10 research outputs found

    Indicaciones y sugerencias sobre el entrenamiento de fuerza y resistencia en ancianos

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    En este artículo pretendemos exponer las tendencias que existen sobre entrenamiento deportivo en personas mayores. Casi siempre, estamos acostumbrados a asociar el ejercicio físico que practican con actividades lúdicas, de baja o nula intensidad en las que el carácter lúdico es el principal protagonista de la sesión dejando atrás el rendimiento físico. Un correcto trabajo de resistencia o de fuerza bien realizado, a unas cargas de entrenamiento considerables producen una mejora fisiológica que aumenta su independencia funcional, y que mejora, no solo sus condiciones de vida sino que a la larga disminuyen las principales causas de muerte que existenIn this paper we expose the trends that exist about training in greater persons. Almost always, we are accustomed to associate the physical exercise that they practice with games activities . This activities have a low level of instensity and the objetives is the game whithout performance. A good work of endurance or strength adapted training charges produce a physiological improvement that increases their functional independence, and it improves their life quality and it reduces the causes of death that exist in Spain

    The Relationship Between Tactical Positioning and the Race Outcome in 800-m Running at the 2016 Olympic Games and 2017 IAAF World Championship

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    The purpose of this analysis was to quantify the probability of achieving a top-3 finishing position during 800-m races at a global championship, based on dispersion of the runners during the first and second laps and the difference in split times between laps. Overall race times, intermediate and finishing positions and 400 m split times were obtained for 43 races over 800 m (21 men’s and 22 women’s) comprising 334 individual performances, 128 of which resulted in higher positions (top-3) and 206 the remaining positions. Intermediate and final positions along with times, the dispersion of the runners during the intermediate and final splits (SS1 and SS2), as well as differences between the two split times (Dsplits) were calculated. A logistic regression model was created to determine the influence of these factors in achieving a top-3 position. The final position was most strongly associated with SS2, but also with SS1 and Dsplits. The Global Significance Test showed that the model was significant (p < 0.001) with a predictive ability of 91.08% and an area under the curve coefficient of 0.9598. The values of sensitivity and specificity were 96.8% and 82.5%, respectively. The model demonstrated that SS1, SS2 and Dplits explained the finishing position in the 800-m event in global championships

    Autonomic adaptation after traditional and reverse swimming training periodizations

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    The objective of the present study was to analyze the autonomic response of trained swimmers to traditional and reverse training periodization models. Seventeen swimmers were divided in two groups, performing a traditional periodization (TPG) or a reverse periodization (RPG) during a period of 10 weeks. Heart rate variability and 50 m swimming performance were analyzed before and after the training programs. After training, the TPG decreased the values of the high frequency band (HF), the number of differences between adjacent normal R-R intervals longer than 50 ms (NN50) and the percentage of differences between adjacent normal R-R intervals more than 50 ms (pNN50), and the RPG increased the values of HF and square root of the mean of the sum of the squared differences between adjacent normal R-R intervals (RMSSD). None of the groups improved significantly their performance in the 50-m test. The autonomic response of swimmers was different depending on the periodization performed, with the reverse periodization model leading to higher autonomic adaption. Complementary, the data suggests that autonomic adaptations were not critical for the 50-m swimming performance

    Short-term periodized aerobic training does not attenuate strength capacity or jump performance in recreational endurance athletes

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of three different distributions of aerobic training on the isokinetic strength and vertical jump performance [SJ, CMJ and Abalakov (ABA)] in thirty middle-aged endurance athletes (38.7 ± 9.8 yrs; 174.7 ± 6.5 cm; 72.0 ± 9.8 kg). Three zones of training were required to quantify volume of training: Zone 1, low-intensity-training VT2. The INC group (n = 10) began training in the Zone 1 and then gradually built up training in Zone 2 and Zone 3, thereby increasing the intensity of aerobic activity over the 4-week training period. The CON group (n = 10) performed the same activity every week in Zones 1, 2 and 3. The FRE group followed a free distribution of endurance training loads (n = 10). The results showed significant decreases in peak torque knee extension 30° (p −1 endurance training does not impair strength development over the short term. In conclusion, variations in volume and intensity in training groups did not interfere with isokinetic strength and vertical jump performance

    Respuesta a corto plazo al entrenamiento de fuerza máxima en jugadores de fútbol sala y ciclistas

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    The purpose of this study is to elucidate the effects of high intensity-strength training (S) in two consecutive days in different athletes. 20 subjects divided in two groups: 11 futsal players of semiprofessional level (FG) (22,5±1,4 yr) and 9 endurance trained athletes of national level (EG) (21±1,3 yr). The intervention was composed by two training sessions (4 sets of 3 repetitions at 85- 90% of their 1RM in the squat exercise) separated by 24h. Two days before the first workout and 9 days after the second workout subjects were measured for 1RM in squat (90 knee angle). Tests: 1 Maximum Repetition in half-squat exercise. Variables: weight in one maximum repetititum (kg); Force (N); and power (w). Instrument: MicromuscleLab Power (ergotest technology as- Norway). The results showed increasing in 1MR in weight (p<0.05), force production ((p<0.05) but didn�t showed significant differences in power output in 1MR It was concluded that acute effects of high intensity strength training using this protocol is advantageous for increasing force production in futsal players and cyclists.El objetivo del estudio es conocer los efectos sobre la fuerza máxima y la potencia en 1 repetición máxima (RM) de un programa de entrenamiento de fuerza usando cargas máximas en jugadores de fútbol-sala y ciclistas. 20 hombres divididos en 2 grupos: 11 jugadores de fútbol-sala semiprofesionales (21±1,3 años), y 9 ciclistas de ruta de categoría nacional (22,5±1,4 años) participaron en la investigación. El programa de entrenamiento fue 2 sesiones (4 series de 3 repeticiones al 85-90% de 1RM, con 3-5 min de descanso entre series, con la máxima velocidad de ejecución posible, posteriormente descansaban 9 días repitiéndose de nuevo este trabajo). Se determinó a través del test 1RM en semisentadilla las siguientes variables: Resistencia con la que se alcanza 1 RM (kg); Fuerza (N) y potencia manifestada (w). Los resultados indican mejoras (p<0.05) en la resistencia con la que se alcanza 1RM, fuerza máxima (p<0.01), no produciéndose diferencias en W. Concluimos que la utilización de un protocolo de cargas de alta intensidad, dos días a la semana durante 2 semanas, con 9 días de descanso entre microciclos de trabajo, provoca mejoras significativas en la resistencia con que se alcanza 1RM y la producción de fuerza máxima en jugadores de fútbol-sala y ciclistas