409 research outputs found

    Plan de marketing para la comercialización de cerdos de raza en pie para la empresa chanchos del campo Ltda

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    Chanchos del Campo Ltda., es una empresa dedicada a la cría, levante y engorde de cerdos, para su comercialización en pie, con un mercado meta compuesto por empresas procesadoras de carne y fabricantes de platos típicos. Tienen a su cargo el desarrollo de razas comerciales de excelente calidad y crecimiento, como son los cruces de Landrance y Pietrain, con las cuales se busca mayor rendimiento y la satisfacción del mercado. Las instalaciones son diseñadas y construidas de acuerdo a parámetros técnicos y en cumplimiento con la normatividad por la cual se reglamentan las condiciones sanitarias y de inocuidad en la producción primaria de ganado porcino destinado al sacrificio para consumo humano. Para Chanchos, calidad es un sinónimo de higiene y buenas prácticas, también se constituye en su diferenciador, la empresa mantiene su interés permanente en la implementación de Buenas prácticas de producción en granjas porcícolas, allí cuentan los procesos de limpieza, seguimiento veterinario constante, manejo de alimentos, fármacos y vacunas, el cuidado de la sanidad y el bienestar del animal en las instalaciones y en el transporte, con un uso seguro de los insumos agropecuarios. El proyecto se encuentra en la fase de desarrollo, actualmente la empresa tiene una baja participación en el mercado y un nivel de ventas promedio, su reconocimiento como marca y como empresa es casi nulo, por lo cual se hace necesario abordar esta problemática y reconocer los mecanismos que llevaran a su solució

    Plan de marketing para la comercialización de cerdos de raza en pie para la empresa chanchos del campo Ltda

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    Chanchos del Campo Ltda., es una empresa dedicada a la cría, levante y engorde de cerdos, para su comercialización en pie, con un mercado meta compuesto por empresas procesadoras de carne y fabricantes de platos típicos. Tienen a su cargo el desarrollo de razas comerciales de excelente calidad y crecimiento, como son los cruces de Landrance y Pietrain, con las cuales se busca mayor rendimiento y la satisfacción del mercado. Las instalaciones son diseñadas y construidas de acuerdo a parámetros técnicos y en cumplimiento con la normatividad por la cual se reglamentan las condiciones sanitarias y de inocuidad en la producción primaria de ganado porcino destinado al sacrificio para consumo humano. Para Chanchos, calidad es un sinónimo de higiene y buenas prácticas, también se constituye en su diferenciador, la empresa mantiene su interés permanente en la implementación de Buenas prácticas de producción en granjas porcícolas, allí cuentan los procesos de limpieza, seguimiento veterinario constante, manejo de alimentos, fármacos y vacunas, el cuidado de la sanidad y el bienestar del animal en las instalaciones y en el transporte, con un uso seguro de los insumos agropecuarios. El proyecto se encuentra en la fase de desarrollo, actualmente la empresa tiene una baja participación en el mercado y un nivel de ventas promedio, su reconocimiento como marca y como empresa es casi nulo, por lo cual se hace necesario abordar esta problemática y reconocer los mecanismos que llevaran a su solució

    Polyurethane/acrylic hybrid dispersions containing phosphorus reactive flame retardants as transparent coatings for wood

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    Phosphorus modified polyurethane/acrylic hybrid dispersions were prepared for flame retardant transparent wood coatings. The polymerisation was carried out in three steps. In the first one, the polyurethane was synthesised using an acrylic monomer as solvent. The second step involved water addition that promoted the phase inversion and lastly, acrylic part was polymerised. The phosphorous compounds were covalently linked to polyurethane using a phosphorylated polyol and to the acrylic phase using an acrylic phosphate. Polymerisation was monitored by FTIR and NMR and the molar mass of the hybrids was measured by AF4 and SEC. The effects of the phosphorus in fire-retardant properties were analysed by thermogravimetry and pyrolysis combustion flow calorimetry. The introduction of phosphorus did not produce significant changes in the polymerisation process but promoted the cross-linking of the coatings. The coated wood samples maintained the transparency and good properties with the introduction of phosphorus and presented a slight reduction in the Peak Heat Release Rate measured by cone calorimeter. The action of phosphorus as a fire retardant was effective as it gave rise to significant reduction of the CO and CO2 peaks.The funding received from University of the Basque Country (GIU19/077, predoctoral grant of M. Puyadena and postdoctoral grant of M. Cobos) and the Basque Government (IT1313-19, PIBA20/16) is grate-fully acknowledged. Technical and human support provided by SGIker is also sincerely acknowledged (UPV/EHU/ ERDF, EU

    Mitochondrial DNA Diversity and Evolutionary History of Native Human Populations of Northwest Patagonia (Argentina)

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    The genetic composition of Amerindian descendants from Patagonia has long been a focus of interest, although the information available is still scarce for many geographic areas. Here, we report the first analysis of the variation in the mtDNA control region for an area of northwestern Patagonia, the North of Neuquén, with the aim of studying the processes and historical events that modeled the evolutionary history of these human groups. We analyzed 113 individuals from two localities of northern Neuquén, along with 6 from southern Neuquén and 223 mtDNA sequences previously published from neighboring areas from Argentina and Chile. We estimated the haplotypic variation and spatial structure of molecular variability. Amerindian subhaplogroups predominate in the two samples from northern Neuquén (N= 70), being D1g and C1b13 the most represented, although in different proportion. These samples exhibit Amerindian mtDNA haplotypes similar to the variants from neighboring areas. Most of haplotype variability is observed within group, while variation among groups is relatively low and scarcely associated to geographical space. The most frequent subhaplogroups in northern Neuquén are characteristic of native populations from Patagonia and Chilean Araucania, and probably originated in the region during the Late Pleistocene or Early Holocene. However, the spatial variation of mtDNA haplotypes departs from a latitudinal pattern and suggests differential levels of gene flow among areas during the Late Holocene; with moderate levels across the North of Neuquén as well as between this area and neighbouring populations from Chile and the South of Neuquén and Río Negro

    Two-Stage Robust Unit Commitment for Co-Optimized Electricity Markets: An Adaptive Data-Driven Approach for Scenario-Based Uncertainty Sets

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    Two-stage robust unit commitment (RUC) models have been widely used for day-ahead energy and reserve scheduling under high renewable integration. The current state of the art relies on budget-constrained polyhedral uncertainty sets to control the conservativeness of the solutions. The associated lack of interpretability and parameter specification procedures, as well as the high computational burden exhibited by available exact solution techniques call for new approaches. In this paper, we use an alternative scenario-based framework whereby uncertain renewable generation is characterized by a polyhedral uncertainty set relying on the direct specification of its vertexes. Moreover, we present a simple, yet efficient, adaptive data-driven procedure to dynamically update the uncertainty set vertexes with observed daily renewable-output profiles. Within this setting, the proposed data-driven RUC ensures protection against the convex hull of realistic scenarios empirically capturing the complex and time-varying intra-day spatial and temporal interdependencies among renewable units. The resulting counterpart features advantageous properties from a computational perspective and can be effectively solved by the column-and-constraint generation algorithm until ε-global optimality. Out-of-sample experiments reveal that the proposed approach is capable of attaining efficient solutions in terms of cost and robustness while keeping the model tractable and scalableLos modelos de compromiso de unidad robusta (RUC, por sus siglas en inglés) de dos etapas se han utilizado ampliamente para la programación de reservas y energía diaria bajo una alta integración renovable. El estado actual del arte se basa en conjuntos de incertidumbre poliédricos con restricciones presupuestarias para controlar el carácter conservador de las soluciones. La falta asociada de procedimientos de interpretación y especificación de parámetros, así como la alta carga computacional exhibida por las técnicas de solución exacta disponibles requieren nuevos enfoques. En este documento, utilizamos un marco alternativo basado en escenarios en el que la generación renovable incierta se caracteriza por un conjunto poliédrico de incertidumbre que se basa en la especificación directa de sus vértices. Además, presentamos un procedimiento basado en datos adaptativo simple, pero eficiente, para actualizar dinámicamente los vértices del conjunto de incertidumbre con perfiles de producción renovable diarios observados. Dentro de este entorno, el RUC basado en datos propuesto garantiza la protección contra el casco convexo de los escenarios realistas que capturan empíricamente las interdependencias espaciales y temporales intradiarias complejas y variables en el tiempo entre las unidades renovables. La contraparte resultante presenta propiedades ventajosas desde una perspectiva computacional y puede resolverse de manera efectiva mediante el algoritmo de generación de columnas y restricciones hasta la optimización global ε. Los experimentos fuera de la muestra revelan que el enfoque propuesto es capaz de lograr soluciones eficientes en términos de costo y solidez, manteniendo el modelo manejable y escalable. La contraparte resultante presenta propiedades ventajosas desde una perspectiva computacional y puede resolverse de manera efectiva mediante el algoritmo de generación de columnas y restricciones hasta la optimización global ε. Los experimentos fuera de la muestra revelan que el enfoque propuesto es capaz de lograr soluciones eficientes en términos de costo y solidez, manteniendo el modelo manejable y escalable. La contraparte resultante presenta propiedades ventajosas desde una perspectiva computacional y puede resolverse de manera efectiva mediante el algoritmo de generación de columnas y restricciones hasta la optimización global ε. Los experimentos fuera de la muestra revelan que el enfoque propuesto es capaz de lograr soluciones eficientes en términos de costo y solidez, manteniendo el modelo manejable y escalabl

    La estructura espacial del registro bioarqueológico de la provincia del Neuquén durante el holoceno

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    Fil: Bernal, Valeria. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División Antropología; ArgentinaFil: Cobos, Virginia A.. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División Antropología; ArgentinaFil: Pérez, Sergio Iván. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División Antropología; ArgentinaFil: Gonzalez, Paula Natalia. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División Antropología; Argentin

    Design, construction and evaluation of a Fresnel Linear Concentrator for Oil Heating

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    The goal of this work is to describes the design and development of a fresnel linear concentrator that be able to concentrate sun radiations towards a receiver tube with a concentration ratio of 11, 54. The methodology applied allowed to analysis the spacing, the inclinations and the adequate widths of the mirrors that would be more convenient to obtain the highest solar concentration factor and the minimum optical and thermal losses. The design of the solar concentration collector consisted of a 3.5 m x 3.0 m x 2.65 m system with 15 mirrors, each one measuring 0.12 m wide, and a receiving center height of 2.0 m. The experimental results confirmed that the maximum process temperature of 140 ° C was achieved. In addition, a thermal oil storing was 995 kJ-h available in a 6-hour (since 9:00h until 15:00h). The performance tests of the system were performed in the city of Barranquilla, with local environmental conditions. The experimental tests of the prototype finally allowed to validate the design proposed in this present work

    Design, construction and evaluation of a Fresnel Linear Concentrator for Oil Heating

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    The goal of this work is to describes the design and development of a fresnel linear concentrator that be able to concentrate sun radiations towards a receiver tube with a concentration ratio of 11, 54. The methodology applied allowed to analysis the spacing, the inclinations and the adequate widths of the mirrors that would be more convenient to obtain the highest solar concentration factor and the minimum optical and thermal losses. The design of the solar concentration collector consisted of a 3.5 m x 3.0 m x 2.65 m system with 15 mirrors, each one measuring 0.12 m wide, and a receiving center height of 2.0 m. The experimental results confirmed that the maximum process temperature of 140 ° C was achieved. In addition, a thermal oil storing was 995 kJ-h available in a 6-hour (since 9:00h until 15:00h). The performance tests of the system were performed in the city of Barranquilla, with local environmental conditions. The experimental tests of the prototype finally allowed to validate the design proposed in this present work

    On the performance of multi-GPU-based expert systems for acoustic localization involving massive microphone array

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    Sound source localization is an important topic in expert systems involving microphone arrays, such as automatic camera steering systems, human-machine interaction, video gaming or audio surveillance. The Steered Response Power with Phase Transform (SRP-PHAT) algorithm is a well-known approach for sound source localization due to its robust performance in noisy and reverberant environments. This algorithm analyzes the sound power captured by an acoustic beamformer on a defined spatial grid, estimating the source location as the point that maximizes the output power. Since localization accuracy can be improved by using high-resolution spatial grids and a high number of microphones, accurate acoustic localization systems require high computational power. Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) are highly parallel programmable co-processors that provide massive computation when the needed operations are properly parallelized. Emerging GPUs offer multiple parallelism levels; however, properly managing their computational resources becomes a very challenging task. In fact, management issues become even more difficult when multiple GPUs are involved, adding one more level of parallelism. In this paper, the performance of an acoustic source localization system using distributed microphones is analyzed over a massive multichannel processing framework in a multi-GPU system. The paper evaluates and points out the influence that the number of microphones and the available computational resources have in the overall system performance. Several acoustic environments are considered to show the impact that noise and reverberation have in the localization accuracy and how the use of massive microphone systems combined with parallelized GPU algorithms can help to mitigate substantially adverse acoustic effects. In this context, the proposed implementation is able to work in real time with high-resolution spatial grids and using up to 48 microphones. These results confirm the advantages of suitable GPU architectures in the development of real-time massive acoustic signal processing systems.This work has been partially funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (TEC2009-13741, TEC2012-38142-C04-01, and TEC2012-37945-C02-02), Generalitat Valenciana PROMETEO 2009/2013, and Universitat Politecnica de Valencia through Programa de Apoyo a la Investigacion y Desarrollo (PAID-05-11 and PAID-05-12).Belloch Rodríguez, JA.; Gonzalez, A.; Vidal Maciá, AM.; Cobos Serrano, M. (2015). On the performance of multi-GPU-based expert systems for acoustic localization involving massive microphone array. Expert Systems with Applications. 42(13):5607-5620. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2015.02.056S56075620421