295 research outputs found

    Emissions of Fe(II) and its kinetic of oxidation at Tagoro submarine volcano, El Hierro

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    The eruptive process that took place in October 2011 in the submarine volcano Tagoro off the Island of El Hierro and the subsequent degasification stage, five months later, have increased the concentration of TdFe(II) (Total dissolved iron(II)) in thewaters nearest to the volcanic edifice. In order to detect any variation in concentrations of TdFe(II) due to hydrothermal emissions, three cruiseswere carried out two years after the eruptive process in October 2013,March 2014 andMay 2015. The results fromthese cruises confirmed important positive anomalies in TdFe(II), which coincided with negatives anomalies in pHF,is (pH in free scale, at in situ conditions) located in the proximity of themain cone. Maximumvalues in TdFe(II) both at the surface, associated to chlorophyll a maximum, and at the sea bottom, were also observed, showing the important influence of organic complexation and particle re-suspension processes. Temporal variability studies were carried out over periods ranging from hours to days in the stations located over themain and two secondary cones in the volcanic edifice with positive anomalies in TdFe(II) concentrations and negative anomalies in pHF,is values. Observations showed an important variability in both pHF,is and TdFe(II) concentrations, which indicated the volcanic area was affected by a degasification process that remained in the volcano after the eruptive phase had ceased. Fe(II) oxidation kinetic studies were also undertaken in order to analyze the effects of the seawater properties in the proximities of the volcano on the oxidation rate constants and t1/2 (half-life time) of ferrous iron. The increased TdFe(II) concentrations and the low associated pHF,is values acted as an important fertilization event in the seawater around the Tagoro volcano at the Island of El Hierro providing optimal conditions for the regeneration of the area.En prens

    Novel types of anti-ecloud surfaces

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    In high power RF devices for space, secondary electron emission appears as the main parameter governing the multipactor effect and as well as the e-cloud in large accelerators. Critical experimental activities included development of coatings with low secondary electron emission yield (SEY) for steel (large accelerators) and aluminium (space applications). Coatings with surface roughness of high aspect ratio producing the so-call secondary emission suppression effect appear as the selected strategy. In this work a detailed study of the SEY of these technological coatings and also the experimental deposition methods (PVD and electrochemical) are presented. The coating-design approach selected for new low SEY coatings include rough metals (Ag, Au, Al), rough alloys (NEG), particulated and magnetized surfaces, and also graphene like coatings. It was found that surface roughness also mitigate the SEY deterioration due to aging processes.Comment: 4 pages, contribution to the Joint INFN-CERN-EuCARD-AccNet Workshop on Electron-Cloud Effects: ECLOUD'12; 5-9 Jun 2012, La Biodola, Isola d'Elba, Italy; CERN Yellow Report CERN-2013-002, pp.153-15

    Genomic lineages of Rhizobium etli revealed by the extent of nucleotide polymorphisms and low recombination

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Most of the DNA variations found in bacterial species are in the form of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), but there is some debate regarding how much of this variation comes from mutation versus recombination. The nitrogen-fixing symbiotic bacteria <it>Rhizobium etli </it>is highly variable in both genomic structure and gene content. However, no previous report has provided a detailed genomic analysis of this variation at nucleotide level or the role of recombination in generating diversity in this bacterium. Here, we compared draft genomic sequences versus complete genomic sequences to obtain reliable measures of genetic diversity and then estimated the role of recombination in the generation of genomic diversity among <it>Rhizobium etli</it>.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We identified high levels of DNA polymorphism in <it>R. etli</it>, and found that there was an average divergence of 4% to 6% among the tested strain pairs. DNA recombination events were estimated to affect 3% to 10% of the genomic sample analyzed. In most instances, the nucleotide diversity (π) was greater in DNA segments with recombinant events than in non-recombinant segments. However, this degree of recombination was not sufficiently large to disrupt the congruence of the phylogenetic trees, and further evaluation of recombination in strains quartets indicated that the recombination levels in this species are proportionally low.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our data suggest that <it>R. etli </it>is a species composed of separated lineages with low homologous recombination among the strains. Horizontal gene transfer, particularly via the symbiotic plasmid characteristic of this species, seems to play an important role in diversity but the lineages maintain their evolutionary cohesiveness.</p

    Challenges in the COVID-19 vaccination era: Prioritization of vaccines among essential workers in Mexico

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    The coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic gave rise to a massive global health concern that has placed an unprecedented strain on healthcare systems, education and economy. The recent vaccine roll-out gave humanity a glimpse of hope. However, more than 50% of the vaccine supply has been acquired by high-income countries, forcing low- and middle-income countries to prioritize who should be vaccinated. In Mexico, the first phase of the vaccination program prioritized healthcare personnel working in front-line COVID-19 public institutions. The second phase was planned for the remaining healthcare workers attending at both COVID and non-COVID areas. The government, however, aiming to reopen schools, decided to vaccinate teachers instead. This raised several concerns, since Mexico tops the ranking of deaths among healthcare workers due to COVID-19 worldwide. Furthermore, the possible framing of vaccines as a political tool has caused commotion among the Mexican people and media, especially since 2021 is the Midterm Election year in Mexico, and the Teachers’ Union has historically played an essential role in this matter. Therefore, it is relevant to share the vaccination experience in resource-constrained settings to provide help and advice to reach an optimal strategy and deflate this pandemic

    Significant Release of Dissolved Inorganic Nutrients From the Shallow Submarine Volcano Tagoro (Canary Islands) Based on Seven-Year Monitoring

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    Tagoro, the shallow submarine volcano that erupted south of El Hierro (Canary Islands, Spain) in October 2011, has been intensely monitored for over 7 years, from the early eruptive stage to the current degassing stage characterized by moderate hydrothermal activity. Here, we present a detailed study of the emissions of inorganic macronutrients (NO2– + NO3–, PO4, and Si(OH)4) comprising a dataset of over 3300 samples collected through three different sampling methodologies. Our results show a significant nutrient enrichment throughout the whole studied period, up to 8.8-fold (nitrate), 4.0-fold (phosphate), and 16.3-fold (silicate) in the water column, and larger enrichments of phosphate (10.5-fold) and silicate (325.4-fold), but not of nitrate, in the samples collected directly from the vents. We also provide some preliminary results showing ammonium (NH4+) concentrations up to 1.97 μM in the vent fluids as compared to 0.02 μM in the surrounding waters. Nutrient fluxes from the volcano during the degassing stage were estimated as 3.19 ± 1.17 mol m–2 year–1 (NO2– + NO3–), 0.02 ± 0.01 mol m–2 year–1 (PO4), and 0.60 ± 1.35 mol m–2 year–1 (Si(OH)4), comparable to other important nutrient sources in the region such as fluxes from the NW-African upwelling. Nutrient ratios were affected, with a minimum (NO3– + NO2–):PO4 ratio of 2.36:1; moreover, a linear correlation between silicate and temperature enabled the use of this nutrient as a mixing tracer. This study sheds light on how shallow hydrothermal systems impact the nutrient-poor upper waters of the ocean.En prens

    ICOS-Spain. Activity Report 2021-2022

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    Editors: O.E. García, S.F. León-Luis y Melchor González-Dávila.[ES]El Sistema Integrado de Observación del Carbono (ICOS) es una infraestructura europea de investigación (ERIC) que tiene por objetivo la monitorización de gases de efecto invernadero. Esta iniciativa está financiada por la Unión Europea y países socios. La Asamblea General de ICOS aprobó la solicitud de adhesión de España, y su incorporación se hizo oficial el 1 de enero de 2021. En la actualidad, la red ICOS-España, donde AEMET ejerce la coordinación, cuenta con cinco estaciones que cubren los dominios: atmosférico, oceánico y de ecosistema. El "Informe de Actividades ICOS-España: 2021-2022" presenta las principales tareas llevadas a cabo en cada estación, con el objetivo de obtener la certificación ICOS y mostrar el estado actual de avance en este proceso. Además, el informe también resume las actividades de comunicación y difusión realizadas por los investigadores que forman parte del nodo nacional.[EN]The Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS) is a European Research Infrastructure (ERIC) that aims to monitor greenhouse gases. This initiative is funded by the European Union and partner countries. The ICOS General Assembly approved Spain's membership, and its incorporation officially began on January 1, 2021. Currently, the ICOS-Spain national network, coordinated by AEMET, has five stations covering atmospheric, oceanic, and ecosystem domains. The "ICOS-Spain Activities Report: 2021-2022" presents the main tasks carried out at each station, with the aim of obtaining ICOS certification and the current situation of this process. In addition, the report also summarizes the communication and dissemination activities carried out by the researchers who are part of the national node

    Donepezil alone and combined with intensive language-action therapy on depression and apathy in chronic post-stroke aphasia: A feasibility study

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    This study explored the feasibility and effectiveness of a short-term (10-week) intervention trial using Donepezil administered alone and combined with intensive language action therapy (ILAT) for the treatment of apathy and depression in ten people with chronic post-stroke aphasia. Outcome measures were the Western Aphasia Battery and the Stroke Aphasia Depression Questionnaire-21. Structural magnetic resonance imaging and 18fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography were acquired at baseline and after two endpoints (Donepezil alone and Donepezil-ILAT). The intervention was found to be feasible to implement. Large treatment effects were found. Donepezil alone and combined with ILAT reduced aphasia severity, while apathy and depression only improved with Donepezil-ILAT. Structural and functional neuroimaging data did not show conclusive results but provide hints for future research. Given these overall positive findings on feasibility, language and behavioral benefits, further studies in larger sample sizes and including a placebo-control group are indicated

    Donepezil alone and combined with intensive language-action therapy on depression and apathy in chronic post-stroke aphasia: A feasibility study

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    This study explored the feasibility and effectiveness of a short-term (10-week) intervention trial using Donepezil administered alone and combined with intensive language action therapy (ILAT) for the treatment of apathy and depression in ten people with chronic post-stroke aphasia. Outcome measures were the Western Aphasia Battery and the Stroke Aphasia Depression Questionnaire-21. Structural magnetic resonance imaging and 18fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography were acquired at baseline and after two endpoints (Donepezil alone and Donepezil-ILAT). The intervention was found to be feasible to implement. Large treatment effects were found. Donepezil alone and combined with ILAT reduced aphasia severity, while apathy and depression only improved with Donepezil-ILAT. Structural and functional neuroimaging data did not show conclusive results but provide hints for future research. Given these overall positive findings on feasibility, language and behavioral benefits, further studies in larger sample sizes and including a placebo-control group are indicated.This work was supported as an independent research grant funded by Pfizer and Eisai. The funders were not involved in the study design, collection, analysis, or interpretation of the data. The work was also supported in part by the Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spain (under Grant: PI16/01514; MLB and GD), and the Junta de Andalucía, Spain (under Grant: P20_00501; GD). MLB has been supported by funds from the European Social Fund (FEDER). LE and FJL-G have been funded by a PhD scholarship from the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sport under the FPU program (FPU17/04136; FJL-G: FPU17/04470). DL-B was supported by I + D + i Project Andalusia and European Union Funds (FEDER) (UMA18-FEDERJA-221) and by Ramón y Cajal Program (RYC2020-029495-I) from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. MT-P has been funded by a postdoctoral fellowship under the program Plan Andaluz de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación (PAIDI 2020) (DOC_00421). FP and BM were supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft [Pu 97/15-1 and 15-2 to FP, Mo 697/5-2 to BM]. FP was also supported by the European Research Council [ERC-2019-ADG 883811] // Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBUA