884 research outputs found

    Ion Beam Analysis of He-implanted fusion solid breedes

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    Introduction Lithium-based ceramics (silicates, titanates, ?) possess a series of advantages as alternative over liquid lithium and lithium-lead alloys for fusion breeders. They have a sufficient lithium atomic density (up to 540 kg*m-3), high temperature stability (up to 1300 K), and good chemical compatibility with structural materials. Nevertheless, few research is made on the diffusion behavior of He and H isotopes through polycrystalline structures of porous ceramics which is crucial in order to understand the mobility of gas coolants as well as, the release of tritium. Moreover, in the operating conditions of actual breeder blanket concepts, the extraction rate of the helium produced during lithium transmutation can be affected by the composition and the structure of the near surface region modifying the performance of BB material

    Explicit construction of nilpotent covariants in N=4 SYM

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    Some aspects of correlation functions in N=4 SYM are discussed. Using N=4 harmonic superspace we study two and three-point correlation functions which are of contact type and argue that these contact terms will not affect the non-renormalisation theorem for such correlators at non-coincident points. We then present a perturbative calculation of a five-point function at two loops in N=2 harmonic superspace and verify that it reproduces the derivative of the previously found four-point function with respect to the coupling. The calculation of this four-point function via the five-point function turns out to be significantly simpler than the original direct calculation. This calculation also provides an explicit construction of an N=2 component of an N=4 five-point nilpotent covariant that violates U(1)_Y symmetry.Comment: 20 pages, standard late

    Non-renormalization of next-to-extremal correlators in N=4 SYM and the AdS/CFT correspondence

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    We show that next-to-extremal correlators of chiral primary operators in N=4 SYM theory do not receive quantum corrections to first order in perturbation theory. Furthermore we consider next-to-extremal correlators within AdS supergravity. Here the exchange diagrams contributing to these correlators yield results of the same free-field form as obtained within field theory. This suggests that quantum corrections vanish at strong coupling as well.Comment: 21 pages, LaTex, 9 eps figures, typos corrected and references adde

    Simplifications of four-point functions in N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory at two loops

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    The superconformal Ward identities combined with N=2 harmonic analyticity are used to evaluate two-loop four-point correlation functions of gauge-invariant operators in D=4, N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory in terms of the well-known one-loop box integral. The result is confirmed by a direct numerical computation

    Four-point functions in N=2 superconformal field theories

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    Four-point correlation functions of hypermultiplet bilinear composites are analysed in N=2 superconformal field theory using the superconformal Ward identities and the analyticity properties of the composite operator superfields. It is shown that the complete amplitude is determined by a single arbitrary function of the two conformal cross-ratios of the space-time variables.Comment: 36 pp LaTeX2e, uses amsfonts, amssymb. Some references adde

    Double-vector multiplet and partially broken N=4, d=3 supersymmetry

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    We elaborate on a new N=2, d=3 supermultiplet (double-vector multiplet) with a non-trivial off-shell realization of the central charge. Its bosonic sector comprises two abelian gauge vector fields forming an SO(2) vector. We present a superfield formulation of this multiplet in the central-charge extended N=2, d=3 superspace and then employ it, in the framework of the nonlinear realizations approach, as the Goldstone one for the partial breaking N=4 -> N=2 in three dimensions. The covariant equations of motion for the self-interacting Goldstone superfield arise as a natural generalization of the free ones and are interpreted as the worldvolume supersymmetric form of the equations of motion of a N=4 D2-brane. For the vector fields we find a coupled nonlinear system of Born-Infeld type and demonstrate its dual equivalence to the d=5 membrane. The double-vector multiplet can be fused with some extra N=2, d=3 multiplet to form an off-shell N=4, d=3 supermultiplet.Comment: 11 pages, no figures, typos corrected, version to be published in PL

    Partial non-renormalisation of the stress-tensor four-point function in N=4 SYM and AdS/CFT

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    We show that, although the correlator of four stress-tensor multiplets in N=4 SYM is known to have radiative corrections, certain linear combinations of its components are protected from perturbative renormalisation and remain at their free-field values. This result is valid for weak as well as for strong coupling and for any gauge group. Our argument uses Intriligator's insertion formula, and includes a proof that the possible contact term contributions cannot change the form of the amplitudes. Combining this new non-renormalisation theorem with Maldacena's conjecture allows us to make a prediction for the structure of the corresponding correlator in AdS supergravity. This is verified by first considerably simplifying the strong coupling expression obtained by recent supergravity calculations, and then showing that it does indeed exhibit the expected structure.Comment: 21 pages, no figure

    1/4 Partial Breaking of Global Supersymmetry and New Superparticle Actions

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    We construct the worldline superfield massive superparticle actions which preserve 1/4 portion of the underlying higher-dimensional supersymmetry. The rest of supersymmetry is spontaneously broken and realized by nonlinear transformations. We consider the cases of N=4 to N=1 and N=8 to N=2 partial breaking. In the first case we present the corresponding Green-Schwarz type target superspace action with one κ\kappa-supersymmetry. It is related to the superfield action via a field redefinition. In the second case we find out two possible models, one of which is a direct generalization of the N=4 to N=1 case, while another is essentially different. For the first model we formulate Green-Schwarz type action with two kappa supersymmetries. We elaborate on the bosonic part of the superfield action for the second model and find that only in two special limits it takes the standard Nambu-Goto form. In the general case it is determined by a fourth-order algebraic equation. The characteristic common feature of these new superparticle models is that the algebras of their spontaneously broken supersymmetries are non-trivial truncations of the general extensions of N=1 and N=2 Poincare D=4 superalgebras by tensorial central charges.Comment: 22 page

    Static Potential in N=4 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory

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    We compute the leading order perturbative correction to the static potential in N=4{\cal N}=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory. We show that the perturbative expansion contains infrared logarithms which, when resummed, become logarithms of the coupling constant. The resulting correction goes in the right direction to match the strong coupling behavior obtained from the AdS/CFT correspondence. We find that the strong coupling extrapolation of the sum of ladder diagrams goes as g2N\sqrt{g^2N}, as in the supergravity approach.Comment: 8 pages, four figures using feynm

    Six-dimensional Supergravity and Projective Superfields

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    We propose a superspace formulation of N=(1,0) conformal supergravity in six dimensions. The corresponding superspace constraints are invariant under super-Weyl transformations generated by a real scalar parameter. The known variant Weyl super-multiplet is recovered by coupling the geometry to a super-3-form tensor multiplet. Isotwistor variables are introduced and used to define projective superfields. We formulate a locally supersymmetric and super-Weyl invariant action principle in projective superspace. Some families of dynamical supergravity-matter systems are presented.Comment: 39 pages; v3: some modifications in section 2; equations (2.3), (2.14b), (2.16) and (2.17) correcte