1,318 research outputs found

    Hannah Arendt, Thought and Evil.

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     En este artículo se da cuenta del análisis de dos conceptos centrales de la obra de Hannah Arendt: el mal radical y la banalidad del mal. En el desarrollo, se exploran las relaciones entre las condiciones del ser moral y el ser político. La tesis principal sostiene que la aparición del mal radical en la historia del siglo xx excluye la acción política de las relaciones humanas y que lo político nace en la pluralidad de las relaciones humanas, y su destrucción tiene que ver con la actitud irreflexiva, la incapacidad para pensar y juzgar las acciones propias y de las otras personas; sin embargo, el ámbito político puede ser protegido si las personas reafirman su diferencia, si son capaces de encontrarse consigo mismas en la actividad del pensamiento, al menos en ciertos momentos de crisis social. Puede que el pensamiento no proteja a los hombres de la maldad, pero sí mantiene la condición de la pluralidad humana.In this article, the analysis of two central concepts of the work of Hannah Arendt: the radical evil and the bana-lity of evil is realized. In development, the relationships between the conditions of the moral being and the poli-tical being are explored. The main thesis holds that the emergence of radical evil in the history of the twentieth century excludes the political action of human relations and that the political is born in the plurality of human relations, and its destruction has to do with unreflective attitude, To think and judge one’s own actions and those of other people; However, the political sphere can be protected if people reaffirm their difference if they are able to find themselves in the activity of thought, at least in certain moments of social crisis. Thought may not pro-tect men from evil, but it does maintain the condition of human plurality

    Hannah Arendt, el pensamiento y el mal

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      En este artículo se da cuenta del análisis de dos conceptos centrales de la obra de Hannah Arendt: el mal radical y la banalidad del mal. En el desarrollo, se exploran las relaciones entre las condiciones del ser moral y el ser político. La tesis principal sostiene que la aparición del mal radical en la historia del siglo xx excluye la acción política de las relaciones humanas y que lo político nace en la pluralidad de las relaciones humanas, y su destrucción tiene que ver con la actitud irreflexiva, la incapacidad para pensar y juzgar las acciones propias y de las otras personas; sin embargo, el ámbito político puede ser protegido si las personas reafirman su diferencia, si son capaces de encontrarse consigo mismas en la actividad del pensamiento, al menos en ciertos momentos de crisis social. Puede que el pensamiento no proteja a los hombres de la maldad, pero sí mantiene la condición de la pluralidad humana

    Hannah Arendt, el pensamiento y el mal

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    Este trabajo analiza dos conceptos centrales en la obra de Hannah Arendt: el mal radical y la banalidad del mal. En el desarrollo se explora las relaciones entre las condiciones del ser moral y el ser político. La tesis principal sostiene que la aparición del mal radical en la historia del siglo XX excluye la acción política de las relaciones humanas. Lo político nace en la pluralidad de las relaciones humanas, y su destrucción tiene que ver con la actitud irreflexiva, la incapacidad para pensar y juzgar las acciones propias y de las otras personas. Sin embargo, el ámbito político puede ser protegido si las personas reafirman su diferencia, si son capaces de encontrarse consigo mismos en la actividad del pensamiento, al menos en ciertos momentos de crisis social. Puede que el pensamiento no proteja a los hombres de la maldad, pero sí mantiene la condición de la pluralidad humana. / Abstract. This paper analyzes two central concepts in of Hannah Arendt‟s work: radical evil and the banality of evil. It explores the relationship between the conditions of the moral and political subject. The main thesis argues that the emergence of radical evil in the history of twentieth century excludes political action from human relationships. Political action is born in the plurality of human relationships and its destruction has to do with thoughtless attitude, inability to think and judge your own actions and those of others. However, the political sphere can be protected if people reaffirm their difference, if they can find themselves in the activity of thought, at least at certain moments of social crisis. Thinking may not protect men from evil, but maintains the condition of human plurality.Maestrí

    Cognitive behavioural therapy plus standard care versus standard care for persistent aggressive behaviour or agitation in people with schizophrenia

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    Background: Schizophrenia and other psychoses are thought to be associated with a substantial increase in aggressive behaviour, violence and violent offending. However, acts of aggression or violence committed by people with severe mental illness are rare and circumscribed to a small minority of individuals. We know little about the frequency and variability of violent episodes for people with schizophrenia who present chronic or recurrent aggressive episodes, and of available interventions to reduce such problems. A psychological intervention, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), aims to challenge dysfunctional thoughts and has been used since the mid-1970s to improve mental health and emotional disorders. CBT includes different interventional procedures, such as cognitive therapy, elements of behavioural therapy, problem-solving interventions, and coping skills training, among others. Although CBT presents much diversity, interventions are characteristically problem-focused, goal-directed, future-oriented, time-limited (about 12 to 20 sessions over four to six months), and empirically based. CBT has shown clinically beneficial effects in persistent positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia and its use as an add-on therapy to medication in the treatment of schizophrenia is supported by treatment guidelines. However, several Cochrane Reviews recently concluded that, due to the low quality of evidence available, no firm conclusions can currently be made regarding the effectiveness of adding CBT to standard care for people with schizophrenia, or about CBT compared to other psychosocial treatments for people with schizophrenia. Whereas CBT is not an emergency or crisis intervention that acts immediately on the known or unknown triggers underlying aggressive behaviour, might be a timely treatment used to manage persistent aggression or repeated aggressive episodes in people with schizophrenia. Objectives: To assess the efficacy and safety of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) plus standard care versus standard care alone for people with schizophrenia and persistent aggression. Search methods: On 18 January 2023, we searched the Cochrane Schizophrenia Group's Study-Based Register of Trials which is based on CENTRAL, CINAHL, ClinicalTrials.Gov, Embase, ISRCTN, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, PubMed, and WHO ICTRP. We also inspected references of all identified studies for more studies. Selection criteria: All randomised controlled trials comparing CBT plus standard care with standard care alone for people with schizophrenia and persistent aggression. Data collection and analysis: We independently inspected citations, selected studies, extracted data and appraised study quality. For binary outcomes, we calculated risk ratios (RR) and their 95% confidence intervals (CIs). For continuous outcomes we calculated mean differences (MD) and their 95%CIs for outcomes reported with the same measurement scale. Post hoc, for counts over person-time outcomes, we calculated incidence rate ratios (IRRs) and their 95%CIs. If feasible, we combined study outcomes with the random-effects model. We assessed the risk of bias for included studies and created a summary of findings table using the GRADE approach. Main results: We included two studies with 184 participants with psychotic disorder (mainly schizophrenia) and violence. The studies were run in forensic units and prison. Both studies were at high risk of bias on blinding (performance and detection bias). CBT plus standard care as compared with standard care may result in little to no difference in the frequency of physical violence at end of trial (IRR 0.52; 95% CI 0.23 to 1.18) and follow-up (IRR 0.86; 95% CI 0.44 to 1.68). The confidence interval did not exclude the null effect, and the certainty of the evidence is very low due to lack of blinding and to the small sample size. One study reported no deaths in both arms and zero serious and other adverse events. The other study did not report any figure for deaths or adverse events. CBT plus standard care as compared with standard care may result in little to no difference in leaving the study early for any reason (RR 1.04; 95% CI 0.53 to 2.00). Confidence interval did not exclude the null effect and the certainty of the evidence is low due to lack of blinding and the small sample size. Authors' conclusions: Whereas the evidence from only two studies with 184 participants suggests the use of CBT plus standard care may reduce some aggressive behaviours in patients with schizophrenia, the grading of the certainty of the evidence is very low. It implies that there is not yet reliable evidence to guide clinical decisions and therefore more evidence is needed to get a more precise estimate of the effect of the intervention. Currently, we have very little confidence in the effect estimate, and the true effect could be substantially different from its estimate

    El vídeo interactivo y su potencial como juego serio para la divulgación de la ciencia: una experiencia de uso en una feria de divulgación científica

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    Las narrativas no lineales y el video interactivo son recursos didácticos audiovisuales muy utilizados en el ámbito de las metodologías activas de aprendizaje. Un video interactivo permite la creación de múltiples caminos en un relato, de forma que un ponente puede plantear distintas preguntas interactivas a lo largo de un material didáctico digital (MDD) con el objetivo de que el alumnado reflexione, investigue, debata grupalmente y tome decisiones para poder continuar con el visionado del relato hasta llegar a la solución final. Esta estructura gamificada por etapas convierte una video-lección en un juego serio, un formato audiovisual interactivo interesante para contextos de aprendizaje activo como las ferias de divulgación científica que se celebran en el espacio público y que están orientadas a escolares

    A Preliminary Study of the Suitability of Deep Learning to Improve LiDAR-Derived Biomass Estimation

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    Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) is a remote sensor able to extract three-dimensional information about forest structure. Bio physical models have taken advantage of the use of LiDAR-derived infor mation to improve their accuracy. Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) is the most common method in the literature regarding biomass estima tion to define the relation between the set of field measurements and the statistics extracted from a LiDAR flight. Unfortunately, there exist open issues regarding the generalization of models from one area to another due to the lack of knowledge about noise distribution, relation ship between statistical features and risk of overfitting. Autoencoders (a type of deep neural network) has been applied to improve the results of machine learning techniques in recent times by undoing possible data corruption process and improving feature selection. This paper presents a preliminary comparison between the use of MLR with and without preprocessing by autoencoders on real LiDAR data from two areas in the province of Lugo (Galizia, Spain). The results show that autoen coders statistically increased the quality of MLR estimations by around 15–30%

    Expansion of Ludwigia helminthorrhiza (Onagraceae) in Cuba

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    The introduction of Ludwigia helminthorrhiza (Mart.) H.Hara (Onagraceae) into Cuba, by an unknown route, as well as its successful naturalization and sustained increase in its area of occupation for over 40 years is here confirmed. The importance of the quantity and quality of its diasporas for dispersal and establishment in new territories is discussed, as well as the effectiveness of the dispersal agents. The negative impacts (difficulties in the management of aquariums, sedimentation, blocking of light entry, reduction of oxygen exchange, and displacement of native species) and the positive impacts (food for fauna and bacteria housing that reduce pollution) of the introduction of this species were identified. An alert is issued regarding the possible expansion of this species to new freshwater reservoirs in the country.The introduction of Ludwigia helminthorrhiza (Mart.) H.Hara (Onagraceae) into Cuba, by an unknown route, as well as its successful naturalization and sustained increase in its area of occupation for over 40 years is here confirmed. The importance of the quantity and quality of its diasporas for dispersal and establishment in new territories is discussed, as well as the effectiveness of the dispersal agents. The negative impacts (difficulties in the management of aquariums, sedimentation, blocking of light entry, reduction of oxygen exchange, and displacement of native species) and the positive impacts (food for fauna and bacteria housing that reduce pollution) of the introduction of this species were identified. An alert is issued regarding the possible expansion of this species to new freshwater reservoirs in the country

    Prototipo de dos sistemas de atrapanieblas como un recurso hídrico y alternativa de abastecimiento a un invernadero para fortalecer la educación ambiental en la comunidad educativa del colegio Ofelia Uribe de Acosta en Yomasa- Usme

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    Practica socialLa falta de recursos socioeconómicos que presenta la localidad de Usme muestra la necesidad de generar un recurso hídrico para la comunidad educativa, el cual se presentó a través de una estructura de captación de agua donde se genere un impacto ambiental y social en los estudiantes el cual mejore sus índices de calidad de vida he instaure procesos de reciclaje escolar.1. INTRODUCCIÓN 2. PLANTEAMIENTO Y FORMULACION DEL PROBLEMA 3. ANTECEDENTES Y JUSTIFICACION 4. PLANTEAMIENTO Y FORMUALCION DE LA PREGUNTA 5. OBJETIVOS 6. ESTADO DEL ARTE 7.MARCO TEORICO 8. MARCO CONCEPTUAL 9. METODOLOGIA 10.PRESUPUESTO DEL TRABAJO Y FUENTES DE FINANCIACION 11. ALCANCE Y LIMITACIONES 12. RESULTADOS ANALISIS Y PRODUCTOS 13. CONCLUSIONES 14. SUGERENCIAS 15 ANEXO REFERENCIASPregradoIngeniero Civi

    Sobre el género Amorphophallus Blume ex Decne(Araceae) en Cuba

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    Background: The presence in different Cuban cities of plants of Amorphophallus Blume ex Decne (Araceae), of whose cultivation in the country succinct and little explicit evidence was found in the scientific literature, motivated a study from a systematic, phytogeographic and ethnobotanical point of view. Objective: To reveal the nomenclature, taxonomy, phenotypic characterization, differences with related taxa, distribution and utility of the representatives of Amorphophallus Blume ex Decne currently cultivated in Cuba, outside botanical collections. Methods: Specimens represented in the gardens of the city of Camagüey were studied using methods such as work with collections, comparison with descriptors and keys, as well as scientific description and illustration. Results:The presence in Cuba of the genus Amorphophallus Blume ex Decne is confirmed, of which the presence of three species is commented: A. paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Nicolson, A. konjac K. Koch and A. titanum (Becc.) Becc. ex Arcang. Clarifications on the nomenclature are established, the genus and two of the species are described, while the analytical key is updated to differentiate the genera of Araceae present in the country and another is offered to differentiate the two described species. Aspects related to its usefulness, proven or potential, are discussed from the foodand medicinal perspective and for the nutritional enrichment of the soil. Conclusions: Amorphophallus Blume ex Decne, denoted by A. paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Nicolson and A. konjac K. Koch, given its frequent ornamental cultivation in Cuba, must henceforth be included in catalogs and specialized publications dedicated to the flora of the country. Potentialities for a sustainable management of the species are identified.Contexto: La presencia en distintas ciudades cubanas de plantas de Amorphophallus Blume ex Decne (Araceae), de cuyo cultivo en el país se encontraron escasas y poco explícitas evidencias en la literatura científica, motivó un estudio desde el punto de vista sistemático, fitogeográfico y etnobotánico. Objetivo: Develar la nomenclatura, taxonomía, caracterización fenotípica, diferencias con taxones afines, distribución y utilidad de los representantes de Amorphophallus Blume ex Decne cultivados actualmente en Cuba, fuera de colecciones científicas. Métodos: Especímenes mantenidos en jardines de la ciudad de Camagüey fueron estudiados mediante la utilización de métodos como el trabajo con colecciones, la comparación con descriptores y claves, así como la descripción e ilustración científica. Resultados: Se confirma la presencia en Cuba del género Amorphophallus Blume ex Decne, del cual se relaciona la presencia de tres especies: A. paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Nicolson, A. konjac K. Koch y A. titanum (Becc.) Becc. ex Arcang. Se establecen precisiones sobre la nomenclatura, se describen el género y dos de las especies, a la vez que se actualiza la clave analítica para diferenciar los géneros de Araceae presentes en el país y se ofrece otra para diferenciar las dos especies descritas. Se discuten aspectos relacionados con su utilidad (comprobada o potencial), desde la perspectiva alimentaria, medicinal y para el enriquecimiento nutricional del suelo. Conclusiones: Amorphophallus Blume ex Decne, denotado al menos por A. paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Nicolson y A. konjac K. Koch, dado su frecuente cultivo ornamental en Cuba, ha de ser en lo adelante incluido en los catálogos y publicaciones especializadas dedicadas a la flora del país. Se identifican potencialidades para una gestión sostenible de las especies

    Mucositis in irradiated cancer patients : effects of an antiseptic mouthrinse

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    Objective: To assess the effects of an antiseptic, non-alcohol based mouth-rinse containing chlorhexidine and cetylpyridinium chloride, in preventing the oral complications associated to radiation therapy in head-and-neck cancer patients. Study design: This was a parallel, double blind, prospective, randomized clinical trial. Cancer patients were randomly assigned to one of the two treatments (test mouth-rinse or a placebo). Three visits were scheduled (baseline, 14 and 28 days). Different outcome variables were evaluated: mucositis, plaque and gingival indices, stimulated saliva and salivary pH. Results: 70 patients were screened and 36 were included. The presence and the degree of mucositis significantly increased in both groups and no significant differences were detected between groups, although the median increase in the placebo group (1.81) at 2 weeks was higher than in the test group (1.20). Conclusions: Within the limitations of the small sample size, this study suggests that the use of the tested mouthrinse may lead to some improvements in clinical parameters in patients irradiated for head-and-neck cancer