5,720 research outputs found

    AIP and MEN1 mutations and AIP immunohistochemistry in pituitary adenomas in a tertiary referral center.

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    Background: Pituitary adenomas have a high disease burden due to tumor growth/ invasion and disordered hormonal secretion. Germline mutations in genes such as MEN1 and AIP are associated with early onset of aggressive pituitary adenomas that can be resistant to medical therapy. Aims: We performed a retrospective screening study using published risk criteria to assess the frequency of AIP and MEN1 mutations in pituitary adenoma patients in a tertiary referral center. Methods: Pituitary adenoma patients with pediatric/adolescent onset, macroadenomas occurring ≤30 years of age, familial isolated pituitary adenoma (FIPA) kindreds and acromegaly or prolactinoma cases that were uncontrolled by medical therapy were studied genetically. We also assessed whether immunohistochemical staining for AIP (AIP-IHC) in somatotropinomas was associated with somatostatin analogs (SSA) response. Results: Fifty-five patients met the study criteria and underwent genetic screening for AIP/MEN1 mutations. No mutations were identified and large deletions/duplications were ruled out using MLPA. In a cohort of sporadic somatotropinomas, low AIP-IHC tumors were significantly larger (P = 0.002) and were more frequently sparsely granulated (P = 0.046) than high AIP-IHC tumors. No significant relationship between AIP-IHC and SSA responses was seen. Conclusions: Germline mutations in AIP/MEN1 in pituitary adenoma patients are rare and the use of general risk criteria did not identify cases in a large tertiary-referral setting. In acromegaly, low AIP-IHC was related to larger tumor size and more frequent sparsely granulated subtype but no relationship with SSA responsiveness was seen. The genetics of pituitary adenomas remains largely unexplained and AIP screening criteria could be significantly refined to focus on large, aggressive tumors in young patients

    Proyecto para la creación de una empresa de confección de camisetas a base de algodón orgánico en la ciudad de Guayaquil

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    Este documento presenta un análisis de viabilidad y factibilidad de implantar una fábrica que confeccione camisetas en la ciudad de Guayaquil y muestra el plan de negocios para esta empresa. Para esto se realizó un análisis del sector textil e investigación de mercados para identificar estrategias y acciones a seguir. La investigación incluyó a compradores en centros comerciales y competencia en el mercado. En base a la investigación sectorial y a resultados del análisis de la investigación se llegó a la conclusión que el proyecto es totalmente viable; debido a que hay una gran disposición ecologista de la gente y que estarían dispuestos a comprar, y es también factible; porque a través de la aplicación de estrategia de nicho de mercado y diferentes tácticas, la fábrica logrará participación de mercado y sobre todo alta rentabilidad.FEN-ESPO

    Alelopatía diferencial entre los géneros de un árbol invasor dioico sobre plantas de desierto

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    "The Peruvian peppertree (Schinus molle) is a dioecious species from South America that was introduced into central Mexico five centuries ago. This tree has invaded abandoned agricultural fields from semiarid regions, where it can be found with several native succulent plants that have recolonized these areas. Although peppertrees have negative allelopathic effects on crops, their effects on these native plants remain unknown. Indeed, the allelopathy of peppertrees has only been tested for female individuals, while the allelopathic potential of male peppertrees has not been assessed yet. This study focused on these issues and assessed whether peppertrees affect germination of succulent plants from the Chihuahuan Desert and whether these effects differ between male and female trees. For this we conducted a series of germination bioassays where seeds of native species were watered with aqueous extracts of staminate flowers and leaves produced by male peppertrees, and with aqueous extracts of fruits and leaves produced by female peppertrees. Additionally, we conducted experiments where seeds of native species were sowed on soils collected beneath the canopy of both tree genders. The results of all these experiments indicated that both peppertree genders can reduce germination of native species, but also suggested that male peppertrees would have stronger allelopathic effects than female peppertrees. To our best knowledge, this is the first study reporting allelopathic effects of peppertrees on native plants from Mexico, but this is also the first study indicating differential gender effects for invasive dioecious species with allelopathic potential.""El pirul (Schinus molle) es una especie dioica de Sudamérica que fue introducida en México hace cinco siglos atrás. Este árbol ha invadido campos agrícolas abandonados de regiones semiáridas, donde puede ser encontrado con varias especies de plantas suculentas nativas que han recolonizado estas áreas. Aunque los pirules tienen efectos alelopáticos negativos sobre los cultivos, sus efectos sobre estas plantas nativas siguen siendo desconocidos. De hecho, la alelopatía de los pirules sólo se ha probado para individuos femeninos, mientras que el potencial alelopático de los pirules masculinos aún no se ha evaluado. Este estudio se enfocó en estos temas y evaluó si los pirules inhiben la germinación de plantas suculentas del desierto Chihuahuense y si estos efectos diferen entre árboles masculinos y femeninos. Para ello se realizó una serie de bioensayos de germinación donde semillas de las especies nativas fueron regadas con extractos acuosos obtenidos de fores estaminadas y hojas producidas por pirules masculinos, y con extractos acuosos de frutos y hojas producidas por pirules femeninos. Adicionalmente, realizamos experimentos donde semillas de las especies nativas fueron sembraron en suelos recogidos bajo el dosel de ambos géneros de pirul. Los resultados de todos estos experimentos indicaron que ambos géneros del pirul pueden reducir la germinación de especies nativas, pero también sugirieron que los pirules masculinos tendrpian efectos alelopáticos más fuertes sobre las especies nativas que los pirules femeninos. Hasta donde estamos enterados, este es el primer estudio que reporta efectos alelopáticos de los pirules sobre plantas nativas de México, pero esto también es el primer estudio que indica los efectos de diferenciales del género para especies invasoras dioicas con potencial alelopático.

    Impact of concurrent pregnancy and lactation on maternal nestbuilding, estradiol and progesterone concentrations in rabbits

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    [EN] We evaluated the impact of concurrent pregnancy and lactation on: nest-building (i.e., digging, straw-carrying, hair-pulling), food intake, milk output, body weight, and the concentration of estradiol and progesterone in blood. Digging was lower in pregnant-lactating (PL) rabbits, compared with pregnant-only (PO) does, on 21-23 d (52±64 vs. 104±86 g, respectively; mean±SD; P<0.05). Straw-carrying was also reduced in PL does on 24-26 d (9±27 vs. 79±94 g; P<0.005), 27-29 (27±56 vs. 99±77 g; P<0.005), and in the total amount of material introduced into the nest box (132±167 vs. 286±217 g; P<0.02). Hair-pulling was expressed by practically all animals. Food intake declined in PO does on the three days preceding parturition (P<0.01) and increased markedly during lactation; this increase was much larger in PL than in lactating-only (LO) rabbits (P<0.01). Milk output was similar between PL and LO does during the first 21 d of lactation but a marked decline in this parameter occurred in PL does from then until 30 d. The differences in nest-building between PL and PO rabbits may be related to the concentrations of estradiol and progesterone on specific days of pregnancy. PL does showed significantly higher estradiol levels than PO animals on pregnancy 1 d (33±13 vs. 23±4 pg/mL; P<0.02) and 21 (34±19 vs. 24±6 pg/mL; P<0.05) and also higher levels of progesterone on pregnancy 1 d (4±5 vs. 1±2 ng/mL; P<0.05). However, PL rabbits had lower levels of progesterone on 7 d (6±3 vs. 9±2 ng/mL; P<0.02) and 14 d (8±3 vs. 11±3 ng/mL; P<0.005) than PO does. Our results indicate that the unique endocrine milieu of PL rabbits has a direct bearing on specific behavioral and physiological phenomena that impact productivity on the farm.González-Mariscal, G.; Gallegos, J.; Sierra-Ramírez, A.; Garza Flores, J. (2009). Impact of concurrent pregnancy and lactation on maternal nestbuilding, estradiol and progesterone concentrations in rabbits. World Rabbit Science. 17(3):145-152. doi:10.4995/wrs.2009.65414515217

    Ácido giberélico, paclobutrazol, fluoridone, ácido abscísico afectan la sincronización de la floración del cafeto

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    Applications of gibberellic acid (GA), paclobutrazol and gibberellic acid (Paclo/GA), fluoridone and gibberellic acid (FL/GA), and abscisic acid (ABA) were made to synchronize flowering in coffee trees (Coffea arabica L.). Overall growth of trees and branches was not affected by the treatments. Production of new leaves was not affected by the treatments. However, the Paclo/GA treatment tended to increase the production of secondary branches. Flower bud production was affected by the ABA treatment during the first three weeks, showing an initial reduction in number and a late development of buds. Plants receiving the GA treatment produced more flowers during the first week of evaluation as well as a higher number and greater weight of mature fruits during the first week of harvesting. Se realizaron aplicaciones de ácido giberélico (GA), paclobutrazol y ácido giberélico (Paclo/GA), fluoridone y ácido giberélico (FL/GA), y ácido abscísico (ABA) con el propósito de sincronizar la floración del cafeto (Coffea arabica L.). Ninguno de los tratamientos afectó el crecimiento del árbol ni de las ramas. Los tratamientos no afectaron significativamente la producción de hojas nuevas; sin embargo, se observó una tendencia en el tratamiento con Paclo/GA a incrementar el número de ramas secundarias. La producción de yemas florales se afectó con el tratamiento de ABA durante las primeras tres semanas, mostrando una reducción inicial en el número de yemas y un comportamiento tardío en su desarrollo. El tratamiento de GA resultó en una mayor cantidad de flores durante la primera semana de evaluación y un mayor número y peso de frutas maduras durante el primer mes de cosecha

    Fermentation: Metabolism, Kinetic Models, and Bioprocessing

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    Biochemical and metabolic interpretation of microbial growth is an important topic in bioreactor design. We intend to address valuable information about the relation of critical operation variables and the simulation of bioprocesses with unstructured and structured kinetic models. Process parameters such as nutrient supply, pH, dissolved oxygen, and metabolic end-products directly impact the physiology and metabolism of microorganisms. Changes in the membrane as well as cell viability are of interest since protein expression and maturation in prokaryota are directly related to membrane integrity. This chapter intends to deliver an insight of different alternatives in kinetic modeling

    Loss of pancreas upon activated Wnt signaling is concomitant with emergence of gastrointestinal identity

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    Organ formation is achieved through the complex interplay between signaling pathways and transcriptional cascades. The canonical Wnt signaling pathway plays multiple roles during embryonic development including patterning, proliferation and differentiation in distinct tissues. Previous studies have established the importance of this pathway at multiple stages of pancreas formation as well as in postnatal organ function and homeostasis. In mice, gain-of-function experiments have demonstrated that activation of the canonical Wnt pathway results in pancreatic hypoplasia, a phenomenon whose underlying mechanisms remains to be elucidated. Here, we show that ectopic activation of epithelial canonical Wnt signaling causes aberrant induction of gastric and intestinal markers both in the pancreatic epithelium and mesenchyme, leading to the development of gut-like features. Furthermore, we provide evidence that β -catenin-induced impairment of pancreas formation depends on Hedgehog signaling. Together, our data emphasize the developmental plasticity of pancreatic progenitors and further underscore the key role of precise regulation of signaling pathways to maintain appropriate organ boundaries