13 research outputs found

    Metabolismo óseo en niños y adolescentes deportistas: revisión sistemática

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    BACKGROUND: Physical exercise is beneficial for the prevention of osteoporosis. Bone metabolism markers are the main indicators of metabolic balance and may indicate early risk in bone tissue. AIM: This systematic review aims to summarize and update present knowledge about bone metabolism markers in child and adolescent athletes. METHOD: Literature search was conducted up to March 2017 in PubMed and Sport Discus. A total of 19 studies (case-control, longitudinal and randomized control trials) met the inclusion criteria and were included in the review. RESULTS: In females, bone remodeling decreases with age independently of sport practiced. Athletes with amenorrhea had lower levels of both markers of bone turnover than control subjects. High-impact sports present higher biomarkers in females. A brief period of training have positive effects in bone formation markers in adolescent males. CONCLUSIONS: The age, sex type of exercise and sport, and performance level of the subjects can deeply affect bone metabolism markers during adolescence. More studies are needed to establish common criteria for metabolic response to physical exercise in these stages

    Actividad física, ejercicio y deporte en la lucha contra la obesidad infantil y juvenil

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    El propósito del presente documento es proponer desde el grupo de expertos en ejercicio físico y salud de EXERNET (Red Española de Investigación en Ejercicio Físico y Salud) una serie de recomendaciones sobre la práctica de la actividad física y deportiva que a nivel individual, familiar e institucional ayuden a prevenir y tratar la obesidad infantil y juvenil, basadas en la evidencia científi ca actual

    Modeling complex metabolic reactions, ecological systems, and financial and legal networks with MIANN models based on Markov-Wiener node descriptors

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    [Abstract] The use of numerical parameters in Complex Network analysis is expanding to new fields of application. At a molecular level, we can use them to describe the molecular structure of chemical entities, protein interactions, or metabolic networks. However, the applications are not restricted to the world of molecules and can be extended to the study of macroscopic nonliving systems, organisms, or even legal or social networks. On the other hand, the development of the field of Artificial Intelligence has led to the formulation of computational algorithms whose design is based on the structure and functioning of networks of biological neurons. These algorithms, called Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), can be useful for the study of complex networks, since the numerical parameters that encode information of the network (for example centralities/node descriptors) can be used as inputs for the ANNs. The Wiener index (W) is a graph invariant widely used in chemoinformatics to quantify the molecular structure of drugs and to study complex networks. In this work, we explore for the first time the possibility of using Markov chains to calculate analogues of node distance numbers/W to describe complex networks from the point of view of their nodes. These parameters are called Markov-Wiener node descriptors of order kth (Wk). Please, note that these descriptors are not related to Markov-Wiener stochastic processes. Here, we calculated the Wk(i) values for a very high number of nodes (>100,000) in more than 100 different complex networks using the software MI-NODES. These networks were grouped according to the field of application. Molecular networks include the Metabolic Reaction Networks (MRNs) of 40 different organisms. In addition, we analyzed other biological and legal and social networks. These include the Interaction Web Database Biological Networks (IWDBNs), with 75 food webs or ecological systems and the Spanish Financial Law Network (SFLN). The calculated Wk(i) values were used as inputs for different ANNs in order to discriminate correct node connectivity patterns from incorrect random patterns. The MIANN models obtained present good values of Sensitivity/Specificity (%): MRNs (78/78), IWDBNs (90/88), and SFLN (86/84). These preliminary results are very promising from the point of view of a first exploratory study and suggest that the use of these models could be extended to the high-throughput re-evaluation of connectivity in known complex networks (collation)

    Impact of COVID-19 on cardiovascular testing in the United States versus the rest of the world

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    Objectives: This study sought to quantify and compare the decline in volumes of cardiovascular procedures between the United States and non-US institutions during the early phase of the coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the care of many non-COVID-19 illnesses. Reductions in diagnostic cardiovascular testing around the world have led to concerns over the implications of reduced testing for cardiovascular disease (CVD) morbidity and mortality. Methods: Data were submitted to the INCAPS-COVID (International Atomic Energy Agency Non-Invasive Cardiology Protocols Study of COVID-19), a multinational registry comprising 909 institutions in 108 countries (including 155 facilities in 40 U.S. states), assessing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on volumes of diagnostic cardiovascular procedures. Data were obtained for April 2020 and compared with volumes of baseline procedures from March 2019. We compared laboratory characteristics, practices, and procedure volumes between U.S. and non-U.S. facilities and between U.S. geographic regions and identified factors associated with volume reduction in the United States. Results: Reductions in the volumes of procedures in the United States were similar to those in non-U.S. facilities (68% vs. 63%, respectively; p = 0.237), although U.S. facilities reported greater reductions in invasive coronary angiography (69% vs. 53%, respectively; p < 0.001). Significantly more U.S. facilities reported increased use of telehealth and patient screening measures than non-U.S. facilities, such as temperature checks, symptom screenings, and COVID-19 testing. Reductions in volumes of procedures differed between U.S. regions, with larger declines observed in the Northeast (76%) and Midwest (74%) than in the South (62%) and West (44%). Prevalence of COVID-19, staff redeployments, outpatient centers, and urban centers were associated with greater reductions in volume in U.S. facilities in a multivariable analysis. Conclusions: We observed marked reductions in U.S. cardiovascular testing in the early phase of the pandemic and significant variability between U.S. regions. The association between reductions of volumes and COVID-19 prevalence in the United States highlighted the need for proactive efforts to maintain access to cardiovascular testing in areas most affected by outbreaks of COVID-19 infection

    Identification of genes expressed during Drosophila melanogaster gastrulation by using subtractive hybridization

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    A subtractive hybridization approach was used to identify genes that are expressed at the beginning of gastrulation. We used tester DNA complimentary to RNA (cDNA) prepared from stages 6-7 embryos (gastrula) and excess driver cDNA from stages 2-4 embryos (syncytial blastoderm) to generate a gastrula-subtracted cDNA library. A reverse Northern blot procedure used to analyze 105 subtracted clones showed that 65% had a level of expression at least 2.5-fold higher in stages 6-7 versus stages 2-4 embryos. We determined the nucleotide sequence of these clones and identified 49 individual sequences, including 33 previously uncharacterized genes. We verified the level of expression of 24 genes during Drosophila melanogaster embryogenesis using a semiquantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) approach. As expected, all of the selected clones showed their highest level of expression after stages 2-4 of embryogenesis, including several that displayed peaks of expression during gastrulation. Three genes that were expressed at their highest levels in stages 6-7 were further analyzed by 5'-rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) analysis, Northern blot assays and in situ hybridization. Our results indicate that these genes exhibited temporal and spatially restricted patterns of expression in developing embryos, and moreover, their transcripts were detected in cells that undergo morphological changes during the gastrulation stage. Characterizing the role of these genes will be important to increase our understanding of the molecular mechanisms that regulate cellular activities during D. melanogaster gastrulation

    Flexible pseudorandom number generator for tinnitus treatment implemented on a dsPIC

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    Treatment of tinnitus with masking sounds has reach a significant developed in recent years. It is mainly because it has been possible to implement noise sinthesizers based on random number generators in digital signal processors (DSP), which form a part of almost any digital hearing aid device. One limitation of these methods is that limitations of the DSP architecture prevent pseudo white noise of being generated conform to a real white noise statistics. In this paper, a technique to generate adittive white gaussian noise (AWGN) or noise with uniform distribution using coefficients stored in memory of the DSP program is proposed. An implementation of the technique is carried out on a dsPIC from Microchip and subjective experiments and experimental measurements are performed to validate the performance of the developed technique.Fil: Uriz, Alejandro José. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ingeniería; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Aguero, Pablo Daniel. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ingeniería; ArgentinaFil: Castiñeira Moreira, Jorge. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ingeniería; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Hidalgo, Roberto Marcelo. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ingeniería; ArgentinaFil: González, Esteban Lucio. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ingeniería; ArgentinaFil: Tulli, Juan Carlos. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ingeniería; Argentin

    Emergencias y desastres

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    Aplicaci&oacute;n de encuesta en aldeas, instaladas posterremoto/tsunami, Regi&oacute;n del MauleCooperaci&oacute;n internacional y respuesta del sistema de salud frente al terremoto de febrero de 2010Estudio de los fallecidos durante el desastre del 27 de febrero en ChileExperiencia de solidaridad internacional de urgencia en Rancagua, Chile, postsismo 2010Incidencia de patolog&iacute;as posterremoto en la comunidad de Huala&ntilde;&eacute;Incidencia de trastorno de estr&eacute;s postraum&aacute;tico posterior al terremoto en Chile en los trabajadores bancarios&nbsp

    Modeling Complex Metabolic Reactions, Ecological Systems, and Financial and Legal Networks with MIANN Models Based on Markov-Wiener Node Descriptors

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