337 research outputs found
Herramientas de soporte a la evaluación docente basadas en tecnologías web
En el contexto de la ETS de Informática Aplicada de Valencia y en particular en la asignatura de Redes de segundo curso, se ha suscitado la conveniencia de mejorar las herramientas utilizadas hasta el momento para realizar y administrar la evaluación de las prácticas y de la teoría. Esto ha motivado el desarrollo de un entorno de supervisión a la evaluación basado en tecnologías web. En el estado actual de la aplicación se resuelven importantes carencias de las herramientas previas como el acceso concurrente al archivo de notas, la generación y la corrección automatizada de formularios de prácticas y la posibilidad de acceder mediante un cliente web convencional a toda la información relacionada con la evaluación de los alumnos. Los usuarios del entorno propuesto, tanto alumnos como profesores, manifiestan estar satisfechos con el mismo lo cual nos anima a seguir mejorándolo y ampliando su funcionalidad
A chemical representation of a chaotic system with a unique stable equilibrium point
"In this paper we present a chemical representation of a chaotic system with only one stable equilibrium point. The approach invokes cooperative catalysis and slow-fast reactions, primarily. The obtained chemical based chaotic dynamical system preserves the eigenvalues of the unique and stable equilibrium point along with the Lyapunov’s dimension and exponents of the original one.
Improving speech intelligibility in hearing aids. Part I: Signal processing algorithms
[EN] The improvement of speech intelligibility in hearing aids is a traditional problem that still remains open and unsolved. Modern devices may include signal processing algorithms
to improve intelligibility: automatic gain control, automatic environmental classification or speech enhancement. However, the design of such algorithms is strongly restricted by some engineering constraints caused by the reduced dimensions of hearing aid devices. In this paper, we discuss the application of state-of-theart signal processing algorithms to improve speech intelligibility in digital hearing aids, with particular emphasis on speech enhancement algorithms. Different alternatives for both monaural and binaural speech enhancement have been considered, arguing whether they are
suitable to be implemented in a commercial hearing aid or not.This work has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, under project TEC2012-38142-C04-02.Ayllón, D.; Gil Pita, R.; Rosa Zurera, M.; Padilla, L.; Piñero Sipán, MG.; Diego Antón, MD.; Ferrer Contreras, M.... (2014). Improving speech intelligibility in hearing aids. Part I: Signal processing algorithms. Waves. 6:61-71. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/57901S6171
Prevalencia de Mammomonogamus laryngeus (Strongylida: Syngamidae) en ganado bovino de la central de beneficio del municipio de La Tebaida, Quindío, Colombia
Introduction. Mammomonogamus laryngeus is a nematode parasite that is usually found in the larynx of mammals in the tropics, especially in cattle, sheep and cats.Objective. The prevalence of M. laryngeus was determined in cattle brought to an abattoir as an indicator of its prevalence in the general population.Materials and methods. The present study was undertaken in the municipality of La Tebaida, Quindio, Colombia, to determine the presence of M. laryngeus infection in cattle brought to a local abattoir between December and February 2009. The tracheae and lungs of 500 slaughtered cattle were examined.Results. Parasite prevalence was 14.8% (n=74). The majority of worms were located on aryteno-epiglottic folds, but never in the tracheae or bronchi. The infection rate was highest (47%) in 2 to 2.5 year old animals. In infected animals, an average of 6.4 parasite pairs was found, with higher numbers in older animals. The prevalence of infection in cattle was greater than seen in the provinces of Valle del Cauca (10.0%), Quindío(3,0%) pr Caquetá (1.2%).Conclusions. Reports of this parasite in cattle indicate its circulation throughout Colombia and recommend surveillance studies where cattle are raised and prepared for human consumption.Introducción. Mammomonogamus laryngeus es un parásito nematodo que suele encontrarse en la laringe de mamíferos del trópico, especialmente en bovinos, ovejas y gatos.Objetivo. Determinar la prevalencia de M. laryngeus en bovinos de la central de beneficios del municipio de La Tebaida, Quindío, Colombia.Materiales y métodos. Para determinar la presencia de infestación por M. laryngeus, se examinó la tráquea y el árbol pulmonar de los animales bovinos sacrificados en la central de sacrificio de La Tebaida, entre diciembre de 2008 y febrero de 2009.Resultados. Se examinaron 500 bovinos. La prevalencia de infestación por M. laryngeus fue de 14,8 % (74); las formas adultas del parásito se localizaron con mayor frecuencia en el repliegue ariteno-epiglótico y en ningún caso en la tráquea o bronquios. Los departamentos del país de donde provenían los animales con mayor prevalencia, fueron: Valle del Cauca (10 %), Quindío (3,6 %) y Caquetá (1,2 %).Conclusiones. El reporte de esta parasitosis en animales bovinos procedentes de otros departamentos, indica la circulación del parásito en Colombia. Por ende, se hace necesario hacer un estudio para definir la prevalencia actual de esta parasitosis en ganado para consumo humano
Improving speech intelligibility in hearing aids. Part II: Quality assessment
[EN] Subjective tests are the most reliable methods for quantifying the perceived speech intelligibility, but the process to perform these tests usually is time consuming and cost expensive. For this reason, different objective measures have been proposed in the literature to evaluate the intelligibility and/or quality of speech in such a way that cooperation of human listeners is not necessary. In this paper, we describe a wide range of subjective tests reported in the literature, focusing on those proposed to evaluate speech intelligibility of Spanish language, not only for normal hearing listeners, but for hearing impaired as well. Afterwards we summarize the most common objective measures of speech quality, and finally we perform a comparison between them and some subjective speech intelligibility tests. In the subjective tests, clean Spanish speech material has been contaminated with different real background noises: cafeteria and outside traffic noise. Results show that Short-Time Objective Intelligibility (STOI) and Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality (PESQ) indices present a better correlation and a
lower mean square error when predicting intelligibility compared to other objective measures tested.This work has been supported by European Union ERDF and Spanish Government through TEC2012-38142-C04 project, and Generalitat Valenciana through PROMETEOII/2014/003 project. Participation of author A. Padilla has been supported by a postdoctoral fellowship from Conacyt (Mexico). The authors wish to acknowledge Prof. Felipe Orduña for his insightful comments that contributed to improve the manuscript, and to everyone who
participated in the listening tests.Padilla, A.; Piñero Sipán, MG.; Diego Antón, MD.; Ferrer Contreras, M.; González Téllez, A.; Ayllón, D.; Gil Pita, R.... (2014). Improving speech intelligibility in hearing aids. Part II: Quality assessment. Waves. 6:73-85. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/57900S7385
Parallel Implementation Strategies for MIMO ID-BICM Systems
[EN] One of the current techniques proposed for multiple transmit and receive antennas wireless communication systems is the use of error control coding and iterative detection and decoding at the receiver. These sophisticated techniques produce a significant increase of the computational cost and require large computational power. The use of modern computer facilities as multicore and multi-GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) processors can decrease the computational time required, representing a promising solution for the receiver implementation in these systems.
In this paper we explain how iterative receivers can improve the performance of suboptimal detectors. We also introduce a novel parallel receiver scheme based on a hybrid computing model where CPUs and GPUs work together to accelerate the detection and decoding steps; this design comes to exploit the features of the GPU NVIDIA Kepler architecture respect to the previous one in order to optimize the communication system performance.This work has been partially funded by PROMETEO/2009/013 project of Generalitat Valenciana, projects TEC2009-13741 of the Ministerio Español de Ciencia e Innovación, TEC2012-38142-C04 of the Ministerio Español de Economía y Competitividad, and PAID-05-2011 of Universitat Politècnica de València.Simarro Haro, MDLA.; Ramiro Sánchez, C.; Martínez Zaldívar, FJ.; Vidal Maciá, AM.; González Téllez, A.; Piñero Sipán, MG.; García Mollá, VM. (2013). Parallel Implementation Strategies for MIMO ID-BICM Systems. Waves. 5-13. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/57906S51
Las tres brechas del desarrollo sostenible y el cierre de la brecha ambiental en Chile: oportunidades para una recuperación pospandemia más sostenible y con bajas emisiones de carbono en América Latina y el Caribe
Las tres crisis del sistema internacional se expresan en tres brechas desde la perspectiva de la periferia latinoamericana y caribeña: la brecha del bajo crecimiento, la brecha de la desigualdad y la brecha de la destrucción del ambiente, en economías que dependen de las exportaciones de recursos naturales para sostener el crecimiento.
En este documento se utiliza el concepto de “límites planetarios” para analizar la brecha ambiental en Chile. Estos se definen a partir de parámetros que circunscriben un área dentro de la cual los procesos biofísicos se mantienen en condiciones relativamente estables. El objetivo de definir dichos límites ambientales es lograr que la humanidad pueda operar sin alterar de manera drástica el estado del sistema terrestre, a fin de mantener la condición de habitabilidad del planeta y su resiliencia, así como el bienestar humano.Introducción .-- I. Antecedentes. A. Definición y relevancia del concepto de límites ambientales planetarios. B. La relevancia de analizar los límites ambientales planetariosa nivel nacional.
C. Brechas en identificación de límites ambientales a niveles globales y nacional .-- II. Selección de límites: el caso de Chile .-- III. Una nueva forma de crecimiento .-- IV. Los límites planetarios y el modelo de las tres brechas .-- V. Brechas de conocimiento y recomendaciones de política pública .-- VI. Conclusiones
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