2,387 research outputs found

    Learning block memories with metric networks

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    An attractor neural network on the small-world topology is studied. A learning pattern is presented to the network, then a stimulus carrying local information is applied to the neurons and the retrieval of block-like structure is investigated. A synaptic noise decreases the memory capability. The change of stability from local to global attractors is shown to depend on the long-range character of the network connectivity.This work was supported by TIN 2004-04363-CO03-03, TIN 2007-65989 and CAM S-SEM-0255-2006

    El rol de la clase social, la educación y el desempleo parentales en el desarrollo cognitivo infantil

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    Objective: Assessing the association between socioeconomic gradient and cognitive development among children of a Spanish birth cohort aged 5-6 years from a gender perspective. Method: Cognitive development was assessed on 525 children aged 5-6 years in the INMA-Valencia cohort, with the Global Cognitive Score (GCS) from McCarthy Scales of Children’s Abilities. Information on social class, education level and employment was collected for both parents in addition to other sociodemographic factors, parental, family and child characteristics. The relationship between maternal and paternal socioeconomic gradient and cognitive development was assessed by linear regressions and comparing the variance explained by each indicator measured in the mother and father. Results: Maternal socioeconomic gradient indicators explained more variance on GCS than paternal. Maternal education and paternal social class had an important individual effect that stayed after adjusting by other parental, child and family determinants. In the multivariable analysis, maternal education, age and intelligence, paternal social class and the child’s age and sex were significantly associated with cognitive development. Conclusions: Diverse socioeconomic gradient factors have an important influence on cognitive development, maternal education being the strongest determinant. Policies should be implemented to mitigate the negative effects of this gradient on child development.Objetivo: Evaluar la asociación del gradiente socioeconómico y el desarrollo cognitivo en ni˜nos y ni˜nas de una cohorte espa˜nola a los 5-6 a˜nos de edad desde una perspectiva de género. Método: Se evaluó el desarrollo cognitivo en 525 ni˜nos/as de 5-6 a˜nos de la cohorte INMA-Valencia, mediante la Puntuación Global Cognitiva (PGC) de las Escalas McCarthy para ni˜nos y ni˜nas. Se recogió información de ambos progenitores sobre clase social, nivel de estudios y empleo, además de otros factores sociodemográficos, características parentales, de la familia y del ni˜no o la ni˜na. La relación entre el gradiente socioeconómico materno y paterno y el desarrollo cognitivo se evaluó mediante modelos de regresión lineal y comparando la varianza explicada por cada uno de los indicadores medidos en la madre y en el padre. Resultados: Los indicadores de gradiente socioeconómico de la madre explicaron más varianza del índice de PGC que los del padre. La educación materna y la clase social paterna tuvieron un importante efecto individual, que se mantuvo tras ajustar por otros determinantes de los progenitores, del ni˜no o de la ni˜na, y del entorno familiar. En el análisis multivariante, la educación, la edad y la inteligencia maternas, la clase social paterna, y la edad y el sexo del infante se asociaron significativamente con el desarrollo cognitivo. Conclusiones: Distintos factores del gradiente socioeconómico tienen influencia en el desarrollo cognitivo, siendo la educación materna el determinante más fuerte. Deberían implementarse políticas para paliar los efectos negativos de este gradiente en el desarrollo infantil

    Continuity or discontinuity of hillfort occupations in northwestern iberia? A revision of Viladonga’s site sequence, Castro de Rei, Lugo

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    En este artículo se presentan los principales resultados de una revisión de la secuencia del castro de Viladonga (Castro de Rei, Lugo) a partir de un análisis crono-estratigráfico del registro material, con especial relevancia de la cerámica. Este es uno de los principales yacimientos a partir del cual se ha sustentado el relato arqueológico del noroeste peninsular durante el período denominado tradicionalmente como “galaico-romano”. Importante fue la contribución historiográfica del sitio al debate sobre la continuidad de las ocupaciones fortificadas en altura durante los momentos tardíos del Imperio Romano y la época sueva, que ha generado diversas interpretaciones sobre la articulación del territorio. Estas interpretaciones partían de la idea de que este castro, y otros similares, estuvieron ocupados entre el siglo II d. C. hasta, al menos, la quinta centuria de forma ininterrumpida. Sin embargo, otras interpretaciones sugerían una cesura en esta secuencia ocupacional, si bien todavía no había sido objeto de una atención específica. La revisión crono-estratigráfica realizada en Viladonga ha permitido proponer una nueva secuencia con dos grandes fases de ocupación separadas por un hiato entre los siglos II d. C. y el V d. C. y una fase final de abandono a inicios del siglo VI d. C. La secuencia propuesta supone la reformulación de algunos de los principales paradigmas sobre las transformaciones del poblamiento en el noroeste durante este periodo.We present in this paper the main results of a revision of the chronological sequence of Viladonga (Castro de Rei, Lugo) through a chrono-stratigraphic analyses of the material culture, with special regard to pottery assembleages. This hilltop occupation has been one of most important sites through which scholars have developed an archaeological narrative of the so-called “galaic-Roman” period in the northwestern part of the Iberian Peninsula. It was particularly important for the debate around the continuity of this hilltop occupations through the post-Roman and Suevic periods, generating a diversity of interpretations on the settlement articulation in this crucial historical context. These interpretations were based on the idea that this site, and others with similar characteristics, were occupied through a long sequence between the 2nd century and 5th century AD. However, other interpretations suggested a possible break in the occupational sequence, even though they were not being specifically considered. The chrono-stratigraphic analyses of Viladonga have come to propose a new sequence with two major phases of occupation, disrupted by a hiatus between the 2nd and the fourth century and a final phase of abandonment in the 6th century AD. Consequently, this sequence implies a revision of the main paradigms on the transformation of the settlement pattern in the northwestern part of the Iberian peninsula in this period.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad HUM2016-76094-C4-2-

    Spatially structured information in attractor neural networks using metric connectivity

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    Tesis doctoral inédita. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Escuela Politécnica Superior, departamento de Ingeniería Informática, noviembre de 201

    Mundos virtuales 3D para la comunicación e interacción en el momento educativo online

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    3D Virtual Worlds offer the possibility of a redesign of communication situations of traditional online education, being its potentiality to restore characteristics of classical classroom education. Here we present the design of a teaching methodology that includes the phases of action for the development of educational activities in 3D platforms as complementary resource for online education. As a result, it is confirmed the positive impact of its use in learning skills, social dimension of learning and student motivation.Los Mundos Virtuales 3D ofrecen la posibilidad de un rediseño de las situaciones de comunicación educativa online tradicionales, siendo su potencialidad la de restituir características propias de la educación presencial clásica. Aquí presentamos el diseño de una metodología docente que recoge las fases de actuación para el desarrollo de actividades educativas en plataformas 3D, como recurso complementario para la enseñanza online. Como resultado, se confirma el impacto positivo de su uso en el aprendizaje de competencias, la dimensión social del aprendizaje y la motivación de los alumnos

    Structured information in small-world neural networks

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    The retrieval abilities of spatially uniform attractor networks can be measured by the global overlap between patterns and neural states. However, we found that nonuniform networks, for instance, small-world networks, can retrieve fragments of patterns blocks without performing global retrieval. We propose a way to measure the local retrieval using a parameter that is related to the fluctuation of the block overlaps. Simulation of neural dynamics shows a competition between local and global retrieval. The phase diagram shows a transition from local retrieval to global retrieval when the storage ratio increases and the topology becomes more random. A theoretical approach confirms the simulation results and predicts that the stability of blocks can be improved by dilution.This work was supported by the MEC Grants No. TIN- 2004-04363-CO03-03, No. TIN-2007-65989 and by the CAM Grant No. S-SEM-0255-2006. E.S. was partially supported by the MEC Grant No. PR2007-0080. We thank K. Koroutchev and R. Levi for useful discussion


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    Ensemble of diluted attractor networks with optimized topology for fingerprint retrieval

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    The present study analyzes the retrieval capacity of an Ensemble of diluted Attractor Neural Networks for real patterns (i.e., non-random ones), as it is the case of human fingerprints. We explore the optimal number of Attractor Neural Networks in the ensemble to achieve a maximum fingerprint storage capacity. The retrieval performance of the ensemble is measured in terms of the network connectivity structure, by comparing 1D ring to 2D cross grid topologies for the random shortcuts ratio. Given the nature of the network ensemble and the different characteristics of patterns, an optimization can be carried out considering how the pattern subsets are assigned to the ensemble modules. The ensemble specialization splitting into several modules of attractor networks is explored with respect to the activities of patterns and also in terms of correlations of the subsets of patterns assigned to each module in the ensemble network.This work was funded by and UDLA-SIS.MGR.20.01. This research was also funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation/FEDER, under the \RETOS" Programme, with grant numbers: TIN2017-84452-R and RTI2018-098019-B-I00; and by the CYTED Network \Ibero-American Thematic Network on ICT Applications for Smart Cities", grant number: 518RT0559