554 research outputs found

    Efectividad del PRP en el tratamiento de la artrosis de rodilla: Estudio de casos

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    La artrosis es una enfermedad degenerativa de elevada prevalencia para la cual, en la actualidad, no hay tratamiento curativo. Una de las localizaciones más frecuentes es la rodilla. La utilización de infiltraciones de plasma rico en plaquetas constituye una alternativa en el tratamiento de esta patología. Objetivo: demostrar la efectividad y la seguridad de las infiltraciones con PRP en el tratamiento de pacientes con artrosis de rodilla. Resultado: este trabajo muestra una disminución significativa del dolor y de la rigidez de la rodilla y una mejoría significativa de la función articular en pacientes tratados con PRP intraarticular, sin presencia de complicaciones. Conclusión: la infiltración intraarticular con PRP puede ser un instrumento útil y seguro como tratamiento sintomático de pacientes con artrosis de rodilla refractaria a tratamiento higiénico-dietético y farmacológico.Grado en Medicin

    Virtues and values education in schools: a study in an international sample.

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    There is a deficit in character education research in Latin America and a lack of clarity about conceptual issues relevant to values and virtues. This lack of conceptual clarity has practical importance. The research sought to investigate empirically how school managers and teachers understand and practice character education, with particular attention to the distinction between educating values and virtues. The study was carried out during the first semester of 2022 on a sample of 160 schools in 17 countries, mainly in Christian schools in Spain and Mexico. The results show that there are differences according to the type of school and country. There are important findings regarding the concept of virtue and its relation to the concept of value, which virtues and values are most relevant for schools to teach, and which are the most used strategies in character education programmes. The research points to moral education as a central theme in schools, which considers both virtue and values education. There is a genuine interest on training teachers in virtue education.pre-print1755 K

    The effect of teacher leadership on students’ purposeful learning.

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    Teaching leadership is a key factor for students’ learning and flourishing, and it occurs in an asymmetrical and interpersonal relationship. This research seeks to characterize the teaching leadership of high school teachers through the influence they exert on their students. It is not based on the teacher’s self-perception but on the experience that the students have had. For this purpose, a qualitative study was carried out in Spain with 200 first-year university students in which they answered four questions about the teacher who most influenced them during their high school. The results point to five leadership traits or styles that are not mutually exclusive: empathetic leadership, comforting leadership, motivating leadership, exemplary leadership, and wise leadership. In addition, moments of weakness and vulnerability in students are those that most favour the influence of the teacher in their lives, encouraging vital learning in them. This study highlights the importance of teacher leadership for student character education.post-print1771 K

    La enseñanza del léxico del español coloquial en el aula de E/LE

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    Máster Universitario en Enseñanza del Español como Lengua Extranjera y de Otras Lenguas Moderna

    Espectroscopía de dos fotones de alta precisión en isótopos de hidrógeno para la medida del campo eléctrico en plasmas generados en descargas de cátodo hueco

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    En esta tesis se ha medido la intensidad del campo eléctrico local en la zona de cátodo en una descarga de cátodo hueco en régimen de glow-discharge operada en hidrógeno y deuterio, en un amplio rango de presiones y corrientes para estudiar la influencia del diámetro (10 y 15 mm) y material del cátodo empleado (acero inoxidable y tungsteno). El método se basa en el estudio del efecto Stark del nivel n=2, mediante la absorción de dos fotones de 243 nm, circularmente polarizados en sentidos opuestos y en direcciones contrarias, para eliminar el efecto Doppler. Cuando el átomo se encuentra en el estado 2S, se fotoioniza, modificando la impedancia del plasma, que puede ser detectada como la calda del voltaje en una resistencia (espectroscopia optogalvánica) . El campo eléctrico local se determina comparando la separación de las componentes Stark con los valores teóricos.Departamento de Física Teórica, Atómica y ÓpticaDoctorado en Físic

    Las necesidades del alumnado de Magisterio de Lengua Extranjera y Educación Física en torno a las Nuevas Tecnologías

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    The incorporation of the new technologies to the curriculum of the title of teacher has presented throughout their advantages development and inconvenient that they have gone dialing their path. This circumstance has caused that us, as educational of the same we see ourselves in the need of determining which are the knowledge that the pupils that study it already possess, what believe what are and what do not know of they. In this article are presented the results obtained in connection with these problems in two specialties from the title of Teacher, Foreign language and Physical Education, during the academic course 2003/2004.La incorporación de las nuevas tecnologías al curriculum de la titulación de maestro ha presentado a lo largo de su desarrollo ventajas e inconvenientes que han ido marcando su trayectoria. Esta circunstancia nos ha hecho que, como docentes de la misma nos veamos en la necesidad de determinar cuáles son los conocimientos que los alumnos que la cursan ya poseen, qué creen que son y qué desconocen de ellas. En este artículo se presentan los resultados obtenidos en torno a estas cuestiones en dos especialidades de la titulación de Maestro, Lengua Extranjera y Educación Fisica, durante el curso académico 2003/2004

    A virtue-based model of leadership education.

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    This article presents a theoretical justification and a proposal that seeks to educate university students in leadership through virtues and personal competencies. A distinction is offered between virtues and competencies without opposing them. Subsequently, a leadership education model based on virtues and personal competencies is offered. This proposal applies the Aristotelian-Thomistic tradition of education in virtues considering the contributions of psychology and leadership theory. The leadership model includes eight competencies linked to the cardinal virtues, which are grouped into three domains: understanding reality, relating to others and dedication to the task. Finally, some guidelines for the further development of assessment instruments and for leadership education of university students are offered.post-print830 K

    A Convolutional Approach to Quality Monitoring for Laser Manufacturing

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    [Abstract] The extraction of meaningful features from the monitoring of laser processes is the foundation of new non-destructive quality inspection methods for the manufactured pieces, which has been and remains a growing interest in industry. We present ConvLBM, a novel approach to monitor Laser Based Manufacturing processes in real-time. ConvLBM uses a Convolutional Neural Network model to extract features and quality indicators from raw Medium Wavelength Infrared coaxial images. We demonstrate the ability of ConvLBM to represent process dynamics, and predict quality indicators in two scenarios: dilution estimation in Laser Metal Deposition, and location of defects in laser welding processes. Obtained results represent a breakthrough in the 3D printing of large metal parts, and in the quality control of welding processes. We are also releasing the first large dataset of annotated images of laser manufacturing

    Breaking seams. IKE: the insubordination -one more- of the textile working women

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    [ES] Analizamos el conflicto de la empresa textil Confecciones Gijón (IKE) cuyo desarrollo, tanto por la duración como por las formas de lucha, supuso un hito en la lucha obrera de mujeres y cuyo recuerdo la lógica patriarcal quiso sepultar en el olvido. Lo hemos puesto en contexto, por una parte, con la histórica asignación a las mujeres de la actividad textil —en un principio como tarea digna y valorada y progresivamente devaluada e infravalorada— y, por otra parte, con la trayectoria de lucha de las mujeres del textil, muy reivindicativa y combativa desde los inicios de la industrialización, pero acallada y voluntariamente olvidada por ser mujeres sus protagonistas. El propósito es no dejar que la lucha de IKE caiga en el olvido que impone la (des)memoria patriarcal y engarzarla con las luchas anteriores y posteriores para dar testimonio de la histórica insumisión de las mujeres del textil.[EN] This study analyzes the conflict of the textile company Confecciones Gijón (IKE), whose development was a milestone in the women's workers' struggle both for the duration and the forms of struggle and whose memory the patriarchal logic wanted to bury in oblivion. The context is, on the one hand, with the new assignment to women of the textile activity, at first, as a worthy and valued task and progressively devalued and undervalued; on the other hand, with the trajectory of the struggle of the women of the textile, very claiming and combative since the beginning of industrialization, but silenced and voluntarily forgotten for being women its protagonists. The aim is not to allow the IKE struggle to fall into oblivion imposed by the patriarchal forgetfulness and linking it with the previous and subsequent struggles to bear witness to the historical insubordination of the women of the textile