis. For this, we used three Spanish sweet pepper F1 hybrids (‘Herminio’, ‘Gacela’ and ‘Águila’). We analyzed and discussed the accuracy and practical usefulness of using anther length, bud length, anther purple pigmentation and the ratio between calyx length and bud length (calyx/bud ratio) as predictors of individual microspore/pollen developmental stages. According to our results, we propose a combination of calyx/bud ratio and anther pigmentation as an easy, fast and accurate criterion potentially applicable to anthocyanin-producing pepper cultivars to determine their particular markers.We acknowledge Dr. Rosa Peiro, Mrs. Nuria Palacios and Mrs. Patricia Corral for their valuable help, as well as the staff of the COMAV greenhouses. VPV is a predoctoral fellow of the FPU program of the Spanish Ministry of Education. This work was supported by grant from Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN) AGL2010-17895 to JMSS.Parra Vega, V.; Gonzalez Garcia, B.; Seguí Simarro, JM. (2013). Morphological markers to correlate bud and anther development with microsporogenesis and microgametogenesis in pepper (Capsicum annuum L.). Acta Physiologiae Plantarum. 35(2):627-633. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11738-012-1104-xS627633352Barany I, Gonzalez-Melendi P, Fadón B, Mityko J, Risueño MC, Testillano PS (2005) Microspore-derived embryogenesis in pepper (Capsicum annuum L.): subcellular rearrangements through development. Biol Cell 97:709–722Barany I, Fadon B, Risueno MC, Testillano PS (2010) Cell wall components and pectin esterification levels as markers of proliferation and differentiation events during pollen development and pollen embryogenesis in Capsicum annuum L. J Exp Bot 61:1159–1175. doi: 10.1093/jxb/erp392Buyukalaca S, Comlekcioglu N, Abak K, Ekbic E, Kilic N (2004) Effects of silver nitrate and donor plant growing conditions on production of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) haploid embryos via anther culture. Eur J Hortic Sci 69(5):206–209Dumas de Vaulx R, Chambonnet D, Pochard E (1981) Culture in vitro d’anthères de piment (Capsicum annuum L.): amèlioration des taux d’obtenction de plantes chez différents génotypes par des traitments à +35 °C. Agronomie 1 (10):859-864Dunwell JM (2010) Haploids in flowering plants: origins and exploitation. Plant Biotechnol J 8(4):377–424. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-7652.2009.00498.xErcan N, Sensoy FA, Sirri Sensoy A (2006) Influence of growing season and donor plant age on anther culture response of some pepper cultivars (Capsicum annuum L.). Sci Hort 110(1):16–20Irikova T, Grozeva S, Rodeva V (2011) Anther culture in pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) in vitro. Acta Physiol Plant 33(5):1559–1570. doi: 10.1007/s11738-011-0736-6Kim M, Kim J, Yoon M, Choi DI, Lee KM (2004) Origin of multicellular pollen and pollen embryos in cultured anthers of pepper (Capsicum annuum). Plant Cell, Tissue Organ Cult 77:63–72Kim M, Jang IC, Kim JA, Park EJ, Yoon M, Lee Y (2008) Embryogenesis and plant regeneration of hot pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) through isolated microspore culture. Plant Cell Rep 27(3):425–434Koleva-Gudeva LR, Spasenoski M, Trajkova F (2007) Somatic embryogenesis in pepper anther culture: the effect of incubation treatments and different media. Sci Hort 111(2):114–119Lantos C, Juhász A, Somogyi G, Ötvös K, Vági P, Mihály R, Kristóf Z, Somogyi N, Pauk J (2009) Improvement of isolated microspore culture of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) via co-culture with ovary tissues of pepper or wheat. Plant Cell Tiss Org Cult 97(3):285–293. doi: 10.1007/s11240-009-9527-9Ltifi A, Wenzel G (1994) Anther culture of hot and sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.): influence of genotype and plant growth temperature. Capsicum Eggplant Newsl 13:74–77Mityko J, Andrasfalvy A, Csillery G, Fari M (1995) Anther culture response in different genotypes and F1 hybrids of pepper (Capsicum Annuum L). Plant Breed 114(1):78–80Nowaczyk P, Kisiala A (2006) Effect of selected factors on the effectiveness of Capsicum annuum L. anther culture. J Appl Genet 47(2):113–117Regner F (1996) Anther and microspore culture in Capsicum. In: Jain SM, Sopory SK, Veilleux RE (eds) In vitro haploid production in higher plants, vol 3. Kluwer, Dordrecht, pp 77–89Regnet F (1994) Microspore culture of Capsicum annuum. Capsicum Eggplant Newsl 13(1114):69–70Salas P, Rivas-Sendra A, Prohens J, Seguí-Simarro JM (2012) Influence of the stage for anther excision and heterostyly in embryogenesis induction from eggplant anther cultures. Euphytica 184(2):235–250. doi: 10.1007/s10681-011-0569-9Seguí-Simarro JM (2010) Androgenesis revisited. Bot Rev 76(3):377–404. doi: 10.1007/s12229-010-9056-6Seguí-Simarro JM, Nuez F (2005) Meiotic metaphase I to telophase II is the most responsive stage of microspore development for induction of androgenesis in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum). Acta Physiol Plant 27(4B):675–685Seguí-Simarro JM, Corral-Martínez P, Parra-Vega V, González-García B (2011) Androgenesis in recalcitrant solanaceous crops. Plant Cell Rep 30(5):765–778. doi: 10.1007/s00299-010-0984-8Shivanna KR (2003) Pollen biology and biotechnology. Science Publishers Inc., EnfieldSupena EDJ, Muswita W, Suharsono S, Custers JBM (2006a) Evaluation of crucial factors for implementing shed-microspore culture of Indonesian hot pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) cultivars. Sci Hort 107(3):226–232Supena EDJ, Suharsono S, Jacobsen E, Custers JBM (2006b) Successful development of a shed-microspore culture protocol for doubled haploid production in Indonesian hot pepper (Capsicum annuum L.). Plant Cell Rep 25(1):1–1

    ¿Cómo preparar tu calaverita de azúcar?

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    O texto apresenta a receita do doce calaverita de azúcar

    Prácticas de autocuidado en adultos mayores: un estudio cualitativo en población mexicana

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    Background: Older adults perform self-care activities based on common knowledge, which should be valued by the nursing team. Objectives: To describe and analyze the self-care behaviors of older adults in a Mexican population. Methodology: Qualitative ethnographic study, using Leininger’s qualitative research method. Results: Seventeen older adults were interviewed. Te analysis resulted in 4 explanatory patterns: 1) I keep my peace of mind through what I think, feel, and believe; 2) I watch my diet and pay attention not only to what I eat but also how I eat it; 3) Staying busy is what keeps me going; 4) and Seeking help and helping myself. Te following risk behaviors were identifed: Postponing medical care; Self-medication; and Food-related beliefs. Conclusion: Identifying older adults’ reported behaviors would contribute to the planning of culturally-sensitive nursing interventions.Marco contextual: Los adultos mayores realizan prácticas de autocuidado con base en sus saberes populares, estas de- ben ser valoradas por el personal de enfermería. Objetivos: Describir y analizar las prácticas de autocuidado que llevan a cabo adultos mayores de una población mexicana. Metodología: Investigación cualitativa etnográfica, en la que se utilizó el método de análisis cualitativo de Leininger. Resultados: Se entrevistó a 17 adultos mayores. El análisis originó 4 patrones explicativos: 1) Conservo mi tranquilidad a través de lo que pienso, siento y creo; 2) Cuido mi alimentación porque no solo es lo que se come, sino cómo se come; 3) Mantenerme ocupado es lo que me tiene en pie; 4) Pidiendo ayuda y ayudándose uno mismo. Las prácticas de riesgo son posponer la atención médica, automedicarse y las creencias en la alimentación. Conclusión: La identificación de las prácticas expresadas por los adultos mayores aportaría una plusvalía en la planificación de las intervenciones de enfermería en el ámbito de los cuidados culturalmente sensibles

    Star Formation Under the Outflow: The Discovery of a Non-Thermal Jet from OMC-2 FIR 3 and its Relationship to the Deeply Embedded FIR 4 Protostar

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    We carried out multiwavelength (0.7-5 cm), multiepoch (1994-2015) Very Large Array (VLA) observations toward the region enclosing the bright far-IR sources FIR 3 (HOPS 370) and FIR 4 (HOPS 108) in OMC-2. We report the detection of 10 radio sources, seven of them identified as young stellar objects. We image a well-collimated radio jet with a thermal free-free core (VLA 11) associated with the Class I intermediate-mass protostar HOPS 370. The jet presents several knots (VLA 12N, 12C, 12S) of non-thermal radio emission (likely synchrotron from shock-accelerated relativistic electrons) at distances of ~7,500-12,500 au from the protostar, in a region where other shock tracers have been previously identified. These knots are moving away from the HOPS 370 protostar at ~ 100 km/s. The Class 0 protostar HOPS 108, which itself is detected as an independent, kinematically decoupled radio source, falls in the path of these non-thermal radio knots. These results favor the previously proposed scenario where the formation of HOPS 108 has been triggered by the impact of the HOPS 370 outflow with a dense clump. However, HOPS 108 presents a large proper motion velocity of ~ 30 km/s, similar to that of other runaway stars in Orion, whose origin would be puzzling within this scenario. Alternatively, an apparent proper motion could result because of changes in the position of the centroid of the source due to blending with nearby extended emission, variations in the source shape, and /or opacity effects.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Evaluation of the Effect of Different Co-Solvent Mixtures on the Supercritical CO2 Extraction of the Phenolic Compounds Present in Moringa oleifera Lam. Leaves

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    Supercritical fluid extraction (SFE), using CO2, is a novel, sustainable and very efficient technique for the recovery of highly apolar compounds. However, the recovery of phenolic compounds requires the use of different co-solvent combinations such as water and ethanol to enhance the recovery of these compounds through the optimization of a number of variables. In this sense, the effect of pressure (100, 150 and 200 bar), temperature (50, 65 and 80 degrees C), extraction time (30, 60, 90, 120, 150 and 180 min) and the effect of the different percentages of ethanol and water as co-solvents on the composition and phenolic content of moringa leaf extracts were evaluated. Six major flavonoids were identified by ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to a quadrupole-time-of-flight mass spectrometer (UHPLC-Q-ToF-MS). Pressure and temperature had a significant effect on the phenolic composition of the extracts, as well as on their concentrations. The highest concentration of total flavonoids compounds (TFCs) was obtained by using a mixture of CO2 and water of 50:50 (v/v) at 100 bar, at 65 degrees C after a 120 min extraction time that produced a concentration of 11.66 mg +/- 0.02 mg TFC g(-1) sample, which corresponds to 89.0% of the total flavonoids of the sample, obtained by exhaustive extraction

    Proyecto de implementación de la producción y comercialización agrícolas para las Juntas de Regantes de "Las Matas de Santa Cruz", "Esperanza", "Pedernales" y "San Rafael de Yuma" en República Dominicana

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    La comunicación presentada se trata de una experiencia desarrollada en la República Dominicana con el objetivo de mejorar la producción y la comercialización de productos agroalimentarios de cuatro Juntas de Regantes del país. A través de los Centros de Agronegocios creados por el Instituto de Recursos Hidráulicos (INDRHI) de la República Dominicana se pretende fortalecer las actividades conjuntas en el cultivo y la puesta en el mercado de los regantes. En este sentido el Instituto de Recursos Hidráulicos contactó con técnicos de universidades españolas con el objeto de llevar a cabo una serie de actuaciones para la mejora de la rentabilidad de las explotaciones agrarias y se establecieron las líneas de ayuda y cooperación entre la institución y las universidades españolas implicadas en el proyecto

    Progesterone reduces secondary damage, preserves white matter and improves locomotor outcome after spinal cord contusion

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    Progesterone is an anti-inflammatory and promyelinating agent after spinal cord injury, but its effectiveness on functional recovery is still controversial. In the current study, we tested the effects of chronic progesterone administration on tissue preservation and functional recovery in a clinically relevant model of spinal cord lesion (thoracic contusion). Using magnetic resonance imaging, we observed that progesterone reduced both volume and rostrocaudal extension of the lesion at 60 days post-injury. In addition, progesterone increased the number of total mature oligodendrocytes, myelin basic protein immunoreactivity, and the number of axonal profiles at the epicenter of the lesion. Further, progesterone treatment significantly improved motor outcome as assessed using the Basso-Bresnahan-Beattie scale for locomotion and CatWalk gait analysis. These data suggest that progesterone could be considered a promising therapeutical candidate for spinal cord injury.Fil: Garcia Ovejero, Daniel. Hospital Nacional de Paraplejicos; EspañaFil: Gonzalez, Susana Laura. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental (i); Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Departamento de Bioquímica Humana; ArgentinaFil: Paniagua Torija, Beatriz. Hospital Nacional de Paraplejicos; EspañaFil: Lima, Analia Ethel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental (i); ArgentinaFil: Molina Holgado, Eduardo. Hospital Nacional de Paraplejicos; EspañaFil: de Nicola, Alejandro Federico. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental (i); Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Departamento de Bioquímica Humana; ArgentinaFil: Labombarda, Maria Florencia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental (i); Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Departamento de Bioquímica Humana; Argentin