8,613 research outputs found

    The properties of the stellar populations in ULIRGs I: sample, data and spectral synthesis modelling

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    We present deep long-slit optical spectra for a sample of 36 Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies (ULIRGs), taken with the William Herschel Telescope (WHT) on La Palma with the aim of investigating the star formation histories and testing evolutionary scenarios for such objects. Here we present the sample, the analysis techniques and a general overview of the properties of the stellar populations. Spectral synthesis modelling has been used in order to estimate the ages of the stellar populations found in the diffuse light sampled by the spectra in both the nuclear and extended regions of the target galaxies. We find that adequate fits can be obtained using combinations of young stellar populations (YSPs,t_YSP<=2 Gyr), with ages divided into two groups: very young stellar populations (VYSPs, t_VYSP <=100 Myr) and intermediate-young stellar populations (IYSPs, 0.1 < t_IYSP <= 2 Gyr). Our results show that YSPs are present at all locations of the galaxies covered by our slit positions, with the exception of the northern nuclear region of the ULIRG IRAS 23327+2913. Furthermore, VYSPs are presents in at least 85% of the 133 extraction apertures used for this study. Old stellar populations (OSPs, t_{OSP} > 2 Gyr) do not make a major contribution to the optical light in the majority of the apertures extracted. In fact they are essential for fitting the spectra in only 5% (7) of the extracted apertures. The estimated total masses for the YSPs (VYSPs+IYSPs) are in the range 0.18 x 10^{10} <= M_YSP <= 50 x 10^{10} Msun. We have also estimated the bolometric luminosities associated with the stellar populations detected at optical wavelengths, finding that they fall in the range 0.07 x 10^{12} < L_bol < 2.2 x 10^{12} Lsun. In addition, we find that reddening is significant at all locations in the galaxies.Comment: accepted for publication in MNRA

    Transition (LINER/HII) nuclei as evolved Composite (Seyfert 2/Starburst) nuclei

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    We compare the circumnuclear stellar population and environmental properies of Seyfert and Composite (Seyfert + Starburst) nuclei with those of LINERs and LINER/HII transition galaxies (TOs), and discuss evidences for evolution from Seyfert/Composite to LINER/TO nuclei.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure; to appear in the Proceedings of IAU Symp. No. 222: The Interplay among Black Holes, Stars and ISM in Galactic Nuclei, CUP, eds. T. Storchi-Bergmann, L. Ho and H. R. Schmit

    The Nuclear and Circum-nuclear Stellar Population in Seyfert 2 Galaxies: Implications for the Starburst-AGN Connection

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    We report the results of a spectroscopic investigation of a sample of 20 of the brightest type 2 Seyfert nuclei. Our goal is to search for the direct spectroscopic signature of massive stars, and thereby probe the role of circumnuclear starbursts in the Seyfert phenomenon. The method used is based on the detection of the higher order Balmer lines and HeI lines in absorption and the Wolf-Rayet feature at \sim4680 \AA in emission. These lines are strong indicators of the presence of young (a few Myrs) and intermediate-age (a few 100 Myrs) stellar populations. In over half the sample, we have detected HeI and/or strong stellar absorption features in the high-order (near-UV) Balmer series together with relatively weak lines from an old stellar population. In three others we detect a broad emission feature near 4680 \AA that is most plausibly ascribed to a population of Wolf-Rayet stars (the evolved descendants of the most massive stars). We therefore conclude that the blue and near-UV light of over half of the sample is dominated by young and/or intermediate age stars. The ``young'' Seyfert 2's have have larger far-IR luminosities, cooler mid/far-IR colors, and smaller [OIII]/Hβ\beta flux ratios than the ``old'' ones. These differences are consistent with a starburst playing a significant energetic role in the former class. We consider the possibility that there may be two distinct sub-classes of Seyfert 2 nuclei (``starbursts'' and ``hidden BLR''). However, the fact that hidden BLRs have been found in three of the ``young'' nuclei argues against this, and suggests that nuclear starbursts may be a more general part of the Seyfert phenomenon.Comment: To be published in ApJ, 546, Jan 10, 200

    Stellar population gradients in Seyfert 2 galaxies. Northern sample

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    We use high signal-to-noise ratio long-slit spectra in the 3600-4700A range of the twenty brightest northern Seyfert 2 galaxies to study the variation of the stellar population properties as a function of distance from the nucleus. In order to characterize the stellar population and other continuum sources (e.g. featureless continuum FC) we have measured equivalent widths Ws of six absorption features, four continuum colours and their radial variations, and performed spectral population synthesis as a function of distance from the nucleus. About half the sample has CaIIK and G-band W values smaller at the nucleus than at 1 kpc from it, due to a younger population and/or FC. The stellar population synthesis shows that, while at the nucleus, 75% of the galaxies present contribution > 20% of ages younger or equal than 100Myr and/or of a FC, this proportion decreases to 45% at 3 kpc. In particular, 55% of the galaxies have contribution > 10% of the 3 Myr/FC component (a degenerate component in which one cannot separate what is due to a FC or to a 3 Myr stellar population) at the nucleus, but only 25% of them have this contribution at 3 kpc. As reference, the stellar population of 10 non-Seyfert galaxies, spanning the Hubble types of the Seyfert (from S0 to Sc) was also studied. A comparison between the stellar population of the Seyferts and that of the non-Seyferts shows systematic differences: the contribution of ages younger than 1 Gyr is in most cases larger in the Seyfert galaxies than in non-Seyferts, not only at the nucleus but up to 1 kpc from it.Comment: 23 pages, 18 figures, MNRAS in pres

    An atlas of Calcium triplet spectra of active galaxies

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    We present a spectroscopic atlas of active galactic nuclei covering the region around the 8498, 8542, 8662 Calcium triplet (CaT) lines. The sample comprises 78 objects, divided into 43 Seyfert 2s, 26 Seyfert 1s, 3 Starburst and 6 normal galaxies. The spectra pertain to the inner ~300 pc in radius, and thus sample the central kinematics and stellar populations of active galaxies. The data are used to measure stellar velocity dispersions (sigma_star) both with cross-correlation and direct fitting methods. These measurements are found to be in good agreement with each-other and with those in previous studies for objects in common. The CaT equivalent width is also measured. We find average values and sample dispersions of W_CaT of 4.6+/-2.0, 7.0 and 7.7+/-1.0 angstrons for Seyfert 1s, Seyfert 2s and normal galaxies, respectively. We further present an atlas of [SIII]\lambda 9069 emission line profiles for a subset of 40 galaxies. These data are analyzed in a companion paper which addresses the connection between stellar and Narrow Line Region kinematics, the behaviour of the CaT equivalent width as a function of sigma_star, activity type and stellar population properties.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    VLT and GTC observations of SDSS J0123+00: a type 2 quasar triggered in a galaxy encounter?

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    We present long-slit spectroscopy, continuum and [OIII]5007 imaging data obtained with the Very Large Telescope and the Gran Telescopio Canarias of the type 2 quasar SDSS J0123+00 at z=0.399. The quasar lies in a complex, gas-rich environment. It appears to be physically connected by a tidal bridge to another galaxy at a projected distance of ~100 kpc, which suggests this is an interacting system. Ionized gas is detected to a distance of at least ~133 kpc from the nucleus. The nebula has a total extension of ~180 kpc. This is one of the largest ionized nebulae ever detected associated with an active galaxy. Based on the environmental properties, we propose that the origin of the nebula is tidal debris from a galactic encounter, which could as well be the triggering mechanism of the nuclear activity. SDSS J0123+00 demonstrates that giant, luminous ionized nebulae can exist associated with type 2 quasars of low radio luminosities, contrary to expectations based on type 1 quasar studies.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS Letter

    Starburst radio galaxies: general properties, evolutionary histories and triggering

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    In this paper we discuss the results of a programme of spectral synthesis modelling of a sample of starburst radio galaxies in the context of scenarios for the triggering of the activity and the evolution of the host galaxies. The starburst radio galaxies -- comprising ~15 - 25% of all powerful extragalactic radio sources -- frequently show disturbed morphologies at optical wavelengths, and unusual radio structures, although their stellar masses are typical of radio galaxies as a class. In terms of the characteristic ages of their young stellar populations (YSP), the objects can be divided into two groups: those with YSP ages t_ysp < 0.1 Gyr, in which the radio source has been triggered quasi-simultaneously with the main starburst episode, and those with older YSP in which the radio source has been triggered or re-triggered a significant period after the starburst episode. Combining the information on the YSP with that on the optical morphologies of the host galaxies, we deduce that the majority of the starburst radio galaxies have been triggered in galaxy mergers in which at least one of the galaxies is gas rich. However, the triggering (or re-triggering) of the radio jets can occur immediately before, around, or a significant period after the final coalescence of the merging nuclei, reflecting the complex gas infall histories of the merger events. Overall, our results provide further evidence that powerful radio jet activity can be triggered via a variety of mechanisms, including different evolutionary stages of major galaxy mergers; clearly radio-loud AGN activity is not solely associated with a particular stage of a unique type of gas accretion event.Comment: 16 pages, 3 Figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Synthetic spectra of H Balmer and HeI absorption lines. I: Stellar library

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    We present a grid of synthetic profiles of stellar H Balmer and HeI lines at optical wavelengths with a sampling of 0.3 A. The grid spans a range of effective temperature 4000 K < Teff < 50000 K, and gravity 0.0 < log g < 5.0 at solar metallicity. For Teff > 25000 K, NLTE stellar atmosphere models are computed using the code TLUSTY (Hubeny 1988). For cooler stars, Kurucz (1993) LTE models are used to compute thesynthetic spectra. The grid includes the profiles of the high-order hydrogen Balmer series and HeI lines for effective temperatures and gravities that have not been previously synthesized. The behavior of H8 to H13 and HeI 3819 with effective temperature and gravity is very similar to that of the lower terms of the series (e.g. Hb) and the other HeI lines at longer wavelengths; therefore, they are suited for the determination of the atmospheric parameters of stars. These lines are potentially important to make predictions for these stellar absorption features in galaxies with active star formation. Evolutionary synthesis models of these lines for starburst and post-starburst galaxies are presented in a companion paper. The full set of the synthetic stellar spectra is available for retrieval at our website http://www.iaa.es/ae/e2.html and http://www.stsci.edu/science/starburst/ or on request from the authors at [email protected]: To be published in ApJS. 28 pages and 12 figure

    VIMOS-VLT spectroscopy of the giant Ly-alpha nebulae associated with three z~2.5 radio galaxies

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    The morphological and spectroscopic properties of the giant (>60 kpc) Ly-alpha nebulae associated with three radio galaxies at z~2.5 (MRC 1558-003, MRC 2025-218 and MRC 0140-257) have been investigated using integral field spectroscopic data obtained with VIMOS on VLT. The morphologies are varied. The nebula of one source has a centrally peaked, rounded appearance. In the other two objects, it consists of two spatial components. The three nebulae are aligned with the radio axis within <30 deg. The total Ly-alpha luminosities are in the range (0.3-3.4) x 1e44 erg s-1. The Ly-alpha spectral profile shows strong variation through the nebulae, with FWHM values in the range ~400-1500 km s-1 and velocity shifts V~120-600 km s-1. We present an infall model which can explain successfully most Ly-alpha morphological and spectroscopic properties of the nebula associated with MRC 1558-003. This adds further support to our previous conclusion that the _quiescent_ giant nebulae associated with this and other high redshift powerful radio galaxies are in infall. A problem for this model is the difficulty to reproduce the large Ly-alpha FWHM values. We have discovered a giant (~85 kpc) Ly-alpha nebula associated with the radio galaxy MRC 0140-257 at z=2.64. It shows strikingly relaxed kinematics (FWHM2) radio galaxies.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Near-infrared photometry of isolated spirals with and without an AGN. I: The Data

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    We present infrared imaging data in the J and K' bands obtained for 18 active spiral galaxies, together with 11 non active galaxies taken as a control sample. All of them were chosen to satisfy well defined isolation criteria so that the observed properties are not related to gravitational interaction. For each object we give: the image in the K' band, the sharp-divided image (obtained by dividing the observed image by a filtered one), the difference image (obtained by subtracting a model to the observed one), the color J-K' image, the ellipticity and position angle profiles, the surface brightness profiles in J and K', their fits by bulge+disk models and the color gradient. We have found that four (one) active (control) galaxies previously classified as non-barred turn out to have bars when observed in the near-infrared. One of these four galaxies (UGC 1395) also harbours a secondary bar. For 15 (9 active, 6 control) out of 24 (14 active, 10 control) of the optically classified barred galaxies (SB or SX) we find that a secondary bar (or a disk, a lense or an elongated ring) is present. The work presented here is part of a large program (DEGAS) aimed at finding whether there are differences between active and non active galaxies in the properties of their central regions that could be connected with the onset of nuclear activity.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics Supplement Serie