68 research outputs found

    Fragile X syndrome.

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    Fragile X Syndrome (FXS) is a genetic disease due to a CGG trinucleotide expansion, named full mutation (greater than 200 CGG repeats), in the fragile X mental retardation 1 gene locus Xq27.3; which leads to an hypermethylated region in the gene promoter therefore silencing it and lowering the expression levels of the fragile X mental retardation 1, a protein involved in synaptic plasticity and maturation. Individuals with FXS present with intellectual disability, autism, hyperactivity, long face, large or prominent ears and macroorchidism at puberty and thereafter. Most of the young children with FXS will present with language delay, sensory hyper arousal and anxiety. Girls are less affected than boys, only 25% have intellectual disability. Given the genomic features of the syndrome, there are patients with a number of triplet repeats between 55 and 200, known as premutation carriers. Most carriers have a normal IQ but some have developmental problems. The diagnosis of FXS has evolved from karyotype with special culture medium, to molecular techniques that are more sensitive and specific including PCR and Southern Blot. During the last decade, the advances in the knowledge of FXS, has led to the development of investigations on pharmaceutical management or targeted treatments for FXS. Minocycline and sertraline have shown efficacy in children

    Planning a master's level curriculum according to career space recommendations using concept mapping techniques

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    Nowadays the European Universities are worried about how to adapt higher education to the new European Higher Education Area, as proposed in the Bologna Magna Charta Universitatum of 1998, and signed by 32 European Education Ministers. One of the key points in this higher education reform was the introduction of new Master’s level curricula. These Masters will look for the professional specialization and they will have to be adapted to the specific skills demanded by the society. This paper presents the results from a cooperation project – funded by the AECI (International Cooperation Spanish Agency) and developed between the University of Seville (Spain) and the Catholic University of Asuncion (Paraguay) – by about the planning of a new master’s level curriculum in digital signal processing (DSP) area, taking into account the Bologna principles and the conclusions obtained by the Career Space Consortium. A scientific method from social science, known as concept mapping techniques, was used to perform this planning. Basically, the idea of concept mapping consists of compiling the opinion from actors belonging to different environments (lecturers, researchers, workers, businessmen, etc.) related to DSP applications. The compiled data were statistically computed to cluster the opinions of the different agents. The result will be a master’s level curricula adapted to the environment requirements and the social setting

    The cellular growth rate controls overall mRNA turnover, and modulates either transcription or degradation rates of particular gene regulons

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    We analyzed 80 different genomic experiments, and found a positive correlation between both RNA polymerase II transcription and mRNA degradation with growth rates in yeast. Thus, in spite of the marked variation in mRNA turnover, the total mRNA concentration remained approximately constant. Some genes, however, regulated their mRNA concentration by uncoupling mRNA stability from the transcription rate. Ribosome-related genes modulated their transcription rates to increase mRNA levels under fast growth. In contrast, mitochondria-related and stress-induced genes lowered mRNA levels by reducing mRNA stability or the transcription rate, respectively. We also detected these regulations within the heterogeneity of a wild-type cell population growing in optimal conditions. The transcriptomic analysis of sorted microcolonies confirmed that the growth rate dictates alternative expression programs by modulating transcription and mRNA decay. The regulation of overall mRNA turnover keeps a constant ratio between mRNA decay and the dilution of [mRNA] caused by cellular growth. This regulation minimizes the indiscriminate transmission of mRNAs from mother to daughter cells, and favors the response capacity of the latter to physiological signals and environmental changes. We also conclude that, by uncoupling mRNA synthesis from decay, cells control the mRNA abundance of those gene regulons that characterize fast and slow growth

    Sumando Vida a los Años. Propuesta para combatir la soledad y promover una buena salud mental en personas mayores

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    La mejora de las condiciones de vida y los avances de la medicina han facilitado un considerable aumento de la esperanza de vida y, como consecuencia, un importante envejecimiento poblacional. En España, las personas mayores de 65 años representan casi el 20% de la población, y se prevé que este porcentaje crezca significativamente en los próximos años. Afrontar esta situación demográfica es uno de los principales retos de la sociedad en la actualidad. Uno de los desafíos más relevantes es ocuparse de lo que se ha denominado «epidemia de la soledad», es decir, el impacto negativo que la soledad no deseada y el aislamiento social tienen en la salud mental y la calidad de vida de las personas mayores. En España, un 20% de las personas mayores de 65 años declara niveles altos de soledad, un 25% de aislamiento social y 1 de cada 4 sufre depresión. La evidencia científica apunta también a que su abordaje mediante intervenciones multidisciplinares y multidimensionales, sustentadas por recursos institucionales y comunitarios apropiados, tiene un impacto positivo en la calidad de vida y en la salud mental de las personas mayores. La soledad y la mala salud mental que padecen las personas mayores requiere de medidas urgentes orientadas a promover, entre ellas, un buen estado de salud y una calidad de vida óptima. Este documento presenta recomendaciones de actuación basadas en la investigación realizada por el Proyecto QASP - Quality of Life and Aging in Spain, Sweden and PortugalInstituto de Salud Carlos III, Subprograma Estatal de Generación de Conocimiento de la Acción Estratégica en Salud Intramural AESI 2018, Ref: PI18CIII/00046 (Proyecto QASP).N

    miR-146a rs2431697 identifies myeloproliferative neoplasm patients with higher secondary myelofibrosis progression risk

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    Myelofibrosis (MF) occurs as part of the natural history of polycythemia vera (PV) and essential thrombocythemia (ET), and remarkably shortens survival. Although JAK2V617F and CALR allele burden are the main transformation risk factors, inflammation plays a critical role by driving clonal expansion toward end-stage disease. NF-κB is a key mediator of inflammation-induced carcinogenesis. Here, we explored the involvement of miR-146a, a brake in NF-κB signaling, in MPN susceptibility and progression. rs2910164 and rs2431697, that affect miR-146a expression, were analyzed in 967 MPN (320 PV/333 ET/314 MF) patients and 600 controls. We found that rs2431697 TT genotype was associated with MF, particularly with post-PV/ET MF (HR = 1.5; p < 0.05). Among 232 PV/ET patients (follow-up time=8.5 years), 18 (7.8%) progressed to MF, being MF-free-survival shorter for rs2431697 TT than CC + CT patients (p = 0.01). Multivariate analysis identified TT genotype as independent predictor of MF progression. In addition, TT (vs. CC + CT) patients showed increased plasma inflammatory cytokines. Finally, miR-146a−/− mice showed significantly higher Stat3 activity with aging, parallel to the development of the MF-like phenotype. In conclusion, we demonstrated that rs2431697 TT genotype is an early predictor of MF progression independent of the JAK2V617F allele burden. Low levels of miR-146a contribute to the MF phenotype by increasing Stat3 signaling

    Active ageing profiles among older adults in Spain: A Multivariate analysis based on SHARE study

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    Background: Following the active ageing model based on the Health, Lifelong Learning, Participation and Security pillars, this research has a twofold objective: i) to classify older adults according to active ageing profiles, taking into account the four pillars, and ii) to ascertain the relationship between the profiles and personal and contextual factors, as well as well-being and quality of life in old age. Methods: A study sample of 5,566 Spanish older adults who participated in wave 6 of the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) was included. Data were analysed in different steps applying several statistical analyses (Principal Component, Cluster, Discriminant, Multiple Correspondence and bivariate analysis with Pearson chi-square and ANOVA). Results: Five older adult profiles were obtained (I: with moderate activity; II: quasi-dependents; III: with active ageing-limiting conditions; IV: with diverse and balanced activity; V: with excellent active ageing conditions). The first three profiles were characterised by subjects with a high average age, low educational level, who were retired or housewives, and who perceived a moderate level of loneliness, satisfaction with the social network and quality of life, as well as having a larger family network, but living in small households or alone. In contrast, the latter two profiles showed better personal and contextual conditions, well-being and quality of life. Discussion and conclusions: The multidimensional approach to active ageing followed in this article has revealed the presence of several older adult profiles, which are confined to groups with better or worse active ageing conditions. In this context, if ageing is a process that reflects the previous way of life, intervention priorities will have to consider actions that promote better conditions during the life cycle.Research of this paper is a part of i) the QASP research project, funded by the Institute of Health Carlos III, Intramural Strategical Action in Health AESI 2018 (PI18CIII/00046); ii) it has also been partially funded by REDISSEC (RD16/0005/0002 and RD16/0001/0005, co-funded by European Regional Development Fund/European Social Fund “A way to make Europe” / ”Investing in your future”) projects; iii) the R&D Activities Program ENCAGEn-CM (H2019/HUM-5698) funded by the Community of Madrid and co-funded by the European Social Fund; iv) the ENVACES R&D+i project (MINECO-FEDER, ref. CSO2015-64115-R). Authors acknowledge support of the publication fee by the CSIC Open Access Publication Support Initiative through its Unit of Information Resources for Research (URICI).Peer reviewe

    Autoimmune Diseases and COVID-19 as Risk Factors for Poor Outcomes: Data on 13,940 Hospitalized Patients from the Spanish Nationwide SEMI-COVID-19 Registry

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    (1) Objectives: To describe the clinical characteristics and clinical course of hospitalized patients with COVID-19 and autoimmune diseases (ADs) compared to the general population. (2) Methods: We used information available in the nationwide Spanish SEMI-COVID-19 Registry, which retrospectively compiles data from the first admission of adult patients with COVID-19. We selected all patients with ADs included in the registry and compared them to the remaining patients. The primary outcome was all-cause mortality during admission, readmission, and subsequent admissions, and secondary outcomes were a composite outcome including the need for intensive care unit (ICU) admission, invasive and non-invasive mechanical ventilation (MV), or death, as well as in-hospital complications. (3) Results: A total of 13,940 patients diagnosed with COVID-19 were included, of which 362 (2.6%) had an AD. Patients with ADs were older, more likely to be female, and had greater comorbidity. On the multivariate logistic regression analysis, which involved the inverse propensity score weighting method, AD as a whole was not associated with an increased risk of any of the outcome variables. Habitual treatment with corticosteroids (CSs), age, Barthel Index score, and comorbidity were associated with poor outcomes. Biological disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (bDMARDs) were associated with a decrease in mortality in patients with AD. (4) Conclusions: The analysis of the SEMI-COVID-19 Registry shows that ADs do not lead to a different prognosis, measured by mortality, complications, or the composite outcome. Considered individually, it seems that some diseases entail a different prognosis than that of the general population. Immunosuppressive/immunoregulatory treatments (IST) prior to admission had variable effects

    Best Practice Guide for Positive Parenting. A resource for practitioners working with families

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    [spa] El modo en que se concibe el ejercicio de la parentalidad ha cambiado sustancialmente en nuestra sociedad. Ello no sólo se debe a la gran variedad de formas familiares y diversidad de culturas que conviven actualmente en su seno, sino también a un cambio conceptual que afecta al núcleo básico de la tarea parental. Nos referimos a la necesidad de sustituir el concepto de autoridad parental, centrado únicamente en la necesidad de lograr metas de obediencia y disciplina en los hijos e hijas, por otro más complejo y demandante como es el concepto de responsabilidad parental. Según este concepto, la cuestión clave no es si las figuras parentales deben ejercer la autoridad para que sus hijos/as les obedezcan, sino cómo ejercerla de modo responsable para que se preserven los derechos de los mismos, sin menoscabar los de padres y madres, y se fomenten sus capacidades críticas y de participación en el proceso de socialización, al mismo tiempo que se promueve progresivamente su autonomía y contribución a la vida comunitaria. Ante este cambio cualitativo en la manera de entender las responsabilidades parentales, se alzan muchas voces de desánimo entre los propios padres y madres, quienes en ocasiones se ven impotentes en su tarea al no saber cómo actuar para lograr metas educativas tan complejas y sentir, al mismo tiempo, que están perdiendo capacidades de control sobre sus hijos e hijas. En otras ocasiones, el desánimo y el estrés ante la tarea parental no surge por no saber llevarla a cabo sino por no poder hacerlo adecuadamente debido a la situación de la persona que educa en solitario o en pareja sin contar con redes de apoyo apropiadas. Esto crea situaciones límite que repercuten negativamente en todos y cada uno de los miembros de la familia, especialmente en los más vulnerables.[eng] Our conception of what parenting should look like has changed considerably in our society. This is due not only to the large variety of family structures and the diversity of cultures that currently co-exist in our society, but also to a shift in mindset that touches the very heart of the parenting task. This can be expressed as the need to replace the concept of parental authority, which focuses solely on meeting aims related to the child’s obedience and discipline, with the much more complex and demanding concept of parental responsibility. Here, the key question is not whether the parent figure should exert the necessary authority to ensure a child’s obedience. Rather, it is about how this authority can be exerted responsibly in a way that protects the child’s rights - without of course neglecting the mother’s and father’s rights - and that fosters the child’s skills in critical thinking and participation in the socialisation process, while at the same time progressively fostering the child’s autonomy and contribution to community life. There has been much concern expressed in response to this qualitative shift in how a parent’s responsibilities are viewed, including amongst mothers and fathers themselves. Parents often feel powerless to act, as they do not know how to achieve such complex parenting goals, and feel like they are losing control over their children. Other times, feelings of discouragement and stress arise not because parents do not how to go about the task of parenting, but rather because they find themselves unable to do so, as may be the case for single parents or couples raising children without the necessary support networks. This can lead to extreme situations which can have a negative impact on the entire family, and especially its most vulnerable members