339 research outputs found

    Oxidación a 1123 K de sistemas multicapa AISI 304-Ni/Al-Al2O3/TiO2 depositados mediante proyección por llama

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    The oxidation behaviour of alumina/titania (97/3, 87/13 and 60/40) ceramic coatings using a Ni-Al coupling layer was studied in a thermobalance. Both layers were deposited on an AISI 304 stainless steel base metal by the flame spray technique. The coated steel was heated from room temperature to 1,123 K at 40 K min–1, oxidized in air for 50 h, and then cooled to room temperature at 40 K min–1. The mass gain was mainly attributed to the oxidation of Ni-Al coupling layer. Kinetic laws, DW·S–1 (mg.mm–2) vs. time (hours) were close to a parabolic plot for each sample. Surface composition of ceramic top layer and the cross section of multilayer system were analysed using a wide range of experimental techniques including Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), equipped with a link energy dispersive X-Ray spectroscopy (EDX) and X-Ray diffraction (XRD) before and after the oxidation process. Coatings 97/3 and 87/13 presented a stable structure after flame spray deposition and they did not evolve with the oxidation process, while most of the 60/40 coating changed to a metastable structure after deposition and to a more stable structure after oxidation with high micro-cracks content. SEM and EDX microanalysis of the cross-sections showed that significant oxidation and a weak intergranular precipitation had been produced in the coupling layer and on the stainless steel base metal, respectively.El comportamiento a oxidación de recubrimientos cerámicos alúmina/titania (97/3, 87/13, 60/40) usando una capa de anclaje Ni-Al se ha estudiado mediante una termobalanza. Ambas capas se han depositado sobre un acero inoxidable AISI 304 utilizando la técnica de proyección llama (FS). El acero recubierto se ha calentado desde la temperatura ambiente hasta 1.123 K a 40 K min–1, se ha oxidado al aire durante 50 h, y luego se ha enfriado hasta la temperatura ambiente a 40 K min–1. La ganancia en masa se atribuye a la oxidación de la capa de enganche Ni-Al. La cinética DW·S–1 (mg.mm–2) vs. tiempo (horas) se ha ajustado a una ley parabólica para todas las muestras. La composición super- ficial de la capa cerámica y la sección transversal del sistema multicapa se han analizado mediante las técnicas de Microscopía Electrónica de Barrido (SEM), Espectroscopia de Energías Dispersivas de Rayos X (EDX), Difracción de Rayos X (XRD) antes y después del proceso de oxidación. Los recubrimientos 97/3 y 87/13 han presentado una estruc- tura estable tras el proceso de deposición por proyección por llama y esta estructura tampoco ha evolucionado después de la oxidación, mientras la mayor parte del recubrimiento 60/40 ha cambiado a una estructura metaestable después la deposición y finalmente ha evolucionado a una estructura más estable después de la oxidación con alto contenido de microagrietamiento. El microanálisis mediante SEM y EDX de las secciones transversales han mostrado una oxidación significativa en la capa de enganche y una débil precipitación intergranular en el material base AISI 30

    Size and shape of supported zirconia nanoparticles determined by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

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    6 pages, 7 figures, 1 table.-- PACS: 68.55.Ac; 68.55.Jk; 79.60.DpThe initial stages of growth of zirconia nanoparticles deposited on SiO2, Y2O3, and CeO2 substrates have been studied by the x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy peak shape analysis. ZrO2 was deposited by plasma decomposition of a volatile Zr(OtBu)4 precursor. The electronic interactions at each particular interface formed have been followed by means of the modified Auger parameter of the deposited Zr cations. They were quantified by means of Wagner plots and the chemical state vectors of the systems. The observed changes in these local electronic probes as the amount of deposit was increased have been correlated to the particular ZrO2 nanostructures identified on each substrate considered. A Volmer-Weber (islands) growth mechanism has been found for all the substrates considered. Moreover, clear indications have been found of a columnar growth for the case of ZrO2 deposited on SiO2.We thank the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education (MAT2004-01558) for financial support.Peer reviewe

    Lung CD57+ cell density is increased in very severe COPD

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    Among all inflammatory cells involved in COPD, those with a cytolytic or elastolytic activity are thought to play a key role in the pathogenesis of the disease. However, there is no data about the infiltration of cells expressing the CD57 marker in small airways and parenchyma of COPD patients. In this study, surgical specimens from 43 subjects undergoing lung resection due to lung cancer (9 non-smokers, 18 smokers without COPD and 16 smokers with moderate COPD) and 16 patients undergoing double lung transplantation for very severe COPD were examined. CD57+ cells, neutrophils, macrophages and mast cells infiltrating bronchioles (epithelium, smooth muscle and connective tissue) and parenchymal interstitium were localized and quantified by immunohistochemical analysis. Compared to the other groups, the small airways of very severe COPD patients showed a significantly higher density of CD57+ cells, mainly infiltrated in the connective tissue (p=0.001), and a significantly higher density of neutrophils located characteristically in the epithelium (p=0.037). Also, the density of neutrophils was significantly higher in parenchyma of very severe COPD patients compared with the rest of the groups (p=0.001). Finally, there were significant correlations between the bronchiolar density of CD57+ cells and the FEV1 values (R=-0.43, p=0.022), as well as between the parenchymal density of neutrophils and macroscopic emphysema degree (R=0.43, p=0.048) in COPD groups. These results show that CD57+ cells may be involved in COPD pathogenesis, especially in the most severe stages of the disease

    Assessment of targeted selective treatment criteria to control subclinical gastrointestinal nematode infections on sheep farms

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    Control of sheep gastrointestinal nematode (GIN) infections mostly relies on the use of anthelmintics. Refugia-based control strategies as targeted selective treatments (TST) can delay anthelmintic resistance development, but the optimal decision criteria for selecting individuals to be treated in subclinical infection scenarios remain unclear. The present study aimed to evaluate the suitability of body condition score (BCS) and faecal egg counts (FEC) as treatment indicators and to determine their optimized threshold values for treatment in TST by determining the relationships of BCS, FEC and anthelmintic treatment with several productive parameters in pre-mating and pre-partum periods at an individual level. Deworming in pre-mating period increased BCS gain, but its magnitude was directly associated with strongyle FEC before treatment. Deworming also increased fertility in ewes with BCS 400 epg before treatment. These results showed that FEC and especially BCS can be potential decision criteria for the implementation of TST in these types of scenarios. The TST scheme derived from the present results on the control of GIN infections should include anthelmintic treatment of ewes with BCS lower than ˜ 3 approximately five weeks before mating and lambing. In the pre-lambing period, treatment may be unnecessary if flock mean strongyle FEC is lower than ˜ 200 epg, as the proportion of ewes with individual FEC > 400 epg would be very low. The results suggest that implementation of this TST scheme would provide benefits, such as the improvement of productivity, a rational management of parasites in refugia, and preservation of future efficacy of anthelmintics, in comparison to traditional deworming schemes

    Mechanical and tribological properties of alumina/titania coatings deposited by Ooxifuel

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    En este trabajo se ha estudiado, las fases, las propiedades mecánicas y la resistencia al desgaste abrasivo de recubrimientos cerámicos alumina/titania proyectados por el proceso de oxifuel (spray llama). La proporción de titania tiene una fuerte influencia sobre la porosidad de los recubrimientos, habiéndose observado una disminución casi-lineal de la porosidad con el incremento de titania. Las fases cristalinas que resultan después de la proyección han variado según la naturaleza del polvo y el proceso térmico experimentado. Mientras la dureza obtenida depende sólo del porcentaje en peso de titania, la tenacidad es una función inversa de la dureza, y, la resistencia al desgaste por abrasión es una función creciente con la dureza de los recubrimientosIn this paper the porosity, phases, mechanical properties and abrasive wear resistance of ceramic layers of Al2O3/TiO2 deposited using the flame spray process are evaluated. The proportion of titania has a strong influence on the porosity of the coating, having observed an approximately linear plot decrease with the increasing of titania´s content. Crystalline phases of the deposited layers changed according to the characteristics of the powder and the thermal process employed. It has been observed that hardness depends only on the titania percentage, also toughness decreases with coatings hardness but resistance to abrasive wear traces an increasing lineal plot with this propert

    Classe invertida (flipped classroom). Experiència en el grau d'Infermeria.

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    Projecte finalitzat desembre 2015En l’aula invertida (flipped classroom) (FC), els estudiants treballen fora de classe, tasques prèviament preparades amb aquest fi pel professorat. L’objectiu del estudi es motivar als estudiants suplint per FC les classes teòriques magistrals. Superar favorablement FC evita l’examen final (30% de l’avaluació). Context d’aplicació: grup C, 89 estudiants (finalitzen n=81). Programa de Ciències Psicosocials Aplicades a la Salut, assignatura anual, formació bàsica, 9 ECTS, primer curs, Grau d’Infermeria, tarda, segon semestre, curs 2014-15. Metodologia: resposta escrita a preguntes amb suport bibliogràfic i avaluació amb instruments específics estandaritzats. A classe: avaluació per parells i contrastos verbals sobre continguts, tutelats per la professora, que presenta una segona avaluació setmanal (campus virtual). Resultats: Contrast estadístic de notes FC amb examen test, igual al realitzat en grup A (intraclasse). Puntuació (sobre 10) superior a FC (mitja: 7,96 + DE: 0,67) que en l’examen (mitja 5,89 + DE: 1,26), <0.001. També es contrasten resultats d’examen de FC i de grup A (mitja: 6,02 + DE 1,18) (interclasse) i no es troben diferencies estadísticament significatives 0.508 . Degut a que el grup C (FC) no s’havia preparat ni estudiat l’examen, la diferencia de dècimes mostra una adquisició de coneixements favorable per la experiència flipped classroom.2014PID-UB/5

    Formation and emission properties of single InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots and pairs grown by droplet epitaxy

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    Trabajo presentado a la 30th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, celebrada en Seul (Korea) del 25 al 30 de Julio de 2010.The emission properties of lateral and vertical QD pairs grown on GaAs nanoholes are investigated. Vertical QD pairs with different size asymmetry have been fabricated controlling the bottom QD size independently of the areal density. The emission of individual pairs is dominated by spectral diffusion effects and charge instabilities induced by the local charge environment. Lateral QD pairs have been fabricated on GaAs nanoholes and studied as a function of an electric field applied in the growth plane.Peer Reviewe

    Anatomical targets and expected outcomes of catheter-based ablation of atrial fibrillation in 2020.

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    Anatomical-based approaches, targeting either pulmonary vein isolation (PVI) or additional extra PV regions, represent the most commonly used ablation treatments in symptomatic patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) recurrences despite antiarrhythmic drug therapy. PVI remains the main anatomical target during catheter-based AF ablation, with the aid of new technological advances as contact force monitoring to increase safety and effective radiofrequency (RF) lesions. Nowadays, cryoballoon ablation has also achieved the same level of scientific evidence in patients with paroxysmal AF undergoing PVI. In parallel, electrical isolation of extra PV targets has progressively increased, which is associated with a steady increase in complex cases undergoing ablation. Several atrial regions as the left atrial posterior wall, the vein of Marshall, the left atrial appendage, or the coronary sinus have been described in different series as locations potentially involved in AF initiation and maintenance. Targeting these regions may be challenging using conventional point-by-point RF delivery, which has opened new opportunities for coadjuvant alternatives as balloon ablation or selective ethanol injection. Although more extensive ablation may increase intraprocedural AF termination and freedom from arrhythmias during the follow-up, some of the targets to achieve such outcomes are not exempt of potential severe complications. Here, we review and discuss current anatomical approaches and the main ablation technologies to target atrial regions associated with AF initiation and maintenance.This work was supported by the European Regional Development Fund, the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (SAF2016- 80324-R), and the Fundación Interhospitalaria para la Investigación Cardiovascular (FIC). The Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC) is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and the Pro-CNIC Foundation, and is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence (SEV-2015-0505). Giulio La Rosa has received a fellowship grant from the joint program between the Heart Rhythm Association of the Spanish Society of Cardiology (ARC) and CNIC.S

    Precision medicine in sepsis and septic shock: From omics to clinical tools

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    Endotype; Organ dysfunction; SepsisEndotipo; Disfunción de órganos; SepsisEndotip; Disfunció d'òrgans; SèpsiaSepsis is a heterogeneous disease with variable clinical course and several clinical phenotypes. As it is associated with an increased risk of death, patients with this condition are candidates for receipt of a very well-structured and protocolized treatment. All patients should receive the fundamental pillars of sepsis management, which are infection control, initial resuscitation, and multiorgan support. However, specific subgroups of patients may benefit from a personalized approach with interventions targeted towards specific pathophysiological mechanisms. Herein, we will review the framework for identifying subpopulations of patients with sepsis, septic shock, and multiorgan dysfunction who may benefit from specific therapies. Some of these approaches are still in the early stages of research, while others are already in routine use in clinical practice, but together will help in the effective generation and safe implementation of precision medicine in sepsis

    ATLAS TileCal read-out driver system production and initial performance results

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    8 pages, 9 figures.-- ISI Article Identifier: 000251744500005The ATLAS Hadronic Tile Calorimeter detector (TileCal) is an iron-scintillating tiles sampling calorimeter designed to operate at the Large Hadron Collider accelerator at CERN. The central element of the back-end system of the TileCal detector is a 9U VME Read-Out Driver (ROD) board. The operation of the TileCal calorimeter requires a total of 32 ROD boards. This paper summarizes the tests performed during the ROD production and the results obtained. Data processing is performed in the ROD by digital signal processors, whose operation is based on the use of online algorithms such as the optimal filtering algorithm for the signal amplitude, pedestal and time reconstruction and the online Muon tagging algorithm which identifies low transverse momentum muons. The initial performance of both algorithms run during commissioning is also presented in this paper.This work was supported by the Spanish Technology and Science Commission under project FPA2003-09220-C02-02.Peer reviewe
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