1,296 research outputs found

    Ayúdanos a conservar la Historia

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    Este artículo explica la iniciativa del Archivo de la Universidad de Alcalá ‘Patrimonio Audiovisual del Confinamiento’. El Archivo de la Universidad de Alcalá llevó a cabo esta actividad para preservar el patrimonio audiovisual y fotográfico creado por la comunidad universitaria y los ciudadanos de Alcalá durante marzo y junio de 2020 en tiempos de pandemia. Esta iniciativa surgió de la necesidad de documentar un año histórico.This paper develops the Universidad de Alcalá Archive iniciative ‘Audiovisual fund for confinement’. The Archive carried out this activity in order to preserve the audiovisual and photographic heritage created by the university community and Alcalá citizens during March and June of 2020 in pandemic times. This initiative emerged from the need to provide documentary evidence of an historical year

    Análisis de las variaciones bruscas del Campo Magnético Terrestre de origen interno y su interpretación a partir de modelos conceptuales

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Físicas, leída el 20-12-2022Una de las características más importantes del campo magnético terrestre (CMT) es su variabilidad temporal. El campo geomagnético de origen interno, aquel generado por la convección en el núcleo externo de la Tierra, presenta variaciones del orden del año, como son los jerks geomagnéticos, hasta los miles de años durante las transiciones de polaridad. En medio de estas variaciones extremas se encuentra la variación secular del CMT, con tiempos característicos que van desde el año hasta los cientos o miles de años. La variación secular es una variación suave pero presenta ocasionalmente impulsos, como los jerks geomagnéticos y arqueomagnéticos. Además, regionalmente se observan valores anómalos del campo que evolucionan temporalmente: las anomalías magnéticas, como la Anomalía del Atlántico Sur (SAA) o la Anomalía de la Edad del Hierro en Oriente Próximo (LIAA). Las variaciones del campo geomagnético están directamente relacionadas con los procesos físicos que tienen lugar en el núcleo externo de la Tierra. Conocer cómo ha evolucionado el CMT permite entender cómo ha sido el desarrollo del planeta y saber más sobre su estructura interna. La construcción de modelos geomagnéticos basados en el registro del CMT es una de las formas de estudiar su evolución. En la actualidad los datos que usan estos modelos (o reconstrucciones) provienen de satélites y observatorios en tierra (reconstrucciones geomagnéticas). Mientras que para los últimos siglos se recurre a registros históricos, y para épocas anteriores, a secuencias de datos paleomagnéticos y arqueomagnéticos que posibilitan las reconstrucciones paleomagnéticas o paleorreconstrucciones...The time variability of the Earth’s magnetic field is one of its most important characteristics. The internal contribution of the geomagnetic field is generated by the convection in the outer core. It has a broad spectrum of temporal variability from one year, the geomagnetic jerks, to thousands of years, during the polarity transitions. The secular variation of the geomagnetic field is between those extreme variations with characteristic times between years and several hundred or thousand years. Usually, the secular variation presents smooth changes but occasionally impulses are registered in its trend, such as the geomagnetic and archeomagnetic jerks. Furthermore, anomalous values of the geomagnetic field are observed locally at the surface. These regions are called magnetic anomalies, such as the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA) and the Levantine Iron Age Anomaly (LIAA).The variability of the geomagnetic field is correlated with the physical processes in the outer core. Knowing how the geomagnetic field has evolved allows us to better understand Earth’s evolution and internal structure. For that purpose, in Geomagnetism we develop geomagnetic field models based on present or past data. Nowadays, the data are recorded by satellites and ground observatories, while in last centuries the data are obtained from historical information. For ancient times, paleomagnetic and archeomagnetic data enable the construction of paleomagnetic reconstructions of the geomagnetic field...Fac. de Ciencias FísicasTRUEunpu

    La era digital y los archivos universitarios

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    Mexican Women’s Parliament: Is it the way to reach gender equity

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    One of the most important decisions taken by the Mexican Assembly is to approve the annual budget of the country. Beijing Agreements in 1995 change the perception in the parliament which was merely for men. So, the few Mexican women in the parliament from the different parties organized the “Women’s Parliament” to reach gender equity not only in the different parties but in political, economic and social life. This year the women deputies and senators divided the country in five regions and had meetings outside of the central parliament office. at San Lázaro in Mexico City. These meetings tried to include the rich diversity demands from the different states, municipals and NGOs that participate during three weeks between February and March 2005. At the end of the regional meetings all the agreements were approved in the federal parliament. After Beijing Agreements + 10 not only the government but politicians are aware of improving empowerment women which has been a goal in a “machista” and traditional societ

    Comparación de usabilidad entre captcha basado en texto y captcha basado en imágenes

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    En la actualidad los captchas basados en texto son pruebas utilizadas para diferenciar un humano de una computadora, sin embargo existen programas llamados OCR que engañan al captcha basado en texto, el avance de la tecnología de los OCR ha ido evolucionando y con esto ha superado en varias ocasiones a estos captchas, provocando que se utilicen diferentes métodos para disminuir su vulnerabilidad y sean más difíciles de engañar; lo anterior ocasiona que los usuarios tiendan a equivocarse e impedirles el acceso a la información. En este estudio se comparó el uso del captcha basado en texto con un captcha más reciente que es el captcha basado en imágenes para evaluar cuál de ellos se soluciona más rápido y la cantidad de aciertos en la solución que son aspectos relacionados con su usabilidad

    Strategies for Solving Addition Problems Using Modified Schema-Based Instruction in Students with Intellectual Disabilities

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    A study is presented on the strategies employed to solve additive change problems by three students with intellectual disabilities (two of them with autism spectrum disorder). The students followed a program involving modified schema-based instruction. The results show an improvement in the problem-solving skills of the three students, who achieved successful formal strategies associated with identifying the operation. We analyze the importance of adapting and/or emphasizing certain steps in the instruction process in order to tailor them to the difficulties of each student

    Probiotics as a Possible Strategy for the Prevention and Treatment of Allergies. A Narrative Review

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    Allergies are an increasing global public health concern, especially for children and people living in urban environments. Allergies impair the quality of life of those who suffer from them, and for this reason, alternatives for the treatment of allergic diseases or reduction in their symptoms are being sought. The main objective of this study was to compile the studies carried out on probiotics as a possible therapy for allergies. The most studied allergies on which probiotics have been shown to have a beneficial effect are rhinitis, asthma, and atopic dermatitis. Most studies have studied the administration of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium spp. in children and have shown beneficial effects, such as a reduction in hyperreactivity and inflammation caused by allergens and a decrease in cytokine release, among other beneficial effects. In the case of children, no clear beneficial effects were found in several studies, and the potential risk from the use of some opportunistic bacteria, such as probiotics, seems controversial. In the studies that reported beneficial results, these effects were found to make allergy symptoms less aggressive, thus reducing morbidity in allergy sufferers. The different effects of the same probiotic bacteria on different patients seem to reinforce the idea that the efficacy of probiotics is dependent on the microbial species or strain, its derived metabolites and byproducts, and the gut microbiota eubiosis of the patient. This study is relevant in the context of allergic diseases, as it provides a broader understanding of new alternatives for the treatment of allergies, both in children, who are the main sufferers, and adults, showing that probiotics, in some cases, reduce the symptoms and severity of such diseasesThe authors thank the European Regional Development Funds (FEDER), grant ED431C 2018/05, and Programa Iberoamericano de Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo (CyTED), grant PCI2018-093245, for covering the cost of publicationS

    Do online gambling products require traditional therapy for gambling disorder to change? Evidence from focus group interviews with mental health professionals treating online gamblers

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    Online gambling has signifcantly altered the situational and structural characteristics of gambling products, to the extent that online gamblers might be substantially diferent from traditional ofine gamblers. A growing body of literature has identifed the evolving features of online gambling and the individuals who engage in it. However, beyond understanding the individual characteristics of this subgroup, relatively less efort has been made to examine whether existing cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) approaches are still entirely relevant for online problem gamblers, or whether changes are needed to adapt according to gambling mode of access. To understand what kind of challenges online gambling poses to mental health professionals dealing with disordered gamblers, four focus groups comprising 28 Spanish participants were carried out. All the treatment providers had ongoing experience with online gamblers undergoing treatment, and included clinical psychologists, mental health social workers, and a medical doctor. The data were examined using thematic analysis. The analysis identifed fve main themes that characterised online gamblers: (1) being of younger age, (2) lack of conficts at home and at work/educational centre, rarely presenting violent or aggressive behaviour, (3) gambling disorder only being identifed by overdue debt, (4) co-occurring conditions with technology-related abuse rather than other substance-related addictions, and (5) skill-based gambling. The study highlights mental health workers' perceived insecurities about how to best treat online gamblers, and discusses the specifc characteristics that CBT for gambling disorder might need to incorporate to adjust for this particular group of gamblers

    Servicios Públicos Municipales Servicio de Registro Civil de las Personas de la Alcaldía Municipal de Nindirí

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    El presente Trabajo «Servicio de Registro Civil de las Personas de la Alcaldía Municipal de Nindirí» es de tipo descriptivo y se enmarca dentro de la línea de estudio sobre la calidad del servicio que brinda la Unidad de Registro Civil de la Alcaldía Municipal de Nindirí. La elaboración de este trabajo conto adicionalmente con la colaboración del personal que componen dicha oficina y su propósito es el de servir y ser una guía útil para el aprendizaje, con el objetivo final de proponer estrategias con fines de mejoras en la calidad de atención de la ciudadanía que visita la Oficina de Registro Civil. Cada vez que hablamos de la calidad en los servicios públicos, estamos hablando de la evolución hacia la mejora continua que experimenta toda Administración Pública, con el objeto de mejorar la condición de los servicios que brinda. Dentro de este contexto, el objetivo de este estudio es dar a conocer la importancia de brindar un servicio de calidad y satisfacer a la población. Con este estudio queremos aportar un poco sobre las condiciones actuales de la oficina para que la administración de la municipalidad destine más recursos a esta y por ende mejorara la calidad y la percepción de la ciudadanía sobre el servicio brindado