3,175 research outputs found

    A measurement to analyze the relative change in the Absolute Parity of Power Purchase: An application to the European Union

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    In the present paper an index to measure the changes in the Absolute Purchasing Power Parity. in the short term of a group of territories that conform an unique market, using the information of the Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices and the Exchange Rates. This measurement is utilized to study the change in relative prices of the countries of the European Union for the period 1991-2002, and the fulfillment of the theory of the Relative Purchasing Power Parity, taking as a reference the Absolute Purchasing Power Parity in the reference time of the Price Index. The difficulties found to do these comparisons have given rise to multitude of jobs that can be classified in two large groups. In the first group are the efforts focused to find the best instrument to do comparable the figures of the distinct economies. In this line, it is emphasized the use and the advances in the index numbers theory [for a historic revision applied to price index see Diewert, W. (1993), for a theoretical revision see Balk, B. (1995) and Hill, T. (1988)] and the jobs carried out in the International Program of Comparison (ICP), program belonging to the statistical division of United Nations with near 35 years of life, and whose objective is to produce estimations of the National Gross Product and its components, that can be comparable among countries in real terms. It utilizes the concept of Purchasing Power Parity (PPP), [UN (1992)]. In the same line, the European Program of Comparison is developed by Eurostat and the OCDE since 1980. In the second group the investigations based in the unit price law and the theory of of the PPP to explain the behavior of the rate of change among two or more countries. In this case, the objective is focused in the analysis of the economic implications of its fulfillment or not, and how being able to test its fulfillment [Cheung, AND W., Lai, K. (2000), Engel, C. (2000), Reads, M. (1976), Taylor, A. (2001)] This job is inside of the first group of investigations. An index is defined to reflect changes in the Relative Purchasing Power Parity among a group of countries that do not share a common currency. This measurement can be obtained from Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices (HICP), and from the Exchange Rates among the currencies of the distinct countries. The results show the strong distorting effect that exchange rate has upon the Purchasing Power Parity among countries. The evolution of the internal prices of each country is a residual factor to explain the changes in the Purchasing Power Parity. In this sense, the apparition of euro contributes to a clear stability for the consumers whose countries have adopted the euro than those that have not adopted yet. However, in the euro zone systematic behaviours in some of the countries are detected that indicate that, their Purchasing Power Parity is changing in a systematic way, with regard to the average Purchasing Power Parity of the Monetary Union.

    Formulas for Consumer Price Index at the elementary aggregate - A new proposal from the economic point of view

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    The price level in the aggregate economy and, more concretely, controlling its changes, has become one of the high-priority objectives within the framework of the regional macroeconomic analysis. Its different evolution could modify the interregional capital and commercial flows, being able to cause strong shocks, and of asymmetric nature, in each economy. The first step to reach this objective is obtaining a trustworthy and comparable measurement of the inflation in the different regions to be compared. The Index Number Theory is then used to calculate Consumer Price Indexes (CPI) the regional level. The calculation of CPI is made, at least, in two phases. In the first one, Elementary Price Index is considered (EPI). In the second and later phases, these EPI are combined, along with weighting information based on household’s expenditure, to obtain CPI for different aggregation levels to the country level. As previous step to the calculation of the IPE and CPI, the set of goods and services has to be defined based on households’ consumption behaviour. These sets are grouped in layers, named elementary aggregates, based on their homogeneity of satisfying consumer’s necessities. The COICOP (Classification Of Individual Consumption by Purpose) has important implications at the time of analyzing the behaviour of the consumer within each elementary aggregate, because of a high possibility of substitution between products. Nevertheless, this possibility diminishes and can get to be null when the goods and services satisfy necessities with very different nature. Whether what is wanted it is to calculate an EPI that correctly reflects the consumer behaviour, the described homogenous character cannot be forgotten, especially if, in addition, we take into account that National Statistics Agencies have no expenditure information available for weighting purposes, only data of prices to calculate EPI. This paper is focussed on analysis of the formula used to obtain the IPE, with the limitations of available information just commented. The election of the formula for the IPE has not been widely studied in the economic literature, being the proposal by Carli in 1764 and Dutot in 1738 [ extracted Reference of OIT (2003), chapter 20, pages 12-13 ] the most often used for practical purposes. Nevertheless, Fisher (1922) had already recommended not using the Carli’s formula because of the bias to the rise that it introduces [Fisher (1922), pages 29-30]. Throughout the 20th century different authors has continued looking for the ideal formula extending possible approaches to the subject: the approach of Divisia, the stochastic approach, the economic approach and the axiomatic approach. The final summary of these studies can be synthesized in "Toward to Dwells Accurate Measure of The Cost of Living” by the Advisory Commission To The Study The Consumer Price Index presented in 1996. This report, also known as Boskin’s Report, suggests the use of geometric mean price indices at the elementary aggregate for the EPI, this formula is attributed to Jevons in 1983 [OIT (2003), chapter 20, pages 12-13 ]. In the present paper, we demonstrate that all usually formulas for the calculation of the IPE are incoherent with the theory of consumer behaviour, in an aggregate characterized by the high level of substitution caused by homogeneity in the consumption purpose. In addition, the formula proposed by Rodriguez, González and Rodriguez (2004), is not only superior from the axiomatic point of view, but also from the economic approach, is the only one that is able to reflect the expected consumer behaviour.

    Markov Chain approach to Purchasing Power Convergence in the 15 European Union

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    In the present paper we study the degree of convergence in the European Union from the Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) point of view. The price of the shopping basket can be the cause of disparities in a global market in construction that, like the European Union, is formed by different countries with different consumption habits. In addition, in this construction process twelve out of fifteen countries of the EU have left its national currency to adopt the Euro like common currency. Therefore, it is necessary for the stability of the Union process in the long run that, among others, purchasing power of the different state members tends towards a same common value. Moreover, the question is whether that process of convergence within the European Union is taking place or not. In order to solve this question, the series of the Absolute Purchasing Power Parity (APPP) are estimated through the suggestion of Rodriguez et al (2004). These authors use the Harmonized Consumer Price Index in the European Union and the nominal exchange rates of the different currencies with euro. Monthly estimates of the APPP series for the 1995-2002 period are obtained for each of the fifteen countries. These figures show, for each country, their relative position to the average value of the European Union. Using these series we applied the Markov Chain methodology to study the time evolution of the distribution of APPP in the European Union. This methodology has been very used by its facility of calculation and interpretation of the results. Nevertheless, with the purpose of obtaining good estimations it is necessary to solve the discretization problem of a continuous variable. This is, to use a finite set, and relatively small number of states, for a variable with infinite values. In the present work different approaches are used to solve the problem. We test for structural change on the estimated probabilities using adapted test to Markov Chains. This allows us to study if an effect exists on the Purchasing Power Parity with the entrance of the Euro. Markov Chains are estimated by Maximum likelihood, and allow us to do different analyses. In the first place, we can study the mobility of the distribution, measured through the probabilities of permanence or not in the same state, and in the degree of diagonal structure of the resulting matrix. This objective can obtained by direct observation, calculating Mobility Index, or using expected time of first passage. Secondly, we can obtain the ergodic or long term distribution. This one shows the temporary evolution in the long run of the distribution, under the hypothesis of maintenance of the present conditions. This distribution would show the possible convergence or not of the whole distribution. We also estimate elasticities of ergodic probabilities, to analyze the effect of each probability in the Markov chain in the long run distribution. Results show differences with the Euro Entry, mobility towards convergence within the distribution is slow, with high elasticities of the ergodic distribution to changes in the transition probabilities.

    Collaboratories: Designing Universal Innovation Ecosystems in the Era of Transitions

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    This paper discusses the development of the Col.laboratori programme in Catalonia as a model for testing the theory of universal innovation ecosystems. This programme aims to address the challenges faced by societies in the current era of transitions by combining theories of techno anthropology, social innovation, and living labs. The authors propose collaboratories as crucial social innovations that can facilitate the absorption of changes and promote creative construction. These collaboratories are considered meta socio-digital innovation mechanisms that establish quadruple helix collaborative structures, bridging different actors, types of innovations, and diverse worldviews. To achieve a Just Triple Transition (social, green and digital), the paper suggests bringing together actors from business, academia, government, and society in collaborative processes that generate short-term optimal results and long-term synergies. This approach involves including society as the end-user in common tasks to ensure better design and higher-value outcomes. The paper advocates for a democratization of the innovation ecosystems, aiming for a broader distribution of social benefits through negotiated approaches focused on solving common challenges in pursuit of the common good

    Monomers and dimers of the RepA protein in plasmid pSC101 replication: domains in RepA.

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    The replication of plasmid pSC101 requires the plasmid-encoded protein RepA. This protein has a double role: it binds to three directly repeated sequences in the pSC101 origin and promotes replication of the plasmid; it binds to two inversely repeated sequences in its promoter region and regulates its own transcription. A series of RepA protein derivatives carrying deletions of the C-terminal region were assayed for specific binding. We found that the last third of the protein is not needed for binding to the various specific sites. Truncated proteins that still bind can also form heterodimers with a wild-type protein. Analysis of band retardation assays conducted with wild-type and truncated proteins indicates that RepA binds to directly repeated sequences as a monomer and to inversely repeated sequences as a dimer

    Defining Knowledge Management System Risk

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    Knowledge Management Systems are becoming widely used in organizations. Early successes are encouraging but these systems entail their own set of challenges. This paper proposes a measure of risk exposure for knowledge management system use. Five undesirable outcomes and thirty two risk factors were identified. These elements were extracted from the literature and from cases, and validated using a Delphi exercise. This measure enables knowledge managers to assess the level of risk supported by their organization and to take the appropriate action to manage their risk exposure

    Repeat courses of intravenous alefacept in patients with chronic plaque psoriasis provide consistent safety and efficacy

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    Background Psoriasis is a chronic, relapsing skin disease that may require multiple treatment courses. Alefacept targets the memory T cells implicated in psoriasis pathogenesis. This open-label study evaluated the safety and tolerability, efficacy, and pharmacodynamics of repeat courses of alefacept in men and women with chronic plaque psoriasis. This article reports the interim results of this ongoing study. Methods Patients ( n  = 174) who participated in previous phase II studies of alefacept were included in this retreatment study. Intravenous alefacept (7.5 mg) was administered once weekly for 12 weeks followed by 12 weeks of observation. Initial and subsequent retreatment courses were only given when, in the opinion of the investigators, disease had returned and necessitated treatment; CD4 + T-cell counts had to be at or above the lower limit of normal. Results Adverse events were similar regardless of the retreatment course. No opportunistic infections, rebound of disease, or flares were reported. Low titers of anti-alefacept antibodies occurred in a few patients without related safety issues. Sixty-six per cent of patients achieved a ≥ 50% reduction in the Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI) at any time after the first dose of retreatment course 1. Patients who received two retreatment courses ( n  = 50) had consistent or improved responses after the second course; 64% and 68% of these patients achieved a ≥ 50% PASI improvement at any time after the first dose of retreatment courses 1 and 2, respectively. Alefacept selectively reduced memory T cells without cumulative effects. Conclusions Repeat courses of alefacept were well tolerated, and subsequent retreatment courses were at least as effective as the initial course of therapy.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/65825/1/j.1365-4362.2003.01793.x.pd

    Effectiveness of a muticomponent workout program integrated in an evidence based multimodal program in hyperfrail elderly patients: POWERAGING randomized clinical trial protocol

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    BackgroundShort-term and mid-term comparison of the efficacy of a multimodal program that incorporates a therapeutic workout program, medication review, diet adjustment and health education, in comparison to the standard medical practice in the improvement of the neuromuscular and physiological condition. Furthermore, it is intended to analyse the maintenance of these effects in a long-term follow-up (12months) from the onset of the intervention.MethodsA randomized clinical trial of elderly frail patients drawn from the Clinical Management Unit Tiro de Pichon, Health District of Malaga, will be included in the study (after meeting the inclusion / exclusion criteria) will be randomized in two groups: a control group that will undergo an intervention consistent of medication review + diet adjustment + health education (regular workout recommendations within a complete advice on healthy lifestyles) and an experimental group whose intervention will consist of a multimodal treatment: therapeutic workout program+ medication review+ diet adjustment + health education. The sociodemographic, clinical and tracing variables will be reflected at the beginning of the study. In addition, the follow-up variables will be gathered at the second and sixth months after the beginning of the treatment and at the third and sixth months after the treatment (follow-up). The follow-up variables that will be measured are: body mass index, general health condition, fatigue, frailty, motor control, attention- concentration- memory, motor memory, spatial orientation, grip strength, balance (static, semi-dynamic), gait speed and metabolomics.A descriptive analysis of the sociodemographic variables of the participants will be conducted. One-Factor ANOVA will be used for the Within-Subject analysis and as for the Between-Subject analysis, the outcome variables between both the groups in each moment of the data collection will be compared.DiscussionA multimodal program that incorporates a therapeutic workout program, medication review, diet adjustment and health education may be effective treatment to reduce the functional decline in elderly. The results of the study will provide information on the possible strengths and benefits in multimodal program in elderly.Trial registrationClinicalTrials.gov NCT02772952 registered May 201

    Violencia obstétrica por parte del personal de salud revisión sistemática 2000 - 2016

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    Objetivos: Realizar una revisión temática relacionada sobre violencia obstétrica, tomando como periodo de búsqueda del 2000 hasta el 2016. Metodología: Las bases de datos consultadas fueron PubMed/MEDLINE, SCOPUS, ISI Web of Knowledge, CRD, IME, e IBECS. Los descriptores utilizados fueron violencia obstétrica, violencia y parto, parto humanizado, violencia de género, violencia obstétrica y Colombia. Las categorías de abordaje corresponden a dos grandes tipologías de violencia obstétrica, trato deshumanizante y actos médicos sin consentimiento, las cuales a su vez sirvieron de parámetros para sistematizar y analizar la información. Resultados: La violencia obstétrica se encuentra reportada ampliamente en la información recolectada, según las categorías de estudio. Se hace visible en la revisión que esta violencia ocurre durante etapas de embarazo parto y puerperio e incurrida por médicos y personal de enfermería. La literatura reporta que esta se manifiesta a través de malos tratos, humillaciones, no proporcionando información sobre los tratamientos y que tiene como consecuencia la pérdida de libertad, autonomía y capacidad de decidir libremente sobre sus cuerpos y sexualidad. Como categoría emergente se encontró que muchas de estas experiencias pueden resultar traumáticas y van más allá de las mujeres embarazadas, ya que los malos tratos también pueden ser dirigidos a sus familiares Conclusiones:, la literatura muestra que en todo el mundo, muchas mujeres sufren un trato irrespetuoso y ofensivo durante el embarazo, parto y puerperio, que no solo viola los derechos de las mujeres a una atención respetuosa, sino que también amenaza sus derechos a la vida, la salud, la integridad física y la no discriminación.Abstract: Objectives: To carry out a thematic review related to obstetric violence, taking as a search period from 2000 to 2016. Methodology: The databases consulted were PubMed / MEDLINE, SCOPUS, ISI Web of Knowledge, CRD, IME, and IBECS. The descriptors used were obstetric violence, violence and childbirth, humanized childbirth, gender violence, obstetric violence and Colombia. The categories of approach correspond to two major types of obstetric violence, dehumanizing treatment and medical acts without consent, which in turn served as parameters for systematizing and analyzing information. Results: Obstetric violence is widely reported in the information collected, according to the categories of study. It becomes visible in the review that this violence occurs during pregnancy and childbirth and is incurred by doctors and nurses. Literature reports that this is manifested through ill-treatment, humiliation, not providing information on treatments and resulting in loss of freedom, autonomy and ability to freely decide on their bodies and sexuality. As an emerging category it was found that many of these experiences can be traumatic and go beyond pregnant women, since ill-treatment can also be directed to their relatives Conclusions: The literature shows that many women throughout the world suffer from disrespectful and offensive treatment during pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium, which not only violates women's rights to respectful care, but also threatens their rights to Life, health, physical integrity and non-discrimination.Otr
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