294 research outputs found

    Surface photometry of radio loud elliptical galaxies from the B2 sample

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    V-band CCD imaging is presented for 72 galaxies from the B2 radio sample (Colla et al.; Fanti et al.), with redshifts up to 0.2 and radio powers P408=1023-1026.5 W Hz-1. According to the morphology on the optical images 57 galaxies are classified as ellipticals, 6 as spirals and 7 as irregular. Surface photometry of the sample of ellipticals was obtained fitting ellipses to the light distribution. The light profile of these galaxies generally follows a de Vaucouleurs law, although in three cases the profiles show large excesses relative to the r1/4 law at large radii. The fitted μe and re parameters for the de Vaucouleurs galaxies are given in the paper. Three of the ellipticals show a bright nucleus. One of them is a known broad line radio galaxy (B2 1833+32) and the remaining two are Markarian galaxies, classified in the literature as BL Lac objects (B2 1101+38 and B2 1652+39). The radial profiles for ellipticity, position angle, and B4 term of the Fourier analysis are presented in the paper, and the morphological peculiarities of the ellipticals are described, including the presence of shells, tails, nuclear dust, isophote twisting, off-centering, and boxiness or diskness of the isophotes. Only one of the galaxies in this work is included in the subsample of B2 radio galaxies with well-defined jets (Parma et al.). In this sense the present sample complements the sample of 24 radio galaxies with well-defined radio jets in Parma et al. for which a similar study was presented in González-Serrano et al.). The irregular galaxy B2 0916+33 appears to be misclassified, and we suggest that the right identification of the radio source is a nearby point like object with V=18.45 mag. The spiral galaxy associated with B2 1441+26 is also misclassified. A point-like optical object with V=18.88 mag, located at arcsec from the original identification and coincident with the radio core is the most probable counterpart

    How is star formation fed and quenched in massive galaxies at high redshift?

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    Observations of the location and kinematics of the atomic gas (HI) and the continuum radio emission from high redshift galaxies would mean a huge step forward in our understanding of galaxy evolution. We now have a secure global picture of the stellar content of massive galaxies and their precursors up to z~4. But we still have to understand why star formation in these systems started early and quenched some time after, a scenario known as downsizing which, at face value, conflicts with the predictions from the current hierarchical galaxy formation paradigm. SKA will provide the missing piece to solve the puzzle: information about the amounts of gas falling into galaxies to form stars, as well as data to measure when and how the star formation turns off as the gas stops cooling due to still to be understood feedback mechanisms, such as (radio mode) obscured nuclear activity.PGP-G acknowledges support from Spanish Government MINECO AYA2012-31277 Grant. JIGS acknowledges support from the Spanish Ministry for Economy and Competitiveness AYA2011-29517-C03-02. AFS acknowledges support from the Spanish Ministry for Economy and Competitiveness and FEDER funds through grants AYA2010-22111-C03-02 and AYA2013-48623-C2-2, and Generalitat Valenciana project PROMETEOII/2014/060.Peer reviewe

    Segmentador de oraciones para textos en español basado en red neuronal

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    En este trabajo se muestra la utilización de una red neuronal para segmentar textos en español en sus oraciones constitutivas. Esta operación debe efectuarse habitualmente como un paso previo en multitud de aplicaciones de procesamiento de lenguaje natural. A pesar de tratarse de una tarea conceptualmente sencilla, y de obtenerse resultados aceptables por diversos procedimientos, la división de un texto en oraciones tiene el inconveniente de ser fuertemente dependiente de la fuente, estructura, tipo de lenguaje, género literario, etc.… Esto obliga prácticamente a rehacer el trabajo no solo para cada tipo de aplicación, sino para cada tipo de texto que vaya a ser tratado_ Frente a otros tipos de técnicas, la utilización de redes neuronales tiene la ventaja de liberar al desarrollador de la tarea de programación, empleándose colecciones de ejemplos correctamente clasificados para el entrenamiento del segmentador

    Optical microvariability in type 2 quasars

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    The AGN unified scenario suggests that the type 2 quasars are the obscured counterparts of type 1 quasars where the difference is caused only by the orientation of the object. Optical microvari ability is supposed to arise from the regions which are closer to the supermassive black hole at the center of the AGN. The search for microvariability is an important test for the AGN unified scenario. We present first results from the microvariability campaign carried out at San Pedro Martit observatory. We have targeted three brightest (V mag < 17) type 2 quasars from SDSS. Using analysis of variance (ANOVA), we have detected significant microvariability events in two out of three type 2 quasars we have observe

    Integral field spectroscopy of the central regions of 3C 120: Evidence of a past merging event

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    Optical integral field spectroscopy (IFS), combined with Hubble Space Telescope (HST ) WFPC imaging, was used to characterize the central regions of the Seyfert 1 radio galaxy 3C 120. We carried out the analysis of the data, deriving intensity maps of different emission lines and the continua at different wavelengths from the observed spectra. Applying a two-dimensional modeling to the HST images, we decoupled the nucleus and the host galaxy and analyzed the host morphology. The host is a highly distorted bulge-dominated galaxy, rich in substructures. We developed a new technique to model the IFS data extending the two-dimensional modeling (hereafter threedimensional modeling). Using this technique, we separated the Seyfert nucleus and the host galaxy spectra and derived a residual data cube with spectral and spatial information of the different structures in 3C 120. Three continuum-dominated structures (named A, B, and C) and three other extended emission-line regions (EELRs, named E1, E2, and E3) are found in 3C 120, which does not follow the general behavior of a bulge-dominated galaxy. We also found shells in the central kiloparsec that may be remnants of a past merging event in this galaxy. The origin of E1 is most probably due to the interaction of the radio jet of 3C 120 with the intergalactic medium (Axon et al. 1989; Sa´nchez et al. 2004a). Structures A, B, and the shell at the southeast of the nucleus seem to correspond to a larger morphological clumpy structure that may be a tidal tail, a consequence of the past merging event. We found a bright EELR (E2) in the innermost part of this tidal tail, nearby the nucleus, which shows a high ionization level. The kinematics of the E2 region and its connection to the tidal tail suggest that the tail has channeled gas from the outer regions to the cente

    Clean optical spectrum of the radio jet of 3C 120

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    We present integral field spectroscopy (IFS) of the central region of 3C 120. We have modeled the nuclear and host galaxy three-dimensional spectra using techniques normally applied to imaging, decoupling both components and obtaining a residual data cube. Using this residual data cube, we detected the extended emission line region associated with the radio jet. We obtained, for the first time, a clean spectrum of this region and found compelling evidence of a jet-cloud interaction. The jet compresses and splits the gas cloud, which is ionized by the active galactic nucleus (AGN ) and/or by the strong local UV photon field generated by a shock process. We cannot confirm the detection of an extended emission line region associated with the counterjet reported by Axon and coworkers.This project is part of the Euro3D RTN on IFS, funded by the EC under contract HPRN-CT-2002-00305. The WHT is operated on the island of La Palma by the Isaac Newton Group in the Spanish Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos of the IAC. This project has used images obtained from the HST archive, using the ESO archiving facilities. We would like to thank R. C. Walker, who has kindly provided us with the radio maps of 3C 120. We would like to thank the anonymous referee, who has helped us to improve the quality of this paper with his/her remarks

    El aprendizaje del voleibol basado en el juego en Educación Física y su efecto sobre variables motivacionales situacionales

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la eficacia de una intervención en una unidad didáctica de voleibol en Educación Física sobre distintas variables motivacionales situacionales con dos niveles de intervención. Un primer nivel aplicando estrategias generales relativas a las áreas TARGET (Ames, 1992), y un segundo nivel de intervención desarrollando metodológicamente el uso de los Teaching Games for Understanding (Bunke, y Thorpe, 1982). En el estudio participaron 61 alumnos de 4º curso de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria, en una unidad didáctica completa. En el grupo experimental (n= 41) se aplicó una intervención específica, mientras que en el grupo control (n= 20) no hubo ningún tipo de manipulación, con un enfoque más tradicional de enseñanza. Los instrumentos utilizados midieron el clima motivacional, soporte de autonomía, necesidades psicológicas básicas y motivación autodeterminada. Los resultados mostraron en el grupo experimental, respecto al grupo control, una mayor percepción del clima tarea, mayor soporte de autonomía, mayor satisfacción de la autonomía y menor desmotivación. Los resultados muestran como los enfoques centrados en el alumnado a través de la enseñanza basada en el juego generan climas motivacionales óptimos lo cual puede repercutir de forma positiva en las clases de Educación Física.The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a volleyball teaching unit program of Physical Education over situational motivational variables, with two levels of intervention. A first level by applying general strategies based on TARGET areas (Ames, 1992) , and a second level of intervention methodically based on the Teaching Games for Understanding (Bunker and Thorpe, 1982) approach. The effect of the intervention on different situational motivational variables was evaluated. 61 students of the 4th year of Secondary Education were involved in a complete teaching unit. In the experimental group (n = 41) a specific intervention was applied, while in the control group (n = 20) there was no manipulation with a more traditional approach to teaching. The instruments measured the motivational climate, autonomy support, basic psychological needs and self-determined motivation. Results showed that experimental group developed a higher perceived task climate, greater autonomy, greater autonomy satisfaction and lower amotivation than the control group. Results also showed that studentcentered approaches to teaching through game-based methodology generate optimal motivational climates which can impact positively on PE classes

    Crecimiento en América Latina en perspectiva sociometabólica (1970-2017)

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    El análisis del flujo de los materiales es clave para poder comprender el crecimiento que ha experimentado Latino América durante los más de 40 años que abarca el periodo de 1970-2017. Para analizar el devenir del continente latinoamericano, se ha elaborado un estudio sociometabólico empleando la metodología del Material and Energy Flow Accounting, permitiéndonos contrastar la evolución del continente a lo largo del periodo gracias al análisis de los principales indicadores sociometabólicos. Todo esto, implica poder caracterizar el desarrollo del continente en varios términos relativos a la sostenibilidad, de manera que se ha podido identificar de forma clara, cuáles han sido las luces y sombras del crecimiento en Latino América. Este análisis ha sido posible gracias a la multidisciplinariedad empleada, ya que el estudio se ha servido de disciplinas relativas a la historia, la estadística o la econometría. Todo ello, dota a la investigación de versatilidad y robustez en un tema tan complejo y relevante como es la cuantificación del flujo de los materiales en una de las zonas geográficas más determinantes en el abastecimiento de recursos.<br /

    Thinning of the Monte Perdido Glacier in the Spanish Pyrenees since 1981

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    Producción CientíficaThis paper analyzes the evolution of the Monte Perdido Glacier, the third largest glacier in the Pyrenees, from 1981 to the present. We assessed the evolution of the glacier's surface area by analysis of aerial photographs from 1981, 1999, and 2006, and changes in ice volume by geodetic methods with digital elevation models (DEMs) generated from topographic maps (1981 and 1999), airborne lidar (2010) and terrestrial laser scanning (TLS, 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014) data. We interpreted the changes in the glacier based on climate data from nearby meteorological stations. The results indicate that the degradation of this glacier accelerated after 1999. The rate of ice surface loss was almost three times greater during 1999–2006 than during earlier periods. Moreover, the rate of glacier thinning was 1.85 times faster during 1999–2010 (rate of surface elevation change  = −8.98 ± 1.80 m, glacier-wide mass balance  = −0.73 ± 0.14 m w.e. yr−1) than during 1981–1999 (rate of surface elevation change  = −8.35 ± 2.12 m, glacier-wide mass balance  = −0.42 ± 0.10 m w.e. yr−1). From 2011 to 2014, ice thinning continued at a slower rate (rate of surface elevation change  = −1.93 ± 0.4 m yr−1, glacier-wide mass balance  = −0.58 ± 0.36 m w.e. yr−1). This deceleration in ice thinning compared to the previous 17 years can be attributed, at least in part, to two consecutive anomalously wet winters and cool summers (2012–2013 and 2013–2014), counteracted to some degree by the intense thinning that occurred during the dry and warm 2011–2012 period. However, local climatic changes observed during the study period do not seem sufficient to explain the acceleration of ice thinning of this glacier, because precipitation and air temperature did not exhibit statistically significant trends during the study period. Rather, the accelerated degradation of this glacier in recent years can be explained by a strong disequilibrium between the glacier and the current climate, and likely by other factors affecting the energy balance (e.g., increased albedo in spring) and feedback mechanisms (e.g., heat emitted from recently exposed bedrock and debris covered areas).Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad - IBERNIEVE (project CGL2014-52599-P)Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (project 844/2013

    Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Optical Frequency Comb Generation in Gain-Switched Semiconductor Lasers

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    We have performed a systematic experimental and simulation analysis of the optical frequency combs generated by gain-switching single mode laser diodes, either free-running or subjected to optical injection. The simulations have been produced with a dynamical model consisting of three rate equations that include stochastic noise terms. The model parameters have been extracted from experiments. An exhaustive comparison between the simulated and the experimental temporal profiles and optical spectra generated under a wide range of switching and optical injection conditions has been performed. The excellent quantitative agreement found in the entire range of the explored operating conditions supports the validity of the model for the analysis of the comb generation mechanisms. The detailed maps generated provide guidelines for selecting suitable operating conditions for specific comb characteristics.This work was funded by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad of Spain (COMBINA, TEC201565212-C3-1-P and TEC201565212-C3-2-P)