134 research outputs found

    Toxicity, Physiological, and Ultrastructural Effects of Arsenic and Cadmium on the Extremophilic Microalga Chlamydomonas acidophila

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    The cytotoxicity of cadmium (Cd), arsenate (As(V)), and arsenite (As(III)) on a strain of Chlamydomonas acidophila, isolated from the Rio Tinto, an acidic environment containing high metal(l)oid concentrations, was analyzed. We used a broad array of methods to produce complementary information: cell viability and reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation measures, ultrastructural observations, transmission electron microscopy energy dispersive x-ray microanalysis (TEM–XEDS), and gene expression. This acidophilic microorganism was affected differently by the tested metal/metalloid: It showed high resistance to arsenic while Cd was the most toxic heavy metal, showing an LC50 = 1.94 µM. Arsenite was almost four-fold more toxic (LC50= 10.91 mM) than arsenate (LC50 = 41.63 mM). Assessment of ROS generation indicated that both arsenic oxidation states generate superoxide anions. Ultrastructural analysis of exposed cells revealed that stigma, chloroplast, nucleus, and mitochondria were the main toxicity targets. Intense vacuolization and accumulation of energy reserves (starch deposits and lipid droplets) were observed after treatments. Electron-dense intracellular nanoparticle-like formation appeared in two cellular locations: inside cytoplasmic vacuoles and entrapped into the capsule, around each cell. The chemical nature (Cd or As) of these intracellular deposits was confirmed by TEM–XEDS. Additionally, they also contained an unexpected high content in phosphorous, which might support an essential role of poly-phosphates in metal resistance

    Eukaryotic microbial diversity of phototrophic microbial mats in two Icelandic geothermal hot springs

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    The composition of the eukaryotic community and the three-dimensional structure of diverse phototrophic microbial mats from two hot springs in Iceland (Seltun and Hveradalir geothermal areas) were explored by comparing eukaryotic assemblages from microbial mats. Samples were collected in July 2007 from 15 sampling stations along thermal and pH gradients following both hot springs. Physicochemical data revealed high variability in terms of pH (ranging from 2.8 to 7), with high concentrations of heavy metals, including up to 20 g Fe/l, 80 mg Zn/l, 117 mg Cu/l, and 39 mg Ni/l at the most acidic sampling points. Phylogenetic analysis of 18S rDNA genes revealed a diversity of sequences related to several taxa, including members of the Bacillariophyta, Chlorophyta, Rhodophyta, and Euglenophyta phyla as well as ciliates, amoebae, and stramenopiles. The closest relatives to some of the sequences detected came from acidophilic organisms, even when the samples were collected at circumneutral water locations. Electron microscopy showed that most of the microecosystems analyzed were organized as phototrophic microbial mats in which filamentous cyanobacteria usually appeared as a major component. Deposits of amorphous minerals rich in silica, iron, and aluminium around the filaments were frequently detected. [Int Microbiol 2010; 13(1):21-32

    Microbial Diversity and Its Relationship to Physicochemical Characteristics of the Water in Two Extreme Acidic Pit Lakes from the Iberian Pyrite Belt (SW Spain)

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    The Iberian Pyrite Belt (IPB) hosts one of the world's largest accumulations of acidic mine wastes and pit lakes. The mineralogical and textural characteristics of the IPB ores have favored the oxidation and dissolution of metallic sulfides, mainly pyrite, and the subsequent formation of acidic mining drainages. This work reports the physical properties, hydrogeochemical characteristics, and microbial diversity of two pit lakes located in the IPB. Both pit lakes are acidic and showed high concentrations of sulfate and dissolved metals. Concentrations of sulfate and heavy metals were higher in the Nuestra Señora del Carmen lake (NSC) by one order of magnitude than in the Concepción (CN) lake. The hydrochemical characteristics of NSC were typical of acid mine waters and can be compared with other acidic environments. When compared to other IPB acidic pit lakes, the superficial water of CN is more diluted than that of any of the others due, probably, to the strong influence of runoff water. Both pit lakes showed chemical and thermal stratification with well defined chemoclines. One particular characteristic of NSC is that it has developed a chemocline very close to the surface (2 m depth). Microbial community composition of the water column was analyzed by 16S and 18S rRNA gene cloning and sequencing. The microorganisms detected in NSC were characteristic of acid mine drainage (AMD), including iron oxidizing bacteria (Leptospirillum, Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans) and facultative iron reducing bacteria and archaea (Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, Acidiphilium, Actinobacteria, Acidimicrobiales, Ferroplasma) detected in the bottom layer. Diversity in CN was higher than in NSC. Microorganisms known from AMD systems (Acidiphilium, Acidobacteria and Ferrovum) and microorganisms never reported from AMD systems were identified. Taking into consideration the hydrochemical characteristics of these pit lakes and the spatial distribution of the identified microorganisms, a model explaining their geomicrobiology is advanced.This work has been supported by grants from the MINECO-Spain (www.mineco.gob.es) (CGL2011-22540 and CGL2009-11059), IGME 478 Grant (www.igme.es) and an ERC project ( erc.europa.eu) (250-350-IPBSL).Peer Reviewe

    Comparative microbial ecology of the water column of an extreme acidic pit lake, Nuestra Señora del Carmen, and the Río Tinto basin (Iberian Pyrite Belt)

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    The Iberian Pyrite Belt, located in Southwestern Spain, represents one of the world’s largest accumulations of mine wastes and acid mine drainages. This study reports the comparative microbial ecology of the water column of Nuestra Señora del Carmen acid pit lake with the extreme acidic Río Tinto basin. The canonical correspondence analysis identified members of the Leptospirillum, Acidiphilium, Metallibacterium, Acidithiobacillus, Ferrimicrobium and Acidisphaera genera as the most representative microorganisms of both ecosystems. The presence of archaeal members is scarce in both systems. Only sequences clustering with the Thermoplasmata have been retrieved in the bottom layer of Nuestra Señora del Carmen and one station of Río Tinto. Although the photosynthetically active radiation values measured in this lake upper layer were low, they were sufficient to activate photosynthesis in acidophilic microorganisms. All identified photosynthetic microorganisms in Nuestra Señora del Carmen (members of the Chlamydomonas, Zygnemopsis and Klebsormidium genera) are major members of the photosynthetic eukaryotic community characterized in Río Tinto basin. This study demonstrates a close relationship between the microbial diversity of Nuestra Señora del Carmen pit lake and the diversity detected in the Río Tinto basin, which underlain the influence of the shared mineral substrates in the microbial ecology of these ecosystems. [Int Microbiol 2014; 17(4):225-233]Keywords: iron cycle · acidic pit lakes · acidophilic microorganisms · Río Tinto · Iberian Pyrite Bel

    A quality of experience evaluation method for an UAV first person view system

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    Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) communication systems are an increasingly widespread and emerging technology due to their flexibility, low cost and usability properties. Hence, the demand for Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) cases that require large data transmission and low latency in cellular networks are increasingly. In this work, the assembly, integration and networking of a UAV quadrotor for First Person View (FPV) system connected by LTE is presented. Different configurations of the link between the UAV and the Ground Control Station (GCS) are proposed, such as connection by LTE cloud-based server, direct LTE connection and direct WiFi connection. With these configurations, experiments are carried out to characterise the network metrics that model this service according to the telemetry, control and video traffic. The main contribution is the definition of a closed mathematical expression provided to define the Quality of Experience (QoE) for FPV use cases considering the video quality in terms of Video Multimethod Assessment Fusion (VMAF), network latency and video resolution as inputs. This expression will be applied to lab experiments taking into account link performance, in which network changes based in packet loss and latency alterations will be introduced to measure the QoE of the UAV system.Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Microbial Ecology in the Atmosphere: The Last Extreme Environment

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    The atmosphere is an extreme environment where organisms are subject to low temperatures and high radiation. Many of the microorganisms detected there appear in resistant forms or show mechanisms of adaptation designed to withstand these extreme conditions. Airborne microorganisms may play an important role in the global climate system, biogeochemical cycling, and health. Dust storms are the atmospheric phenomenon that move more topsoil through the Earth’s atmosphere, and numerous microorganisms attached to dust particles are thus transported. The Iberian Peninsula is periodically affected by this phenomenon as African dust frequently reaches southern Europe and the Mediterranean basin. There are numerous methods for sampling airborne microbes, but factors such as low biomass and high variability of the atmosphere render them not yet sufficiently efficient. Very few studies have been conducted directly in the atmosphere via sampling using airborne platforms. The National Institute for Aerospace Technology has two CASA C-212-200 aircraft that have been suitably modified to operate as airborne research platforms. These aircraft are a unique tool for the study of atmospheric microbial diversity and the different environments where they can be found. A study of the airborne microbial diversity in a Saharan dust event from four aerobiology sampling flights is provided in advance

    Occurrence and transport of microplastics sampled within and above the planetary boundary layer

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    Nowadays, there is no direct evidence about the presence of microplastics (MPs) in the atmosphere above ground level. Here, we investigated the occurrence, chemical composition, shape, and size of MPs in aircraft sampling campaigns flying within and above the planetary boundary layer (PBL). The results showed that MPs were present with concentrations ranging from 1.5 MPs m−3 above rural areas to 13.9 MPs m−3 above urban areas. MPs represented up to almost one third of the total amount of microparticles collected. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy allowed identifying seven types of MPs with the highest diversity corresponding to urban areas. Atmospheric transport and deposition simulations were performed using the HYbrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory (HYSPLIT) model. Air mass trajectory analyses showed that MPs could be transported more than 1000 km before being deposited. This pioneer study is the first evidence of the microplastic presence above PBL and their potential long-range transport from their point of release even crossing distant bordersWe also acknowledge support from the EnviroPlaNet Network Thematic Newtork of Micro- and Nanoplastics in the Environment (RED2018-102345-T; Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades). We thank the financial support provided by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (CTM2016-74927-C2-1-R/2-R, CGL2015-69758-P, CGL2017-92086-EXP, RTI2018-094867-B-I00) and National Institute for Aerospace Technology (PAI/APL/001/09

    Occurrence and transport of microplastics sampled within and above the planetary boundary layer.

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    Nowadays, there is no direct evidence about the presence of microplastics (MPs) in the atmosphere above ground level. Here, we investigated the occurrence, chemical composition, shape, and size of MPs in aircraft sampling campaigns flying within and above the planetary boundary layer (PBL). The results showed that MPs were present with concentrations ranging from 1.5 MPs m−3 above rural areas to 13.9 MPs m−3 above urban areas. MPs represented up to almost one third of the total amount of microparticles collected. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy allowed identifying seven types of MPs with the highest diversity corresponding to urban areas. Atmospheric transport and deposition simulations were performed using the HYbrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory (HYSPLIT) model. Air mass trajectory analyses showed that MPs could be transported more than 1000 km before being deposited. This pioneer study is the first evidence of the microplastic presence above PBL and their potential long-range transport from their point of release even crossing distant borders.We also acknowledge support from the EnviroPlaNet Network Thematic Newtork of Micro- and Nanoplastics in the Environment (RED2018-102345-T; Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades). We thank the financial support provided by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (CTM2016-74927-C2-1-R/2-R, CGL2015-69758-P, CGL2017-92086-EXP, RTI2018-094867-B-I00) and National Institute for Aerospace Technology (PAI/APL/001/09)

    Modelo de evaluación de calidad de experiencia para servicios de vídeo inmersivo por LTE basado en drones

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    Several upcoming 5G and 6G services rely on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) sending live data to other remote User Equipments (UEs) in Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) scenarios. Thus, understanding the traffic flows implied in these services and estimating Quality of Experience (QoE) perceived by end-users is key for network operators. One of these services is First Person View (FPV), consisting on the remote control of the UAV by the live video visualised in the Ground Control Station (GCS). In this work, an UAV quadrotor for FPV system connected by LTE is presented. The main contribution is the definition of a closed mathematical expression provided to define the Quality of Experience (QoE) for FPV use cases considering the video quality in terms of Video Multimethod Assessment Fusion (VMAF), network latency and video resolution as inputs. This expression will be applied to lab experiments taking into account link performance, in which network changes based on packet loss, throttling and latency alterations will be introduced to measure the QoE of the UAV system.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech