388 research outputs found

    A Tambora Lobana: aproximação num processo de pesquisa de campo, divulgação e apropriação com fins pedagógicos

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    The Tambora is an expression of oral traditions nurtured by the inhabitants of the riverside municipalities along the Magdalena River, mainly so in the southern regions of the departments of Bolivar, Cesar and Magdalena. This article focuses on three municipalities of the Loba sub- region which preserve this tradition, and its main purpose is to highlight the importance of ethnographic field research to encourage the research processes in the development of artistic practices within the classroom. As an emergent methodological alternative, a musical ethnography is herein proposed, considering the elaboration of some tambora son transcriptions, discerning in the meantime the internal dynamics of the sociocultural environment. Finally, it also considers their release in academic circles as well as the appropriation of these rhythmic-melodic structures for educational purposes.La tambora es una manifestación de tradición oral que celebran los habitantes de los municipios ubicados en las riberas del río Magdalena, principalmente al sur de los departamentos de Bolívar, Cesar y Magdalena. El presente artículo se centra en tres municipios de la Subregión de Loba que divulgan dicha manifestación, y tiene como propósito evidenciar la importancia que puede representar la investigación de campo de carácter etnográfico para incentivar procesos investigativos en el desarrollo de las prácticas artísticas al interior del aula de clase. A continuación, se presenta una etnografía musical como alternativa metodológica emergente, que contempla la realización de algunas transcripciones del son de tambora y las dinámicas internas del contexto sociocultural. Así mismo, su divulgación en circuitos académicos y la apropiación de dichas estructuras rítmico-melódicas con fines pedagógicos.Palabras clave: tambora, investigación etnográfica, subregión de Loba, músicas, enseñanza.A Tambora é uma manifestação de tradição oral que celebram os moradores dos municipios situados nas beiras do rio Magdalena, principalmente ao sul dos departamentos de Bolívar, Cesar e Magdalena. O presente artigo centra-se em três municípios da sub-região de Loba que divulgam esta manifestação, e tem como propósito evidenciar a importância que pode representar a pesquisa de campo de caráter etnográfico, para incentivar processos de pesquisa no desenvolvimento das práticas artísticas no interior da sala de aula. A continuação apresenta-se, uma etnografia musical como alternativa metodológica emergente, que considera a realização de algumas transcrições do son de tambora e as dinâmicas internas do contexto sociocultural. Assim mesmo, sua divulgação  em circuitos acadêmicos e a apropriação de estas estruturas ritmo-melódicas com fins pedagógicos


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    RESUMENLos crudos pesados contienen un alto porcentaje de ácidos orgánicos y azufre, que a altas temperaturas y velocidades de fujo, resultan corrosivos en hornos, torres y líneas de transferencia de unidades de destilación.   En este  trabajo se evaluó el efecto corrosivo de dos crudos pesados con diferente TAN (número de acidez total) sobre el acero inoxidable 5Cr-1/2Mo, a tres temperaturas, manteniendo una velocidad de agitación y presión constante. Las pruebas se desarrollaron en una autoclave dinámica adecuado  para  alta  temperatura,  utilizando  análisis  gravimétrico  para  determinar  la  velocidad de  corrosión.  Se  evaluó  la  dependencia  de  la  corrosión  con  el  número  de  acidez  total  (TAN)  y  el contenido de compuestos de sulfuro. Posteriormente, las muestras se caracterizaron por SEM y EDX encontrándose  compuestos de sulfuro  en la capa formada. Palabras claves: Crudo pesado, Efecto corrosivo, TAN (número de acidez total).ABSTRACTThe heavy crude oil containing a high percentage of organic acids and sulfur, which at high temperatures and fow rates, resulting in corrosive furnaces, towers and lines transfer distillation units. The corrosive effect of two heavy crude oils with different TAN (number of total acidity) on stainless steel 5Cr-1/2Mo, at  three  temperatures, maintaining  a  rotating  speed  and  pressure  constants were  studied. The  tests were conducted in a dynamic autoclave suitable for high temperature, by using gravimetric analysis to determine the corrosion rate. The dependence of the corrosion with the number of total acidity (TAN) and  the  content of  sulfur  compounds were  evaluated. Subsequently,  samples were  characterized by SEM and EDX where sulfur compounds were found in the layer formed.Key words: Corrosive effect, heavy Crude, TAN (total acidity number)


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    RESUMEN Los crudos pesados contienen un alto porcentaje de ácidos orgánicos y azufre, que a altas temperaturas y velocidades de flujo, resultan corrosivos en hornos, torres y líneas de transferencia de unidades de destilación. En este trabajo se evaluó el efecto corrosivo de dos crudos pesados con diferente TAN (número de acidez total) sobre el acero inoxidable 5Cr-1Mo, a tres diferentes temperaturas, manteniendo una velocidad de agitación y presión constante. Las pruebas se desarrollaron en un autoclave dinámico adecuado para alta temperatura, utilizando análisis gravimétrico para determinar la velocidad de corrosión. Se evaluó la dependencia de la corrosión con el número de acidez total (TAN) y el contenido de compuestos de sulfuro. Posteriormente, las muestras se caracterizaron por SEM y EDX encontrándose compuestos de sulfuro en la capa formada. Palabras claves: Crudo pesado, efecto corrosivo, TAN (número de acidez total).   ABSTRACT The heavy crude oils with high percentage of organic acids and sulfur, which at high temperatures and flow rates, are corrosive in furnaces, towers and lines transfer distillation units. The corrosive effect of two heavy crude oils with different TAN (total acid number) on stainless steel 5Cr-1Mo, at three different temperatures, maintaining a rotating speed and pressure constants was studied. The tests were conducted in a dynamic autoclave suitable for high temperature, by using gravimetric analysis to determine the corrosion rate. The dependence of the corrosion with the total acid number (TAN) and the content of sulfur compounds were evaluated. Subsequently, samples were characterized by SEM and EDX where sulfur compounds were found in the layer formed. Key words: Corrosive effect, heavy crude, TAN (Total Acidity Number)


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    RESUMEN Los crudos pesados contienen un alto porcentaje de ácidos orgánicos y azufre, que a altas temperaturas y velocidades de flujo, resultan corrosivos en hornos, torres y líneas de transferencia de unidades de destilación. En este trabajo se evaluó el efecto corrosivo de dos crudos pesados con diferente TAN (número de acidez total) sobre el acero inoxidable 5Cr-1Mo, a tres diferentes temperaturas, manteniendo una velocidad de agitación y presión constante. Las pruebas se desarrollaron en un autoclave dinámico adecuado para alta temperatura, utilizando análisis gravimétrico para determinar la velocidad de corrosión. Se evaluó la dependencia de la corrosión con el número de acidez total (TAN) y el contenido de compuestos de sulfuro. Posteriormente, las muestras se caracterizaron por SEM y EDX encontrándose compuestos de sulfuro en la capa formada. Palabras claves: Crudo pesado, efecto corrosivo, TAN (número de acidez total).   ABSTRACT The heavy crude oils with high percentage of organic acids and sulfur, which at high temperatures and flow rates, are corrosive in furnaces, towers and lines transfer distillation units. The corrosive effect of two heavy crude oils with different TAN (total acid number) on stainless steel 5Cr-1Mo, at three different temperatures, maintaining a rotating speed and pressure constants was studied. The tests were conducted in a dynamic autoclave suitable for high temperature, by using gravimetric analysis to determine the corrosion rate. The dependence of the corrosion with the total acid number (TAN) and the content of sulfur compounds were evaluated. Subsequently, samples were characterized by SEM and EDX where sulfur compounds were found in the layer formed. Key words: Corrosive effect, heavy crude, TAN (Total Acidity Number)

    A genome-wide association study on liver stiffness changes during hepatitis c virus infection cure

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    Liver stiffness (LS) at sustained virological response (SVR) after direct-acting antivirals (DAA)-based therapy is a predictor of liver events in hepatitis C virus (HCV)-infected patients. The study aim was to identify genetic factors associated with LS changes from the moment of starting anti-HCV therapy to SVR. This prospective study included HCV-infected patients from the GEHEP 011 cohort who achieved SVR with DAA-based therapy, with LS pre-treatment ≥9.5 kPa and LS measurement available at SVR. Plink and Magma software were used to carry out genome-wide single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)-based and gene-based association analyses, respectively. The ShinyGO application was used for exploring enrichment in Gene Ontology (GO) categories for biological processes. Overall, 242 patients were included. Median (quartile 1, quartile 3) LS values at pre-treatment and at SVR were 16.8 (12, 28) kPa and 12.0 (8.5, 19.3) kPa, respectively. Thirty-five SNPs and three genes reached suggestive association with LS changes from the moment of starting anti HCV therapy to SVR. GO categories related to DNA packaging complex, DNA conformation change, chromosome organization and chromatin organization were significantly enriched. Our study reports possible genetic factors associated with LS changes during HCV-infection cure. In addition, our results suggest that processes related to DNA conformation are also involved in these changes

    Broadband active differential array for the mid-frequency SKA band

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    This paper presents the design and characterization process of an active array demonstrator for the mid-frequency range (i.e., 300 MHz-1000 MHz) of the future Square Kilometre Array (SKA) radio telescope. This demonstrator, called FIDA3 (FG-IGN: Fundación General Instituto Geográfico Nacional - Differential Active Antenna Array), is part of the Spanish contribution for the SKA project. The main advantages provided by this design include the use of a dielectric-free structure, and the use of a fully-differential receiver in which differential low-noise amplifiers (LNAs) are directly connected to the balanced tapered-slot antennas (TSAs). First, the radiating structure and the differential low-noise amplifiers were separately designed and measured, obtaining good results (antenna elements with low voltage standing-wave ratios, array scanning capabilities up to 45°, and noise temperatures better than 52 K with low-noise amplifiers at room temperature). The potential problems due to the differential nature of the proposed solution are discussed, so some effective methods to overcome such limitations are proposed. Second, the complete active antenna array receiving system was assembled, and a 1 m2 active antenna array tile was characterized

    BAFF, APRIL and BAFFR on the pathogenesis of Immunoglobulin-A vasculitis

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    BAFF, APRIL and BAFF-R are key proteins involved in the development of B-lymphocytes and autoimmunity. Additionally, BAFF, APRIL and BAFFR polymorphisms were associated with immune-mediated conditions, being BAFF GCTGT>A a shared insertion-deletion genetic variant for several autoimmune diseases. Accordingly, we assessed whether BAFF, APRIL and BAFFR represent novel genetic risk factors for Immunoglobulin-A vasculitis (IgAV), a predominantly B-lymphocyte inflammatory condition. BAFF rs374039502, which colocalizes with BAFF GCTGT>A, and two tag variants within APRIL (rs11552708 and rs6608) and BAFFR (rs7290134 and rs77874543) were genotyped in 386 Caucasian IgAV patients and 806 matched healthy controls. No genotypes or alleles differences were observed between IgAV patients and controls when BAFF, APRIL and BAFFR variants were analysed independently. Likewise, no statistically significant differences were found in the genotype and allele frequencies of BAFF, APRIL or BAFFR when IgAV patients were stratified according to the age at disease onset or to the presence/absence of gastrointestinal (GI) or renal manifestations. Similar results were disclosed when APRIL and BAFFR haplotypes were compared between IgAV patients and controls and between IgAV patients stratified according to the clinical characteristics mentioned above. Our results suggest that BAFF, APRIL and BAFFR do not contribute to the genetic network underlying IgAV.Acknowledgements: We are indebted to the patients and healthy controls for their essential collaboration to this study. We also thank the National DNA Bank Repository (Salamanca) for supplying part of the control samples. This study was supported by European Union FEDER funds and `Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias´ (grant PI18/00042) from ‘Instituto de Salud Carlos III’ (ISCIII, Health Ministry, Spain). DP-P is a recipient of a Río Hortega programme fellowship from the ISCIII, co-funded by the European Social Fund (ESF, `Investing in your future´) (grant number CM20/00006). SR-M is supported by funds of the RETICS Program (RD16/0012/0009) (ISCIII, co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)). VP-C is supported by a pre-doctoral grant from IDIVAL (PREVAL 18/01). BA-M is a recipient of a `López Albo´ Post-Residency Programme funded by Servicio Cántabro de Salud. LL-G is supported by funds from IDIVAL (INNVAL20/06). OG is staff personnel of Xunta de Galicia (Servizo Galego de Saude (SERGAS)) through a research-staff stabilization contract (ISCIII/SERGAS) and his work is funded by ISCIII and the European Union FEDER fund (grant numbers RD16/0012/0014 (RIER) and PI17/00409). He is beneficiary of project funds from the Research Executive Agency (REA) of the European Union in the framework of MSCA-RISE Action of the H2020 Programme, Project 734899—Olive-Net. RL-M is a recipient of a Miguel Servet type I programme fellowship from the ISCIII, cofunded by ESF (`Investing in your future´) (grant number CP16/00033)

    A cross-disease meta-GWAS identifies four new susceptibility loci shared between systemic sclerosis and Crohn’s disease

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    © 2020, The Author(s). Genome-wide association studies (GWASs) have identified a number of genetic risk loci associated with systemic sclerosis (SSc) and Crohn’s disease (CD), some of which confer susceptibility to both diseases. In order to identify new risk loci shared between these two immune-mediated disorders, we performed a cross-disease meta-analysis including GWAS data from 5,734 SSc patients, 4,588 CD patients and 14,568 controls of European origin. We identified 4 new loci shared between SSc and CD, IL12RB2, IRF1/SLC22A5, STAT3 and an intergenic locus at 6p21.31. Pleiotropic variants within these loci showed opposite allelic effects in the two analysed diseases and all of them showed a significant effect on gene expression. In addition, an enrichment in the IL-12 family and type I interferon signaling pathways was observed among the set of SSc-CD common genetic risk loci. In conclusion, through the first cross-disease meta-analysis of SSc and CD, we identified genetic variants with pleiotropic effects on two clinically distinct immune-mediated disorders. The fact that all these pleiotropic SNPs have opposite allelic effects in SSc and CD reveals the complexity of the molecular mechanisms by which polymorphisms affect diseases

    Subharmonic ripple analysis of an interleaved buck converter based on the Filippov method

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    El diseño de convertidores conmutados en gran parte de la literatura científica está realizado desde el modelo promediado, debido a la facilidad de obtener las funciones de transferencia lineales. Asimismo, la conmutación en los convertidores de potencia causa un rizado en las variables de estado que no es considerado en el modelo promediado. El componente de frecuencia de una de las variables de estado está compuesto por un espectro de potencia con un único pico de nivel DC (valor promedio), un único pico a la frecuencia de conmutación (componente de rizado) y en un número finito de picos en cada sub-armónico (inestabilidades). El método de Filippov es utilizado para la predicción de inestabilidades debidas a las dinámicas rápidas, este método predice el rango de los parámetros que evitan la primera bifurcación en las dinámicas rápidas. En el presente artículo se presenta una predicción  de un espacio de parámetros estables para el controlador PI (), estimados por el método de Filippov para un convertidor buck de dos fases con regulación de voltaje. Finalmente, los resultados presentados son validados mediante simulaciones de Matlab y Psim.In many papers, the averaged model of power switching converters is used to design the control system due to its simple manipulation, which can be approximated by linear transfer functions. Therefore, the power converter commutation causes a state variable ripple that is not considered on the averaged model. The component frequency of the state variables is composed by a power spectrum with a unique peak at the DC level (average variable), a unique peak at the switching frequency (ripple component) and a finite number of peaks in each sub-harmonic (instabilities). The Filippov method is used for instability predictions due to fast dynamics, this method predicts the parameters range that avoids the first bifurcation of the fast dynamics. In this paper a stable space of parameters (Kp, Ti) for a PI controller is presented, it estimated with the Filippov method, for a buck converter with voltage regulation. Finally, the presented results are validated using both Matlab and Psim simulations

    Reduction of optical crosstalk in SiPMs due to coupled light guides and investigation of other properties demonstrated with the SensL MicroFJ-60035-TSV

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    The optical coupling of light guides to Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPMs) influences the probability for optical crosstalk. Measurements of the crosstalk probability and the relative gain of 122 SiPMs of type SensL MicroFJ-60035-TSV are presented. Semi-conductor photo sensors have replaced photo multiplier tubes in numerous applications featuring single-photon resolution, insensitivity to magnetic fields, higher robustness and enhanced photo detection efficiency at lower operation voltage and lower costs. Light guides are used to increase the comparably small photo sensitive area of SiPMs. Their optical coupling changes the surface conditions of the sensor and influences the probability for crosstalk photons to leave the sensor without inducing secondary breakdowns. This study compares properties of sensors that are optically coupled to light guides with bare sensors, operated at nominal bias voltage. It demonstrates, that the optical coupling to a light guide significantly reduces the crosstalk probability of the measured sensors