295 research outputs found

    Operaciones bancarias: Riesgo del uso inadecuado de las tarjetas de crédito por falta de conocimiento en la población de Managua en líneas de crédito de mas de $5,000 en el periodo 2012-2014

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    Esta investigación de las tarjetas de crédito tiene como finalidad ayudar a la población de Nicaragua sobre todo en el departamento de Managua en el sector laboral como usar y manejar las tarjetas de crédito, y así disminuir en las entidades financieras los riesgos creditico (y cuentas incobrables)Además mencionaremos algunos aspectos sobre las entidades bancarias privadas de como manejan las cuentas de las tarjetas habientes y las políticas crediticias en este caso y de esta manera ayudar a la economía del país, instruyendo a los tarjetahabientes modernizar su mentalidad y tener finanzas saludables. El enfoque de este seminario es aprender más sobre las tarjetas de crédito que existe en Nicaragua, Servir de guía didáctica para los estudios de los estudiantes de banca y finanzas que deseen consultar las generalidades, tipos de tarjetas de crédito, ventas o desventajas

    Quantum and classical spin network algorithms for qq-deformed Kogut-Susskind gauge theories

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    Treating the infinite-dimensional Hilbert space of non-abelian gauge theories is an outstanding challenge for classical and quantum simulations. Here, we introduce qq-deformed Kogut-Susskind lattice gauge theories, obtained by deforming the defining symmetry algebra to a quantum group. In contrast to other formulations, our proposal simultaneously provides a controlled regularization of the infinite-dimensional local Hilbert space while preserving essential symmetry-related properties. This enables the development of both quantum as well as quantum-inspired classical Spin Network Algorithms for qq-deformed gauge theories (SNAQs). To be explicit, we focus on SU(2)k_k gauge theories, that are controlled by the deformation parameter kk and converge to the standard SU(2) Kogut-Susskind model as k→∞k \rightarrow \infty. In particular, we demonstrate that this formulation is well suited for efficient tensor network representations by variational ground-state simulations in 2D, providing first evidence that the continuum limit can be reached with k=O(10)k = \mathcal{O}(10). Finally, we develop a scalable quantum algorithm for Trotterized real-time evolution by analytically diagonalizing the SU(2)k_k plaquette interactions. Our work gives a new perspective for the application of tensor network methods to high-energy physics and paves the way for quantum simulations of non-abelian gauge theories far from equilibrium where no other methods are currently available.Comment: 5+4 pages, 4+1 figure

    Seguridad en el acceso a las redes de datos en la UNAN-MANAGUA, durante el periodo de Agosto a Noviembre del 2016

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    El presente trabajo se realizó para el área de redes del Departamento SIUDT de la UNAN-MANAGUA, el cual presenta un estudio a fondo de las tecnologías de acceso a la red de datos brindadas por Windows Server 2012 R2, a continuación se hace una propuesta para la implementación de la tecnología protección de Acceso a la red (NAP, Network Access Protection), como método de protección de cualquier usuario de la intranet de la universidad vía protocolo de configuración host (DHCP), de esta manera brindar este servicio con vista al futuro, dejando un precedente al expandir esta tecnología en toda la red LAN de la UNAN-MANAGUA. Actualmente la UNAN-MANAGUA, utiliza Windows Server 2012 R2 DATACENTER para mantener servicio de Active Directory, Servicio de Outlook, Exchange Server 2012; Servicios que corren en un arquitectura llamada virtualización. Sumado los servicios antes descritos también se cuenta con otros servicios de red que corren bajo sistema Linux, por lo que se puede decir que estamos bajo la presencia de una red Hibrida Linux/Windows, tanto en el lado servidor como en el lado cliente. Ante este escenario no existe una solución de seguridad única, hasta el momento los métodos de protección de acceso ha sido el filtrado por autentificación de mensaje (MAC) y la implementación de redes de área local virtualizadas (VLANs), estas soluciones preventivas resuelven en parte el problema de seguridad; sin embargo la solución debe ir dirigida en cómo actualizar proactivamente ante el riesgos inminentes, como los son los virus, software desactualizados, programas espías o cualquier tipo de malwar

    ANN-MATOPT hybrid algorithm: determination of kinetic and non-kinetic parameters in different reaction mechanisms

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    [EN] In this work we have applied the computational methodology based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) to the kinetic study of distinct reaction mechanisms to determine different types of parameters. Moreover, the problems of ambiguity or equivalence are analyzed in the set of parameters to determine in different kinetic systems when these parameters are from different natures. The ambiguity in the set of parameters show the possibility of existence of two possible set of parameter values that fit the experimental data. The deterministic analysis is applied to know beforehand if this problem occurs when rate constants of the different stages of the mechanism and the molar absorption coefficients of the species participating in the reaction are obtained together. Through the deterministic analysis we will analyze if a system is identifiable (unique solution or finite number of solutions) or if it is non-identifiable if it possesses infinite solutions. The determination of parameters of different nature can also present problems due to the different magnitude order, so we must analyze in each case the necessity to apply a second method to improve the values obtained through ANN. If necessary, an optimization mathematical method for improving the values of the parameters obtained with ANN will be used. The complete process, ANN and mathematical optimizations constitutes a hybrid algorithm ANN-MATOPT. The procedure will be applied first for the treatment of synthetic data with the purpose of checking the applicability of the method and after, it will be used in the case of experimental kinetic data.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature.Publicación en abierto financiada por el Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Castilla y León (BUCLE), con cargo al Programa Operativo 2014ES16RFOP009 FEDER 2014-2020 DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN, Actuación:20007-CL - Apoyo Consorcio BUCL

    A cellular analysis of meristem activity at the end of flowering points to cytokinin as a major regulator of proliferative arrest in Arabidopsis

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    [EN] In monocarpic plants, all reproductive meristem activity arrests and flower production ceases after the production of a certain number of fruits. This proliferative arrest (PA) is an evolutionary adaptation that ensures nutrient availability for seed production. Moreover, PA is a process of agronomic interest because it affects the duration of the flowering period and therefore fruit production. While our knowledge of the inputs and genetic factors controlling the initiation of the flowering period is extensive, little is known about the regulatory pathways and cellular events that participate in the end of flowering and trigger PA. Here, we characterize with high spatiotemporal resolution the cellular and molecular changes related to cell proliferation and meristem activity in the shoot apical meristem throughout the flowering period and PA. Our results suggest that cytokinin (CK) signaling repression precedes PA and that this hormone is sufficient to prevent and revert the process. We have also observed that repression of known CK downstream factors, such as type B cyclins and WUSCHEL (WUS), correlates with PA. These molecular changes are accompanied by changes in cell size and number likely caused by the cessation of cell division and WUS activity during PA. Parallel assays in fruitfull (ful) mutants, which do not undergo PA, have revealed that FUL may promote PA via repression of these CK-dependent pathways. Moreover, our data allow to define two phases, based on the relative contribution of FUL, that lead to PA: an early reduction of CK-related events and a late blocking of these events.We thank Bruno Mudller and Venugopala Reddy for kindly providing the TCSn:GFP-ER and WUSpro:EGFP-WUS lines, respectively, as well as Vicente Balanza, Neha Bhatia, Antonio Serrano-Mislata, Concha Gomez-Mena, and Francisco Madueo for helpful feedback on the manuscript. P.M. acknowledges Fundacion General CSIC (ComFuturo program) for current funding. The laboratory of C.F. is supported by grants from Ministerio de Ciencia e In-novacion (RTI2018-099239-B-I00) and Generalitat Valenciana (PROMETEU/2019/004) .Merelo Cremades, P.; González-Cuadra, I.; Ferrandiz Maestre, C. (2022). A cellular analysis of meristem activity at the end of flowering points to cytokinin as a major regulator of proliferative arrest in Arabidopsis. Current Biology. 32(4):749-762. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2021.11.06974976232

    Robust Topological Order in Fermionic Z(2) Gauge Theories: From Aharonov-Bohm Instability to Soliton-Induced Deconfinement

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    Topologically ordered phases of matter, although stable against local perturbations, are usually restricted to relatively small regions in phase diagrams. Thus, their preparation requires a precise fine-tunning of the system's parameters, a very challenging task in most experimental setups. In this work, we investigate a model of spinless fermions interacting with dynamical Z2 gauge fields on a cross-linked ladder and show evidence of topological order throughout the full parameter space. In particular, we show how a magnetic flux is spontaneously generated through the ladder due to an Aharonov-Bohm instability, giving rise to topological order even in the absence of a plaquette term. Moreover, the latter coexists here with a symmetry-protected topological phase in the matter sector, which displays fractionalized gauge-matter edge states and intertwines with it by a flux-threading phenomenon. Finally, we unveil the robustness of these features through a gauge frustration mechanism, akin to geometric frustration in spin liquids, allowing topological order to survive to arbitrarily large quantum fluctuations. In particular, we show how, at finite chemical potential, topological solitons are created in the gauge field configuration, which bound to fermions and form Z2 deconfined quasiparticles. The simplicity of the model makes it an ideal candidate for 2D gauge theory phenomena, as well as exotic topological effects, to be investigated using cold-atom quantum simulators

    L’Enciclopedia Espasa i la Gran Guerra 1914-1918, un intent de neutralitat cultural

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    Màster Oficial en Construcció i Representació d'Identitats Culturals (CRIC), Facultat de Filologia, Universitat de Barcelona. Curs: 2010-2011. Tutora: Jacqueline HurtleyLa història de l’enciclopedisme modern, des de l’Encyclopédie fins a finals del segle XIX, va viure una profunda transformació. L’evolució des de les més altres fites de l’objectivitat i la universalitat del primer enciclopedisme acadèmic desembocà en un enciclopedisme nacional, representat pel projecte paradigmàtic de l’Encyclopaedia Britannica. El coneixement i la seva transmissió passà pel filtre de les particularitats nacionals, i el reeixit projecte britànic es va estendre i adoptar per les principals nacions i països de l’Occident europeu. El coneixement enciclopèdic es convertí en un element consubstancial a la construcció nacional i cultural. Les enciclopèdies i productes enciclopèdics d’Alemanya, França, Regne Unit i també d’Espanya utilitzaren les enciclopèdies per proporcionar una visió pròpia i molt particular de les seves realitats nacionals, i sobretot de la seva història, cultura, etc. Les enciclopèdies nacionals, en definitiva, tenien com a objectiu proporcionar un prisma des del qual observar i interpretar el coneixement del món des d’una òptica en clau nacional. En el cas espanyol, el referent més notori del nou enciclopedisme nacional fou l’Enciclopedia universal ilustrada europeo-americana, habitualment anomenada l’Espasa-Calpe o simplement Espasa. L’objectiu del treball de final de màster és mostrar com l’Enciclopedia Espasa-Calpe interpretà i representà un fet tan transcendent en la història de la humanitat com la Primera Guerra Mundial des d’un punt de vista hispànic. El treball evidencia que la posició de neutralitat d’Espanya envers el conflicte fou el leitmotiv que va moure el o els creadors de les entrades referents al conflicte a l’enciclopèdia. De fet, el que s’acabà comprovant és que les tensions internes entre els grups de pressió dels partidaris a entrar a la guerra (intervencionistes) i els no partidaris (neutrals) s’evidencien en el sentit i en la línia que prenen els continguts i el discurs enciclopèdic sobre la guerra. D’aquí la importància del subtítol del treball. La menció a l’intent és la mostra que el contingut enciclopèdic sobre la Gran Guerra a l’Espasa-Calpe no sempre es va poder cenyir a una neutralitat. De fet, els continguts palesen les tensions entre partidaris d’entrar a la guerra a favor de la Triple Aliança i els partidaris de la Triple Entesa. I aquestes tensions acaben influint en el coneixement enciclopèdic sobre el conflicte. Idea que referma que les enciclopèdies són ‘le miroir du monde’, i en aquest cas de la peculiar situació de neutralitat -però de tensió- que es visqué a Espanya i Catalunya envers la Gran Guerra de 1914-1918

    Optical and Infrared Photometry of the Unusual Type Ia Supernova 2000cx

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    We present optical and infrared photometry of the unusual Type Ia supernova 2000cx. With the data of Li et al. (2001) and Jha (2002), this comprises the largest dataset ever assembled for a Type Ia SN, more than 600 points in UBVRIJHK. We confirm the finding of Li et al. regarding the unusually blue B-V colors as SN 2000cx entered the nebular phase. Its I-band secondary hump was extremely weak given its B-band decline rate. The V minus near infrared colors likewise do not match loci based on other slowly declining Type Ia SNe, though V-K is the least ``abnormal''. In several ways SN 2000cx resembles other slow decliners, given its B-band decline rate (Delta m_15(B) = 0.93), the appearance of Fe III lines and weakness of Si II in its pre-maximum spectrum, the V-K colors and post-maximum V-H colors. If the distance modulus derived from Surface Brightness Fluctuations of the host galaxy is correct, we find that the rate of light increase prior to maximum, the characteristics of the bolometric light curve, and the implied absolute magnitude at maximum are all consistent with a sub-luminous object with Delta m_15(B) ~ 1.6-1.7 having a higher than normal kinetic energy.Comment: 46 pages, 17 figures, to be published in Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacifi
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