3,739 research outputs found

    Un procedimiento para obtener clusters utilizando la D.V.S. de una matriz. Comparaciones con el biplot y con el modelo Q-factorial

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    Durante las últimas décadas, el análisis de un conjunto de n individuos medidos en p variables, proporcionando una matriz de datos Xn,p, mediante técnicas de representación que utilizan la Descomposición en Valores Singulares de la matriz Xn,p (o alguna derivada), han permitido resumir la información que aportan los datos en alguna forma óptima, siendo muy útil para indicar la presencia de clusters entre los n individuos y/o para prevenir ante posibles clasificaciones erróneas producidas por técnicas de agrupamiento más complejas. En este artículo estudiaremos un procedimiento que puede utilizarse en ocasiones para obtener clasificaciones naturales de un conjunto de datos, basado en la representación biplot y en el modelo Q-factorial que puede obtenerse a partir de la DVS

    Chemical abundances of late-type pre-main sequence stars in the σ\sigma-Orionis cluster

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    The young σ\sigma-Orionis cluster is an important location for understanding the formation and evolution of stars, brown dwarfs, and planetary-mass objects. Its metallicity, although being a fundamental parameter, has not been well determined yet. We present the first determination of the metallicity of nine young late-type stars in σ\sigma-Orionis. Using the optical and near-infrared broadband photometry available in the literature we derive the effective temperatures for these nine cluster stars, which lie in the interval 4300--6500 K (1--3 \Msuno). These parameters are employed to compute a grid of synthetic spectra based on the code MOOG and Kurucz model atmospheres. We employ a χ2\chi^2-minimization procedure to derive the stellar surface gravity and atmospheric abundances of Al, Ca, Si, Fe, Ni and Li, using multi-object optical spectroscopy taken with WYFFOS+AF2 at at the William Herschel Telescope (λ/δλ7500\lambda/\delta\lambda\sim7500). The average metallicity of the σ\sigma-Orionis cluster is [Fe/H] =0.02±0.09±0.13 = -0.02\pm0.09\pm0.13 (random and systematic errors). The abundances of the other elements, except lithium, seem to be consistent with solar values. Lithium abundances are in agreement with the "cosmic" 7^7Li abundance, except for two stars which show a logϵ(Li)\log \epsilon(\mathrm{Li}) in the range 3.6--3.7 (although almost consistent within the error bars). There are also other two stars with logϵ(Li)2.75\log \epsilon(\mathrm{Li})\sim 2.75. We derived an average radial velocity of the σ\sigma-Orionis cluster of 28±428\pm4km/s. The σ\sigma-Orionis metallicity is roughly solar.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Low-resolution spectroscopy and spectral energy distributions of selected sources towards sigma Orionis

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    Aims: We investigated in detail nine sources in the direction of the young sigma Orionis cluster, which is considered a unique site for studying stellar and substellar formation. The nine sources were selected because of some peculiar properties, such as extremely red infrared colours or too strong Halpha emission for their blue optical colours. Methods: We took high-quality, low-resolution spectroscopy (R ~ 500) of the nine targets with ALFOSC at the Nordic Optical Telescope. We also re-analyzed [24]-band photometry from MIPS/Spitzer and compiled the best photometry available at the ViJHKs passbands and the four IRAC/Spitzer channels for constructing accurate spectral energy distributions covering from 0.55 to 24 mum. Results: The nine targets were classified into: one Herbig Ae/Be star with a scatterer edge-on disc, two G-type stars, one X-ray flaring, early-M, young star with chromospheric Halpha emission, one very low-mass, accreting, young spectroscopic binary, two young objects at the brown dwarf boundary with the characteristics of classical T Tauri stars, and two emission-line galaxies, one undergoing star formation, and another one whose spectral energy distribution is dominated by an active galactic nucleus. Besides, we discover three infrared sources associated to overdensities in a cold cloud in the cluster centre. Conclusions: Low-resolution spectroscopy and spectral energy distributions are a vital tool for measuring the physical properties and the evolution of young stars and candidates in the sigma Orionis cluster.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    First tests of the applicability of γ\gamma-ray imaging for background discrimination in time-of-flight neutron capture measurements

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    In this work we explore for the first time the applicability of using γ\gamma-ray imaging in neutron capture measurements to identify and suppress spatially localized background. For this aim, a pinhole gamma camera is assembled, tested and characterized in terms of energy and spatial performance. It consists of a monolithic CeBr3_3 scintillating crystal coupled to a position-sensitive photomultiplier and readout through an integrated circuit AMIC2GR. The pinhole collimator is a massive carven block of lead. A series of dedicated measurements with calibrated sources and with a neutron beam incident on a 197^{197}Au sample have been carried out at n_TOF, achieving an enhancement of a factor of two in the signal-to-background ratio when selecting only those events coming from the direction of the sample.Comment: Preprint submitted to Nucl. Instr. and Meth.

    Measurement and interpretation of electrokinetic phenomena - (IUPAC technical report)

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    In this report, the status quo and recent progress in electrokinetics are reviewed. Practical rules are recommended for performing electrokinetic measurements and interpreting their results in terms of well-defined quantities, the most familiar being the ζ-potential or electrokinetic potential. This potential is a property of charged interfaces, and it should be independent of the technique used for its determination. However, often the ζ-potential is not the only property electrokinetically characterizing the electrical state of the interfacial region; the excess conductivity of the stagnant layer is an additional parameter. The requirement to obtain the ζ-potential is that electrokinetic theories be correctly used and applied within their range of validity. Basic theories and their application ranges are discussed. A thorough description of the main electrokinetic methods is given; special attention is paid to their ranges of applicability as well as to the validity of the underlying theoretical models. Electrokinetic consistency tests are proposed in order to assess the validity of the ζ-potentials obtained. The recommendations given in the report apply mainly to smooth and homogeneous solid particles and plugs in aqueous systems; some attention is paid to nonaqueous media and less ideal surfaces.Financial assistance from IUPAC is gratefully acknowledged

    Late differentiation syndrome in acute promyelocytic leukemia: a challenging diagnosis

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    Detailed knowledge about differentiation syndrome (DS) has remained limited. There are 2 large studies conducted by the Spanish workgroup PETHEMA (Programa Español de Tratamientos en Hematología; Spanish Program on Hematology Treatments) and the European group trial (LPA 96-99 and APL 93) in which the incidence, characteristics, prognostic factors and outcome of patients developing DS are evaluated. Both have described the median time of DS development between 10 and 12 days. The severity of the DS has been evaluated in the study conducted by PETHEMA, and severe DS usually occurs at the beginning of the treatment (median of 6 days), as compared with moderate DS (median of 15 days). We report here in two cases of late severe DS, with late diagnosis due to both time and form of presentation. We discuss the physiopathology, clinical presentation, prophylaxis and treatment of DS

    Revisiting the link between business strategy and performance: Evidence from hotels

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    This paper aims to investigate the competitive success factors for hotel companies and examine the link between business strategy and performance. Using a structured questionnaire, the researchers collected data from hotel managers in Spain. Study results suggest that a firm’s assets and strategies have a greater influence on performance than industry forces do. This lack of direct influence by industry forces is due to the sector’s specific characteristics, which cannot be overlooked during analysis. Based on these research findings, theoretical and managerial implications and future research are presented

    The substellar mass function in the central region of the open cluster Praesepe from deep LBT observations

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    Studies of the mass function (MF) of open clusters of different ages allow us to probe the efficiency with which brown dwarfs (BDs) are evaporated from clusters to populate the field. Surveys in old clusters (age > 100 Myr) do not suffer so severely from several problems encountered in young clusters, such as intra-cluster extinction and large uncertainties in BD models. Here we present the results of a deep photometric survey to study the MF of the old open cluster Praesepe (age 590 Myr and distance 190 pc), down to a 5 sigma detection limit at i~25.6 mag (~40M_Jup). We identify 62 cluster member candidates, of which 40 are substellar, from comparison with predictions from a dusty atmosphere model. The MF rises from the substellar boundary until ~60M_Jup and then declines. This is quite different from the form inferred for other open clusters older than 50 Myr, but seems to be similar to those found in very young open cluster, whose MFs peak at ~10M_Jup. Either Praesepe really does have a different MF from other clusters or they had similar initial MFs but have differed in their dynamical evolution. We further have identified six foreground T dwarf candidates towards Praesepe, which require follow-up spectroscopy to confirm their nature.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, to appear in the online proceedings of the Cool Stars 16 conferenc

    The action of obestatin in skeletal muscle repair: stem cell expansion, muscle growth, and microenvironment remodeling

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    The development of therapeutic strategies for skeletal muscle diseases, such as physical injuries and myopathies, depends on the knowledge of regulatory signals that control the myogenic process. The obestatin/GPR39 system operates as an autocrine signal in the regulation of skeletal myogenesis. Using a mouse model of skeletal muscle regeneration after injury and several cellular strategies, we explored the potential use of obestatin as a therapeutic agent for the treatment of trauma-induced muscle injuries. Our results evidenced that the overexpression of the preproghrelin, and thus obestatin, and GPR39 in skeletal muscle increased regeneration after muscle injury. More importantly, the intramuscular injection of obestatin significantly enhanced muscle regeneration by simulating satellite stem cell expansion as well as myofiber hypertrophy through a kinase hierarchy. Added to the myogenic action, the obestatin administration resulted in an increased expression of VEGF/VEGFR2 and the consequent microvascularization, with no effect on collagen deposition in skeletal muscle. Furthermore, the potential inhibition of myostatin during obestatin treatment might contribute to its myogenic action improving muscle growth and regeneration. Taken together, our data demonstrate successful improvement of muscle regeneration, indicating obestatin is a potential therapeutic agent for skeletal muscle injury and would benefit other myopathies related to muscle regeneration

    Control de calidad del seguimiento del embarazo normal en atención primaria

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    ObjetivosGeneral: aumentar la calidad de la atención maternoinfantil en nuestra población.Específicomejorar al menos un 10% el registro de las actividades con peor cumplimiento en la primera evaluación del ciclo de calidad.DiseñoCiclo de calidad del programa de seguimiento de embarazo normal en atención primaria (AP).Dimensión de calidad estudiadacientífico-técnica. Evaluación retrospectiva, cruzada, por iniciativa interna y sobre las historias clínicas de las gestantes. Marco temporal: primera evaluación sobre gestaciones de 1994-1995; aplicación de medidas correctoras durante 1996; segunda evaluación sobre gestaciones de 1997-1998.ÁmbitoAtención primaria.SujetosTodas las gestaciones seguidas en nuestro equipo de AP durante los períodos descritos.Mediciones y resultados principalesCriterios evaluados: actividades asistenciales del programa de seguimiento del embarazo normal del Área 10.Primera evaluación (n = 54)incumplimiento global del 11,5%; los criterios con cumplimiento inferior al 80% fueron suplemento con ácido fólico, consejos a la gestante, detección de diabetes gestacional y visita al mes posparto Segunda evaluación (n = 69) incumplimiento global del 6,3%; todas las actividades superaron el 80% excepto la exploración obstétrica en la primera visita, la visita a la semana posparto y la visita al mes posparto.ConclusionesTras la introducción de unas medidas correctoras sencillas, logramos una mejoría global superior al 40% y un aumento en el cumplimiento de la mayor parte de las actividades, excepto en las visitas posparto y la exploración obstétrica en la primera visita. Creemos que es necesario mantener un ciclo continuo de mejora de calidad para conseguir una adecuada asistencia maternoinfantil.ObjectivesGeneral: to increase the quality of mother-baby care in our population. Specific: to improve by at least 10% the record of activities with poorest compliance at the first evaluation on the quality cycle.DesignQuality cycle of the normal pregnancy monitoring programme in primary care (PC). The scientific-technical dimension of quality was the one studied. There was a retrospective, crossed evaluation, on internal initiative, about the clinical records of the pregnant women. Sequence: first evaluation of pregnancies in 1994-95; application of corrective measures in 1996; second evaluation of pregnancies in 1997-98.SettingPrimary care.PatientsAll the pregnancies monitored by our PC team during the periods described.Measurements and main resultsCriteria evaluated: care activities of the programme for monitoring normal pregnancies in Area 10. First evaluation (n = 54): 11.5% overall non-compliance. The criteria with under 80% compliance were: folic acid supplement, counselling, diagnosis of pregnancy diabetes and attendance in the month after delivery. Second evaluation (n = 69): 6.3% overall non-compliance. All activities surpassed 80% compliance except obstetric examination on the first visit, attendance a week after delivery and attendance a month after delivery.ConclusionsAfter introducing certain simple corrective measures, we achieved overall improvement of over 40% and increased compliance in most activities, except for attendance after delivery and obstetric examination on the first visit. We think a continuous cycle of quality improvement needs to be maintained in order to achieve adequate mother-baby care