1,961 research outputs found

    Diseño y aplicación de guía didáctica para docente

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    PDFEl aprendizaje y la lógica en la asignatura de matemática estructuras pedagógicos y científicas relacionadas y podemos aplicarlas en varias formas del desarrollo del pensamiento en el área de matemáticas, el problema, planteamiento del problema, ubicación del problema en un contexto, situación conflicto, cusas consecuencias del problema, evaluación del problema, preguntas directrices de la investigación , objeto de la investigación generales y específicos , las variables del aprendizaje y la lógica en la asignatura de matemáticas y diseño y aplicación de guía para docente están definidas claramente , finalmente tenemos la justificación e importancia de la investigación .Cuando este proyecto este listo servirá como investigación y referencia en el aprendizaje y la lógica en la enseñanza de matemática. El marco teórico con sus fundamentaciones científicas, epistemológico, psicológico, la teoría conductista, los pilares de la educación tratan los aspectos de la nueva realidad educativa. Con el apoyo de la facultad realizamos las encuestas a los estudiantes y docentes de la carrera de Físico –Matemática analizando las causas del problema, emitiendo un criterio que permita mejorar esa situación, dando conclusiones y recomendaciones validas, permitiéndonos realizar la propuesta de aplicación de Guía Metodológica para docente, esta tesis beneficia a la comunidad guayaquileña y estudiantes d e la Carrera de Físico-MatemáticoLearning and logic in the subject of mathematics are scientific pedagogical structures closely related being useful to apply them in various forms of thought development specially in the area of mathematics, problem, problem statement, the problem notation in context, conflict situation, causes and consequences of the problem, evaluate the problem, research questions guidelines, general research objectives and specific learning variables and logic in the subject of mathematics and design. The implementation guide for teachers is clearly defined.. It is important that this project is ready to serve as a research point and reference about learning and logic in the teaching of mathematics .the framework comprises the scientific foundations, epistemological, psychological, behavioral theory, and learning. The pillars of education address aspects of the new educational reality. With the support of the Mathematics and Physics Philosophy School, we surveyed the students and teachers to analyze the causes of the problem. We concluded, through serious analysis of the surveys and made a judgment that will improve this situation by issuing a valid conclusion with their recommendations. This allows us to perform the proposed implementation Methodology Guide for teachers about learning and logic in math classes. The community of Guayaquil and the students, teachers of the Philosophy Faculty will benefit from this improvemen

    Documentación y modelización de una hipótesis de reconstrucción del primer molino hidráulico romano de la península ibérica

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    [EN] The accurate graphic survey of an archaeological site is fundamental for its analysis and research. Furthermore, if this site is to be covered by a building and will not be accessible or visible, its documentation is essential, not only to continue with the research, but also to disseminate and enhance the discoveries. An example of this is the "Hoya de los Molinos" archaeological site in Caravaca de la Cruz (Region of Murcia, Spain). This is where the first mark of the wheel of a Roman vertical watermill in the Iberian Peninsula has been found. This fact is crucial because remains of Roman vertical-wheeled watermills have been found across the Mediterranean but not in the Iberian Peninsula. Moreover, the fact that this watermill still has all its structural elements makes this archaeological site in Caravaca de la Cruz very interesting. Due to these facts, it is essential to disseminate this discovery, so that it can be recognized and considered as archaeological and cultural heritage. To that end, the researchers have carried out a three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction of the most characteristic elements, such as the vertical wheel, the gears that allowed grinding the grain, and the building protecting them. A virtual recreation was carried out, based on the historical and building research, which is displayed in an explanatory video. Furthermore, two reproductions were created: one made to scale of the archaeological site with a 3D printer and another one of the hypothetical structure of the Roman watermill. To achieve this result, historians, archaeologists and engineers have collaborated, thus enabling not only its adequate dissemination, but also its accurate documentation, in an inclusive manner. Thanks to all the work that this paper describes, the Roman watermill found in Caravaca de la Cruz can be known, studied and assessed.[ES] La documentación gráfica y precisa de un yacimiento arqueológico es fundamental para su posterior estudio e investigación. Cuando el yacimiento quede en el subsuelo de un edificio y no sea accessible ni visitable, dicha documentación es imprescindible, no solo para la continuación de la investigación, sino también para poner en valor los hallazgos encontrados. Un ejemplo de ello es el yacimiento arqueológico de “Hoya de los Molinos” en Caravaca de la Cruz (Región de Murcia, España). En la Península Ibérica se ha encontrado la primera impronta de la rueda de un molino vertical hidráulico de época romana. Este hecho es fundamental por dos razones: la primera es que los molinos hidráulicos fueron utilizados por los romanos, no por los árabes como se creyó durante mucho tiempo (hecho que se ha rebatido gracias a los hallazgos arqueológicos); la segunda es que se encontraron restos de molinos hidráulicos en todo el Mediterrráneo, pero no en la Península ibérica. Además, en el yacimiento se hallaron todos los elementos estructurales del molino hidráulico vertical, lo que hace tan interesante este hallazgo. Por los condicionantes descritos es fundamental divulgar el hallazgo para que sea valorado y conocido. Para ello se realizó una reconstrucción tridimensional (3D) de los elementos más característicos, como son la rueda vertical, los engranajes que permitían la molienda de grano y el edificio que los protegía. A tal efecto, se desarrolló una hipotética recreación virtual y se animó en un video explicativo. También se hicieron dos impresiones 3D a escalas diferentes: una de toda la zona estudiada y otra en detalle del molino y sus engranajes. Para realizar todo lo aquí descrito se trabajó con un equipo multidisciplinar que permitió el estudio y reconstrucción adecuados. Historiadores, arqueólogas e ingenieros colaboraron para obtener este resultado haciendo posible, de una manera inclusiva, no solo su correcta divulgación, sino una precisa documentación. Gracias a todo el trabajo descrito en este artículo, el molino hidráulico hallado en Caravaca de la Cruz podrá ser conocido, investigado y valorado.We would like to thank Professor Dr. Robert Spain and the archaeologists in charge of the archaeological site,, María Belén Sánchez González and Juana María Marín Muñoz, for everything. The authors are grateful to Prof Spain, Sánchez and Marín for providing full details of the evidence prior to publication.García-León, J.; González-García, JÁ.; Collado-Espejo, PE. (2021). Documentation and modelling of a hypothetical reconstruction of the first Roman watermill in Hispania. Virtual Archaeology Review. 12(25):114-123. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2021.15316OJS1141231225Banfi, F. (2020). HBIM, 3D drawing and virtual reality for archaeological sites and ancient ruins. Virtual Archaeology Review, 11(23), 16-33. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2020.12416Brun, J. P., & Borreani, M. (1998). Deux moulins hydrauliques du Haut-Empire romain en Narbonnaisevillae des Mesclans à La Crau et de Saint-Pierre/ Les Laurons aux Ares. Archéologie de la France antique, 55, 279-326.Champion, E., & Rahaman, H. (2020). Survey of 3D digital heritage repositories and platforms. Virtual Archaeology Review, 11(23), 1-15. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2020.13226Cunliffe, B., & Galliou, P. (2002). The Le Yaudet Project, Twelfth Interim Report on the excavations 2002. Institute of Archaeology, University of Oxford and Centre de Recherche Bretonne et Celtique, University of Brest (France).De Felice, G. (2016). Cathedrals in the Desert: A Review of Edoardo Tresoldi's Installation at Siponto, Italy. Public Archaeology, 15, 59-61. https://doi.org/10.1080/14655187.2016.1209634Fassi, F., Achile, C., & Fregonese, L. (2011) Surveying and modelling the main spire of Milan Cathedral using multiple data sources. The Photogrammetry Record, 26(136), 462-487. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1477-9730.2011.00658.xGarcía-León, J., Sánchez-Allegue, P., Peña-Velasco, C., Cipriani, L., & Fantini, F. (2018). Interactive dissemination of the 3d model of a Baroque altarpiece: a pipeline from digital survey to game engines. SCIRES-it, 8(2), 59-76. http://dx.doi.org/10.2423/i22394303v8n2p59García-Molina, D., González-Merino, R., Rodero-Pérez, J., & Carrasco-Hurtado, B. (2021). 3D documentation for the conservation of historical heritage: the Castle of Priego de Córdoba (Spain). Virtual Archaeology Review, 12(24), 115-130. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2021.13671Jacono, L. (1938). La routa idraulica di Venafro. L'ingegnere 12-15, 850-853.Leveau, P. (2007). Les moulins de Barbegal 1986-2006. In J. Brun, & J. Fiches (Eds.), Énergie hydraulique et machines élévatrices d'eau dans l'Antiquité (pp. 185-199). Publications du Centre Jean Bérard. https://doi.org/10.4000/books.pcjb.434Naujokat, A., Glitsch, T., Martin, F., & Schlimme, H. (2020). Baureka.online- Reseach repository, catalogue and archive for architectural history and building Archaeology. SCIRES-it, 10(1), 43-52. https://doi.org/10.2423/i22394303v10n1p43Oleson, J. P. (1984). A Roman water-mill on the Crocodilion river near Caesarea. Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins, 100, 137-152.Palomo Palomo, J. & Fernández Uriel, P. (2007). Los molinos hidráulicos en la Antigüedad. Espacio, Tiempo y Forma. Serie II. Historia Antigua, 19-20, 499-524. Madrid: UNED. https://doi.org/10.5944/etfii.19.2006.4465Peña-Velasco, C., García-León, J., & Sánchez Allegue, P. (2017). Documentación, conservación y difusión de un retablo a través de la geomática: el retablo barroco de la iglesia de San Miguel en Murcia. e-rph: Revista electrónica de Patrimonio histórico, 21, 67-90. http://www.revistadepatrimonio.es/revistas/numero21/difusion/estudios/articulo.phpRemondino, F. (2011). Heritage Recording and 3D Modeling with Photogrammetry and 3D Scanning. Remote Sensing, 3, 1104-1138. https//doi.org/10.3390/rs3061104Rodríguez-Miranda, A., Valle Melón, J. M., Korro Bañuelos, J., & Elorriaga Aguirre, G. (2021). Interactive Virtual representation of the disappeared convent of El Carmen (Logroño) generated from a paper craft model. Virtual Archeology Review, 12(24),77-89. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2021.14038Rojas-Sola, J. I., & López-García, R. (2007). Engineering graphics and watermills: ancient technology in Spain. Renewable Energy, 32(12), 2019-2033. https//doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2006.10.013Romeuf, A. (1978). Un moulin à eau gallo-romain aux Martres des Veyre (Puy-de-Dôme»). Revue d'Auvergne, 92(2), 23-41.Sánchez González, M. B., Marín Muñoz, J. M., Sánchez González, M. J., García López, A. I., & Brotóns Yagüe, F. (2020). El molino hidráulico romano y otros hallazgos arqueológicos en Hoya de los Molinos de Caravaca de la Cruz (Murcia). Avance preliminar. XXVI Jornadas de Patrimonio Cultural de la Región de Murcia. Murcia. Tres Fronteras Ediciones, 33-44. http://hdl.handle.net/10317/8809Santoni, A., Martín-Talaverano, R., Quattrini, R., & Murillo-Fragero, J. (2021). HBIM approach to implement the historical and constructive knowledge. The case of the Real Colegiata of San Isidoro (León, Spain). Virtual Archaeology Review, 12(24), 49-65. doi:https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2021.13661Small, A., & Buck, R. (1994). The excavations of San Giovanni di Ruoti I. The villas and their environment. Toronto: R.O.M. https://doi.org/10.3138/9781442681217-010Spain, R. (2008). The power in performance of Roman water-mills. Hydro-mechanical analysis of vertical-wheeled water-mills. BAR International Series 1786. Oxford: John and Erica Hedges. https://doi.org/10.30861/9781407302171Wikander, Ö. (1979). Water Mills in Ancient Rome. Opuscula Romana 12, 13-36.Wikander, Ö. (1984). Exploitation of water-power or technological stagnation? A reappraisal of the productive forces in the Roman Empire. Lund, Studier utgivna av Kungl. Humanistiska Vetenskapssamfundet i Lund.Wikander, Ö. (1985). Archeological evidence for early water-mills. An interim report. History of Technology, 10, 151-179.Wilson, A.(2000).The water-mills on the Janiculum. Memoirs of the American Academy at Rome 45, 219-246. https://doi.org/10.2307/4238771Wilson, A. (2002). Machines, power and the ancient economy. Journal of Roman Studies, 92,1-32. https://doi.org/10.2307/3184857Yastikli, N. (2007). Documentation of cultural heritage using digital photogrammetry and laser scanning. Journal Cultural Heritage, 8(4), 432-427. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.culher.2007.06.00

    A survey of parallel hybrid applications to the permutation flow shop scheduling problem and similar problems

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    Parallel algorithms have focused an increased interest due to advantages in computation time and quality of solutions when applied to industrial engineering problems. This communication is a survey and classification of works in the field of hybrid algorithms implemented in parallel and applied to combinatorial optimization problems similar to the to the permutation flowshop problem with the objective of minimizing the makespan, Fm|prmu|Cmax according to the Graham notation, the travelling salesman problem (TSP), the quadratic assignment problem (QAP) and, in general, those whose solution can be expressed as a permutation

    Relación entre test físicos específicos y rendimiento en gimnastas de elite

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    ResumenSe analizó la relación entre test físicos y rendimiento en Barras Paralelas (BP), Barra Fija (BF) y Caballo con Arcos (CA) en diez gimnastas varones de alto nivel. Se estimó la potencia media relativa al trepar 5m una cuerda (T5), la fuerza relativa al realizar máximas repeticiones de olímpicos desde escuadra (MRO), la flexibilidad activa (A) y pasiva (P) de flexión cadera (2A y 2P), y su abducción desde flexión a 90º (3A y 3P) y el rendimiento competitivo mediante el promedio de las notas finales (NF) en dos competiciones consecutivas. Existen relaciones significativas entre MRO con BP (r = 0,825; pAbstractWe analyzed the relationship between physical-test with the performance in Parallel Bar (BP), High Bar (BF) and Pommel Horse (CA) in ten elite gymnasts. The average power expressed on rope climbing 5m (T5) and the relative strength when performing maximum repetitions of L-support pike press to handstand (MRO) was estimated, the active (A) and passive (P) hip flexibility (2A and 2P), and his abduction from 90º hip-flexion (3A and 3P) and the competitive performance by averaging Final Score (NF) in two consecutive competitions. Significant relationships show between MRO with BP (r = 0.825; p doi:10.5232/ricyde2011.0220

    Use of neurolinguistics on EFL learning process through peisprogram with young learners.

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    Neurolinguistic is referred to the relation between the brain and the way that it receives the language, understanding that the brain has 6 areas in which it works in order to acquire, process, and communicate the language, each area has a specific function that allows the acquisition of English as foreign language, using a variety of strategies and activities that help the brain to stimulate the individual in order to be involved into the development of the language. This study reports the findings of how neurolinguistic foster the learning of a foreign language through the Program of Integral Education Seduc (PEIS) as a strategy for teaching preschoolers in CONALDI School, using activities that allowed the English learning process on each student and helped them to acquire a new language. Field notes, diaries, video recordings and teacher insights were used as data collection instruments. Findings suggest that working with PEIS program can be useful for kindergarten grade, but always thinking about Colombian context. Therefore, through PEIS program and the use of Neurolinguistic teachers can consider when adapting their classes, also teachers can have an idea about how students can learn using different methods and strategies that PEIS program brings

    Structural validity and reliability of the Spanish version of the White Bear Suppression Inventory (WBSI) in a sample of the general Spanish population

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    This paper introduces the validation of the Spanish adaptation of the White Bear Suppression Inventory (WBSI) by Wegner and Zanakos (1994). A sample of 833 people from the general population completed the WBSI along with other questionnaires. The exploratory factor analysis and the confirmatory factor analysis supported a two-factor solution accounting for 51.8% of the cumulative variance. This structure is comprised of the two following factors: unwanted intrusive thoughts (= .87, r = .70) and actions of distraction and suppression of thoughts (= .80, r = .60). Both internal consistency reliability (= .89) and test-retest reliability (r = .71) showed adequate homogeneity, sound consistency, and stability over time. The results are discussed bearing in mind both isolated factors and the possible relationships of the suppression factor with automatic negative thoughts and insomnia.Presentamos en este trabajo la validación de la adaptación española del White Bear Supresión Inventory (WBSI) (Inventario de Supresión del Oso Blanco) de Wegner y Zanakos (1994). A una muestra de 833 personas de la población general se le administró el WBSI conjuntamente con otros cuestionarios. Los análisis factoriales exploratorio y confirmatorio aconsejan la retención de una estructura bifactorial que explican el 51,8% de la varianza acumulada. Dicha estructura aísla pensamientos intrusos indeseados (= 0,87, r = 0,70) y acciones de distracción y supresión de pensamientos (= 0,80, r = 0,60). Los índices de consistencia interna del total del inventario (= 0,89) y fiabilidad test-retest (r = 0,71) muestran una adecuadas homogeneidad, sólida consistencia y una adecuada estabilidad temporal. Los resultados se discuten teniendo en cuenta los dos factores aislados y las posibles relaciones del factor de supresión con pensamientos automáticos negativos e insomnio

    Flowshop scheduling problems with due date related objectives: A review of the literature

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    3rd International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management XIII Congreso de Ingeniería de Organización Barcelona-Terrassa, September 2nd-4th 200

    Criticality analysis for improving maintenance, felling and pruning cycles in power lines

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    16th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing INCOM 2018 Bergamo, Italy, 11–13 June 2018. Edited by Marco Macchi, László Monostori, Roberto PintoThis paper deals with the process of criticality analysis in overhead power lines, as a tool to improve maintenance, felling & pruning programs. Felling & pruning activities are tasks that utility companies must accomplish to respect the servitudes of the overhead lines, concerned with distances to vegetation, buildings, infrastructures and other networks crossings. Conceptually, these power lines servitudes can be considered as failure modes of the maintainable items under our analysis (power line spans), and the criticality analysis methodology developed, will therefore help to optimize actions to avoid these as other failure modes of the line maintainable items. The approach is interesting, but another relevant contribution of the paper is the process followed for the automation of the analysis. Automation is possible by utilizing existing companies IT systems and databases. The paper explains how to use data located in Enterprise Assets Management Systems, GIS and Dispatching systems for a fast, reliable, objective and dynamic criticality analysis. Promising results are included and also discussions about how this technique may result in important implications for this type of businesse

    Project Management at University: Towards an Evaluation Process around Cooperative Learning

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    The enrollment in current Master's degree programs usually pursues gaining the expertise required in real-life workplaces. The experience we present here concerns the learning process of "Project Management Methodology (PMM)", around a cooperative/collaborative mechanism aimed at affording students measurable learning goals and providing the teacher with the ability of focusing on the weaknesses detected. We have designed a mixed summative/formative evaluation, which assures curriculum engage while enriches the comprehension of PMM key concepts. In this experience we converted the students into active actors in the evaluation process itself and we endowed ourselves as teachers with a flexible process in which along with qualifications (score), other attitudinal feedback arises. Despite the high level of self-affirmation on their discussion within the interactive assessment sessions, they ultimately have exhibited a great ability to review and correct the wrong reasoning when that was the case

    Strategic view of an assets health index for making long-term decisions in different industries

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    Libro en Open AccessAn Asset Health Index (AHI) is a tool that processes data about asset’s condition. That index is intended to explore if alterations can be generated in the health of the asset along its life cycle. These data can be obtained during the asset’s operation, but they can also come from other information sources such as geographical information systems, supplier’s reliability records, relevant external agent’s records, etc. The tool (AHI) provides an objective point of view in order to justify, for instance, the extension of an asset useful life, or in order to identify which assets from a fleet are candidates for an early replacement as a consequence of a premature aging. This paper develops a model applicable to different classes of equipment and industrial sectors. A review of the main cases where the asset health index has been applied is included. Likewise, advantages and disadvantages in the application of this kind of tools are revealed, providing a guide for a research line related to the general application of this tool