82 research outputs found

    Factores psicosociales y síntomas de estrés en los trabajadores de una empresa de fabricación de neumáticos, Jalisco, México

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue abundar en el conocimiento de los estresores sociales y laborales que componen una de las principales causas de riesgos en el trabajo. Se realizó un censo en los 60 trabajadores de una compañía de fabricación de neumáticos. El estudio realizado fue de carácter descriptivo, transversal y analítico. La presencia de factores psicosociales la manifestó el 49.1% de los trabajadores operativos, la prevalencia de síntomas de estrés en un 36.4%. En los resultados de la relación entre los factores psicosociales con los síntomas de estrés y estar enfermo, se observa las dos correspondencias significativas más altas en “Exigencias laborales” y “Papel laboral y desarrollo de la carrera” con estar enfermo, ambas con una p=0.007.The objective of this study was to increase the knowledge of social and labor stressors that make up one of the main causes of occupational hazards. A census was conducted on the 60 workers of a tire manufacturing company. The study was descriptive, transversal and analytical. The presence of psychosocial factors was expressed by 49.1% of operational workers, the prevalence of stress symptoms in 36.4%. In the results of the relationship between psychosocial factors with the symptoms of stress and being sick, the two highest significant correspondences are observed in “Labor requirements” and “Job role and career development” with being sick, both with a p = 0.007

    Active Collapse in the Central Betic Cordillera: Development of the Extensional System of the Granada Basin

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    The Betic Cordillera was formed by the collision between the Alboran Domain and the South Iberian paleomargin in the frame of the NW–SE convergent Eurasia–Nubia plate boundary. The central region is undergoing a heterogeneous extension that has not been adequately analysed. This comprehensive study addressed it by collecting structural geologic, seismologic, and geodetic data. The region west of the Sierra Nevada is deformed by the extensional system of the Granada Basin, which facilitates E–W to NE–SW extension. Moreover, the southern boundary of Sierra Nevada is affected by a remarkable N–S extension related to E–W normal to normal–dextral faults affecting the shallow crust. However, geologic and geodetic data suggest that the western and southwestern Granada Basin boundary constitutes a compressional front. These data lead to the proposal of an active extensional collapse from the uplifted Sierra Nevada region to theW–SW–S, over an extensional detachment. The collapse is determined by the uplift of the central Betics and the subsidence in the Alboran Basin due to an active subduction with rollback. Our results indicate that the central Betic Cordillera is a good example of ongoing extensional collapse in the general context of plate convergence, where crustal thickening and thinning simultaneously occurBARACA (PID2022-136678NB-I00 AEI/FEDER)P18-RT-3275, B-RNM-301-UGR18 (Junta de Andalucía/FEDER)Programa Operativo FEDER Andalucía 2014-2020 Ref. 126344 (University of Jaén)POAIUJA 2023/2024 (University of Jaén) projects and the Andalusian research groups RNM-148, RNM-282RNM-370University of GranadaSpanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities (PTA2019-017685-I/AEI

    El IAPH abre una línea de investigación que avanza en la metodología para la conservación-restauración textil

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    El Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico, como Instituto de investigación desde 2011, es un agente clave en la generación del conocimiento en conservación de bienes culturales, así como en la transferencia de sus resultados. Dentro de las líneas de trabajo del Plan Estratégico vigente, el Taller de Tejidos está realizando importantes investigaciones para dar respuesta a determinadas patologías en obras textiles que pretende el desarrollo de nuevas técnicas y la adaptación de otras, ya conocidas, así como de productos y tratamientos innovadores, que podrán aplicarse en otros bienes de similares características

    The Campo de Dalias GNSS Network Unveils the Interaction between Roll-Back and Indentation Tectonics in the Gibraltar Arc

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    Funding: Junta de Andalucia; European Regional Development Fund; grant numbers: AGORA P18-RT-3275, PAPEL B-RNM-301-UGR18. Programa Operativo FEDER-Andalucia 2014–2020 Project ref. 1263446; University of Jaén; CEACTEMA; grant number: POAIUJA 21/22. Junta de Andalucía (Andalusian Board); grant numbers: RNM-148, RNM-282, RNM-370. V.T.S. was supported by the FPU PhD grant (16/04038).The Gibraltar Arc includes the Betic and Rif Cordilleras surrounding the Alboran Sea; it is formed at the northwest–southeast Eurasia–Nubia convergent plate boundary in the westernmost Mediterranean. Since 2006, the Campo de Dalias GNSS network has monitored active tectonic deformation of the most seismically active area on the north coast of the Alboran Sea. Our results show that the residual deformation rates with respect to Eurasia range from 1.7 to 3.0 mm/year; roughly homogenous west-southwestward displacements of the northern sites occur, while the southern sites evidence irregular displacements towards the west and northwest. This deformation pattern supports simultaneous east-northeast–west-southwest extension, accommodated by normal and oblique faults, and north-northwest–south-southeast shortening that develops east-northeast–west-southwest folds. Moreover, the GNSS results point to dextral creep of the main northwest–southeast Balanegra Fault. These GNNS results thus reveal, for the first time, present-day interaction of the roll-back tectonics of the Rif–Gibraltar–Betic slab in the western part of the Gibraltar Arc with the indentation tectonics affecting the eastern and southern areas, providing new insights for improving tectonic models of arcuate orogens.FPU 16/04038University of Jaén POAIUJA 21/22European Regional Development Fund 1263446, AGORA P18-RT-3275, PAPEL B-RNM-301-UGR18Junta de Andalucía RNM-148, RNM-282, RNM-37

    Magnetic anomalies and deep structure of the Monchique Alcaline Complex (South Portuguese Zone)

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    Las anomalías magnéticas en el suroeste de la Península Ibérica están caracterizadas por un gran dipolo N-S alargado en dirección E-O. Los valores más intensos de anomalía están relacionados con los afloramientos de sienitas del Complejo Alcalino de Monchique, que intruyen rocas metapelíticas de la Zona Sudportuguesa. Se han realizado medidas de intensidad total de campo magnético a lo largo de un perfil N-S (Portimão-Odemira) que atraviesa dicho dipolo.Además, en los lugares en los que el cuerpo intrusivo de Monchique aflora, se ha medido su susceptibilidad magnética (0,029 SI). La modelización simultánea de las anomalías aeromagnéticas y magnéticas de campo ha permitido determinar la geometría y extensión en profundidad del Complejo Alcalino de Monchique. Este cuerpo tiene una sección asimétrica, aproximadamente lenticular, que se extiende hacia el N. El máximo espesor es superior a 3 km y se alcanza en la parte S, en el sector donde afloraMagnetic anomalies in the southwestern zone of the Iberian Peninsula are characterized by a large N-S dipole elongated in E-W direction. The most intense anomaly values are related to the outcropping sienites of the Monchique Alkaline Complex, intruding the metapelitic host rock of the South Portuguese Zone. Total field magnetic intensity data have been acquired along a N-S profile (Portimão-Odemira) across the dipole. Moreover, magnetic susceptibility of the outcropping Monchique rocks has been measured (0.029 SI). Simultaneous modeling of aeromagnetic and field magnetic data may constrain the geometry and depth extension of the Monchique Alkaline Complex. It has roughly lenticular and asymmetrical section extending in depth towards the north. The maximum thickness of more than 3 km is reached in the southern side of the profile where the intermediate rocks outcro

    The Betic Cordillera: an active orogen

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    Desde un punto de vista sísmico y tectónico la Cordillera Bética constituye la parte más activa de la península Ibérica. Este orógeno es el resultado de la interacción entre dos placas mayores o principales (Nubia y Eurasia) y una mucho más pequeña, la placa de Alborán, que se individualizó y desplazó hacia el Oeste por el proceso de apertura de la cuenca Argelo-Provenzal. El resultado de esta expulsión fue el desplazamiento hacia el Oeste de la zona de subducción que se había formado previamente, la creación del arco de Gibraltar y una colisión oblicua en el Sur de Iberia. En el Tortoniense se amortiguó considerablemente la apertura de la cuenca Argelo-Provenzal. Se inició entonces la situación geodinámica que se mantiene actualmente. Desde ese momento, domina la compresión, que en el sector oriental es acomodada por un corredor de fallas de salto en dirección, la Zona de Cizalla de la Bética oriental, y en el sector central produce, entre otras estructuras, importantes pliegues E-O. Simultáneamente, existe extensión en el sector central de la cordillera que es acomodada por fallas normales NNO-SSE. Esta extensión ha dejado de ser activa en el mar de Alborán que, en la actualidad, también está sometido a compresión. En este contexto geodinámico, el relieve de la Cordillera Bética no ha parado de crecer, aumentando progresivamente la superficie de la zonas emergidas, y la altitud media del orógeno. Precisamente, esta larga y compleja historia geológica de la Cordillera Bética es lo que la convierte en un magnífico ejemplo pa a el aula, ya que el alumnado puede entender cómo en muy pocos millones de años el mapa de las placas tectónicas en esta región del planeta se ha modificado sustancialm nte, y lo seguirá haciendo en el futuro. Además, puede analizar el debate actual entre la existencia o no de subducción en el arco de Gibraltar (y los modelos alternativos propuestos) o por qué existe extensión en el sector central de la cordillera, en un contexto de convergencia entre las placas principales de Nubia y de Eurasia.From a seismic and tectonic view, the Betic Cordillera constitutes the most active region of the Iberian Peninsula. This orogen results from the interaction between two main plates (Nubia and Eurasia) together with the Alboran plate, which was individualized and westward displaced by the opening of the Argelo-Provenzal basin. As a consequence of this expulsion, the westward movement of the subduction zone, the origin of the Gibraltar Arc and an oblique collision in southern Iberia were undertaken. During the Tortonian, the opening of the Argelo-Provenzal basin attenuated given rise to a new geodynamic setting which still remains. Thereafter, the compression dominates, accommodated by a strikeslip fault corridor in the eastern sector of the Cordillera, the Eastern Betic Shear Zone, and by regional E-W folds, among other structures, in the central sector. Simultaneously, an extension occurs in the central sector of the Cordillera dimmed by normal NNW-SSE faults. This extension is no longer active in the Alboran Sea, which is currently under compression. In this geodynamic context, the relief of the Betic Cordillera is continuously growing, increasing the surface of the emerged areas, and the average altitude of the orogen with time. The long and complex geological history of the Betic Cordillera is what makes it a significant example for teaching. Students can understan how the tectonic plate map in this region of the planet has substantially changed only in a few million years, and it will go on doing it in the future. In addition, the current debate between the existence of subduction in the Gibraltar Arc and why extension in the central sector of the mountain range occurs in a context of convergence between the main plates of Nubia and Eurasia can be analyzed

    The Role of Faults as Barriers in Confined Seismic Sequences: 2021 Seismicity in the Granada Basin (Betic Cordillera)

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    Fault barriers are key structures for studying seismic hazard in regions of intense brittle deformation. The interaction between fault sets affects their seismogenic behavior, if some of them act as barriers. The Granada Basin, in the Betic Cordillera, is a region affected by shallow brittle deformation, as it was the scenario for the recent Granada 2021 seismic sequence. This seismicity presented a swarm behavior at the beginning of the sequence, followed by mainshock-aftershock features. Geological and gravity data presented here reveal that the basement is affected by two sets of NW-SE and NE-SW normal faults and intensely deformed by vertical NW-SE joints. Improved relocation of the Granada 2021 seismicity reveals a confined chimney-shape seismicity caused by the activity of a 2 km long NW-SE normal fault segment. The confinement of the sequence is associated with the NE-SW fault set acting as a barrier that restricts the rupture area, limiting the maximum magnitude, and favoring the recurrence of events with smaller magnitude. The chimney-shape of the seismic sequence suggests that the deformation is propagated vertically to the surface, facilitated by preexisting fractures. The shallow extensional deformation during the uplift of the central Betic Cordillera drove the activity of the local structures obliquely to the regional extensional trends, as evidenced by the seismic sequence. This multidisciplinary study improves the knowledge on the origin of the Granada Basin and underlies the important role of preexisting fractures on fault segmentation and seismic propagation, decreasing the seismic potential of this area

    Impacts of a hydroinfiltrator rainwater harvesting system on soil moisture regime and groundwater distribution for olive groves in semi-arid Mediterranean regions

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    Dry periods in semi-arid regions constitute one of the greatest hazardous features that agriculture faces. This study investigates the effects of using a new device called ‘Hydroinfiltrator Rainwater Harvesting System (HRHS) on the water balance of soils. It was designed for arid and semi-arid zones affected by long periods of drought punctuated by heavy rainstorms. The new hydroinfiltrator consists of a net-like shell filled mainly with biochar. It is cylindrical in shape, is placed vertically and is half-buried in the soil around the crop tree to facilitate the infiltration of rainwater, irrigation or runoff water deep into the soil. The experimental plot is located in Baena (Córdoba, southern Spain) in an olive grove where the hydroinfiltrator was installed in 90 olive trees while 10 were left as a control group. In the xeric climate (bordering on arid), typical of the region, soils without a hydroinfiltrator have had a low infiltration rate, which reduces the effectiveness of precipitation and significantly increases the risk of water erosion. The effects of infiltration assisted by the device were analysed by simulating a torrential rain in which 600 L of water were passed through the hydroinfiltrator on an olive tree which had been installed 3 years previously. Geophysical methods (electrical resistivity tomography, ERT), direct analyses of soil samples, both in situ and in the laboratory, and theoretical flow models indicated a very significant increase in soil moisture (which nearly tripled in respect to the control group) because water was absorbed into the soil quickly, preventing runoff and water erosion. The soil moisture at 20 cm depth was 2.97 times higher with the HRHS than in the control plots. In addition, olive production increased by 211% and was higher in fat yield by 177%. Moreover, the resistivity profiles, taken by ERT showed that the water that entered the soil accumulated in the root zone of the olive tree, encouraged by the preferential pathways created by the roots and away from the surface, which prevented rapid evaporation during the high temperatures of spring and summer. Here we show for the first time that the use of the hydroinfiltrator rainwater harvesting system represents a significant improvement in the use of scarce water resources caused by climate change, providing agronomic and environmental benefits for rainfed, Mediterranean agricultural systems

    The Role of Faults as Barriers in Confined Seismic Sequences: 2021 Seismicity in the Granada Basin (Betic Cordillera)

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    Fault barriers are key structures for studying seismic hazard in regions of intense brittle deformation. The interaction between fault sets affects their seismogenic behavior, if some of them act as barriers. The Granada Basin, in the Betic Cordillera, is a region affected by shallow brittle deformation, as it was the scenario for the recent Granada 2021 seismic sequence. This seismicity presented a swarm behavior at the beginning of the sequence, followed by mainshock-aftershock features. Geological and gravity data presented here reveal that the basement is affected by two sets of NW-SE and NE-SW normal faults and intensely deformed by vertical NW-SE joints. Improved relocation of the Granada 2021 seismicity reveals a confined chimney-shape seismicity caused by the activity of a 2 km long NW-SE normal fault segment. The confinement of the sequence is associated with the NE-SW fault set acting as a barrier that restricts the rupture area, limiting the maximum magnitude, and favoring the recurrence of events with smaller magnitude. The chimney-shape of the seismic sequence suggests that the deformation is propagated vertically to the surface, facilitated by preexisting fractures. The shallow extensional deformation during the uplift of the central Betic Cordillera drove the activity of the local structures obliquely to the regional extensional trends, as evidenced by the seismic sequence. This multidisciplinary study improves the knowledge on the origin of the Granada Basin and underlies the important role of preexisting fractures on fault segmentation and seismic propagation, decreasing the seismic potential of this area.Spanish projects Evaluación de la Peligrosidad de Inestabilidades de Laderas Asociadas a Terremotos (CGL2015-65602-R AEI-FEDER)B-RNM-301-UGR18 (Junta de Andalucía/FEDER);P18-RT-3275 (Junta de Andalucía/FEDER)Programa Operativo FEDER Andalucía 2014–2020 – call made by the University of Jaén (Ref. 126344)POAIUJA 2021/2022 from the University of JaénAndalusian research groups RNM-148Andalusian research groups RNM-282Andalusian research groups RNM-37

    Mantle flow and deep electrical anisotropy in a main gateway: MT study in Tierra del Fuego

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    Asthenospheric mantle flow drives lithospheric plate motion and constitutes a relevant feature of Earth gateways. It most likely influences the spatial pattern of seismic velocity and deep electrical anisotropies. The Drake Passage is a main gateway in the global pattern of mantle flow. The separation of the South American and Antarctic plates since the Oligocene produced this oceanic and mantle gateway connecting the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Here we analyze the deep crustal and upper mantle electrical anisotropy of its northern margin using long period magnetotelluric data from Tierra del Fuego (Argentina). The influence of the surrounding oceans was taken into account to constrain the mantle electrical conductivity features. 3D electrical models were calculated to fit 18 sites responses in this area. The phase tensor pattern for the longest periods reveals the existence of a well-defined NW-SE electrical conductivity anisotropy in the upper mantle. This anisotropy would result from the mantle flow related to the 30 to 6 Ma West Scotia spreading, constricted by the subducted slab orientation of the Pacific plate, rather than the later eastward mantle flow across the Drake Passage. Deep electrical anisotropy proves to be a key tool for a better understanding of mantle flow.This work was supported through projects CTM2014-60451-C2-02/01 and CTM2017-89711-C2-2/1-P from Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of Spain and the RNM-148 from Junta de Andalucía (Spain)