140 research outputs found

    Defensa de Don Isidro LLamazares, vecino de León, alegando de bien probado, en el pleito que le promovieron el concejo y vecinos de Joarilla, pretendiendo invalidar una escritura de transacción, otorgada en 19 de marzo de 1849, aprobada por la Audiencia Territorial en Real auto de 16 de julio siguiente

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    En la port.: "Fué suscitado en el Juzgado de primera instancia de esta capital, (y no en el de Hacienda), y recayó sentencia en 21 de junio de 1855, absolviendo al D. Isidro de la demanda contra él propuesta. Defendió a este D. Antonio María Suáres, abogado delos Ilustres colegios de Valladolid, Burgos y LeónCopia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2010-201

    El Regañón: una posición avanzada republicana de media montaña en el Frente Norte (San Emiliano, León)

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    The present paper describes the results of the survey and excavation focused on defensive structures built during the Spanish Civil War in “El Regañón site” (San Emiliano, León) during August 2020. The area of investigation is a republican outpost located in a middle mountain position on the North Front, playing the main role in the defense of the “Puerto de Ventana”, natural passage towards the council of Teverga in the Principado de Asturias. This defensive position was used between July 1936 and October 1937.En el presente artículo se describen los resultados de la prospección y excavación llevadas a cabo en las estructuras de la Guerra Civil española en el paraje de El Regañón (San Emiliano, León) durante el mes de agosto de 2020. La zona intervenida conformó una posición avanzada republicana de media montaña en el Frente Norte, jugando un papel destacado en la defensa del Puerto de Ventana, paso natural hacia el concejo de Teverga en el Principado de Asturias, entre julio de 1936 y octubre de 1937

    The Informational Consequences of Populism: Social Media News Use and "News Finds Me" Perception

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    Prior studies have theorized a positive association between people’s populist attitudes and an increased use of social media to consume news, which will be mainly driven by individuals' engagement with news that reflects their people-centered, anti-elitist, and Manichean understanding of politics. However, such general connection remains elusive. This research seeks to further clarify this strand of the literature by incorporating people’s belief that important political information will find them without actively seeking news - "News Finds Me" perception (NFM). For that, we use online survey data from two European countries that differ regarding the ideological political supply side of populism (Italy and Portugal). The main results suggest that citizens who hold stronger populist attitudes will also develop stronger NFM. Furthermore, findings reveal a mediating effect of social media news use on the effects of populist attitudes over NFM. That is, those who hold stronger populist attitudes tend to use social media to get exposed to public affairs news more often, which in turn explains the development of the NFM. These results emphasize the importance of systematically exploring citizens populists’ attitudes within today's social media, social networks, and complex information systems

    Financiación pública de las actividades de I+D+I: justificación e instrumentos, con especial alusión a la Iniciativa Eureka

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    El autor se muestra partidario de incrementar las dotaciones para I+D+i, ya que entiende que se trata de “la fórmula mágica tras la que parece esconderse el secreto del crecimiento económico, del éxito de una empresa, de la riqueza de un país y de la mejora de la calidad de vida de la humanidad”. En ese mismo sentido defiende la compra pública innovadora, situación que se genera cuando una administración desea adquirir un bien no disponible en el mercado e incentiva a las empresas para que lo desarrollen. Esta iniciativa, “puede convertir una crisis en oportunidad, aporta soluciones tecnológicas a un problema, moviliza a los agentes del Sistema de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación, y en último término dinamiza la economía y contribuye a la generación de riqueza y bienestar”. Por último, explica el funcionamiento de la iniciativa Eureka, de la que dice que “constituye un ejemplo de flexibilidad en cooperación internacional en el ámbito del I+D+I empresarial que se caracteriza por apoyar proyectos innovadores de aplicación civil, en el que tienen cabida todas las áreas tecnológicas y de mercado”. , y concluye sus palabras destacando el relevante papel de España en esta iniciativa, “tanto a nivel de gestión como de participación

    From Ideal Types to Historical Realities. Italian Fascism in Light of the Ideational Approach to Populism

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    Fascism has been scarcely analysed in populism studies. Studies that have addressed both fascism and populism have lacked either a developed theoretical framework (in the case of fascism studies) or a minimally rich empirical content (in the case of populism studies). In this article we try to overcome these limitations by developing an analysis of the Italian fascist discourse, as articulated by its founder and leader, Benito Mussolini, on the basis of the ideational approach to populism. Our analysis identifies the core populist components of the Italian fascist discourse and shows the existence of shared patterns characterizing populist rhetoric in different political and historical junctures. In addition to that, our analysis provides us with insights that might be useful to interpret the characteristics of contemporary political actors connected, directly or in directly, to fascism. Finally, our analysis shows that historical studies continue to be crucial to test and refine contemporary political science theories.El fascismo ha sido escasamente analizado por la literatura académica centrada en el populismo. Los estudios que han combinado el interés por ambos fenómenos han adolecido bien de una escasa base teórica (en el caso de los estudios prioritariamente centrados en el fascismo), bien de una gran inconcreción empírica (en el caso de los estudios que partían de algún marco teórico sobre el populismo). En el presente trabajo intentamos superar estos dos tipos de limitaciones realizando un análisis del discurso fascista italiano a partir de la teoría ideacional, tomando este discurso tal y como aparece en los textos de su líder y fundador, Benito Mussolini. Nuestro análisis identifica los componentes populistas básicos del discurso fascista italiano y muestra también la existencia de algunos patrones generales que caracterizan a la retórica populista en distintas coyunturas históricas. Además, el análisis nos proporciona algunas perspectivas útiles para interpretar las características de actores políticos contemporáneos vinculados, directa o indirectamente, al fascismo. En último término, nuestro análisis muestra que los estudios históricos siguen resultando cruciales para testar y refinar las teorías desarrolladas por la ciencia política contemporánea

    Global Satellite Tracking Initiative: Setting Up Ground Stations to Track Satellites around the World

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    The Global Satellite Tracking Initiative aims to facilitate students and young professionals setting up ground stations to download real-time data and images from satellites flying above their regions. The objective is to empower and build capacities among space enthusiasts around the world and to promote the space sector through hands-on activities and real space technologies related to satellite communications. The Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC) is an NGO that consists of a global network for students and young professionals interested in the space industry, with more than 15000 members globally from more than 150 countries. SGAC supports the United Nations Programme on Space Applications, with the vision of employing the creativity and vigor of youth in advancing humanity through the peaceful uses of space. SGAC organizes events worldwide, on a local, regional and international level, as well as several space-related projects within specific working groups. SatNOGS is an integral part of the Libre Space Foundation, supporting the development of a global open source network of satellite ground stations. The projects supported are led by enthusiasts around the world operating ground stations, which can be openly accessed via an online portal. Through the Global Satellite Tracking Initiative, SGAC and its partners will be providing all the resources, hardware, and know-how that is needed to set up several ground stations. A competition has been launched to select teams and individual space enthusiasts that will then be supplied with a kit and step-by-step instructions on how to build their own ground stations around the world.

    SGAC global satellite tracking initiative

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    The Global Satellite Tracking Initiative aims to support international students and young professionals to set up ground stations to download real-time data and images from satellites orbiting above their regions. The objective is to empower and build capabilities among space enthusiasts around the world and to promote the space sector through hands-on activities and real space technologies related to satellite communications. The Space Generation Advisory Council, together with SatNOGS as an integral part of the Libre Space Foundation, have been supporting the initiative to enhance the development of a global open source network of satellite ground stations. The initiative will be providing all the resources, hardware, and know-how that is needed to set up ground stations. A competition was launched by the end of 2021 to select teams of space enthusiasts and supply them with a kit and step-by-step instructions on how to build their own ground stations. By setting up ground stations in backyards, local universities, or maker clubs, teams are not only self-learning about telecommunications and satellite technologies, but they are creating a meaningful impact in their local communities by bringing the broad society closer to science, technology, engineering, mathematics and, in particular, space. The initiative also intends to support space missions while engaging local communities from different regions around the world in the space sector through appealing imagery and tools. After closing the Call for Applications in this pilot initiative, 10 winning teams were selected upon receiving almost 200 applications from more than 60 countries. The selected winners are based in the following emerging space faring nations: Benin, Bolivia, Egypt, Ethiopia, Nepal, Peru, Philippines, Rwanda, Vietnam, and Zimbabwe. They are being supplied with a basic Ground Station Kit and instructions on how to receive live images and data from different space missions, starting with the following frequency bands: - 137 megahertz: To receive images from National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration satellites. - 144-146 megahertz: To receive images and data from the International Space Station. - 440 megahertz: To receive data from numerous scientific and educational small satellites. Those teams that manage to set up the basic ground station kits and conduct some outreach and educational activities will receive a more advanced system. This paper captures the process to be followed by the selected teams, from the unboxing of the hardware to the reception and processing of data from operational space missions

    Effectiveness of Blended Learning in Nursing Education

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    Currently, teaching in higher education is being heavily developed by learning management systems that record the learning behaviour of both students and teachers. The use of learning management systems that include project-based learning and hypermedia resources increases safer learning, and it is proven to be effective in degrees such as nursing. In this study, we worked with 120 students in the third year of nursing degree. Two types of blended learning were applied (more interaction in learning management systems with hypermedia resources vs. none). Supervised learning techniques were applied: linear regression and k-means clustering. The results indicated that the type of blended learning in use predicted 40.4% of student learning outcomes. It also predicted 71.9% of the effective learning behaviors of students in learning management systems. It therefore appears that blended learning applied in Learning Management System (LMS) with hypermedia resources favors greater achievement of effective learning. Likewise, with this type of Blended Learning (BL) a larger number of students were found to belong to the intermediate cluster, suggesting that this environment strengthens better results in a larger number of students. BL with hypermedia resources and project-based learning increase students´ learning outcomes and interaction in learning management systems. Future research will be aimed at verifying these results in other nursing degree courses.Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Castilla y León (Spain) (Department of Education of the Junta de Castilla y León), Grant number BU032G19, and grants from the University of Burgos for the dissemination and the improvement of teaching innovation experiences of the Vice-Rectorate of Teaching and Research Staff, the Vice-Rectorate for Research and Knowledge Transfer, 2020, at the University of Burgos (Spain)

    Los nidos de ametralladora del sector de Pola de Gordón (León): fortificaciones horminogadas republicanas en el ocaso del Frente Norte

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    Les fortificacions de la Guerra Civil espanyola són susceptibles de poder ser estudiades mitjançant una metodologia arqueològica que no impliqui necessàriament l'excavació de les obres. L'anàlisi de les restes arquitectòniques ha conduït a identificar els diferents tipus de nius de metralladora que van ser construïts el 1937 al sector de Pola de Gordón (Lleó). Aquests van jugar un paper destacat en la defensa dels ports de Piedrafita i Pajares, passos naturals cap al Principat d'Astúries. L'obtenció de la informació ha estat possible a partir de la revisió de publicacions científiques, així com de l'estudi de la documentació original i l'elaboració de planimetries.The Spanish Civil War fortifications may be researched using an archaeological method even without excavations. The analysis of remains has also allowed to identify different types of pillboxes built in 1937 in the Pola de Godón sector (León). This works played the main role in the defense of the ports of Piedrafita and Pajares, natural passages towards the Principado de Asturias. In order to obtain this information publications with scientific criteria have been reviewed, as well as the study of documents and the making of planimetric maps.Las fortificaciones de la Guerra Civil española son susceptibles de poder ser estudiadas mediante una metodología arqueológica que no implique necesariamente la excavación de las obras. El análisis de los restos arquitectónicos ha conducido a identificar los diferentes tipos de nidos de ametralladora que fueron construidos en 1937 en el sector de Pola de Gordón (León). Éstos jugaron un papel destacado en la defensa de los puertos de Piedrafita y Pajares, pasos naturales hacia el Principado de Asturias. La obtención de la información ha sido posible a partir de la revisión de publicaciones científicas, así como del estudio de la documentación original y la elaboración de planimetrías

    Availability, demand, perceived constraints and disuse of ADAS technologies in Spain: findings from a national study

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    Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), created for enhancing the driving experience and actively preventing road crashes have been progressively incorporated in vehicle designing essentially during the last decade. However, the literature has shown how some of these assisting technologies are not used by drivers in tandem with their potential. The aims of this study were first, to examine the availability and demand of ADAS technologies among Spanish drivers and, secondly, to explore the perceived constraints and discouraging reasons for avoiding the use of available ADAS in their vehicles. For this national cross-sectional study, data from 1,207 Spanish drivers were analyzed. The results of this study show that, on one hand, GPS navigation, rain sensors and automatic lightning are the most frequently used and, on the other, gestural control, E-call and post-collision emergency braking are the less demanded ADAS features in Spain. Also, low perceived value, lack of confidence and potential distractibility constitute the main constraints perceived by drivers for using these assisting technologies while driving. In this regard, and jointly with a progressive vehicle automatization, a deeper emphasis on driver training, safety and efficiency-related benefits of ADAS technologies may strengthen its acceptance and progressive inclusion in everyday driving