4,378 research outputs found

    Semi Structured Interview: Public Perceptions of Family Resource Centers as Seen by Staff Personnel, with an Emphasis on the Undocumented Community

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    The value of Family Resource Centers in communities is examined in this research paper, with a focus on legal advocacy in undocumented communities. To begin, do Family Resource Centers provide sufficient resources to the undocumented population? By 2022, there will be over 3,000 FRCs in 30 states, serving over 2 million people per year. Second, how can the Family Resource Center best support Valley Palms\u27 undocumented population? Finally, do Family Resource Centers play an important role in community development? These are some of the questions that helped lead the research when it came down to semi-structured interviews with employees from family resource centers, both in person and remotely. According to the findings, there are insufficient legal resources for Valley Palms\u27 undocumented community. Another result was that family separation has negative mental health repercussions for children and adolescents. This study sheds light on the current immigration crisis in the United States. This research is critical because marginalized communities frequently face insurmountable barriers to being heard. Another important factor is that free access to legal services is critical in communities that are being persecuted by ICE

    Developing New Strategies for Relapsed/Refractory Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma

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    Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is an aggressive and biologically heterogeneous disease. Approximately 40% of patients with DLBCL will experience disease relapse or will be refractory to first-line chemo immunotherapy. In recent years, there have been several new therapeutic agents approved for the treatment of relapsed/refractory (R/R) DLBCL. These agents include anti-CD19 chimeric antigen receptor T-cell (CAR T-cell) and monoclonal antibody therapies such as polatuzumab and tafasitamab. Nevertheless, despite the high efficacy of all these new therapies, there are still patients who do not respond or relapse, representing an unmet clinical need. This review describes new promising therapies that are in clinical development to treat R/R DLBCL

    The importance of intangible assets in the strategic management of the firm : an empirical application for Banco Santander

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    The focus of our research is to analyze, within the framework of the theory of resources and capabilities (TRC), what is the importance of intangible assets in the strategic management of the firms. An empirical application for the financial sector has been provided, a highly competitive industry which is undergoing big and major changes, and in particular the Santander Group. Specifically, we have analyzed the configuration of strategy, within the Group, at different levels: Corporate, Business, Segment and Functional. Meanwhile, due to the huge importance that corporate level is acquiring, we have also analyzed the values that underpin the organization, the source of competitive advantage, growth strategy and business levels that directly depend upon it. To respond to these objectives, we have developed a questionnaire for managers of Santander Group offices. We show the preliminary results in which we want to emphasize, as well as predicted by TRC, the importance of intangible assets in achieving results, both in terms of competition as well as purely economic. It is also noteworthy, according to managers’ perception, that the competitive advantage on which strategy is built is differentiation with a scope focused on the entire market. Similarly, this differentiation is supported by its financial strength, leadership and brand image.peer-reviewe

    Impacto del comercio justo en el desarrollo de los Productores de Café en las diferentes cooperativas de base de CECOSEMAC R.L (Central de Cooperativas de Servicios Múltiples Aroma del Café) durante el segundo semestre del año 2011 en Matagalpa

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    Nuestro estudio lo realizamos en la Central de Cooperativas de Servicios Múltiples Aroma de Café en la cual 8 cooperativas están en comercio justo con una población fue de 329 obteniendo una muestra de 77 productor@s de café ubicadas en diferentes Municipios y departamentos de Matagalpa. La investigación es de tipo descriptiva, de tipo longitudinal correlacional porque vamos a estudiar el impacto que tiene el comercio justo en el desarrollo de los productores mediante las cooperativas. Aplicamos enfoque es cualitativo y cuantitativo utilizamos instrumentos medibles tales como: fuentes bibliográficos, electrónico, entrevistas, encuestas, guía de observación, grupo focal y matriz nutricional. Las cooperativas que pertenecen a CECOCSEMAC.R.L están funcionando bajo los estatutos de cooperativos son apoyadas en gran manera por la comercializadora mediante la ejecución constante de nuevos proyectos de desarrollo tanto del productor como de la comunidad. El comercio justo es una política que está enfocada en trabajar con productores asociados en cooperativas realizando obras sociales atraves de la certificación es decir las nomas que establece. El estar certificado constituye un elemento esencial para el mercado ya que constituye a la calidad y aceptación en el mercado del café para la cooperativa, ya que la certificación tiene nomas de calidad que la cooperativa tiene que realizar aplicación, tanto para el cultivo del café en su finca, beneficiado húmedo hasta el producto terminado lo cual se vuelve confiable para la salud del consumidor. La variable del desarrollo humano analizamos en dicho estudio basado en la teoría enfocado en el aumento de la riqueza humano a lugar de la riquezas económicas en donde vivimos, es decir obtener un beneficio lucrativo en donde destacamos que el comercio justo funciona en el desarrollo de las cooperativas mediantes los incentivos realizados mediante las entregas del caf

    The response of taxonomic and functional diversity of the seed bank to agricultural intensification and soil properties in two Mediterranean cereal areas

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    Weed seed bank diversity has been severely impacted by agriculture intensifi cation. However, the functional consequences have been poorly studied in highly intensifi ed agro-ecosystems.Postprint (published version

    Electrochemical treatment of aluminium alloy 7075 in aqueous solutions of imidazolium phosphonate and phosphate ionic liquids and scratch resistance of the resultant materials

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    The abilitiy of 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium ethylphosphonate ([ImPhosphonate]) and 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium diethylphosphate ([ImPhosphate]) ionic liquids (ILs) to interact with anodized Al7075 T6 aluminium alloy has been studied via electrochemical techniques under different applied potentials, inside and outside the passivation regions. SEM, EDX and XPS analysis have been used to study the composition of the surface coatings. The abrasion resistance after treatment with the ILs has been studied by scratch tests under progressive load, and compared with the performance of the unprotected material and the anodized alloy. While conventional anodization only improves the abrasion resistance of Al7075 in a 30%, the maximum reduction of the penetration depth, 86% with respect to Al7075 and 79% with respect to the anodized alloy, is obtained for the material treated with [ImPhosphonate] at 1 V, in the passivation region. Under these conditions, a phosphorus-containing alumina layer is formed. Applied voltages outside the passivation region for each IL activate the dissolution of the alumina layer and reduce abrasion resistance, not only with respect to the anodized material, but also with respect to the unprotected alloy.This work received the financial support of the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO, Spain) and the EU FEDER Program (Grant MAT2014-55384-P), and the Fundación Séneca, Agencia de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Región de Murcia for a “Ayuda a las Unidades y Grupos de Excelencia Científica de la Región de Murcia (Programa Séneca 2014)” (Grant 19877/GERM/14)

    Sequential supplementary firing in natural gas combined cycle with carbon capture: A technology option for Mexico for low-carbon electricity generation and CO<inf>2</inf> enhanced oil recovery

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    Combined cycle gas turbine power plants with sequential supplementary firing in the heat recovery steam generator could be an attractive alternative for markets with access to competitive natural gas prices, with an emphasis on capital cost reduction, and where supply of carbon dioxide for Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) is important. Sequential combustion makes use of the excess oxygen in gas turbine exhaust gas to generate additional CO2, but, unlike in conventional supplementary firing, allows keeping gas temperatures in the heat recovery steam generator below 820 °C, avoiding a step change in capital costs. It marginally decreases relative energy requirements for solvent regeneration and amine degradation. Power plant models integrated with capture and compression process models of Sequential Supplementary Firing Combined Cycle (SSFCC) gas-fired units show that the efficiency penalty is 8.2% points LHV compared to a conventional natural gas combined cycle power plant with the same capture technology. The marginal thermal efficiency of natural gas firing in the heat recovery steam generator can increase with supercritical steam generation to reduce the efficiency penalty to 5.7% points LHV. Although the efficiency is lower than the conventional configuration, the increment in the power output of the combined steam cycle leads a reduction of the number of gas turbines, at a similar power output to that of a conventional natural gas combined cycle. This has a positive impact on the number of absorbers and the capital costs of the post combustion capture plant by reducing the total volume of flue gas by half on a normalised basis. The relative reduction of overall capital costs is, respectively, 15.3% and 9.1% for the subcritical and the supercritical combined cycle configurations with capture compared to a conventional configuration. For a gas price of 2/MMBTU,theTotalRevenueRequirement(TRR)ametriccombininglevelisedcostofelectricityandrevenuefromEORofsubcriticalandsupercriticalsequentialsupplementaryfiringisconsistentlylowerthanthatofaconventionalNGCCby,respectively,2.2and5.72/MMBTU, the Total Revenue Requirement (TRR) - a metric combining levelised cost of electricity and revenue from EOR - of subcritical and supercritical sequential supplementary firing is consistently lower than that of a conventional NGCC by, respectively, 2.2 and 5.7 /MWh at 0 /tCO2andby4.9and6.7/t CO2 and by 4.9 and 6.7 /MWh at 50/tCO2.Atagaspriceof50/t CO2. At a gas price of 4/MMBTU and 6/MMBTU,theTRRofasubcriticalconfigurationisconsistentlylowerforanycarbonsellingpricehigherthan2.56/MMBTU, the TRR of a subcritical configuration is consistently lower for any carbon selling price higher than 2.5 /t CO2 and 37 $/t CO2 respectively

    Validity and reliability of the 3-minute all-out test in national and international competitive swimmers

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    Purpose: To assess the concurrent and predictive validity of the 3-minute all-out test (3MT) against conventional methods (CM) of determining critical speed (CS) and curvature constant (D′) and to examine the test–retest reliability of the 3MT in highly trained swimmers. Methods: Thirteen highly trained swimmers (age 16 [2] y, weight 64.7 [8.5] kg, height 1.76 [0.07] m) completed 4 time trials and two 3MTs over 2 wk. The distance–time (DT) and speed–1/time (1/T) models were used to determine CS and D′ from 4 time trials. CS3MT and were determined as the mean speed in the final 30 s of 3MT and as the speed–time integral above CS, respectively. Results: CS3MT (1.33 [0.06] m·s−1) did not differ from CSCM (1.33 [0.06] m·s−1, P &gt; .05) and correlated nearly perfectly with CSCM (r = .95, P &lt; .0001). (19.50 [3.52] m) was lower than (23.30 [6.24] m, P &lt; .05) and (22.15 [5.75] m, P = .09). Correlations between and were very large (r = .79, P = .002). CS and D′ between the two 3MT trials were not different (CS mean change = −0.009 m·s−1, P = .102; D′ mean change = 0.82 m, P = .221). Correlations between the two 3MT trials were nearly perfect and very large for CS (r = .97) and D′ (r = .87, P &lt; .05), respectively, with coefficients of variation of 0.9% for CS and 9.1% for D′. Conclusion: The 3MT is a valid protocol for estimation of CS and produces high test–retest reliability for CS and D′ in highly trained swimmers.</jats:p

    La participacion de los stakeholders en las iniciativas de branding del hospital en las redes sociales: una propuesta de modelo para construir marcas colectivas

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    Introduction: All health organizations face many managerial and economic challenges such as the consolidation of private and international hospitals, the increasingly interest of society for health education issues or the development of telemedicine. In this framework, many organizations prioritize social media as the main corporate communication tool for building a reputed brand in a collective way along with stakeholders. Objectives: This paper aims to identify a communication model allowing hospitals to efficiently apply branding initiatives on social media in order to build a brand in a collective way with stakeholders. Methodology: We carried out a literature review about corporate communication, health communication, branding and social media; and, then, we proposed the PET Model for Branding Hospitals on Social Media. Results and Conclusion: We conclude that hospitals should create a multidisciplinar corporate communication department, implement management initiatives for allowing health professionals have more time for using social media and integrate health education and patient’s empowerment in every communication initiative.Introducción: Las organizaciones sanitarias hacen frente a muchos desafíos económicos y de gestión, como son la consolidación de los hospitales privados e internacionales, el creciente interés de la gente por la educación sanitaria o el desarrollo de la telemedicina. En este contexto, muchas organizaciones priorizan las redes sociales como principal herramienta de comunicación corporativa para construir una marca reputada de manera colectiva junto con los stakeholders (accionistas). Objetivos: Este artículo tiene como objetivo identificar un modelo de comunicación que permita a los hospitales aplicar de manera eficiente las iniciativas branding (entiquetar) en las redes sociales para construir así una marca colectiva junto con los stakeholders. Metodología: Llevamos a cabo una revisión bibliográfica sobre comunicación corporativa, comunicación de salud, branding y redes sociales; y, posteriormente, proponemos el Modelo PET para la promoción de la marca hospitalaria en redes sociales. Resultados y Conclusión: Los hospitales deben crear un departamento de comunicación corporativa multidisciplinar, implementar iniciativas de gestión para permitir que los profesionales de la salud tengan más tiempo para usar las redes sociales e integrar la educación sanitaria y el empoderamiento del paciente en cada iniciativa de comunicación

    La promoción de la educación en salud a través de las mobile apps: Un estudio cuantitativo sobre los mejores hospitales del mundo

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    Introduction: Promoting health education through different platforms (patient portals, social media, websites) has become a common practice in many countries. Recently, many hospitals have prioritized mobile apps as a health education tool. Objectives: This paper aims to analyze how hospitals should use mobile apps to promote health education efficiently and this way improve their relations with patients. Methodology: To answer this question, we carried out a literature review about health education, mobile apps, patients’ empowerment, and noncommunicable diseases; and then, we resorted to 38 indicators to analyze how the top 150 hospitals in the world manage these platforms to promote health education. Conclusion: We concluded that the three main criteria that hospitals should consider when using mobile apps for health education purposes are: 1) respecting patients’ needs in terms of information and emotional support; 2) evaluating health professionals’ and patients’ skills in mobile literacy; and 3) considering public health priorities.Introducción: Promover la educación en salud a través de diferentes plataformas (portal del paciente, redes sociales, sitios web) se ha convertido en una práctica común en muchos países. Estos últimos años, muchos hospitales se han centrado en las aplicaciones móviles como herramienta de educación sanitaria. Objetivo: Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar cómo deberían utilizar los hospitales las mobile apps para fomentar la educación en salud y así mejorar sus relaciones con los pacientes. Metodología: Para responder a esta pregunta, realizamos una revisión de literatura sobre educación en salud, aplicaciones móviles, empoderamiento de los pacientes y enfermedades no transmisibles; y posteriormente, recurrimos a 38 indicadores para analizar cómo los 150 mejores hospitales del mundo gestionan estas plataformas para promover la educación en salud. Conclusión: Concluimos que los tres criterios principales que los hospitales deben respetar cuando usan aplicaciones móviles con fines educativos son: 1) respetar las necesidades informativas y emocionales de los pacientes; 2) evaluar las habilidades de los profesionales de la salud y los pacientes en alfabetización móvil; y 3) considerar las prioridades de salud pública