227 research outputs found

    Preliminary results on nonparametric facial occlusion detection

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    The problem of face recognition has been extensively studied in the available literature, however, some aspects of this field require further research. The design and implementation of face recognition systems that can efficiently handle unconstrained conditions (e.g. pose variations, illumination, partial occlusion...) is still an area under active research. This work focuses on the design of a new nonparametric occlusion detection technique. In addition, we present some preliminary results that indicate that the proposed technique might be useful to face recognition systems, allowing them to dynamically discard occluded face parts

    Data-independent Random Projections from the feature-map of the homogeneous polynomial kernel of degree two

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    [EN] This paper presents a novel non-linear extension of the Random Projection method based on the degree-2 homogeneous polynomial kernel. Our algorithm is able to implicitly map data points to the high-dimensional feature space of that kernel and from there perform a Random Projection to an Euclidean space of the desired dimensionality. Pairwise distances between data points in the kernel feature space are approximately preserved in the resulting representation. As opposed to previous kernelized Random Projection versions, our method is data-independent and preserves much of the computational simplicity of the original algorithm. This is achieved by focusing on a specific kernel function, what allowed us to analyze the effect of its associated feature mapping in the distribution of the Random Projection hyperplanes. Finally, we present empirical evidence that the proposed method outperforms alternative approaches in terms of pairwise distance preservation, while being significantly more efficient. Also, we show how our method can be used to approximate the accuracy of non-linear classifiers with efficient linear classifiers in some datasets

    Compact bilinear pooling via kernelized random projection for fine-grained image categorization on low computational power devices

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    [EN]Bilinear pooling is one of the most popular and effective methods for fine-grained image recognition. However, a major drawback of Bilinear pooling is the dimensionality of the resulting descriptors, which typically consist of several hundred thousand features. Even when generating the descriptor is tractable, its dimension makes any subsequent operations impractical and often results in huge computational and storage costs. We introduce a novel method to efficiently reduce the dimension of bilinear pooling descriptors by performing a Random Projection. Conveniently, this is achieved without ever computing the high-dimensional descriptor explicitly. Our experimental results show that our method outperforms existing compact bilinear pooling algorithms in most cases, while running faster on low computational power devices, where efficient extensions of bilinear pooling are most useful

    Análisis del uso tradicional de plantas medicinales que se comercializan en Bogotá Colombia : un abordaje desde las ciencias ambientales

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    49 páginas : gráficas, mapasEsta investigación buscar dar a conocer el uso tradicional de las platas medicinales que se comercializan en la Plaza de mercado Samper Mendoza indagando sobre el lugar de siembra, actividades agrícolas, procesos de recolección, distribución y venta de las plantas.Incluye bibliografíaPregradoProfesional en Ciencias Ambientale

    Propuesta del diseño de un Sistema Contable para la micro empresa mini ferretería san carlos ubicada en la comarca San José de Masatepe, en el departamento de Masaya, durante el segundo semestre del año 2017

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    El presente trabajo investigativo se basa en la propuesta del diseño de un sistema contable para la Mini Ferretería San Carlos ubicada en la comarca San José de Masatepe, en el departamento de Masaya, durante el II semestre del año 2017, con el propósito de reflejar la importancia de un sistema contable en las actividades operacionales que realiza una pyme, a fin de obtener información veraz y confiable. Para sustentar esta investigación se realizaron indagaciones sobres los aspectos más importantes que interfieren en el diseño de un sistema contable donde se abarca todo lo relacionado a la contabilidad, políticas contables, control interno etc. con el propósito de entender con claridad lo que se va a desarrollar en la propuesta. Seguidamente se presenta el diseño metodológico donde se aplican instrumentos y técnicas como entrevistas, cuestionarios y la utilización de una guía de observación para identificar si el negocio posee algún tipo de control, así como normas y procedimientos para llevar a cabo las operaciones contables realizadas por la misma. Luego se realizó la propuesta sobre el diseño de un sistema contable para la Mini Ferretería San Carlos que inicia con la elaboración de un catálogo con su instructivo de cuentas, manual de control interno y políticas contables, los cuales están adaptados a las necesidades y actividad comercial de la entidad. Con todo lo mencionado anteriormente y plasmado en el desarrollo del trabajo se espera ofrecer un sistema contable donde su principal propósito sea preparar información contable de calidad, relevante, veraz, y oportuna con el objetivo de ayudar a quienes toman decisiones dentro del ente económico

    Development of preparatory activity indexed by the contingent negative variation in children

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    Objectives The present study investigated the effect of age on task-specific preparatory activation induced by a spatial cue using the central cue Posner’s paradigm. The behavioral responses and the contingent negative variation (CNV) generated between S1 (the warning stimulus) and S2 (the imperative stimulus) were compared between 16 healthy children (8–13 years old) and 17 healthy young adults (18–23 years old). Methods The EEG was recorded from 20 scalp sites of the International 10–20 system. The complete trial period included a central directional cue that was on for 300 m s and an attentive waiting period lasting 1360 m s. Finally, a peripheral target appeared, subtending a visual angle of 4.56° and situated 2.28° eccentrically in the horizontal meridian. The early and late components of the CNV appearing in the period between cue and target were analyzed. Results The CNV of children showed no contralateral cortical activation related to motor preparation. However, the young adults showed contralateral activation to the cue over motor areas. Both children and young adults showed cortical activation in posterior sensory areas, displaying a pattern of activation contralateral to the cue. Also, a positive parietal component appeared in children during the CNV period. Conclusions These results suggest that the motor preparation system in children is less mature than the sensory preparatory system. The children may have used strategies and brain areas different from those of the young adults to prepare for stimuli and responses

    Hybridizing metric learning and case-based reasoning for adaptable clickbait detection.

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    [EN]The term clickbait is usually used to name web contents which are specifically designed to maximize advertisement monetization, often at the expense of quality and exactitude. The rapid proliferation of this type of content has motivated researchers to develop automatic detection methods, to effectively block clickbaits in different application domains. In this paper, we introduce a novel clickbait detection method. Our approach leverages state-of-the-art techniques from the fields of deep learning and metric learning, integrating them into the Case-Based Reasoning methodology. This provides the model with the ability to learn-over-time, adapting to different users’ criteria. Our experimental results also evidence that the proposed approach outperforms previous clickbait detection methods by a large margin

    Graffiti Identification System Using Low-Cost Sensors

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    This article introduces the possibility of studying graffiti using a colorimeter developed with Arduino hardware technology according to the Do It Yourself (DIY) philosophy. Through the obtained Red Green Blue (RGB) data it is intended to study and compare the information extracted from each of the graffiti present on different walls. The same color can be found in different parts of a single graffiti, but also in other graffiti that could a priori be of different authorship. Nevertheless, graffiti may be related, and it may be possible to group graffiti artists and "gangs" that work together. The methodology followed for the construction of the colorimeter and its real application in a practical case are described in four case studies. The case studies describe how graffiti were identified and recognized and they provide a comparison of the collected color samples. The results show the added value of the colorimeter in the graffiti recognition process, demonstrating its usefulness on a functional level. Finally, the contributions of this research are outlined, and an analysis is carried out of the changes to be made to the proposed method in the future, for improved graffiti color identification

    Territory and climatic change : towards the construction of sustainable schemes of land use in Campeche, México

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    Fil: Ayala-Arcipreste, María Esther. Universidad Autónoma de CampecheFil: Isaac-Márquez, Ricardo. Universidad Autónoma de CampecheFil: Sánchez-González, María Consuelo. Universidad Autónoma de CampecheFil: Isaac-Márquez, Angélica Patricia. Universidad Autónoma de CampecheFil: Arteaga-Aguilar, Marco Antonio. Universidad Autónoma de Campech

    Diseño de una propuesta para la inclusión de la auditoría forense como parte fundamental de la formación del estudiante de contaduría pública

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    CD-T 657.86 G165; 116 pArgumentación de cómo un estudiante de contaduría pública de la Universidad Libre Seccional Pereira puede incorporar la Auditoría Forense a su perfil profesional.Universidad Libre Seccional Pereir