953 research outputs found

    Me niego a que la i griega pase a llamarse ye: los usuarios de Internet ante la ortografía y el diccionario de la Real Academia Española

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    La recepción de las obras normativas académicas por parte de los medios de comunicación y por parte de especialistas en la materia suele ir acompañada de opiniones que aceptan o rechazan las innovaciones que estas proponen, creando mayor o menor polémica. En noviembre de 2010 los medios de comunicación del mundo hispánico presentaban un avance de la Ortografía de la lengua española de la Real Academia Española cuya reacción en las redes sociales no se hizo esperar, de tal manera que la prensa se haría eco de ella, muy pronto, como movimiento contrario a la obra académica. Este hecho resulta novedoso, pues ya no son solo los expertos e intelectuales los que opinan sobre las obras académicas, ahora la voz la tienen los hablantes de español. En este trabajo se pretende recoger las posturas más frecuentes en la red, principalmente en la red social Facebook, con respecto a dos obras principales de la RAE, la Ortografía y el Diccionario, con el fin de determinar cuáles son los elementos que mayor rechazo han causado entre los hablantes de españo

    Investigar con datos reales en E/LE: un recorrido por diversas propuestas de TFM

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    En esta conferencia que se impartió originalmente en la Universitat de Barcelona, se realiza un recorrido por trabajos de investigación que se basan en el uso de corpus y en la recolección de datos discursivos

    La idea de un diccionario universal "egecutada" en la jurisprudencia civil de Mayans: Léxico y fuentes.

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    RESUMEN En este trabajo se analiza la Idea de un diccionario universal egecutada en la jurisprudencia civil, diccionario terminológico de Gregorio Mayans, publicado en 1768. La obra es un claro reflejo los múltiples ejes en torno a los que se construye el pensamiento lingüístico y reformista de este ilustrado valenciano, que son, en gran medida, fruto de la época en la que el autor se halla inserto. El progreso científico propio del siglo XVIII tuvo, entre otras consecuencias, la necesidad de realizar catalogaciones y recopilaciones de las diferentes ramas del saber, que se hallaban en un momento de gran desarrollo. Este anhelo, que se expande por toda Europa, tuvo su representación más lograda en la Encyclopédie Française y se encuentra también entre las preocupaciones de Gregorio Mayans, que creía necesaria, para el ámbito hispano, la elaboración de una enciclopedia o diccionario facultativo que recogiera y clasificara en su totalidad las más variadas disciplinas: desde la física, las matemáticas, la química o la medicina, hasta la filosofía moral o el derecho. La elaboración de la obra concebida por Mayans debía correr a cargo de Antonio Bordazar de Artazu, impresor valenciano con el que el autor compartiría diversos proyectos e inquietudes. Sin embargo, parece que Bordazar no llegaba a comprender el método que don Gregorio le propuso para llevar a cabo su trabajo, así que el ilustrado de Oliva optó por redactar un modelo que orientara a su discípulo: la Idea de un diccionario universal egecutada en la jurisprudencia civil. Entre las instrucciones que Mayans proporciona a Bordazar para la redacción del Diccionario Facultativo hay una especialmente recurrente: el impresor debía comenzar recopilando voces y ordenándolas de forma sistemática, de tal manera que entre ellas quedaran claras las relaciones que se establecían entre las ideas. Esta y otras indicaciones llevaron a pensar a Bordazar que la intención de Mayans era elaborar un sistema que mantenía ciertas similitudes con algunos proyectos de lengua universal elaborados en el siglo anterior. De esta forma, podríamos decir que, en la obra de Mayans que aquí hemos analizado, se aúna el interés enciclopédico dieciochesco con las ideas impulsoras de los proyectos de lengua universal, intereses que, por otra parte, no eran excluyentes y que fácilmente se podían conjugar. En esta tesis doctoral se presenta a Gregorio Mayans como un buen conocedor de la producción lexicográfica española y extranjera. Las carencias que el autor observa en el panorama lexicográfico de su época parecen tener mucho que ver con la Idea y con el proyecto del Diccionario Facultativo. Dado que uno de los principales defectos de los diccionarios era, según el autor, la escasez del caudal léxico que los mismos recogían, no sorprenden el afán enciclopedista de Mayans y su inquietud por la creación de una obra de grandes dimensiones, integradora del léxico científico. Analizada como obra lexicográfica, la característica más destacable en la Idea es precisamente aquella en la que más insistía al intentar orientar a Bordazar, el orden onomasiológico en la presentación de su inventario. Es este el rasgo lexicográfico más destacado de la obra de Mayans, que la dota de mayor valor y modernidad. Por último, han sido tratadas también en esta tesis las fuentes de la Idea. Así, el Corpus iuris civilis puede ser considerado la fuente principal con la que nuestro autor cuenta para nutrir su diccionario de voces y, en muchos casos, para construir sus definiciones. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ SUMMARY This study analyses the work called Idea de un diccionario universal egecutada en la jurisprudencia civil (Idea for a universal dictionary developed in civil jurisprudence), a terminological dictionary griten by Gregorio Mayans and published in 1768. This work is a clear example of the multifaceted dimensions around which the linguistic and reformist thought of this Valencian writer from the Enlightenment is built up. Gregorio Mayans thought it was necessary, within the Hispanic domain, to elaborate an encyclopaedia or integrating and comprehensive dictionary collecting and classifying the full range of the most varied scientific disciplines. The elaboration of the work conceived by Mayans should be carried out by Antonio Bordazar de Artazu, a Valencian printer who shared several projects and concerns with the author. Nevertheless, apparently Bordazar did not manage to understand the method suggested by Don Gregorio in order to carry out his task, so the Enlightened writer from Oliva decided to write a model so as to guide his disciple, that is the so-called Idea de un diccionario universal egecutada en la jurisprudencia civil. Our analysis of the Idea, on the one hand, is based on approaches of a philological nature, closely related to the field of Linguistic Historiography. The first one of them aims to explain a series of issues regarding the gestation and publication of the work, particularly its possible connection with projects of a universal language. The second approach, also based on Linguistic Historiography, intends to point out and discuss what were Gregorio Mayans lexicographic ideas, in order to explain possible peculiarities of his work. On the other hand, other criteria which are rather lexicographic in nature have also been taken into account when writing the analysis of this work. Finally, another objective of this study has also been to carry out an analysis of the sources of this dictionary

    Analysis of notch effect in the apparent fracture toughness and the fracture micromechanisms of ferritic–pearlitic steels operating within their lower shelf

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    The fracture resistance of materials is generally higher in notched conditions that in cracked conditions. In other words, when the notch radius increases there is also an increase in the apparent fracture toughness, which is that exhibited in notched conditions. This paper presents an analysis of the notch effect on two ferritic–pearlitic steels operating within their corresponding lower shelf, and develops an experimental programme, composed of 28 CT characterisation specimens and 72 CT validation specimens, together with finite elements analysis with the aim of validating the apparent fracture toughness predictions provided by the Theory of Critical Distances. The results have shown how this theory provides reasonable predictions of the apparent fracture toughness of the material The research is completed with the analysis of the evolution of fracture micromechanisms when the notch radius increases, revealing a direct relation between this evolution and the apparent fracture toughness observations

    On the assessment of U-shaped notches using Failure Assessment Diagrams and the Line Method: experimental overview and validation

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    This paper analyses the structural integrity of components containing U-shaped notches by combining Failure Assessment Diagrams and the Line Method correction for notch effects. With this objective, the experimental results obtained in 555 fracture tests are homogeneously evaluated in the same Failure Assessment Diagram, with and without applying the Line Method notch corrections, and covering a wide range of materials such as PMMA, Al7075-T651, four different structural steels (S275JR, S355J2, S460M and S690Q) tested at different temperatures from the lower shelf up to the ductile-tobrittle transition zone, and two rocks (granite and limestone). It is demonstrated that the proposed methodology generally produces significant reductions in the conservatism associated to notch effects, yet providing safe predictions.The authors of this work would like to express their gratitude to the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness for the financial support of the projects MAT2010- 15721: ‘Análisis de integridad estructural en defectos tipo entalla’ and MAT2014- 58443: “Análisis del comportamiento en fractura de components estructurales con defectos en condiciones de bajo confinamiento tensional”, on the results of which this paper is based

    Antagonistic and synergistic responses to solar ultraviolet radiation and increased temperature of phytoplankton from cenotes (sink holes) of the Yucatán Peninsula, México

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    Cenotes (sink holes) are karstic formations characteristic of the Yucatán Peninsula and are the main source of fresh water in the region. Because of their tropical location, they receive high levels of solar radiation and are exposed to high temperatures. However, the effect of these global-change-related variables on phytoplankton in cenotes is unknown. We carried out experiments with phytoplankton communities collected from 2 cenotes differing in their penetration of solar radiation (Leona Vicario [LV]: turbid, Las Mojarras [LM]: clear) to assess the combined effect of solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR; 280–400 nm) and increased temperature on their photosystem (PS) II photochemistry. We exposed samples in microcosms to solar radiation (with and without UVR) and 2 temperatures (ambient = 25°C and increased by 3°C) and analyzed photochemical performance over daily cycles. A significant antagonistic interaction between UVR and temperature in LV caused a combined inhibition of the effective photochemical quantum yield (ΦPSII) that was smaller (63%) than the sum of the 2 individual effects of UVR and temperature (116%). In contrast, a significant synergistic interaction between UVR and temperature in LM caused the combined inhibition of ΦPSII (172%) to be higher than the sum of the individual effects of the 2 variables (134%). Differences in the size distribution and taxonomic composition of the phytoplankton communities, with smaller cells in LV than in LM, seem to account for much of the variability in responses to UVR and increased temperature between the 2 communities. Our results suggest that phytoplankton communities from clear cenotes will be more affected by the combined effects of solar UVR and increased temperature that those from turbid cenotes.Fil: Villafañe, Virginia Estela. Fundación Playa Unión. Estación de Fotobiología Playa Unión; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Guendulain García, Sergio D.. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; MéxicoFil: Valadez, Francisco. Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco; México. Centro de Investigación Científica de Yucatán; MéxicoFil: Rosiles González, Gabriela. Centro de Investigación Científica de Yucatán; MéxicoFil: Helbling, Eduardo Walter. Fundación Playa Unión. Estación de Fotobiología Playa Unión; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Banaszak, Anastazia T.. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; Méxic

    Separation of phthalates by cyclodextrin modified micellar electrokinetic chromatography. Quantitation in perfumes.

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    A new CE method has been developed for the simultaneous separation of a group of parent phthalates. Due to the neutral character of these compounds, the addition of several bile salts as surfactants (sodium cholate (SC), sodium deoxycholate (SDC), sodium taurodeoxycholate (STDC), sodium taurocholate (STC)) to the separation buffer was explored showing the high potential of SDC as pseudostationary phase. However, the resolution of all the phthalates was not achieved when employing only this bile salt as additive, being necessary the addition of neutral cyclodextrins (CD) and organic modifiers to the separation media. The optimized cyclodextrin modified micellar electrokinetic chromatography (CD-MEKC) method consisted of the employ of a background electrolyte (BGE) containing 25 mM beta-CD-100 mM SDC in a 100 mM borate buffer (pH 8.5) with a 10% (v/v) of acetonitrile, employing a voltage of 30 kV and a temperature of 25 degrees C. This separation medium enabled the total resolution of eight compounds and the partial resolution of two of the analytes, di-n-octyl phthalate (DNOP) and diethyl hexyl phthalate (DEHP) (Rs similar to 0.8), in only 12 min. The analytical characteristics of the developed method were studied showing their suitability for the determination of these compounds in commercial perfumes. In all the analyzed perfumes the most common phthalate was diethyl phthalate (DEP) that appeared in ten of the fifteen analyzed products. Also dimethyl phthalate (DMP), diallyl phthalate (DAP), dicyclohexyl phthalate (DCP), and di-n-pentyl phthalate (DNPP) were found in some of the analyzed samples. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Material-driven fibronectin assembly for high-efficiency presentation of growth factors

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    Growth factors (GFs) are powerful signaling molecules with the potential to drive regenerative strategies, including bone repair and vascularization. However, GFs are typically delivered in soluble format at supraphysiological doses because of rapid clearance and limited therapeutic impact. These high doses have serious side effects and are expensive. Although it is well established that GF interactions with extracellular matrix proteins such as fibronectin control GF presentation and activity, a translation-ready approach to unlocking GF potential has not been realized. We demonstrate a simple, robust, and controlled material-based approach to enhance the activity of GFs during tissue healing. The underlying mechanism is based on spontaneous fibrillar organization of fibronectin driven by adsorption onto the polymer poly(ethyl acrylate). Fibrillar fibronectin on this polymer, but not a globular conformation obtained on control polymers, promotes synergistic presentation of integrin-binding sites and bound bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP-2), which enhances mesenchymal stem cell osteogenesis in vitro and drives full regeneration of a nonhealing bone defect in vivo at low GF concentrations. This simple and translatable technology could unlock the full regenerative potential of GF therapies while improving safety and cost-effectiveness