238 research outputs found

    Mathematical modeling of a composting process in a small-scale tubular bioreactor

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    "A mathematical model is presented to describe a composting process occurring in a tubular bioreactor. The mathematical model is based on heat and mass transfer phenomena under the continuum approximation. The bioreactor is divided into two phases: a gas phase and a solid–liquid phase. Between these phases, oxygen and heat are interchanged. In the solid–liquid phase, biomass growth occurs causing a change in substrate concentration as well as a change in temperature due to heat release from microbial activity. Thus the mathematical model is able to describe temperature and oxygen concentration profiles in the gas phase and temperature and biomass and substrate concentration profiles in the solid–liquid phase as a function of time and axial and radial positions. Useful information obtained from the model solution are the highest temperature that can be attained within the bioreactor and the length of high temperature conditions, which are important if sludge sanitization is the purpose of the composting process. Also a theoretical calculation of the logarithmic decimal reduction of Salmonella is presented. Using the model, a design analysis was performed to determine the effect of the main design variables in the temperature of the solid–liquid phase and the oxygen concentration in the gas phase.

    Los programas de mediación escolar como herramientas para la promoción de unas relaciones de pareja saludables en la adolescencia

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    ABSTRACTRomantic relationships become relevant during adolescence and influence psychosocial and affective development. Therefore, it is necessary to encourage positive romantic relationships during this developmental stage. According to scientific literature, the use of appropriate interpersonal communication skills, constructive problem-solving techniques and effective emotional intelligence tools is positively related to the quality of couple relationships. As peer-mediation programs teach these social emotional competencies to facilitate positive socialization, schools might optimize this resource and extend it to the context of couple relationship.Therefore, this article seeks to propose a psychoeducational intervention based on school-mediation programs that aims to promote healthy romantic relationships among adolescents. First, a literature review on school mediation and couple relationships in adolescence is provided. Subsequently, the objectives, recipients, trainers, methods, contents and activities that might be part of this innovative intervention approach are specified, as well as the steps that should be followed in its implementation. As a conclusion, it is highlighted how this proposal improves school mediation programs.RESUMENDurante la adolescencia, las relaciones de pareja empiezan a cobrar relevancia y a influir en el desarrollo psicosocial y afectivo. Por ello, es necesario fomentar relaciones románticas saludables en esta etapa evolutiva. En la literatura científica se sugiere que la adecuada comunicación interpersonal, la resolución constructiva de conflictos, y el manejo eficaz de las emociones se asocian positivamente con la calidad de las relaciones de pareja. Como es sabido, los programas de mediación escolar persiguen dotar a los/as adolescentes de estas competencias socioemocionales, entre otras, para favorecer una socialización positiva. En consecuencia, es recomendable que los centros educativos que cuentan con un programa de mediación instaurado optimicen este recurso extendiéndolo a la  temática de las relaciones de pareja.El objetivo de este trabajo es proponer una intervención psicoeducativa que haga uso de los programas de mediación escolar para promocionar relaciones románticas saludables entre los adolescentes. Para ello, en primer lugar, se revisa la literatura relevante en el ámbito de la mediación escolar y de las relaciones de pareja de calidad en la adolescencia. Seguidamente se concretan los objetivos, destinatarios, formadores, métodos, contenidos y actividades que pueden formar parte de este novedoso planteamiento de intervención, así como los pasos a seguir para su implementación. A modo de conclusión, se ofrece una prospectiva de esta línea de trabajo y se sintetizan las aportaciones y mejoras que supone en el campo de la mediación escolar.ABSTRACT Romantic relationships become relevant during adolescence and influence psychosocial and affective development. Therefore, it is necessary to encourage positive romantic relationships during this developmental stage. According to scientific literature, the use of appropriate interpersonal communication skills, constructive problem-solving techniques and effective emotional intelligence tools is positively related to the quality of couple relationships. As peer-mediation programs teach these social emotional competencies to facilitate positive socialization, schools might optimize this resource and extend it to the context of couple relationship.Therefore, this article seeks to propose a psychoeducational intervention based on school-mediation programs that aims to promote healthy romantic relationships among adolescents. First, a literature review on school mediation and couple relationships in adolescence is provided. Subsequently, the objectives, recipients, trainers, methods, contents and activities that might be part of this innovative intervention approach are specified, as well as the steps that should be followed in its implementation. As a conclusion, it is highlighted how this proposal improves school mediation programs

    Aplicación y desarrollo de un sistema de inteligencia competitiva, gestión tecnológica y sello ambiental en la industria del tamal.

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    Las nuevas tendencias, innovación de productos, exigencias sanitarias y políticas ambientales en el sector de alimentos han conllevado a las empresas a generar nuevos enfoques de productividad, valores agregados y estrategias comerciales ante un mundo globalizado y competitivo, en el cual llevo a la motivación y contribución del trabajo, por ende el presente determina el proceso de inteligencia competitiva y vigilancia tecnológica aplicado a una empresa del sector alimenticio e industrial del tamal, siendo un sector atractivo y evolutivo de la economía colombiana, con miras a la observancia tecnológica y estrategias del mismo. Se escogió la industria del tamal por ser un producto de alto impacto comercial y cultural en muchas regiones del país, el cual tiende en su proceso agroindustrial a tener falencias en materia de producción, problemáticas de empaque, higiene, salubridad, comercialización e impacto ambiental. La empresa seleccionada que proporcionó la colaboración para la realización de este estudio fue Tamales Villa del Rosario ubicada en Bogotá DC. El objetivo de esta investigación se concentra en el análisis y diseño de estrategias con miras a la conservación del medio ambiente, observando oportunidades y amenazas para aprovechar ventajas competitivas en la consecución de valores agregados a la información y generar inteligencia en la aplicación de empaques y embalajes innovadores. Específicamente se da estudios de procesos de innovación y desarrollo tecnológico en el sector de alimentos, asentado en la aplicación y resultados de manuales, matrices y mapas tecnológicos que muestran los avances, procesos y resultados para la generación de conocimiento a largo plazo mediante un proceso de I+D+i en materia de empaques y embalajes inteligentes e inclusive sellos ambientales.New trends, product innovation, environmental health and policy requirements in the food sector have led companies to generate new approaches to productivity, added value and business strategies in a globalized world and competitive, in which I've been to the motivation and contribution of work, hence the present determines the process of competitive intelligence and technological vigilance applied to a company in the food and industrial sector of the tamal, being an attractive sector and evolution of the Colombian economy, with a view to technological enforcement and strategies of the same. Was chosen the industry of the Tamale is a product of high commercial and cultural impact in many regions of the country, which tends in its agroindustrial process to have shortcomings in terms of production, problematic packaging, hygiene, sanitation, marketing and environmental impact. The selected company which provided the collaboration for this study was Tamales Villa del Rosario in Bogotá DC. The objective of this research focuses on the analysis and design of strategies with a view to the conservation of the environment, noting opportunities and threats for competitive advantage in the pursuit of added value to the information and generating intelligence in the application of innovative packaging. Specifically realizes studies of processes of innovation and technological development in the food sector, settled on the implementation and outcome of manuals, matrices and technology maps showing progress, processes and results for the generation of knowledge in the long term through a process of I+D+i in the field of packaging and smart packaging, and even environmental seals

    Poly(ethylene-imine)-Functionalized Magnetite Nanoparticles Derivatized with Folic Acid: Heating and Targeting Properties

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    Magnetite nanoparticles (MNPs) coated by branched poly (ethylene-imine) (PEI) were synthesized in a one-pot. Three molecular weights of PEI were tested, namely, 1.8 kDa (sample MNP-1), 10 kDa (sample MNP-2), and 25 kDa (sample MNP-3). The MNP-1 particles were further functionalized with folic acid (FA) (sample MNP-4). The four types of particles were found to behave magnetically as superparamagnetic, with MNP-1 showing the highest magnetization saturation. The particles were evaluated as possible hyperthermia agents by subjecting them to magnetic fields of 12 kA/m strength and frequencies ranging between 115 and 175 kHz. MNP-1 released the maximum heating power, reaching 330 W/g at the highest frequency, in the high side of reported values for spherical MNPs. In vitro cell viability assays of MNP-1 and MNP-4 against three cell lines expressing different levels of FA receptors (FR), namely, HEK (low expression), and HeLa (high expression), and HepG2 (high expression), demonstrated that they are not cytotoxic. When the cells were incubated in the presence of a 175 kHz magnetic field, a significant reduction in cell viability and clone formation was obtained for the high expressing FR cells incubated with MNP-4, suggesting that MNP-4 particles are good candidates for magnetic field hyperthermia and active targeting.Spanish Institutions: Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (PGC2018-098770-B-I00 and CTQ2017-86125-P)Junta de Andalucía (ProgramaOperativo FEDER 2014-2020, grants B-FQM-141-UGR18, A1-FQM-341-UGR-18, C-FQM-497-UGR18

    V2Ox-based hole-selective contacts for c-Si interdigitated back-contacted solar cells

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    Over the last few years, transition metal oxide layers have been proposed as selective contacts both for electrons and holes and successfully applied to silicon solar cells. However, better published results need the use of both a thin and high quality intrinsic amorphous Si layer and TCO (Transparent Conductive Oxide) films. In this work, we explore the use of vanadium suboxide (V2Ox) capped with a thin Ni layer as a hole transport layer trying to avoid both the intrinsic amorphous silicon layer and the TCO contact layer. Obtained figures of merit for Ni/V2Ox/c-Si(n) test samples are saturation current densities of 175 fA cm-2 and specific contact resistance below 115 mO cm2 on 40 nm thick V2Ox layers. Finally, the Ni/V2Ox stack is used with an interdigitated back-contacted c-Si(n) solar cell architecture fully fabricated at low temperatures. An open circuit voltage, a short circuit current and a fill factor of 656 mV, 40.7 mA cm-2 and 74.0% are achieved, respectively, leading to a power conversion efficiency of 19.7%. These results confirm the high potential of Ni/V2Ox stacks as hole-selective contacts on crystalline silicon photovoltaics.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Biometric database acquisition close to “Real World” conditions

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-12397-9_16Revised Selected Papers of Second COST 2102 International Training School, Dublin, Ireland, March 23-27, 2009In this paper we present an autonomous biometric device developed in the framework of a national project. This system is able to capture speech, hand-geometry, online signature and face, and can open a door when the user is positively verified. Nevertheless the main purpose is to acquire a database without supervision (normal databases are collected in the presence of a supervisor that tells you what to do in front of the device, which is an unrealistic situation). This system will permit us to explain the main differences between what we call "real conditions" as opposed to "laboratory conditions".This work has been supported by FEDER and MEC, TEC2006-13141-C03/TCM, and COST-210

    Plan de mejoramiento para la renovación de los sistemas de comunicación en fiduprevisora.

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    Diseñar un plan de mejoramiento para la renovación del sistema de comunicación en Fiduprevisora, facilitando así el crecimiento tecnológico según las necesidades del negocio.El presente trabajo se da como la respuesta a la problemática identificada con el sistema de comunicaciones en la entidad Fiduprevisora, para el que inicialmente se realiza un diagnóstico que permita reconocer las debilidades y fortalezas del sistema actual por medio de reuniones con el director de infraestructura se logra además esclarecer las necesidades de la entidad, buscando asegurar el cumplimiento de los parámetros de seguridad exigidos por la Superintendencia financiera de Colombia en las circular 007 de 2018, circular 052 de 2007, circular 042 de 2012, además teniendo en cuenta la capacidad técnica a lograr, para lo que se plantea un plan de mejoramiento que permita subsanar los hallazgos evidenciados durante el diagnóstico.The present work is given as the answer to the problem identified with the communications system in the Fiduprevisora entity, for which initially a diagnosis is made that allows recognizing the weaknesses and strengths of the current system through meetings with the director of infrastructure. It also manages to clarify the needs of the entity, seeking to ensure compliance with the security parameters required by the Financial Superintendence of Colombia in circular 007 of 2018, circular 052 of 2007, circular 042 of 2012, also taking into account the technical capacity to achieve, for which an improvement plan is proposed to correct the findings evidenced during the diagnosis

    Amphiphilic-like carbon dots as antitumoral drug vehicles and phototherapeutical agents

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    The work was financially supported by the Spanish institutions Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades (PGC2018-098770-B-I00 and CTQ2017-86125-P) and Junta de Andalucia (ProgramaOperativo FEDER 2014-2020, grants B-FQM-141-UGR18, A1-FQM-341-UGR-18, C-FQM-497-UGR18).Water-insoluble carbon dots are recognized as promising materials, although their applications in nanomedicine are rarely explored, despite their lipophilic character and foreseen compatibility with biological membranes. In this article, we exploit the anhydride functionalization of carbon dots obtained by thermolysis of citric acid to synthesize amphiphilic-like carbon dots (LCDs) by reaction with alkyl amines. A differential feature of this approach is that the hydrophobicity of LCDs is a balance between the ionization of the carboxylic groups resulting from the reaction and the hydrophobicity from the grafted amines. The alkyl chains allow LCDs to entrap hydrophobic molecules and the ionization of the carboxylic groups increases the hydrosolubility, permitting the transfer between organic and aqueous phases. The biomedical interest of these features is illustrated by analyzing the application of LCDs as carriers of the drug campothecin and their evaluation on a battery of cancer cell lines, as well as the transformation of LCDs into a phototherapeutic agent by the formation of a complex with IR780 dye. Results demonstrate that LCDs behave as nanocarriers in a manner that resembles other supramolecular hosts with two differential features: (i) the length of the alkyl chains determines the size of the hosted guest, and (ii) the hydrosolubility of the complex can be modulated by pH.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades PGC2018-098770-B-I00 CTQ2017-86125-PJunta de Andalucia B-FQM-141-UGR18 A1-FQM-341-UGR-18 C-FQM-497-UGR1

    Using gene expression and systems biology to interrogate auditory hallucinations in schizophrenic patients

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    Schizophrenia is a severe mental disorder affecting around 1% of the opulation. This disease presents a complex aetiology that has not been completely unveiled yet. Auditory hallucinations are a very significant and disruptive symptom of schizophrenia affecting between 60% and 80% of schizophrenic patients. In this paper we have used a network-based transcriptomic analysis aiming to identify differences in gene expression between schizophrenic patients with and without auditory hallucinations. Gene expression data from blood samples drained from 30 schizophrenia patients were generated using Affymetrix Human Gene 2.0 ST Genechips. Affymetrix Expression console was used for normalization and quality control purposes. The RMA normalization method was applied for gene summarization and then a filter applied to keep only the most variably expressed probesets (4,508). These dataset was analysed using the weighted gene co-expression network analysis (WGCNA) package in R. The gene co-expression network analyses allowed us to identify eleven different gene modules based on their topological overlap. These modules were related to the relevant phenotypic information and allowing us to identify modules related with different phenotypic traits of interest. Gene co-expression network analysis is a useful tool for the analysis of gene expression analysis. Its application in the analysis of schizophrenia gene expression provides an insight on the molecular mechanisms related with this disease and the differences at the molecular level between patients presenting auditory hallucinations and those that do not. In our analysis we have been able to identify different gene modules containing genes expression profiles that can be related with clinically relevant phenotypes. These gene modules could be functionally annotated and related with different pathways and gene ontology terms that are relevant in the context of this analysis