1,668 research outputs found

    Corporate bonds, asset-backed securities and deferred checks in Argentina

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    We describe the evolution of three types of corporate securities in Argentina, namely, corporate bonds, asset-backed securities and deferred checks. Corporate bonds (obligaciones negociables) were legally authorized in 1988, and after a tax reform in 1991 they became an important financing vehicle. Asset backed securities (fideicomisos), legally created in 1995, have been issued since 1996. They typically bundle together small credits of a similar category. Deferred checks (cheques de pago diferido) exist since 1993, alongside standard checks. They can be negotiated on the exchange since 2003, and are akin to commercial paper. Corporate bonds have been overwhelmingly issued by large firms and banks, with an average issue size of 53 million dollars. Asset backed securities have an average value of 9 million dollars. Deferred checks are typically used by smaller firms, and those traded on the exchange of the Buenos Aires board of trade have an average value of 9 thousand dollars.private securities, corporate bonds, asset-backed securities, deferred checks

    Database of corporate bonds from Argentina

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    This document describes the construction of a database of corporate bonds issued by firms in Argentina between 1989 and 2005. The database draws on two main sources, the Bolsa de Comercio de Buenos Aires and the Comisión Nacional de Valores, while some additional information comes from the Mercado Abierto Electrónico. In all, we collected information on 1356 corporate bonds, though there are some bonds that have fields with missing information. Our data basically covers the characteristics of the bonds at time of issue. That is, we do not have a detailed description of how the characteristics of those corporate bonds that defaulted in 2001/2002 and were subsequently renegotiated changed. Based on the data from the primary markets, we constructed a series with the total outstanding stock of corporate bonds over this period. The information in the database allows to calculate these stocks at the firm level.primary markets, corporate bonds, institutional framework

    Inter-rater and intra-rater reliability of the extended TUG test in elderly participants

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    Background: To analyse the reliability, variance and execution time of the Extended Timed Up and Go (Extended TUG) test in three age groups of elderly participants (G1: 55–64 years; G2: 65–74 years; G3: 75–85 years). Methods: An analytical cross-sectional study of 114 recruited participants (63 women) of average age 70.17 (± 7.3) years was undertaken. Each participant performed the Extended TUG three consecutive times, with a rest break between tests of 120 s. Both the intragroup and intergroup reliability of the measurements in the Extended TUG were analysed. Results: The reliability of the Extended TUG test is excellent for the first and second decades but drops down to good for the third decade. Specifically, intragroup reliability ranged from 0.784 for G3 to 0.977 for G1 (G2 = 0.858). Intergroup reliability, compared with intragroup reliability, was slightly lower, ranging between 0.779 for G3 and 0.972 for G1 (G2 = 0.853). Conclusion: The reliability of the Extended TUG test progressively decreases with increasing age, being excellent for the younger age groups and good for the oldest age group

    Corporate bonds, asset-backed securities and deferred checks in Argentina

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    We describe the evolution of three types of corporate securities in Argentina, namely, corporate bonds, asset-backed securities and deferred checks. Corporate bonds (obligaciones negociables) were legally authorized in 1988, and after a tax reform in 1991 they became an important financing vehicle. Asset backed securities (fideicomisos), legally created in 1995, have been issued since 1996. They typically bundle together small credits of a similar category. Deferred checks (cheques de pago diferido) exist since 1993, alongside standard checks. They can be negotiated on the exchange since 2003, and are akin to commercial paper. Corporate bonds have been overwhelmingly issued by large firms and banks, with an average issue size of 53 million dollars. Asset backed securities have an average value of 9 million dollars. Deferred checks are typically used by smaller firms, and those traded on the exchange of the Buenos Aires board of trade have an average value of 9 thousand dollars

    Database of corporate bonds from Argentina

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    This document describes the construction of a database of corporate bonds issued by firms in Argentina between 1989 and 2005. The database draws on two main sources, the Bolsa de Comercio de Buenos Aires and the Comisión Nacional de Valores, while some additional information comes from the Mercado Abierto Electrónico. In all, we collected information on 1356 corporate bonds, though there are some bonds that have fields with missing information. Our data basically covers the characteristics of the bonds at time of issue. That is, we do not have a detailed description of how the characteristics of those corporate bonds that defaulted in 2001/2002 and were subsequently renegotiated changed. Based on the data from the primary markets, we constructed a series with the total outstanding stock of corporate bonds over this period. The information in the database allows to calculate these stocks at the firm level

    Entre la salud y la libertad de los habitantes de la calle en Colombia.

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    Los habitantes de calle en Colombia, dentro del margen constitucional y como componentes de la sociedad, son sujetos con derechos que deben ser protegidos bajo los postulados de la dignidad, es por eso que el Estado debe garantizar la salud de estas personas a través de políticas públicas. No obstante, pese al esfuerzo estas en ocasiones limitan o afectan el libre desarrollo de la personalidad de quienes optan por permanecer con estas costumbres de vida, ya que para acceder a la salud que procura la prevención y la resocialización, es necesario renunciar a su estilo de vida, lo que impide que se asista al sistema de salud por considerarlo contrario a sus intereses personales, así se esté en mal estado de salud, lo que provoca que no se garantice ni un derecho ni otro, y a su vez la dignidad de estas personas se vea afectada en vez de mejorar su condición.universidad libre de colombia, Derecho, Especialización en laboral y Seguridad Social.Homeless people in Colombia, within the constitutional margin and as components of society, are subjects with rights that must be guaranteed under the postulates of dignity, that is why the State must guarantee the health of these people through policies that sometimes limit or affect the free development of the personality of those who choose to remain with these lifestyles, since to access the health that seeks prevention and resocialization, it is necessary to give up their lifestyle, which It prevents them from assisting the health system because it is considered contrary to their personal interests, even if they are in poor health, which means that neither one right nor another is guaranteed, and in turn the dignity of these people is affected in instead of improving your condition

    Actividad antibacteriana de extractos etanólicos de bougainvillea glabra choisy (veranera)

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    La Bougainvillea glabra Choisy es una planta trepadora de la familia de las Nyctaginaceae; la cual posee propiedades medicinales y es muy utilizada en la medicina tradicional para tratar tos, gripa o enfermedades gastrointestinales, también se le atribuye actividad frente a diferentes bacterias infecciosas. Por tal motivo se busca determinar si posee actividad antibacteriana frente a algunas bacterias patógenas las cuales causan diversas infecciones o enfermedades postquirúrgicas. Para esto se realizaron infusiones de hojas y flores con solvente alcohol etílico en una concentración al 96% y las cuales se conservaron durante dos meses en refrigeración. Para evaluar la actividad antibacteriana se utilizó el método de difusión por disco frente a las cepas de Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomona aeruginosa y Escherichia coli donde se diluyó la concentración de cada microorganismo al 1.5 x 108 UFC/ml; posteriormente fueron inoculadas en el medio de cultivo; después se depositó encima de éste los sensidiscos impregnados de los diferentes extractos; a cada prueba de susceptibilidad se le realizó su respectivo control para descartar la posibilidad  de que fuera el alcohol etílico el que tuviera la actividad antibacteriana. Realizadas estas pruebas se recolectaron los datos y se determinaron los promedios y porcentajes de inhibición de cada extracto y se hizo una prueba de normalidad Shapiro Wilks, en la cual se estableció que los extractos de hojas tienen una mayor actividad antibacteriana frente a las cepas de S. aureus con una inhibición de 65,3% y 55,5% y P. aeruginosa de 65,7% y 62.9%, representando así que nuestras infusiones tienen una actividad antibacteriana importante y característica

    Unfair law. Universalization formula and human rights

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    Under conditions of applicability, the rules of legal systems can be branded as invalid or valid. On the other hand, the “unfair” qualifying for standards, the legal and political systems has become an element of external rating, then, given the potential ambiguity of the term “justice”, its use was avoided to not fall into subjectivism due the principles of legality and legal certainty. However, the history of legal systems, attached to a political and legal culture, has demonstrated the existence of legal regulations on unfair end. With an analytical, synthetic, and pragmatic methodology, from the kind of research that warrants the Philosophy of Law, the extremely unfair law formula will be discussed and the way to generalize it will be examined from the claim of universality of human rights.En virtud de sus condiciones de aplicabilidad, las normas de los sistemas jurídicos pueden ser tildadas, como inválidas o no vigentes. Por otro lado, el calificativo “injusto” para las normas, los sistemas jurídicos y políticos se ha vuelto un elemento de calificación externa, pues, dada la potencial ambigüedad del término “justicia”, se evitó su uso para no incurrir en subjetivismos, debido a los principios de legalidad y seguridad jurídica. Sin embargo, la historia de los sistemas jurídicos, apegados a una cultura política y jurídica, ha demostrado la existencia de regulaciones jurídicas en extremo injustas. Con una metodología analítica, sintética y pragmática, desde el tipo de investigación que amerita la Filosofía del Derecho, se analizará la fórmula del Derecho extremadamente injusto y se examinará la forma de generalizarla a partir de la pretensión de universalidad de los derechos humanos

    La Cooperación Sur-Sur como herramienta de la política exterior colombiana (2010-2015)

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    The main objective of this article is to characterize the role of South-South cooperation (CSS) in Colombian foreign policy during the period 2010-2015. The hypothesis that guided this article is that the increase in the participation of South-South Cooperation in this period, as a tool of Colombian foreign policy, has facilitated, not only constituting the country as an emerging South-South aid worker, but also achieve greater diversification in the agenda and increase the number of international partners, mainly in Africa and Southeast Asia. Colombian foreign policy, since the late 1990s, focused on turning the country into an important recipient of international cooperation for drug trafficking and internal armed conflict. However, since 2006, small changes have been observed in Colombia against international cooperation; it ceases to be a net recipient of cooperation (north-south) and begins to play an active role as a donor within South-South Cooperation. This process is consolidated during the 2010-2015 periodEl objetivo principal del documento es caracterizar el rol jugado por la Cooperación Sur-Sur (CSS) en la política exterior colombiana en el periodo 2010-2015. Se parte de la hipótesis de que la mayor participación de la CSS en este periodo, como herramienta de la política exterior colombiana, ha facilitado la constitución del país como un cooperante Sur-Sur emergente, así como una mayor diversificación en la agenda y un aumento en el número de socios internacionales, principalmente en África y el Sudeste Asiático. La política exterior colombiana, desde finales de la década de los 90, estuvo enfocada en convertir al país en un importante receptor de cooperación internacional, dado el narcotráfico y el conflicto armado interno. Sin embargo, a partir del año 2006, se evidencian pequeños cambios de Colombia frente a la cooperación internacional: deja de ser un receptor neto de cooperación (norte-sur) y empieza a tener un rol activo como donante al interior de la CSS. Este proceso se consolida en el periodo 2010-2015

    South-South Cooperation as a tool of Colombian foreign policy (2010-2015)

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    El objetivo principal del documento es caracterizar el rol jugado por la Cooperación Sur-Sur (CSS) en la política exterior colombiana en el periodo 2010-2015. Se parte de la hipótesis de que la mayor participación de la CSS en este periodo, como herramienta de la política exterior colombiana, ha facilitado la constitución del país como un cooperante Sur-Sur emergente, así como una mayor diversificación en la agenda y un aumento en el número de socios internacionales, principalmente en África y el Sudeste Asiático. La política exterior colombiana, desde finales de la década de los 90, estuvo enfocada en convertir al país en un importante receptor de cooperación internacional, dado el narcotráfico y el conflicto armado interno. Sin embargo, a partir del año 2006, se evidencian pequeños cambios de Colombia frente a la cooperación internacional: deja de ser un receptor neto de cooperación (norte-sur) y empieza a tener un rol activo como donante al interior de la CSS. Este proceso se consolida en el periodo 2010-2015.The main objective of this article is to characterize the role of South-South cooperation (CSS) in Colombian foreign policy during the period 2010-2015. The hypothesis that guided this article is that the increase in the participation of South-South Cooperation in this period, as a tool of Colombian foreign policy, has facilitated, not only constituting the country as an emerging South-South aid worker, but also achieve greater diversification in the agenda and increase the number of international partners, mainly in Africa and Southeast Asia. Colombian foreign policy, since the late 1990s, focused on turning the country into an important recipient of international cooperation for drug trafficking and internal armed conflict. However, since 2006, small changes have been observed in Colombia against international cooperation; it ceases to be a net recipient of cooperation (north-south) and begins to play an active role as a donor within South-South Cooperation. This process is consolidated during the 2010-2015 perio