6,265 research outputs found

    Revisión sistemática sobre cómo afecta el Entrenamiento de Alta Intensidad o HITT en personas con sobrepeso u obesidad

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    En el marco teórico se relata en qué consiste y qué consecuencias tiene la obesidad y el sobrepeso, cuantas personas la padecen en el mundo y en España, con que métodos podemos descubrir el sobrepeso o la obesidad y qué soluciones de pueden llevar a cabo para prevenir dicha enfermedad. Se explica además en qué consiste el HIIT, algunos de los ejemplos existentes y algunos efectos positivos que tiene en personas con estándares normales. Para finalizar se detalla en que consiste el Test Wingate acompañado de su fiabilidad y validez. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido analizar si el Entrenamiento a Intervalos de Alta Intensidad mejoraría la condición física de las personas con sobrepeso u obesidad utilizando el Test Wingate como medida estándar. El método utilizado ha sido el método PRISMA, siguiendo los 27 items de los que consta. Las búsquedas se realizaron en las bases de datos SCOPUS, ISI WEB KNOWLEDGE y PUBMEB. Para la búsqueda de la bibliografía se utilizaron las siguientes palabras claves: (1) Obesity, (2) High-Intensity Intermittent Exercise, (3) Test Wingate, (4) HIIT, (5) physical condition, (6) Anaerobic, (7) overweight, (8) Reliability, (9) validity. Una vez realizada la búsqueda, se llevó a cabo los diferentes métodos de exclusión e inclusión del método PRISMA y se procedió a analizar dichos artículos. Los resultados para su exhaustiva revisión bibliográfica extraídos de las diferentes bases de datos fueron 8 artículos científicos. Las conclusiones fueron favorables al HIIT, mejorando aspectos como el aumento del consumo máximo de oxígeno, la potencia anaeróbica, el VO2peak, la potencia aeróbica (aunque esta en menor medida), y aumento del volumen sistólico, además de la mejora en la sensibilidad a la insulina y la oxidación de las grasas y carbohidratos.In the theoretical framework it is related to what is and what are the consequences of obesity and overweight, how many people suffer from it in the world and in Spain, with what methods can we discover overweight or obesity and what solutions can be carried out to prevent said disease. It also explains what HIIT consists of, some of the existing examples and some positive effects it has on people with normal standards. Finally, it details what the Wingate Test consists of, together with its reliability and validity. The objective of this work was to analyze if High Intensity Interval Training would improve the physical condition of overweight or obese people using the Wingate Test as a standard measure. The method used has been the PRISMA method, following the 27 items of which it consists. The searches were carried out in the SCOPUS, ISI WEB KNOWLEDGE and PUBMEB databases. For the search of the bibliography the following keywords were used: (1) Obesity, (2) High-Intensity Intermittent Exercise, (3) Test Wingate, (4) HIIT, (5) physical condition, (6) Anaerobic, (7) overweight, (8) Reliability, (9) validity. Once the search was carried out, the different methods of exclusion and inclusion of the PRISMA method were carried out and those articles were analyzed. The results for its exhaustive bibliographic review extracted from the different databases were 8 scientific articles. The conclusions were favorable to HIIT, improving aspects such as the increase of maximum oxygen consumption, anaerobic power, VO2peak, aerobic power (although to a lesser extent), and increase in stroke volume, in addition to the improvement in sensitivity to insulin and the oxidation of fats and carbohydrates.Universidad de Sevilla.Grado en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deport

    Explicit parametric solutions of lattice structures with proper generalized decomposition (PGD): applications to the design of 3D-printed architectured materials

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00466-017-1534-9Architectured materials (or metamaterials) are constituted by a unit-cell with a complex structural design repeated periodically forming a bulk material with emergent mechanical properties. One may obtain specific macro-scale (or bulk) properties in the resulting architectured material by properly designing the unit-cell. Typically, this is stated as an optimal design problem in which the parameters describing the shape and mechanical properties of the unit-cell are selected in order to produce the desired bulk characteristics. This is especially pertinent due to the ease manufacturing of these complex structures with 3D printers. The proper generalized decomposition provides explicit parametic solutions of parametric PDEs. Here, the same ideas are used to obtain parametric solutions of the algebraic equations arising from lattice structural models. Once the explicit parametric solution is available, the optimal design problem is a simple post-process. The same strategy is applied in the numerical illustrations, first to a unit-cell (and then homogenized with periodicity conditions), and in a second phase to the complete structure of a lattice material specimen.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Sefarad al descubierto

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    Reseña de: Sánchez-Lafuente Pérez, Jorge y José Luis Avello Álvarez (eds.), El mundo judío en la Península Ibérica: sociedad y economía, Cuenca, Alderabán, 2012, 270 pp

    La paideia y la construcción de la República platónica

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    Este trabajo pretende resaltar la importancia de la educación dentro del proyecto político platónico, así como su directa inspiración en el Estado espartano. El ateniense no se limitó a imitar la agogé espartana, sino que innovó, pretendiendo corregirla y darle una orientación filosófica, al igual que ocurría con el resto de su politeia.This paper aims to highlight the importance of education in the political project of Plato, as well as its direct inspiration in the Spartan state. The Athenian did not merely imitate the Spartan agogé, but innovated, intending to correct and give it a philosophical orientation, as occurred with the rest of his politeia

    Tatuagem e piercing na construçao do corporal

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    El tatuaje y la perforación corporal son un reflejo de la necesidad del ser humano por decorar su cuerpo. Los jóvenes crean significantes de sentidos diferentes que contribuyen a crear otras identidades. El objetivo de esta investigación es desvelar los significados bajo la piel tatuada para comprender este fenómeno social. Entendemos estas prácticas como un entramado de significados, expresados en actitudes y sentimientos, que se encuentra cruzado por el género, la experiencia del placer-dolor y la resistencia ante las estéticas dominantes. Hemos seleccionado una muestra de seis hombres y seis mujeres del total de usuarios atendidos durante el año 2009 en una Clínica de tatuaje y perforación, para realizar entrevistas en profundidad. Existe una diferenciación entre lo femenino y lo masculino, tanto en los diseños y zonas alteradas, como en la decisión que lleva al tatuaje y perforación y significado atribuido. Las mujeres eligen estas prácticas corporales con un objetivo de reproducción y seducción, se sienten bajo la mirada de la sociedad, igual que los hombres, pero ellos no sienten con la misma fuerza las normas de belleza. Los usuarios sienten discriminación en los ámbitos familiar y laboral, y explican que los tatuajes y las perforaciones no son valorados como elemento artístico por la sociedad.Tattooing and body piercing are a reflection of the human need to decorate their body. Young people create significant senses that create other identities. The target of this research is to reveal the meaning of the tattooed skin to understand this social phenomenon. We understand these practices as a network of meanings, expressed in attitudes and feelings, which is crossed by the gender, the experience of pleasure VS pain and resistance to the dominant aesthetic. We have selected a sample of six men and six women of all clients served in 2009 on a tattoo and piercing Clinic to conduct in-depth interviews. There is a difference between feminine and masculine, both in design and corporal areas such as the decision leading to tattooing or piercing, and attributed meaning. Women choose these body practices with an aim of playing and seduction, they feel under the gaze of society, like men, but men do not feel as strongly beauty standards than women. Customers feel discrimination in the family and work, and they explain that tattoos and piercings are not valued as an artistic element in society.Tatuagem e piercing são um reflexo da necessidade humana para decorar o seu corpo. Os jovens criam significativa de sentidos diferentes que contribuem a criar outras identidades. O objetivo desta pesquisa é revelar o significado da pele tatuada para entender este fenômeno social. Compreendor-nos essas práticas como uma rede de significados, expressos em atitudes e sentimentos, que é atravessado pelo gênero, a experiência de prazer-dor e resistência à estética dominante. Foi selecionada uma amostra de seis homens e seis mulheres de todos os clientes atendidos em 2009 em uma clínica de tatuagem e piercing para conduzir entrevistas em profundidade. Há uma diferença entre feminino e masculino, tanto em design e áreas perturbadas como a decisão que leva à tatuagem e piercing e atribuiu significado. As mulheres escolhem essas práticas corporais com o objetivo de reprodução e sedução, sentem-se sob o olhar da sociedade, na mesma que os homens, mas eles não sentem tão fortemente os padrões de beleza. Os usuários sentem a discriminação na família e no trabalho, e explicou que tatuagens e piercings não são valorizadas como um elemento artístico na sociedade

    Inflation in the roman empire from Diocletian to Theodosius

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    Este trabajo pretende esclarecer y explicar la política monetaria romana en el marco de las transformaciones operadas durante el siglo IV a partir del modelo teórico de la Escuela Austríaca de Economía. Mediante el estudio de las mutaciones monetarias, sus causas y sus consecuencias se pretende contribuir a un mejor entendimiento de la política fiscal y la dinámica social de la época, a través de dos objetivos específicos: a) la comprensión de los conceptos básicos de dinero e inflación, y b) la comprensión de la política monetaria y del proceso inflacionario a lo largo del período especificado, sus causas y consecuencias, así como su relación con el contexto sociohistórico.This paper aims to clarify and explain the Roman monetary policy in the context of transformations in the Fourth Century through the theoretical model of the Austrian School of Economics. By studying monetary mutations, its causes and its consequences, it is intended to contribute to a better comprehension of fiscal policy and social dynamics of the period, by two specific objectives: a) understanding the basic concepts of money and inflation, and b) understanding of monetary policy and the inflationary process during the specified period, its causes and consequences, as well as their relationship with socio-historical context

    Detecting Functional Requirements Inconsistencies within Multi-teams Projects Framed into a Model-based Web Methodology

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    One of the most essential processes within the software project life cycle is the REP (Requirements Engineering Process) because it allows specifying the software product requirements. This specification should be as consistent as possible because it allows estimating in a suitable manner the effort required to obtain the final product. REP is complex in itself, but this complexity is greatly increased in big, distributed and heterogeneous projects with multiple analyst teams and high integration between functional modules. This paper presents an approach for the systematic conciliation of functional requirements in big projects dealing with a web model-based approach and how this approach may be implemented in the context of the NDT (Navigational Development Techniques): a web methodology. This paper also describes the empirical evaluation in the CALIPSOneo project by analyzing the improvements obtained with our approach.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2013-46928-C3-3-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2015-71938-RED

    Multiple Order Dual-Band Active Ring Filters with Composite Right/Left Handed Cells

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    In this paper, a novel dual-band active filter topology is presented. The non-linear phase response of a composite right/left-handed cell is used to achieve the desired dual-band performance. Additionally, the proposed structure based on coupled ring resonators yields a very compact solution in which high-order implementations can be easily obtained by cascading multiple rings. The theoretical principles of this type of filters are analyzed in detail. Finally, three prototypes based on first-, second- and third-order structures validate the feasibility of this type of filters. Good agreement between simulations and measurements has been achieved

    Noise Figure Measurement of Differential Amplifiers Using non-Ideal Baluns

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    This paper analyzes the noise and gain measurement of microwave differential amplifiers using two passive baluns. A general model of the baluns is considered, including potential losses and phase/amplitude unbalances. This analysis allows de-embedding the actual gain and noise performance of the isolated amplifier by using single-ended measurements of the cascaded system and baluns. Finally, measured results from two amplifier prototypes are used to validate the theoretical principles