1,111 research outputs found

    Recursive linear estimation for discrete time systems in the presence of different multiplicative observation noises

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    This paper describes a design for a least mean square error estimator in discrete time systems where the components of the state vector, in measurement equation, are corrupted by different multiplicative noises in addition to observation noise. We show how known results can be considered a particular case of the algorithm stated in this paper

    The link between water access and subjective well-being: some methods and proposals

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    The study of happiness or subjective well-being has traditionally been studied within the disciplines of psychology or sociology. Although economics has contemplated happiness in research terms, it has only recently been studied in any depth. In this paper we offer several proposals in order to investigate the relationship between water access and happiness, suggesting some situations that would merit further research. Moreover, we have included some methodological notes in order to achieve this objective. This relationship can be useful in two ways. Firstly, it can favour the contemplation of water access as a human right. Secondly, it can serve as a framework for the decision-making process carried out by Governments and NGOs in developing countries

    Proyecto de dosificador de pastillas para personas con autonomía reducida

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    Este proyecto tiene como objetivo el diseño de una máquina dosificadora que permita el control del tratamiento médico en pacientes polimedicados de forma sencilla y automática para evitar errores u olvidos en la toma de píldoras. Ésta debe poder ser utilizada por cualquier usuario, por lo tanto, se adapta a las diferentes discapacidades y mejora así la autonomía de estas personas. Para hacer el diseño se han estudiado los sistemas que están actualmente en el mercado y todos los requisitos que se deben cumplir. Con lo que después del estudio realizado, se llega al diseño de un dosificador acompañado de una pulsera con sistema NFC, ésta ayuda a que se comunique uno con otro. Esta pulsera permite que se haga el control de la toma de medicamentos, a parte de servir como vía de comunicación con el médico y farmacéutico. Además, el dosificador se comunicará con el responsable del usuario a través de una aplicación móvil, para avisarle de cualquier problema que pueda surgir. De manera que se pueda mantener el control de la persona a distancia. El sistema de uso se ha diseñado lo más simple posible y la capacidad del dispensador es de un mes para los valores estándar, pero puede ser menos o más dependiendo de la cantidad de píldoras del paciente. Lo que lo hace personalizable a cualquier persona.This report aims to design a machine that allows control of medical treatment in patients with polypharmacy in a simple and an automatic way to avoid errors or oversights in taking pills. It must be able to be used by any user, thus, it have to be adapted to the different disabilities and it have to improve the autonomy of these people. In order to make the design it been studied systems that there are currently on the market and all requirements that must be met. After doing the study, it reach the design of a dosing accompanied by a bracelet with NFC system that helps to communicate with each other. This bracelet allows the control of the take of medication, besides serving as a communication channel with the doctor and pharmacist. In addition, the dispenser will contact the responsible user through a mobile app, to warn of any problems that may arise. So that it can maintain control of the remote person. The use system is designed as simple as possible and the capacity of the dispenser is one month to the standard values, but it may be less or more depending on the amount of pills that the patient has. What makes it customizable to everyone

    Language as construction of thinking and practices in educational exclusion

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    Esta comunicación versa sobre medidas para atender a la diversidad y revertir el desenganche y el riesgo de abandono en la etapa de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO) en la Comunidad de Murcia (CARM), llevando a cabo un análisis interpretativo y crítico del discurso de la normativa oficial sobre el tema. Se plantean ciertos referentes teóricos sobre el etiquetaje tipificación, calificaciones y clasificación del alumnado y las implicaciones que comportan, y se clarifica el proceso seguido en el análisis de contenido del discurso, la generación y aplicación de las categorías aplicadas. Los resultados alcanzados revelan la diferenciación extrema de los procesos de tipificación, la enorme fragmentación de las medidas dispuestas y los criterios establecidos para derivar hacia ellas al alumnado, los aspectos normativamente regulados y las lagunas u omisiones. Las conclusiones alertan de los riesgos de segregación que tales decisiones representan y abogan por acciones más integrales y una mayor implicación por los centros en su conjuntoThis communication centers on the measures to deal with diversity and revert the disengagement and risk of early school leaving in the Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (Compulsory Secondary-School Education) in the Community of Murcia (CARM), carrying out an interpretative and critical analysis of the text with the Governmental regulations about the topic. Some theoretical references about the labeling, categorization, grading and classification of the students are considered as well as the implied consequences, and the process followed in the analysis of the content of the speech, the generation and application of the applied categories is clarified. The results achieved show an extreme differentiation of the processes of categorization, the enormous fragmentation of the mandated measures and the established criteria to reroute the students to them, the aspects regulated by norms and lapses or omissions. The conclusions warn about the risks of segregation that such decisions represent and stand for more integral actions and greater implications for schools as a whol

    Factores asociados a la asistencia de embarazadas a la casa materna Adilia Trejos, San Juan de oriente, Masaya. II Semestre 2016.

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    Las casas maternas es una estrategia retomada de años pasados para reducir la mortalidad materna. Según estudios realizados, estas casas cuentan con un bajo índice de asistencia por parte de embarazadas. A partir de este precepto, surge el estudio con el objetivo de analizar los factores que influyen en la asistencia de embarazadas a la casa materna Adilia Trejos del municipio de San Juan de Oriente Masaya II semestre 2016, esta investigación se valió con un universo de 16 embarazadas que se les indicó asistir a la casa materna de las cuales únicamente acudieron 8 embarazadas. Los resultados de esta investigación se vieron ligados a los factores personales, familiares, culturales y económicos que les impidieron asistir a las embarazadas a la casa materna, debido al rol que se le impone la sociedad machista, al apoyo que reciben de sus familiares y parejas, el trabajo al que se dedican que es artesana. Por otra parte la atención que recibieron por el personal durante su albergue fue eficiente. Dentro de la percepción de las usuarias respecto a la importancia y comodidad de la casa materna es muy bueno, así mismo todas refirieron para la casa materna un concepto de albergue y alojamiento que reduce peligros en su vida y del bebé. Se recomienda al personal que labora en la casa materna continuar brindando una atención amable y eficaz y realizar actividades que promuevan información sobre la casa materna

    The stress connection in cancer: the adrenergic fuelling of breast tumors

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    Cancer progression involves complex interactions between tumor cells and the surrounding microenvironment. Chronic psychosocial stress and sympathetic nervous system activation lead to abnormal catecholamine release, impacting tumor cells directly and indirectly and fuelling cancer-promoting effects. However, the same adrenergic Receptor (AR) that mediate these effects could also convey exercise-related beneficial changes. Epidemiological studies show conflicting associations between stress, AR inhibitors, and breast cancer (BC) metastatic progression. Adrenergic sympathetic stress triggers sustained inflammatory and hypoxic-related signaling pathways, alters function and distribution of immune cell populations, and remodels blood vessels, leading to immunosuppression and premetastatic site formation. Activated AR initiate feedback loops with tyrosine kinase receptors and chemokine receptors, affecting stem-related transcription factors, pro-inflammatory mediators, angiogenic factors, and energy metabolism regulators, promoting tumor growth and invasion. Understanding molecular mechanisms of agonistic and antagonistic AR ligands and crosstalk with other signaling pathways is crucial for developing effective therapies targeting adrenergic-driven BC progressionP2022/BMD-7209/INTEGRAMUNE-CM, SEV2016-064

    Barite formation in the ocean: Origin of amorphous and crystalline precipitates

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    We also thank editors and two anonymous reviewers for helpful comments that have significantly improved this contribution.Ocean export production is a key constituent in the global carbon cycle impacting climate. Past ocean export production is commonly estimated by means of barite and Barium proxies. However, the precise mechanisms underlying barite precipitation in the undersaturated marine water column are not fully understood. Here we present a detailed mineralogical and crystallographic analysis of barite from size-fractionated particulate material collected using multiple unit large volume in-situ filtration systems in the North Atlantic and the Southern Ocean. Our data suggest that marine barite forms from an initial amorphous phosphorus-rich phase that binds Ba, which evolves into barite crystals whereby phosphate groups are substituted by sulfate. Scanning electron microscopy observations also show the association of barite particles with organic matter aggregates and with extracellular polymeric substances (EPS). These results are consistent with experimental work showing that in bacterial biofilms Ba binds to phosphate groups in both cells and EPS, which promotes locally high concentrations of Ba leading to saturated microenvironments favoring barite precipitation. These results strongly suggest a similar precipitation mechanism in the ocean, which is consistent with the close link between bacterial production and abundance of Ba-rich particulates in the water column. We argue that EPS play a major role in mediating barite formation in the undersaturated oceanic water column; specifically, increased productivity and organic matter degradation in the mesopelagic zone would entail more extensive EPS production, thereby promoting Ba bioaccumulation and appropriate microenvironments for barite precipitation. This observation contributes toward better understanding of Ba proxies and their utility for reconstructing past ocean export productivity. This article is part of a special issue entitled: “Cycles of trace elements and isotopes in the ocean – GEOTRACES and beyond” - edited by Tim M. Conway, Tristan Horner, Yves Plancherel, and Aridane G. González.This study was supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) co-financed grants CGL2015-66830-R and CGL2017- 92600-EXP (MINECO Secretaría de Estado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación, Spain), Research Group RNM-179 and BIO 103 (Consejería de Economía, Innovación, Ciencia y Empleo, Junta de Andalucía) and the University of Granada (Unidad Científica de Excelencia UCE-PP2016-05). We thank the Center for Scientific Instrumentation (CIC, University of Granada), the Warm Core Rings project, and NSF OCE- 0961660 for supporting sample collection during MV1101

    Decreased Water Use in a Super-Intensive Olive Orchard Mediates Arthropod Populations and Pest Damage

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    In Spain, water use in agriculture is expected to become limited by resources in the future. It is pertinent to study the effect of decreased irrigation on the presence of pests, plant damage, and arthropod communities in a super-intensive olive orchard examined from 2017 to 2019. Arthropods were studied with visual and vacuum sampling methods in two irrigation treatments (T1—control and T2—Regulated Deficit Irrigation (RDI)). Univariate analyses showed that the total arthropod abundance was significantly greater in T1 than in T2 in 2018 and 2019, mostly due to Diptera Nematocera. Visual sampling revealed that the feeding damage produced by Eriophyidae (Trombidiformes) was significantly lower in T2 in 2018 and 2019: 10–40% of shoots were affected in the late season compared with 50–60% affected for T1. The feeding symptoms caused by Palpita unionalis Hübner (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) and Zelleria oleastrella (Milliere) (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae) were significantly less for T2 than for T1. Multivariate principal response curves showed significant differences between irrigation strategies in the 2018 and 2019 data for both sampling methods. In conclusion, irrigation schemes with restricted water use (T2—RDI) help to reduce the abundance of several types of pests in olive crops, especially of those that feed on the plants’ new sprouts

    Método de extracción y detección de antígenos de Anisakis en alimentos destinados al consumo humano o animal

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    Método de extracción y detección de antígenos de Anisakis en alimentos destinados al consumo humano o animal. La presente invención se refiere a un método de extracción y detección de alérgenos de parásitos de pescado en muestras alimentarias para el consumo humano o animal. La extracción se basa en aplicar soluciones con baja fuerza iónica, homogeneización, sonicación y diferentes pH a diversos tipos de pescado ya sean frescos o tratados. La detección se basa en métodos inmunoquímicos mediante el uso de anticuerpos policlonales que permiten detectar proteínas antigénicas del parásito así como anticuerpos policlonales que permiten detectar el alérgeno Ani s 4, que por sus características físico-químicas resiste el tratamiento térmico del alimento. El método es sensible, ya que se puede detectar Ani s 4 en cantidades inferiores a 1ppm con tasas de recuperación mayores a un 65%. El método descrito es específico ya que no muestra reactividad cruzada con componentes de las distintas matrices ensayadas.Peer reviewedConsejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España), Fundación para la Investigación Biomédica del Hospital Carlos IIIB1 Patente sin examen previ

    El sesgo condicionado en el análisis de influencia: una revisión

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    El sesgo condicionado se ha propuesto como diagnóstico de influencia en distintos modelos y tecnicas estadísticas. Tratando de recoger una visión global de la utilidad del concepto, en este trabajo se hace una revisión general del mismo relacionandolo con la curva de sensibilidad y la curva de influencia muestral. Además, se señalan posibles líneas de trabajo que permitiran abordar el análisis de la influencia a través de este enfoque en una gran variedad de tecnicas estadísticas