3,997 research outputs found

    X-ray/gamma-ray flux correlations in the BL Lacs Mrk 421 and 501 using HAWC data

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    The HAWC gamma ray observatory is located at the Sierra Negra Volcano in Puebla, Mexico, at an altitude of 4,100 meters. HAWC is a wide field of view array of 300 water Cherenkov detectors that are continuously surveying ~ 2sr of the sky, operating since March 2015. The large collected data sample allows HAWC to perform an unbiased monitoring of the BL Lac Mrk 421. This is the closest and brightest known extragalactic high-synchrotron-peaked BL Lac in the gamma-ray/X- ray bands and is extensively monitored by the Large Area Telescope (LAT) on-board the Fermi satellite, and the BAT and XRT instruments of the Swift satellite. In this work, we use 25 months of HAWC data together with Swift-XRT data to characterize potential correlations between both wavelengths. This analysis shows that HAWC and Swift-XRT data are correlated even stronger than expected for quasi-simultaneous observations.Comment: Presented at the 35th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2017), Bexco, Busan, Korea. See arXiv:1708.02572 for all HAWC contribution

    Juan Ramón Jiménez y su entorno social y cultural: de la correspondencia con León Sánchez Cuesta (1927-1956)

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    Este artículo profundiza en el entorno social y cultural de Juan Ramón Jiménez a través de su relación con León Sánchez Cuesta, conocido como el “librero de la generación del 27”. Para ello revisamos diversas fuentes bibliográfi cas, especialmente la correspondencia inédita que el librero dirigió al poeta y de la cual se reproducen en el artículo dos cartas. Sánchez Cuesta fue amigo personal, depositario exclusivo de la obra de Juan Ramón Jiménez entre 1925 y 1933, aproximadamente, difusor y distribuidor de su obra y uno de sus principales suministradores de libros. El librero también jugó un papel importante como mediador en las disputas entre Juan Ramón Jiménez y algunos poetas de la “generación del 27”. Sánchez Cuesta es considerado una figura clave en el entorno de Juan Ramón Jiménez y su correspondencia nos permite indagar en el entorno social y cultural y los hábitos de lectura del poeta de Moguer.This article analyzes the social and cultural context of Juan Ramón Jiménez through his relationship with León Sánchez Cuesta, also known as “the librarian of the generation of 27”. For this purpose we review different bibliographic sources, including the unpublished correspondence between Sánchez Cuesta and Juan Ramón Jiménez. Two of these letters are included in this article. Sánchez Cuesta was a friend and sole distributor of the works of Juan Ramón Jiménez during (approximately) the years 1925-1933. He played an important role spreading the work of Juan Ramón and providing him with reading materials. Sánchez Cuesta also played an important mediator role in some disputes between Juan Ramón and some poets of the “generation of ‘27”. Sánchez Cuesta is a key figure in the life of Juan Ramón Jiménez and his correspondence increases our understanding of both the social and cultural context and the reading habits of Juan Ramón Jiménez

    Influence of temperature and time on the Eu3+ reaction with synthetic Na-Mica-n (n = 2 and 4)

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    Bentonite is accepted as the best clay material for the engineered barrier of Deep Geological Repositories (DGRs). The performance of clay as the main component of the engineered barrier in the DGR has been intensively studied and the structure of the selected clay mineral play a crucial role. In this sense, a new family of synthetic swelling silicates, Na-Mica-n, with tuned layer charge (n) values between 2.0 and 4.0 per unit cell has recently been synthesized and a general synthetic method has been reported. These swelling high-charge micas could be highly valuable for the decontamination of harmful cations. The ability of these micas to immobilize Eu3+ under subcritical conditions has been probed. The adsorption was in both non-specific sites (cation exchange mechanism) and specific sites (chemical reaction or surface defects adsorption). Moreover, its adsorption capacity, under the same conditions is higher than in saponite and far superior to the bentonites.Junta de Andalucía P12-FQM-567European Union 29178

    Educative attention to diversity. Deaf students in the classroom of Portugal and Turkey

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    en esta publicación pretendemos dar a conocer algunos resultados de la experiencia innovadora que estamos realizando a través del proyecto SMILE. Nos hemos centrado en el análisis de las relaciones que se establecen en torno a los alumnos sordos en el ámbito escolar y el papel de la lengua de signos en su integración y en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Esta indagación se basa en las percepciones de los autores de este artículo, los docentes de los centros escolares donde se educan niños sordos, los alumnos oyentes y sordos, y nuestros estudiantes universitarios que realizaron las prácticas in situ. A continuación ponemos de relieve la realidad específica sobre la atención a la diversidad y la igualdad de oportunidades, centrada en la situación de los discentes con sordera, en centros escolares de Turquía y Portugalin this publication we intend to present some results of the innovative experience that we are realizing through Project SMILE. We have focused on the analysis of the relationships established around deaf students in schools and the role of sign language and its integration in the teaching-learning processes. This research is based on the perceptions of the authors of this article, teachers in schools where children are educated deaf children, hearing and deaf students, and university students who realized the practices on-site. Here we highlight the specific situation on the attention to diversity and equal opportunities, focusing on the situation of deaf learners in schools in Turkey and Portuga

    Illness, disability or cultural identity? Interpretation of deafness and answers from the Spanish educational system

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    En España, en los últimos años, se han experimentado múltiples cambios en la prevención y la aten - ción de las personas con discapacidad, en particular en lo que se refiere a las personas sordas. La interpretación de la sordera no sólo como deficiencia auditiva, sino como una diferencia comunicativa, está llevando a la disposición de contextos educativos con carácter bilingüe y bicultural. Esta nueva perspectiva conceptual y la consecuente orientación de las prácticas escolares tienen un impacto positivo en los campos de la salud, la educación y el ámbito social, fomentando el desarrollo tanto del alumnado sordo, como del alumnado oyente. En este artículo se expone la situación del con - texto español en este campo, y ha servido de base para la realización de un proyecto transnacional europeo

    Culturas, políticas y prácticas de inclusión en las universidades: enfoque desde la formación inicial del profesorado

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    Nuestra definición de Inclusión parte de la propuesta de una educación accesible y de calidad, que contemple a todas las personas, en cualquier nivel de enseñanza. Tal definición apuesta por la construcción de una mirada crítica en el currículo y su transversalidad durante la formación de futuros profesionales, lo que consideramos fundamental para discutir la organización de una propuesta de Educación Inclusiva en el nivel de enseñanza superior. El objetivo de este proyecto es profundizar en los procesos de inclusión/exclusión educativa en la formación inicial del profesorado, ya que como futuros educadores sus concepciones al respecto influirán en su práctica docente, a lo que hay que añadir la proyección social de la figura del profesional de la educación. Este estudio incorpora, además, la consideración del tema en un ámbito internacional desde una perspectiva educativa comparada, convirtiéndolo en una experiencia mucho más enriquecedora y que aporta datos de interés para otros trabajos en el campo abordado.Our definition of inclusion originates of the proposal for an accessible and quality education, which includes everyone, at any level of education. This definition is committed to building a critical look at the curriculum and its mainstreaming in the education of future professionals; we considered the organization to discuss a proposal for Inclusive Education in the higher education level. Examine the processes of inclusion/exclusion of education in initial teacher training is the goal of this project, because as future educators their conceptions influence in their teaching practice, to which must be added the outreach they have. This study incorporates our interest in international comparative educational perspective, making it a much richer experience and it provides very interesting data

    La Presencia de las mujeres en las Asociaciones de la Profesión Periodística en España

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    Press associations have the task of defending the journalistic profession. In this paper we analyze these institutions from the perspective of gender, based on the premise that a greater presence of women in them could promote equality in the profession. To do so, we study the composition of their Boards of Directors and Chair by sex and verify if they reproduce the rules that we can find in the companies of the sector or not. The conclusion that we draw is that women are underrepresented on the Boards, but there is a better balance than in the press companies, which makes us discern an improvement in equality in the profession for the near future.Las asociaciones de la prensa tienen por misión la defensa de la profesión periodística. En este trabajo analizamos estas instituciones desde la perspectiva de género, partiendo de la premisa de que una mayor presencia de mujeres en las mismas podría favorecer la igualdad en la profesión. Para ello estudiamos la composición de sus juntas directivas y presidencia según el sexo y comprobamos si reproducen o no los patrones que podemos encontrar en las empresas del sector. Las conclusiones a las que llegamos es que las mujeres están poco representadas en las juntas directivas, pero con un mayor equilibrio que en las empresas editoras, lo que nos hace atisbar una mejora en la igualdad en la profesión en un futuro próximo

    HPLC-Q-TOF-MS identification of antioxidant and antihypertensive peptides recovered from cherry (Prunus Cerasus L.) subproducts

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    The processing of fruits, such as cherries, is characterized by generating a lot of waste material such as fruit stones, skins, etc. To contribute to environmental sustainability, it is necessary to recover these residues. Cherry stones contain seeds with a significant amount of proteins that are underused and undervalued. The aim of this work was to extract cherry seed proteins, to evaluate the presence of bioactive peptides, and to identify them by mass spectrometry. The digestion of cherry seed proteins was optimized, and three different enzymes were employed: Alcalase, Thermolysin, and Flavourzyme. Peptide extracts obtained by the digestion of the cherry seed protein isolate with Alcalase and Thermolysin yielded the highest antioxidant and antihypertensive capacities. Ultrafiltration of hydrolysates allowed obtaining fractions with high antioxidant and antihypertensive capabilities. HPLC-Q-TOF-MS together with bioinformatics tools enabled one to identify peptides in these fractions

    How Is Functional Food Advertising Understood? An Approximation in University Students

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    In functional food advertising, messages are not always easily understandable for the target audience. Current European legislation, enforced through Regulation 1924/2006, specifies that such messages should be clear and precise so as not to mislead the consumer. The objective of this study was to observe consumers’ understanding of messages in functional food advertisements. The methodology used was a self-administered survey filled out by 191 students enrolled in a Degree in Advertising and Public Relations at the University of Alicante (Spain). The results suggest that a large number of students do not know what functional food is and obtain information about these products mainly from labelling/packaging. The major means of communication through which they learn about health benefits via advertising is the internet, followed by television. Most respondents indicated that they understood related advertisements and found it helpful to be given additional information on health benefits. Worthy of note, the greater their level of understanding of the messages, the higher their level of distrust of advertising messages, which they considered to be deceptive or misleading.This research was conducted under the R&D&i project “Reclamos de salud en la publicidad de alimentos y comprensión del consumidor” (“Health claims in food advertising and consumer understanding”-GV/2016/088), funded by the Generalitat Valenciana, Spain and directed by Cristina González Díaz