7,581 research outputs found

    One More Step Towards Well-Composedness of Cell Complexes over nD Pictures

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    An nD pure regular cell complex K is weakly well-composed (wWC) if, for each vertex v of K, the set of n-cells incident to v is face-connected. In previous work we proved that if an nD picture I is digitally well composed (DWC) then the cubical complex Q(I) associated to I is wWC. If I is not DWC, we proposed a combinatorial algorithm to “locally repair” Q(I) obtaining an nD pure simplicial complex PS(I) homotopy equivalent to Q(I) which is always wWC. In this paper we give a combinatorial procedure to compute a simplicial complex PS(¯I) which decomposes the complement space of |PS(I)| and prove that PS(¯I) is also wWC. This paper means one more step on the way to our ultimate goal: to prove that the nD repaired complex is continuously well-composed (CWC), that is, the boundary of its continuous analog is an (n − 1)- manifold.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad MTM2015-67072-

    Evidence supporting the best clinical management of patients with multimorbidity and polypharmacy: a systematic guideline review and expert consensus

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Wiley via the DOI in this record.The complexity and heterogeneity of patients with multimorbidity and polypharmacy renders traditional disease-oriented guidelines often inadequate and complicates clinical decision making. To address this challenge, guidelines have been developed on multimorbidity or polypharmacy. To systematically analyse their recommendations, we conducted a systematic guideline review using the Ariadne principles for managing multimorbidity as analytical framework. The information synthesis included a multistep consensus process involving 18 multidisciplinary experts from seven countries. We included eight guidelines (four each on multimorbidity and polypharmacy) and extracted about 250 recommendations. The guideline addressed (i) the identification of the target population (risk factors); (ii) the assessment of interacting conditions and treatments: medical history, clinical and psychosocial assessment including physiological status and frailty, reviews of medication and encounters with healthcare providers highlighting informational continuity; (iii) the need to incorporate patient preferences and goal setting: eliciting preferences and expectations, the process of shared decision making in relation to treatment options and the level of involvement of patients and carers; (iv) individualized management: guiding principles on optimization of treatment benefits over possible harms, treatment communication and the information content of medication/care plans; (v) monitoring and follow-up: strategies in care planning, self-management and medication-related aspects, communication with patients including safety instructions and adherence, coordination of care regarding referral and discharge management, medication appropriateness and safety concerns. The spectrum of clinical and self-management issues varied from guiding principles to specific recommendations and tools providing actionable support. The limited availability of reliable risk prediction models, feasible interventions of proven effectiveness and decision aids, and limited consensus on appropriate outcomes of care highlight major research deficits. An integrated approach to both multimorbidity and polypharmacy should be considered in future guidelines.Journal of Internal MedicineKarolinska Institutet Strategic Research Area in Epidemiology (SfoEpi

    Coordination of Mobile Mules via Facility Location Strategies

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    In this paper, we study the problem of wireless sensor network (WSN) maintenance using mobile entities called mules. The mules are deployed in the area of the WSN in such a way that would minimize the time it takes them to reach a failed sensor and fix it. The mules must constantly optimize their collective deployment to account for occupied mules. The objective is to define the optimal deployment and task allocation strategy for the mules, so that the sensors' downtime and the mules' traveling distance are minimized. Our solutions are inspired by research in the field of computational geometry and the design of our algorithms is based on state of the art approximation algorithms for the classical problem of facility location. Our empirical results demonstrate how cooperation enhances the team's performance, and indicate that a combination of k-Median based deployment with closest-available task allocation provides the best results in terms of minimizing the sensors' downtime but is inefficient in terms of the mules' travel distance. A k-Centroid based deployment produces good results in both criteria.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, conferenc

    Mobile Communication Signatures of Unemployment

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    The mapping of populations socio-economic well-being is highly constrained by the logistics of censuses and surveys. Consequently, spatially detailed changes across scales of days, weeks, or months, or even year to year, are difficult to assess; thus the speed of which policies can be designed and evaluated is limited. However, recent studies have shown the value of mobile phone data as an enabling methodology for demographic modeling and measurement. In this work, we investigate whether indicators extracted from mobile phone usage can reveal information about the socio-economical status of microregions such as districts (i.e., average spatial resolution < 2.7km). For this we examine anonymized mobile phone metadata combined with beneficiaries records from unemployment benefit program. We find that aggregated activity, social, and mobility patterns strongly correlate with unemployment. Furthermore, we construct a simple model to produce accurate reconstruction of district level unemployment from their mobile communication patterns alone. Our results suggest that reliable and cost-effective economical indicators could be built based on passively collected and anonymized mobile phone data. With similar data being collected every day by telecommunication services across the world, survey-based methods of measuring community socioeconomic status could potentially be augmented or replaced by such passive sensing methods in the future

    A Study of Concurrency Bugs and Advanced Development Support for Actor-based Programs

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    The actor model is an attractive foundation for developing concurrent applications because actors are isolated concurrent entities that communicate through asynchronous messages and do not share state. Thereby, they avoid concurrency bugs such as data races, but are not immune to concurrency bugs in general. This study taxonomizes concurrency bugs in actor-based programs reported in literature. Furthermore, it analyzes the bugs to identify the patterns causing them as well as their observable behavior. Based on this taxonomy, we further analyze the literature and find that current approaches to static analysis and testing focus on communication deadlocks and message protocol violations. However, they do not provide solutions to identify livelocks and behavioral deadlocks. The insights obtained in this study can be used to improve debugging support for actor-based programs with new debugging techniques to identify the root cause of complex concurrency bugs.Comment: - Submitted for review - Removed section 6 "Research Roadmap for Debuggers", its content was summarized in the Future Work section - Added references for section 1, section 3, section 4.3 and section 5.1 - Updated citation


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    Este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar la metodología (TEACCH) utilizado por los maestros contribuye Atelier estructurado en la enseñanza y aprendizaje del estudiante/ adulto con TEA-Trastorno del Espectro Autista, llevado a cabo desde marzo 2013 a diciembre 2013. La metodología fue el enfoque cualitativo, del tipo descriptivo, para la recolección de datos de la encuesta se utilizó la técnica de observación de Atelier y la entrevista con el profesor y la madre del alumno autista. En la discusión de los resultados las dificultades desarrolladas por el autismo de aprendizaje son relevantes para todos, sin embargo, el método utilizado en el proceso ha contribuido de manera constructiva hacia la metodología utilisada por el profesor, se señaló que "el diagnóstico tardío" de la portabilidad del Síndrome de Asperger, es uno de los factores que interfieren con el aprendizaje ya que el retraso para averiguar los efectos hay un tratamiento específico. Conclusión contribución relevante fue el método TEACCH, a las actividades cotidianas, tales como la higiene personal y la ayuda en la preparación de las comidas, incluso para adultos y necesitan estas habilidades para ser cada vez más independiente

    A database for curating the associations between killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors and diseases in worldwide populations

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    The killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIR) play a fundamental role in the innate immune system, through their interactions with human leucocyte antigen (HLA) molecules, leading to the modulation of activity in natural killer (NK) cells, mainly related to killing pathogen-infected cells. KIR genes are hugely polymorphic both in the number of genes an individual carries and in the number of alleles identified. We have previously developed the Allele Frequency Net Database (AFND, http://www.allelefrequencies.net), which captures worldwide frequencies of alleles, genes and haplotypes for several immune genes, including KIR genes, in healthy populations, covering >4 million individuals. Here, we report the creation of a new database within AFND, named KIR and Diseases Database (KDDB), capturing a large quantity of data derived from publications in which KIR genes, alleles, genotypes and/or haplotypes have been associated with infectious diseases (e.g. hepatitis C, HIV, malaria), autoimmune disorders (e.g. type I diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis), cancer and pregnancy-related complications. KDDB has been created through an extensive manual curation effort, extracting data on more than a thousand KIR-disease records, comprising >50 000 individuals. KDDB thus provides a new community resource for understanding not only how KIR genes are associated with disease, but also, by working in tandem with the large data sets already present in AFND, where particular genes, genotypes or haplotypes are present in worldwide populations or different ethnic groups. We anticipate that KDDB will be an important resource for researchers working in immunogenetics. Database URL: http://www.allelefrequencies.net/diseases