534 research outputs found

    El derecho de huelga: un derecho fundamental acorralado

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    The conditions imposed on the exercise of the right to strike, specially if altogether considered, make it possible to speak of the right to strike as a «cornered right». The analysis of these limits is what the present work is dedicated to, with special emphasis on the Spanish reality. Not without specifying that those limits that impede the right to strike and turn it into a clearly deactivated and of limited effectiveness form of pressure may be very diverse. The fact that few fundamental rights are as controlled as the strike is due, no doubt, to the fact that they belong to the category of fundamental rights that have a double dimension, both individual and collective. For this reason, the regulations approach them with greater caution, combining recognition and guarantee with obstacles in a significant number and consistency. This study highlights such a contrast, which ends up favoring the limitations of the right to strike.Las condiciones que se imponen al ejercicio del derecho de huelga, sobre todo si son considerados de forma conjunta, permiten hablar del derecho de huelga como un «derecho acorralado». Al análisis de estos límites es a lo que se dedica el presente trabajo, haciendo especial hincapié en la realidad española. No sin precisar que esos límites que obstaculizan el derecho de huelga y lo convierten en una forma de presión sensiblemente desactivada y de eficacia limitada pueden ser de muy diverso tipo. El que pocos derechos fundamentales se encuentren tan controlados como el de huelga obedece, sin duda, al hecho de que pertenecen a la categoría de derechos fundamentales que tienen una doble dimensión, a la vez individual y colectiva. Por esta razón, las normas que los regulan se acercan a los mismos con mayores cautelas, combinando reconocimiento y garantía con obstáculos de número y consistencia nada despreciables. Este estudio resalta tal contraste, que acaba decantándose a favor de las limitaciones del derecho de huelga

    Las reformas del Real Decreto-Ley 20/2020, regulador del ingreso mínimo vital, y sus inmediatas y relevantes correcciones posteriores

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    The approval of the minimum vital income («ingreso mínimo vital» –IMV– in Spanish) assumes completing the design of the Social Security System, perfecting its non-contributory level, although this does not necessarily means the disappearance of the autonomous benefits to guarantee subsistence income. It is a benefit with special rules in relation to the holders and beneficiaries, in particular everything related to cohabitation units, and other more common non-contributory benefits such as those referring to the situation of economic vulnerability, to the calculation of the income of those who request the benefit and the determination of the amount that is variable and differential. The approval of the IMV in a context of social and economic crisis as a consequence of the health emergency has caused the regulatory standard to be approved with a certain urgency that has had a negative impact on its precision and technical correctness. Reason why the initial rule has been subjected to several relevant subsequent corrections and reforms, which are those analyzed in this paper.La aprobación del ingreso mínimo vital (IMV) supone completar el diseño del sistema de Seguridad Social perfeccionando su nivel no contributivo, aunque ello no implica necesariamente la desaparición de las prestaciones autonómicas de garantía de rentas de subsistencia. Se trata de una prestación singular con reglas especiales en lo referente a las personas titulares y beneficiarias, en particular todo lo relativo a las unidades de convivencia, y otras más habituales propias de las prestaciones no contributivas como las referidas a la situación de vulnerabilidad económica, al cómputo de los ingresos de quienes solicitan la prestación y a la determinación de la cuantía que es variable y diferencial. La aprobación del IMV en un contexto de crisis social y económica consecuencia de la emergencia sanitaria ha provocado que la norma reguladora se haya aprobado con una cierta urgencia, lo que ha repercutido negativamente sobre su precisión y corrección técnica. Razón por la cual la norma inicial, el Real Decreto-Ley 20/2020, ha sido sometida a varias correcciones y reformas posteriores de relevancia que son las que se analizan en el presente trabajo

    Intelligence quotient, short-term memory and study habits as academic achievement predictors of elementary school: A follow-up study

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    Few studies have explored the differential contribution of general intelligence, short-term memory and study habits has on academic achievement during elementary school, especially during a two-year follow-up. The aim of this study is to determine whether there is a relationship between intelligence quotient (IQ), short-term memory and study habits and their ability to predict the academic achievement of children in elementary school (74 pupils aged 8–9 years old). The instruments used are the General and Factorial Intelligence Test (GFI-3 revised), the Yuste Memory Test (MY), the Study Habits and Techniques Questionnaire (SHTQ) and the average score obtained in the final exams in both 3rd and 4th grade. IQ, short-term memory and study habits are significantly related to academic achievement. These variables can predict 56–59 % (p < .001) of the variability of academic achievement. The study concludes that IQ and study habits are two significant predictor variables of academic achievement

    La beca como instrumento de inserción en el mercado laboral

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    Manufacturing strategy–technology relationship among auto suppliers

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    Each manufacturing plant has to develop its own path to success based on contingencies and on manufacturing practices links. On the basis of the latter, this paper tests the link between two of the most important manufacturing practices areas, manufacturing strategy (MS) and technology, without addressing causality or their combined effect on performance. This is done by selection fit, i.e. congruency adjustment. However, this paper goes beyond grouping both sets of practices in pairs, by using a more general selection view version, with practices from both sets related multidimensionally and subordinated by regression analysis to test for any congruent pattern. Regression results from a wide-ranging survey of auto supplier plants show that, in general, MS seems to have some kind of impact on technology, and that technology has some kind of influence on MS. In addition, a strong congruency between both practices areas is observed when using correlation. This suggests that when implementing or adjusting MS or technology, the other should also be considered; otherwise they may not operate effectivelyMinisterio de Educación y Ciencia DPI-2006-05531Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia DPI 2009 -11148Junta de Andalucía P08-SEJ-0384

    Using the Social-Local-Mobile App for Smoking Cessation in the SmokeFreeBrain Project: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Background: Smoking is considered the main cause of preventable illness and early deaths worldwide. The treatment usually prescribed to people who wish to quit smoking is a multidisciplinary intervention, combining both psychological advice and pharmacological therapy, since the application of both strategies significantly increases the chance of success in a quit attempt. Objective: We present a study protocol of a 12-month randomized open-label parallel-group trial whose primary objective is to analyze the efficacy and efficiency of usual psychopharmacological therapy plus the Social-Local-Mobile app (intervention group) applied to the smoking cessation process compared with usual psychopharmacological therapy alone (control group). Methods: The target population consists of adult smokers (both male and female) attending the Smoking Cessation Unit at Virgen del Rocío University Hospital, Seville, Spain. Social-Local-Mobile is an innovative intervention based on mobile technologies and their capacity to trigger behavioral changes. The app is a complement to pharmacological therapies to quit smoking by providing personalized motivational messages, physical activity monitoring, lifestyle advice, and distractions (minigames) to help overcome cravings. Usual pharmacological therapy consists of bupropion (Zyntabac 150 mg) or varenicline (Champix 0.5 mg or 1 mg). The main outcomes will be (1) the smoking abstinence rate at 1 year measured by means of exhaled carbon monoxide and urinary cotinine tests, and (2) the result of the cost-effectiveness analysis, which will be expressed in terms of an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio. Secondary outcome measures will be (1) analysis of the safety of pharmacological therapy, (2) analysis of the health-related quality of life of patients, and (3) monitoring of healthy lifestyle and physical exercise habits. Results: Of 548 patients identified using the hospital’s electronic records system, we excluded 308 patients: 188 declined to participate and 120 did not meet the inclusion criteria. A total of 240 patients were enrolled: the control group (n=120) will receive usual psychopharmacological therapy, while the intervention group (n=120) will receive usual psychopharmacological therapy plus the So-Lo-Mo app. The project was approved for funding in June 2015. Enrollment started in October 2016 and was completed in October 2017. Data gathering was completed in November 2018, and data analysis is under way. The first results are expected to be submitted for publication in early 2019. Conclusions: Social networks and mobile technologies influence our daily lives and, therefore, may influence our smoking habits as well. As part of the SmokeFreeBrain H2020 European Commission project, this study aims at elucidating the potential role of these technologies when used as an extra aid to quit smoking

    Bovine infectious abortion: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    The aim of the present systematic review and meta-analysis was to identify the main infectious agents related to bovine abortion worldwide in the period between 2000 and 2022. First, we investigated the global prevalence of infectious agents related to bovine abortion. For this analysis, only 27 articles detected of a wide panel of agents were included. The random effects model revealed that the estimated prevalence of the abortifacient agents in bovine abortion was 45.7%. The heterogeneity among studies was high, but Egger’s test showed that there was no publication bias, even though the total number of samples analyzed in these articles was variable. There was no significant effect of the year of the study publication on the estimated prevalence, although an increasing trend was observed over time, possibly due to the implementation of new diagnostic techniques. Then, we analyzed the prevalence of the main transmissible agents in bovine abortion. For this analysis, 76 studies that analyzed 19,070 cases were included. Some infectious agent was detected in 7,319 specimens, and a final diagnosis was reached in 3,977 of these, when both the infectious agent and compatible histopathological changes were detected. We found that Neospora caninum was the most detected agent (22.2%), followed by opportunistic bacteria (21.4%), Chlamydiaceae family (10.9%) and Coxiella burnetii (9.5%). Regarding viral agents, bovine herpes virus type 1 and bovine viral diarrhea displayed similar prevalence rates (approximately 5%). After considering the description of specific histopathological changes, our analyzes showed that N. caninum was a confirmed cause of abortion in 16.7% of the analyzed cases, followed by opportunistic bacteria (12.6%) and Chlamydia spp. (6.8%); however, C. burnetii was only confirmed as a cause of abortion in 1.1% of the cases. For all agents, the heterogeneity among studies was high, and the subgroup analyzes discarded the diagnostic method as the cause of such heterogeneity. This study provides knowledge about the global prevalence of the different infectious agents related to bovine abortion, the most coming of which is N. caninum. In addition, this review reveals the existing deficiencies in the diagnosis of bovine abortion that must be addressed in the future
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