821 research outputs found

    La participación de asociaciones de inmigrantes en escuelas multiculturales del sur de España: sugerencias para la cooperación

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    Educators globally are struggling with how to serve newly arrived immigrant students. This article presents results of a qualitative study in the south of Spain, investigating contributions immigrant associations can make to multicultural schools. We conducted 55 interviews and one focus group with ilntnigrant associations, and 32 interviews with teachers and school directors. We found the teaching staff and immigrant associations willing and interested in cooperating to improving integration of immigrant children and youth. In particular, both groups saw immigrant associations as potential mediators. Afterward, two participating schools began to take significant steps toward collaborating with nearby immigrant associations.Educadores de todo el mundo están preocupados por la forma de enseñar a los alumnos inmigrantes recién llegados. Este artículo presenta los resultados de un estudio cualitativo llevado a cabo en el sur de España. Esta investigaciíin analiza las contribuciones que las asociaciones de inmigrantes pueden aportar a las escuelas mu1ticulturales. Hemos llevado a cabo 55 entrevistas y un grupo de discusión con las asociaciones de inmigrantes, y 32 entrevistas con los maestros y directores de escuela. Encontramos al personal docente y a las asociaciones de inmigrantes dispuestos e interesados en cooperar para mejorar la integración de los niños y jóvenes inmigrantes. En particular, ambos grupos vieron a las asociaciones de inmigrantes como mediadoras potenciales y como una forma de enseñar al nuevo alumnado partiendo de sus fondos de conocimiento. Después, mostramos como dos escuelas participantes comenzaron a tomar medidas significativas hacia la colaboración con asociaciones de inmigrantes de su entorno.Universidad de Granada. Facultad de Educación y Humanidades (Campus de Melilla

    Testing for alpha-1 antitrypsin in COPD in outpatient respiratory clinics in Spain: A multilevel, cross-sectional analysis of the EPOCONSUL study

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    Background Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency (AATD) is the most common hereditary disorder in adults, but is under-recognized. In Spain, the number of patients diagnosed with AATD is much lower than expected according to epidemiologic studies. The objectives of this study were to assess the frequency and determinants of testing serum α1-antitrypsin (AAT) levels in COPD patients, and to describe factors associated with testing. Methods EPOCONSUL is a cross-sectional clinical audit, recruiting consecutive COPD cases over one year. The study evaluated serum AAT level determination in COPD patients and associations between individual, disease-related, and hospital characteristics. Results A total of 4,405 clinical records for COPD patients from 57 Spanish hospitals were evaluated. Only 995 (22.5%) patients had serum AAT tested on some occasion. A number of patient characteristics (being male [OR 0.5, p < 0.001], ≤55 years old [OR 2.38, p<0.001], BMI≤21 kg/m2 [OR 1.71, p<0.001], FEV1(%)<50% [OR 1.35, p<0.001], chronic bronchitis [OR 0.79, p < 0.001], Charlson index ≥ 3 [OR 0.66, p < 0.001], or history or symptoms of asthma [OR 1.32, p<0.001]), and management at a specialized COPD outpatient clinic [OR 2.73,p<0.001] were identified as factors independently associated with ever testing COPD patients for AATD. Overall, 114 COPD patients (11.5% of those tested) had AATD. Of them, 26 (22.8%) patients had severe deficiency. Patients with AATD were younger, with a low pack-year index, and were more likely to have emphysema (p<0.05). Conclusion Testing of AAT blood levels in COPD patients treated at outpatient respiratory clinics in Spain is infrequent. However, when tested, AATD (based on the serum AAT levels ≤100 mg/dL) is detected in one in five COPD patients. Efforts to optimize AATD case detection in COPD are needed.SEPA

    Pressurometry and biomechanical study of the foot in padel

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    El pádel es un deporte muy practicado en países como España, Argentina y Brasil, pero existen poco artículos científicos que muestren la lesividad de su práctica. Los movimientos más frecuentes del pádel pueden incidir de forma lesiva en el pie y en la articulación del tobillo. Por ello el objetivo del presente estudio fue profundizar en el análisis del rol del pie en la ejecución de los movimientos más representativos del pádel mediante técnicas de video y de presurometría. El estudio fue dividido en dos partes: análisis presurométrico de dos gestos (carrera frontal y el split-step), y filmación del pié en el trascurso de dos partidos. Las principales conclusiones obtenidas del estudio son la importancia del antepié en los movimientos analizados, la importancia de un diseño específico del calzado para el pádel, y la importancia del entrenamiento neuromuscular y propioceptivo del complejo pie-tobillo, especialmente de los flexores plantares

    Comparison of 1-repetition-maximum performance across 3 weightlifting overhead pressing exercises and sport groups

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    Objective: This study aimed to (I) compare the one repetition maximum (1RM) performance between the push press (PP), push jerk (PJ) and split jerk (SJ), and (II) explore these differences between weightlifters, CrossFit® athletes and a mixed group of athletes. Method: Forty-six resistance trained male (age: 28.8 ± 6.4 years; height: 180.0 ± 6.0 cm; body mass: 84.1 ± 10.2 kg; weightlifting training experience: 3.64 ± 3.14 years) participated in this study. The 1RM performance of the PP, PJ and SJ were assessed during the same session in a sequential order (i.e. combined 1RM assessment method). Thirty-six participants were re-tested to determine between-session reliability of the 1RM values. Results: Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) and associated 95% confidence intervals showed a high between-session reliability for the PP (ICC = 0.98 [0.95-0.99]), PJ (ICC = 0.99 [0.98-1.00]) and SJ (ICC = 0.99 [0.98-1.00]). There was a significant main effect of exercise (2 = 0.662) and exercise x group interaction (2 = 0.066) on the 1RM performance (p<0.0001), while the main effect of group did not reach statistical significance (p=0.072). Conclusion: This study provides evidence that the weightlifting overhead pressing derivatives impact the 1RM performance. In addition, the interaction of exercise and sport group was caused by the higher differences in the 1RM performance between-exercises for weightlifters compared to CrossFit® and a mixed group of athletes. Therefore, strength and conditioning professionals should be aware that the differences in 1RM performance between weightlifting overhead pressing derivatives may be affected by the sport group

    Assessment of medical management in Coronary Type 2 Diabetic patients with previous percutaneous coronary intervention in Spain: A retrospective analysis of electronic health records using Natural Language Processing

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    Coronary heart disease; Type 2 diabetes; Electronic medical recordsEnfermedad coronaria; Diabetes tipo 2; Registros médicos electrónicosMalaltia coronària; Diabetis tipus 2; Registres mèdics electrònicsIntroduction and objectives Patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) and stable coronary artery disease (CAD) previously revascularized with percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) are at high risk of recurrent ischemic events. We aimed to provide real-world insights into the clinical characteristics and management of this clinical population, excluding patients with a history of myocardial infarction (MI) or stroke, using Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology. Methods This is a multicenter, retrospective study based on the secondary use of 2014–2018 real-world data captured in the Electronic Health Records (EHRs) of 1,579 patients (0.72% of the T2D population analyzed; n = 217,632 patients) from 12 representative hospitals in Spain. To access the unstructured clinical information in EHRs, we used the EHRead® technology, based on NLP and machine learning. Major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) were considered: MI, ischemic stroke, urgent coronary revascularization, and hospitalization due to unstable angina. The association between MACE rates and the variables included in this study was evaluated following univariate and multivariate approaches. Results Most patients were male (72.13%), with a mean age of 70.5±10 years. Regarding T2D, most patients were non-insulin-dependent T2D (61.75%) with high prevalence of comorbidities. The median (Q1-Q3) duration of follow-up was 1.2 (0.3–4.5) years. Overall, 35.66% of patients suffered from at least one MACE during follow up. Using a Cox Proportional Hazards regression model analysis, several independent factors were associated with MACE during follow up: CAD duration (p < 0.001), COPD/Asthma (p = 0.021), heart valve disease (p = 0.031), multivessel disease (p = 0.005), insulin treatment (p < 0.001), statins treatment (p < 0.001), and clopidogrel treatment (p = 0.039). Conclusions Our results showed high rates of MACE in a large real-world series of PCI-revascularized patients with T2D and CAD with no history of MI or stroke. These data represent a potential opportunity to improve the clinical management of these patients.This study was funded by AstraZeneca Spain and sponsored by the Spanish Society of Cardiology

    The impact of dopaminergic treatment over cognitive networks in Parkinson's disease: Stemming the tide?

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    Dopamine-replacing therapies are an effective treatment for the motor aspects of Parkinson's disease. However, its precise effect over the cognitive resting-state networks is not clear; whether dopaminergic treatment normalizes their functional connectivity-as in other networks- and the links with cognitive decline are presently unknown. We recruited 35 nondemented PD patients and 16 age-matched controls. Clinical and neuropsychological assessments were performed at baseline, and conversion to dementia was assessed in a 10 year follow-up. Structural and functional brain imaging were acquired in both the ON and practical OFF conditions. We assessed functional connectivity in both medication states compared to healthy controls, connectivity differences within participants related to the ON/OFF condition, and baseline connectivity of PD participants that converted to dementia compared to those who did not convert. PD participants showed and increased frontoparietal connectivity compared to controls: a pattern of higher connectivity between salience (SN) and default-mode (DMN) networks both in the ON and OFF states. Within PD patients, this higher SN-DMN connectivity characterized the participants in the ON state, while within-DMN connectivity prevailed in the OFF state. Interestingly, participants who converted to dementia also showed higher SN-DMN connectivity in their baseline ON scans compared to nonconverters. To conclude, PD patients showed higher frontoparietal connectivity in cognitive networks compared to healthy controls, irrespective of medication status, but dopaminergic treatment specifically promoted SN-DM hyperconnectivity

    Estudio Diagnóstico sobre la Biodiversidad Cultivada y la Agricultura Ecológica en Andalucía, Asturias, Comunidad Valenciana, Galicia y Región de Murcia

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    El proyecto Agricultura Ecológica, Fuente de Empleo Rural "AEFER", consiste en la realización de una serie de acciones encaminadas a promover el establecimiento y la conversión de agricultores y sus empresas a la producción y transformación agraria ecológica. El proyecto AEFER está promovido por la Sociedad Española de Agricultura Ecológica SEAE, cofinanciado por el Fondo Social Europeo y enmarcado en el Programa Empleaverde 2007-2013 de la Fundación Biodiversidad. Este proyecto tiene como objetivo general contribuir a una mayor sostenibilidad (ecológica, económica y social) de los sistemas agrarios, mejorando la calidad de vida de los agricultores, promoviendo la conversión de sus tierras a la agricultura ecológica, diversificando y ampliando las actividades agrarias. El proyecto se desarrolla en 5 Comunidades Autónomas: Andalucía, Asturias, Comunidad Valenciana, Galicia y Región de Murcia. Para cumplir con estos objetivos se contemplan una serie de acciones, entre las que se incluye el presente “Estudio Diagnostico sobre Biodiversidad Cultivada y Agricultura Ecológica” elaborado por la Red de Semillas “Resembrando e Intercambiando”. La Red de Semillas, es una organización descentralizada de carácter técnico, social y político, que ha trabajado durante los últimos 10 años en reunir esfuerzos entorno al uso y conservación de la biodiversidad agrícola en el contexto local, estatal e internacional, y que tiene como objetivo primordial el facilitar y promover el uso, producción, mantenimiento y conservación de la biodiversidad agrícola en las fincas de los agricultores y en la alimentación de los consumidores. Este estudio ha posibilitado la puesta en marcha diferentes iniciativas que, a modo de proyectos piloto, puedan permitir en el futuro evaluar la situación de la utilización de los recursos genéticos agrícolas. Se han incluido tanto experiencias de campo con agricultores tradicionales y/o ecológicos como recursos conservados en los bancos de semillas institucionales

    Hallux Rigidus de grado medio : nuestra técnica quirúrgica de elección

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    Hallux rigidus is the result of a degenerative process of the metatarsophalangeal joint of the hallux. In the intermediate stages there are controversies in the type of treatments and different types of osteotomies can be performed. Objective. To analyze cases of moderate grade hallux rigidus that have undergone surgery at out center with a chevron-type modified osteotomy. Material and methods. We conducted a retrospective study between January 2013 and December 2015 of 21 hallux rigidus with a minimum follow-up of 12 months. To evaluate the results we used the AOFAS questionnaire and the visual analogue scale (VAS). At the end of the follow-up we also conducted a satisfaction questionnaire. Results. The postoperative results show a considerable increase in the average mean of the AOFAS questionnaire from 61,3 before surgery to 92,1 at 12 months after surgery. The VAS improved 6 points and 18 patients were very satisfied with the results. There were no cases of nonunion, avascular necrosis, MTF stiffness, failed implants or infection. No patient was reoperated. Conclusion. We believe that our technique can be useful nowadays. This technique is easy to perform and reproducibl

    Optimal opportunistic screening of atrial fibrillation using pulse palpation in cardiology outpatient clinics: Who and how

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    Atrial fibrillation (AF) remain a prevalent undiagnosed condition frequently encountered in primary care.We aimed to find the parameters that optimize the diagnostic accuracy of pulse palpation to detect AF. We also aimed to create a simple algorithm for selecting which individuals would benefit from pulse palpation and, if positive, receive an ECG to detect AF.Nurses from four Cardiology outpatient clinics palpated 7,844 pulses according to a randomized list of arterial territories and durations of measure and immediately followed by a 12-lead ECG, which we used as the reference standard. We calculated the sensitivity and specificity of the palpation parameters. We also assessed whether diagnostic accuracy depended on the nurse's experience or on a list of clinical factors of the patients. With this information, we estimated the positive predictive values and false omission rates according to very few clinical factors readily available in primary care (age, sex, and diagnosis of heart failure) and used them to create the algorithm.The parameters associated with the highest diagnostic accuracy were palpation of the radial artery and classifying as irregular those palpations in which the nurse was uncertain about pulse regularity or unable to palpate pulse (sensitivity = 79%; specificity = 86%). Specificity decreased with age. Neither the nurse's experience nor any investigated clinical factor influenced diagnostic accuracy. We provide the algorithm to select the ≥40 years old individuals that would benefit from a pulse palpation screening: a) do nothing in <60 years old individuals without heart failure; b) do ECG in ≥70 years old individuals with heart failure; c) do radial pulse palpation in the remaining individuals and do ECG if the pulse is irregular or you are uncertain about its regularity or unable to palpate it.Opportunistic screening for AF using optimal pulse palpation in candidate individuals according to a simple algorithm may have high effectiveness in detecting AF in primary care