174 research outputs found

    Improving the accuracy while preserving the interpretability of fuzzy function approximators by means of multi-objective evolutionary algorithms

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    AbstractThe identification of a model is one of the key issues in the field of fuzzy system modeling and function approximation theory. An important characteristic that distinguishes fuzzy systems from other techniques in this area is their transparency and interpretability. Especially in the construction of a fuzzy system from a set of given training examples, little attention has been paid to the analysis of the trade-off between complexity and accuracy maintaining the interpretability of the final fuzzy system. In this paper a multi-objective evolutionary approach is proposed to determine a Pareto-optimum set of fuzzy systems with different compromises between their accuracy and complexity. In particular, two fundamental and competing objectives concerning fuzzy system modeling are addressed: fuzzy rule parameter optimization and the identification of system structure (i.e. the number of membership functions and fuzzy rules), taking always in mind the transparency of the obtained system. Another key aspect of the algorithm presented in this work is the use of some new expert evolutionary operators, specifically designed for the problem of fuzzy function approximation, that try to avoid the generation of worse solutions in order to accelerate the convergence of the algorithm

    Graphic study and geovisualization of the old windmills of La Mancha (Spain)

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    In Spain, one can find geographical diversity and unique sites of great significance and cultural heritage. Many of the nation’s treasured places, however, have deteriorated or have even disappeared. What is left, then, should be studied and documented both graphically and infographically. It is important to preserve and document Spain’s unique locations, especially those related to vernacular heritage, to transhumance and visual impact assessment in many national infrastructures projects. Windmills are important examples of agro-industrial heritage and are sometimes found in the beds of streams and rivers but can also be found high in the hills. Their presence is constant throughout the Iberian Peninsula. These mills are no longer in use due to technological advances and the emergence of new grinding systems. The aim of this study was to present a specific methodology for the documentation of windmills, to create a graphical representation using computer graphics, as well as to disseminate knowledge of this agro-industrial heritage. This research has integrated graphic materials, including freehand sketches, photographs, digital orthophotos, computer graphics and multimedia in the creation of a specific methodology based on cutting-edge technology such as a digital photogrammetric workstation (DPW), global navigation satellite systems (GNSS), computer-aided design (CAD) and computer animation

    Computer-Aided Design and Kinematic Simulation of Huygens’s Pendulum Clock

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    This article presents both the three-dimensional modelling of the isochronous pendulum clock and the simulation of its movement, as designed by the Dutch physicist, mathematician, and astronomer Christiaan Huygens, and published in 1673. This invention was chosen for this research not only due to the major technological advance that it represented as the first reliable meter of time, but also for its historical interest, since this timepiece embodied the theory of pendular movement enunciated by Huygens, which remains in force today. This 3D modelling is based on the information provided in the only plan of assembly found as an illustration in the book Horologium Oscillatorium, whereby each of its pieces has been sized and modelled, its final assembly has been carried out, and its operation has been correctly verified by means of CATIA V5 software. Likewise, the kinematic simulation of the pendulum has been carried out, following the approximation of the string by a simple chain of seven links as a composite pendulum. The results have demonstrated the exactitude of the clock

    Herramienta software para el aprendizaje de la generación de la cardiode en un entorno AutoCAD

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    This article presents a novel application which has been developed in Visual LISP for an AutoCAD environment, and which shows intuitively and quickly the generation of the Cardioid curve in five different ways (conchoid of a circumference, pedal curve of a circumference, inverse of a parabola, orthoptic curve of a circumference and epicycloid of a circumference). This cyclic curve has a large number of artistic and technical applications, among them the profile of some cams

    Proposta de uma arquitetura da indústria 4.0 na rede de fornecimento desde a perspectiva da engenharia industrial

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    Introduction: This article derives from the research into big data applications, conducted at the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas in 2017, which seeks to solve the problem of compatibility between the information generated by sensors in equipment and machines, and the platforms that support such information. A proposed architecture that can be adopted by supply chains immersed in Industry 4.0 is shown. The elements, authors, and stakeholders that interact in the architecture were identified. Methodology: a) the importance of Industry 4.0 is argued; b) it is stated that organizations must adapt to the new industrial revolution; c) the research literature is reviewed. These findings are methodically analyzed for proposals, advances, methodology, future research, results and conclusions; d) an architecture is proposed; e) a mobile application is created to evaluate the interconnection of the sensor layer with the application layer proposed by the architecture; f) the usability of the application is checked; and g) the advantages and limitations of the architecture are explained. Results: The application has a 91 % usability allowing real-time connection between the sensor layer and the application layer. Conclusions: This research presents tools that provide the supply chain with guidelines to be included in Industry 4.0 and to obtain competitive advantages.Introducción: este artículo es producto de la investigación sobre aplicaciones del big data, desarrollada en la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas en el 2017, la cual busca solucionar el problema de compatibilidad entre la información generada por sensores en equipos y máquinas con las plataformas que soportan la información. Se muestra una propuesta de arquitectura que pueden adoptar las cadenas de suministro inmersas en la industria 4.0. Se identificaron los elementos, autores y partes interesadas que interactúan en la arquitectura. Metodología: a) se argumenta la importancia de la industria 4.0; b) se expone que las organizaciones deben adaptarse a la nueva revolución industrial; c) se realiza la revisión de la literatura de investigaciones. A estos hallazgos se les realiza un análisis metódico de las propuestas, avances, metodología, investigaciones futuras, resultados y conclusiones. d) Se plantea una arquitectura; e) se crea una aplicación móvil para evaluar la interconexión de la capa de sensores con la capa de aplicación planteada en la arquitectura; f) se comprueba la usabilidad de la aplicación, y g) se exponen las ventajas y limitaciones de la arquitectura. Resultados: la aplicación tiene una usabilidad del 91%, permitiendo que haya conexión en tiempo real entre la capa de sensores con la capa de aplicación. Conclusiones: la presente investigación expone herramientas que brindan a la cadena de suministro directrices para incluirse en la industria 4.0 y obtener ventajas competitivas.Introdução: este artigo é produto da pesquisa sobre aplicativos de big data, desenvolvida na Universidade Distrital Francisco José de Caldas em 2017, na qual busca-se solucionar o problema de compatibilidade entre a informação gerada por sensores em equipamentos e máquinas com as plataformas que suportam a informação. Apresenta-se uma proposta de arquitetura que as redes de fornecimento imersas na indústria 4.0 podem adotar. Foram identificados os elementos, autores e partes interessadas que interagem na arquitetura. Metodologia: a) argumenta-se sobre a importância da indústria 4.0; b) expõe-se que as organizações devem se adaptar à nova revolução industrial; c) realiza-se a revisão da literatura de investigações. Essas descobertas passam por uma análise metódica das propostas, avanços, metodologia, futuras pesquisas, resultados e conclusões; d) uma arquitetura é apresentada; e) um aplicativo móvel é criado para avaliar a interconexão da camada de sensores com a camada de aplicativo projetada na arquitetura; f) a usabilidade do aplicativo é comprovada, e g) as vantagens e limitações da arquitetura são expostas. Resultados: o aplicativo tem uma usabilidade de 91%, o que permite que haja conexão em tempo real entre a camada de sensores e a camada de aplicativo. Conclusões: a presente pesquisa expõe ferramentas que propiciam diretrizes à rede de fornecimento para serem incluídas na indústria 4.0 e obter vantagens competitivas

    Assessment of precision in dems generated using automatic correlation

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    En este trabajo se muestra una experiencia en la generación de Modelos Digitales de Elevaciones (MDE) a partir de algoritmos de correlación automática propios de una Estación de Fotogrametría Digital (EFD), así como una evaluación sobre la precisión obtenida en función de los datos disponibles y de la metodología empleada. Este estudio se aplica a un espacio singular denominado cerro “Calderico” en el que se ubican los famosos molinos de viento de Don Quijote en Consuegra (Toledo, España), donde se diferencian tres zonas, caracterizadas principalmente por su distinta pendiente. Una vez creados los diferentes MDE para los ámbitos descritos se efectúa un análisis estadístico que nos servirá para hacer una valoración cuantitativa tanto de los modelos como de las ortoimágenes que se obtengan. Los resultados que se aportan indican mayor disparidad en la precisión de los puntos homólogos identificados en cada MDE para las zonas de más desnivel y menor en las zonas con pendiente más suave. Es interesante observar la buena calidad de los puntos controlados mediante GPS diferencial

    Elements of a teaching method considering the diversity of students addressed to the teaching staff of dentistry major

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    Introducción: un docente que atienda las características individuales y diversas de los estudiantes puede contribuir a la calidad del proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje.Objetivo: elaborar un programa didáctico sobre la atención a la diversidad de estudiantes dirigido a docentes de la carrera Estomatología.Métodos: se realizó una investigación descriptiva y cualitativa en la carrera de Estomatología en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Las Tunas, durante el curso 2019-2020. Se definió como campo de la investigación la atención a la diversidad de estudiantes de Estomatología y como objeto el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje en el posgrado. La investigación se realizó en cuatro etapas: 1) análisis del plan de estudio D y documentos rectores;2) revisión de artículos, tesis y otros documentos; 3) elaboración del programa didáctico y 4) presentación del programa para ser enriquecido con criterios de docentes.Resultados: se elaboró y presentó un programa didáctico sobre la atención a la diversidad de estudiantes de Estomatología dirigido a docentes de la carrera. El programa quedó estructurado con un objetivo general, seis temas específicos, cada uno de ellos con objetivos, sistema de contenidos (conocimientos, habilidades y valores) y tareas docentes. Se abordó diferentes sistemas de conocimientos sobre aspectos pedagógicos, didácticos, diseño curricular, diagnóstico pedagógico integral, estudio histórico y fundamentos teóricos, relacionados con la diversidad de estudiantes.Conclusiones: se elabora un programa didáctico para el curso de posgrado dirigido a docentes de la carrera Estomatología.Introduction: a professor who attends to the individual and diverse characteristics of students can contribute to the quality of the teaching-learning process.Objective: to draw up a teaching method responding to the diversity of students addressed to the teaching staff of dentistry major.Methods: a descriptive and qualitative research was carried out in Dentistry major at Las Tunas University of Medical Sciences, during the academic course 2019-2020. The field of research was defined considering the diversity of Dentistry students and as an object in the postgraduate teaching-learning process. The research was carried out in four stages: 1) analysis of the program-D of study and guiding documents; 2) review of articles, theses and other documents; 3) drawing up the teaching method and 4) introduction of the teaching method to be enriched by the criteria of professors.Results: a teaching method was drawn up and presented considering the diversity of Dentistry students and intended for the professors of this major. The teaching method was structured with a general objective, six specific topics, each with objectives, content system (knowledge, development of skills and values) along with teaching tasks. Different knowledge systems on pedagogical and didactic aspects, curricular design, comprehensive pedagogical diagnosis, historical study and theoretical foundations, related to student diversity were addressed.Conclusions: a teaching method was drawn up for the postgraduate course addressed to the teaching staff of dentistry major