264 research outputs found

    Desarrollo de un sistema web de gestión de la caja común del transporte público

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    Según La Ley Orgánica de Transporte Terrestre, Tránsito y Seguridad Vial - LOTTTSV, en su Disposición Transitoria Decimotercera, establece que las cooperativas de transporte terrestre público tendrán como plazo máximo hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2013 para que adapten su sistema al de caja común, dicha disposición transitoria no especifica la forma como se debe implementar el modelo de Caja Común, por lo que la mayoría de cooperativas de transporte publico han optado por implementar dicho modelo de forma manual. El manejo de las ganancias de unidades de flota, siempre ha sido uno de los principales problemas que han enfrentado los directivos de las empresas dedicadas a la gestión de dichas unidades, sumado el manejo manual que se vuelve lento y no preciso mientras se escala en la cantidad de información, como solución a dichos problemas diarios y cotidianos se ha optado que mediante el desarrollo de esta disertación de grado que tiene como objetivo principal el “DESARROLLO DE UN SISTEMA WEB DE GESTIÓN DE LA CAJA COMÚN DEL TRANSPORTE PÚBLICO“ solventar el presente problema, de tal manera devolviendo la confianza de los socios en la certeza de los datos, además de reducir los tiempos de interpretación de datos, y finalmente facilitando a las tomas de decisiones empresariale

    A Security Comparison between AES-128 and AES-256 FPGA implementations against DPA attacks

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    As the AES is the standard symmetric cipher selected by NIST, is the best-known and the most widely used block cipher. Consequently, security threats are constantly rising and increasingly powerful. With the addition of the upcoming scenario of quantum computing, these threats have become a front-line concern in the crypto-community. Although is claimed that using larger key sizes in symmetric key algorithms for implementing quantum-resistant implementations is enough to counteract brute force attacks, this paper shows that both AES-128 and AES-256 are vulnerable to Power Analysis attacks. This paper presents a security comparison against Differential Power Analysis (DPA) attacks over both AES 128-256. Through experimental attacks in FPGA AES implementations, results show that although AES-256 reaches a greater level of security than AES-128, is still vulnerable to this kind of attack. Specifically, we have obtained 75% of the bytes needed to find the original key for AES-128 while only 28.125% for AES-256 by performing the same attack

    The voltage-controlled compensation ramp: A new waveshaping technique for power factor correctors

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    IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference (APEC) (27. 2008. Austin, Texas)This paper deals with a new control method for Power Factor Correctors. Control is carried out by a standard IC controller for peak current-mode dc-dc converters, with only an additional compensation ramp generator and peak detector. Neither an analog multiplier nor an input voltage sensor is needed to achieve quasi-sinusoidal line waveforms, which makes this method very attractive. The method is similar to the one-cycle control method, but can be very easily adapted for use with topologies different to the boost converter, i.e. flyback, buck-boost, SEPIC Cuk and Zeta topologies. Moreover, as the line current is cycle-by-cycle controlled, the resulting input current feedback loop is extremely fast, thus allowing the use of this type of control with high frequency line

    Active input current shaper without an electrolytic capacitor for retrofit lamps applications

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    The evolution of solid-state lighting technology has transformed traditional solutions in lighting. High-brightness light-emitting diodes (HB-LEDs) have become very attractive light sources due to their excellent characteristics, namely high efficiency, a long lifetime, and low maintenance. It is evident that HB-LED drivers must be durable and efficient in order to enjoy these advantages. Moreover, to replace incandescent bulbs, the ac-to-dc HB-LED driver must be simple and have low size and comply with international regulations (i.e., injecting low-frequency harmonics into the mains supply). With the last modifications regarding low-power lighting equipment (i.e., < 25 W), the authors have traditionally focused their efforts on increasing efficiency by sacrificing sinusoidal input current, yet all their solutions obviate the suppression of the traditional electrolytic capacitor of ac-to-dc converters, highlighting that this is the price to pay for a simple and low-size solution. This paper, however, puts forward the design of a simple and low-size ac-to-dc HB-LED driver for retrofit lamps without an electrolytic capacitor in order to extend its lifetime. The solution proposed here derives from a well-known technique used in the past, the active input current shaper (AICS), but without an electrolytic capacitor in this case. If the electrolytic capacitor of an AICS is removed, then low-frequency ripple arises at its intermediate dc bus, adding some distortion in the line input current over the proper natural one of an AICS. However, this addition is slight in comparison to the proper natural distortion of AICSs. Moreover, the low-frequency ripple at the intermediate bus is not transferred to the output with the help of the rapid output dynamic response of the AICS, which prevents flicker. This paper presents a theoretical analysis that guarantees a compromise between compliance with international regulations and the use of capacitor technologies other than the electrolytic design. Finally, a 24-W experimental prototype has been built and tested to validate the theoretical results presented in this paper.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science under Project MINECO-13-DPI2013-47176-C2-2-R, by the Government of the Principality of Asturias under Project FC-15-GRUPIN14-143, and by European Regional Development Fund grants

    Aptitud de los alumnos de pregrado de la carrera de Medicina ante dos modelos de evaluación: El caso de Endocrinología.

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    Antecedentes: La Facultad de Medicina de la UANL inició en agosto del 2006 un nuevo plan de estudios y un modelo educativo basado en el aprendizaje y en la participación más intensa del alumno. Esta modificación en la estrategia de formar a los futuros médicos requiere ser evaluada científicamente con el propósito de medir si los cambios esperados con la implementación del plan de estudios y del modelo educativo, están ocurriendo. Objetivo: Comparar la aptitud de los alumnos del curso de pregrado de endocrinología ante dos métodos de evaluación. Método: Comparación de dos exámenes como proceso de evaluación ante dos planteamientos académicos: el actual (basado en la aplicación del conocimiento, casos clínicos) y el próximo anterior (basado en la memorización de conocimientos). Se contrastó la aptitud de los alumnos del nuevo plan de estudios (n = 74) vs. los alumnos del plan anterior (n = 137), ante el mismo examen. Resultados: Los alumnos del nuevo plan de estudios tuvieron una aptitud casi idéntica al ser evaluados con el examen actual y con el aplicado en ciclos anteriores (73.4 + 7.8 vs. 72.9 + 10.7, respectivamente) p = 0.2553. El porcentaje de aprobación fue de un 71 vs. 67%. Al comparar la aptitud de los alumnos del plan actual y el anterior ante un mismo examen, la aptitud fue muy favorable en el grupo de alumnos del nuevo plan de estudios (74.7 ± 10.7 vs. 56.0 ± 9.3), p< 0.0001. Conclusiones: La combinación de un modelo educativo centrado en el aprendizaje, en una acentuada participación del alumno en la clase, en una forma de evaluación que incentiva el estudiar la clase diaria y en la aplicación de exámenes dirigidos a evaluar la aplicación del conocimiento como en la vida real de un médico, son los aspectos que debemos fortalecer en el proceso de formación de nuestros futuros médicos

    Socio-Economic Development and Mental Health: Case Study of the Spanish Region of Aragon (2010–20)

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    IntroductionConsidering health as a cross-cutting element of all public policies leads to rethinking its interactions with the environment in which people live. The collection of large volumes of data by public administrations offers the opportunity to monitor and analyze the possible associations between health and territory. The increase in the incidence and prevalence of mental health diseases, particularly depression, justifies the need to develop studies that seek to identify links with the socioeconomic and environmental setting.ObjectiveThe objective of this study is to explain the behavior of the depression in a mediterranean region of Northeastern Spain from an ecological and diachronic perspective.MethodsWe conducted a correlation and multivariate logistic regression analysis to identify explanatory factors of the prevalence of depression in 2010 and 2020 and in the variation rate. Potential explanatory factors are related to the socioeconomic status and to the territorial development level.ResultsThe regression models retained both socioeconomic and territorial development variables as predictors of the prevalence in both years and in the variation rate. Rural areas seem to play a protective role against the prevalence.ConclusionIt is under the territorial prism that epidemiological studies could offer useful guidelines for proactive decision-making. The integration of data on diseases and territory must be considered when developing policies for the creation of healthier environments and for directing health services with more specific resources to where they may be needed

    Automated experimental setup for EM cartography to enhance EM attacks

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    Side-channel attacks are a real threat, exploiting and revealing the secret data stored in our electronic devices just analyzing the leaked information of the cryptographic modules during their normal encryption/decryption operations. In this sense, electromagnetic attacks have been posed as one of the most powerful attacks, retrieving the secret information by analyzing the existing relation between the leaked electromagnetic radiation and the data being processed. These attacks are known as ElectroMagnetic (EM) attacks and a extremely critic point for their success is the EM probe positioning. In this paper, an automated experimental setup for EM cartography is described to enhance EM attacks and to help hardware designers to detect the possible information leakage flaws, as well as to determine the security level reached by the hardware implementations against EM attacks

    Digital implementation of the feedforward loop of the asymmetrical half-bridge converter for LED lighting applications

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    The Asymmetrical Half Bridge converter (AHBC) has proven to be a promising candidate for LED lighting applications. It provides high efficiency, galvanic isolation and, at the same time, its output filter can be very small and, therefore, easily implemented without electrolytic capacitor. On the other hand, its main drawback is its poor attainable bandwidth. In any ac-dc LED lighting application, the input voltage of the AHBC is provided by a Power Factor Corrector (PFC) converter which has to be also implemented without electrolytic capacitor in order to assure the long lifetime of the whole LED driver. As a consequence, its output voltage (input voltage of the AHBC) is affected by a low-frequency ripple. Due to the poor bandwidth of the AHBC, this voltage ripple will be transferred to the converter output voltage, leading to flickering. A possible solution is using a feedforward loop for cancelling the effect of this low-frequency ripple without affecting stability. Due to the complex and non-linear transfer function of the AHBC, any analog feedforward loop has to be tuned for a given operating point, leading to a poor performance (i.e., high flickering, high ripple) when the AHBC moves away from that point. Dimming, which is a very frequent requirement in many LED drivers, implies large variations of the output voltage and, consequently, moving away from the aforementioned operating point. In this paper, a digital feedforward loop is proposed in order to solve this problem. The digital implementation allows the feedforward loop to perfectly cancel the ripple under any condition (e.g., output voltage variation due to dimming). Besides, despite its complex transfer function, this digital feedforward loop has been designed and optimized for its implementation in small-size microcontrollers. Experimental results with a 40-W prototype prove the usefulness of the proposed feedforward loop and the validity of the equations used in the optimized desig

    Madinat al-Zahra'

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    Duración 00:10:11. Necesita tener instalado Adobe Flash Player. Instalador incluido en el DVD.Este DVD contiene, en video de formato estandard y en HD, una reconstrucción virtual de la ciudad palatina de Madinat al-Zahra, levantada por los califas omeyas de al-Andalus entre los años 936 y 1010, situada a ocho kilómetros de Córdoba. Esta reconstrucción puede verse tanto a través de la animación con explicación sonora como mediante panoramas esféricos enlazados que permiten un recorrido inter-activo por las zonas hasta ahora descubiertas del alcázar, accesibles a través de la aplicación al-Zahra.exe. El audiovisual ha sido realizado por el Laboratorio de Arqueología y Arquitectura de la Ciudad (LAAC) de la Escuela de Estudios Árabes de Granada, perteneciente al Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), en colaboración con la Fundación El Legado Andalusí.Peer reviewe

    Tumor de Wilms

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    Willms' tumor is the most frequent renal tumor in pediatric age. Histologically it is made up of three types of cells. It has a clinical presentation in most cases sporadic, however it has been associated with genetic syndromes. Currently after its diagnosis and treatment, it has been seen that its main complications are associated with the chemotherapeutic agents used. In our country, a higher survival rate than in the developed countries has been evidenced.El tumor &nbsp;Willms es el tumor renal más frecuente en la edad pediátrica. Histológicamente se encuentra compuesto por tres tipos de células. Tiene una presentación clínica en la mayoría de los casos esporádica, sin embargo se ha visto asociado a síndromes genéticos. Actualmente tras su diagnóstico y tratamiento, se ha visto que sus principales complicaciones se asocian a los quimioterapeuticos utilizados. En nuestro país se ha evidenciado una tasa de sobrevivencia superior a los países sub desarollados