9,473 research outputs found

    Gender Wage Differentials in the Portuguese Labor Market

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    We use data from staff logs (Quadros de Pessoal) to discuss different procedures to decompose gender wage differential and examine the reasons underlying the evolution of the gender wage gap for the period 1985-1997 in the Portuguese labor market. Our results show that, for the first period, the increase of changes in the wage gap is mostly due to the increase in wage discrimination by means of the males´ wage advantage and of the females´ wage disadvantage. Growing inequality within gender groups, namely the rapid increase in educational attainment of women, and their probable overqualification in many jobs, may explain these results. Furthermore, the process of integration in the European Community responsible for deep changes in the economy, has also to be taken into account. The impact of the above facts was more moderate in the period 1991-1997, explaining the decrease of changes in the gender wage gap and the lower dispersion of the different components contribution to the relative wage gap.Labor market discrimination; Wage composition

    Two methodological approaches to the study of production chains in tourism industry

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    In this article, two different methodological frameworks are applied to study the production chains in the tourism industry in Andalusia (Spain). Firstly, from a macroeconomic perspective, input-output techniques are used to identify tourism production chains from the regional input-output table. Secondly, from a microeconomic perspective, a different approach is taken based on the concept of Global Value Chains (GVC) (Gereffi 1999; Kaplinsky and Readman 2001). In this respect, the structure and main agents participating in the GVC in tourism are presented, and the role of SMEs in the tourist industry in Andalusia is put forward. Finally, the relationship between the two approaches is discussed, pointing out their main differences and complementing factors

    Labores de Lagartera

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    En número dedicado a: La provincia de Toled

    Hacia una interpretación psicosociológica -como fenómenos de poder- del bilingüismo y la diglosia

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    Se pretende, a través de dos procesos, el de atribución de causalidad y el de diferenciación categorial, explicar psicosocialmente el bilingüismo y la diglosia como términos que se refieren a realidades psicosociológicas distintas, aunque no sean fenómenos incompatibles. El lenguaje lo utiliza tanto el poder establecido como el poder de las minorías en sus funciones de orden cultural e ideológico.Este análisis interpretativo se divide en los siguientes apartados: 1. Introducción. 2. Del bilingüismo individual al bilingüismo social. Reversibilidad del fenómeno. 3. Diglosia. Su definición y oposiciones. 4. Una aproximación a los fenómenos de bilingüismo y diglosia a través de la psicosociaologia. 5. Atribución de causalidad y diferenciación categorial

    Improving I/O performance through an in-kernel disk simulator

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    This paper presents two mechanisms that can significantly improve the I/O performance of both hard and solid-state drives for read operations: KDSim and REDCAP. KDSim is an in-kernel disk simulator that provides a framework for simultaneously simulating the performance obtained by different I/O system mechanisms and algorithms, and for dynamically turning them on and off, or selecting between different options or policies, to improve the overall system performance. REDCAP is a RAM-based disk cache that effectively enlarges the built-in cache present in disk drives. By using KDSim, this cache is dynamically activated/deactivated according to the throughput achieved. Results show that, by using KDSim and REDCAP together, a system can improve its I/O performance up to 88% for workloads with some spatial locality on both hard and solid-state drives, while it achieves the same performance as a ‘regular system’ for workloads with random or sequential access patterns.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Prediction of non-genotoxic carcinogenicity based on genetic profiles of short term exposure assays

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    Non-genotoxic carcinogens are substances that induce tumorigenesis by non-mutagenic mechanisms and long term rodent bioassays are required to identify them. Recent studies have shown that transcription profiling can be applied to develop early identifiers for long term phenotypes. In this study, we used rat liver expression profiles from the NTP (National Toxicology Program, Research Triangle Park, USA) DrugMatrix Database to construct a gene classifier that can distinguish between non-genotoxic carcinogens and other chemicals. The model was based on short term exposure assays (3 days) and the training was limited to oxidative stressors, peroxisome proliferators and hormone modulators. Validation of the predictor was performed on independent toxicogenomic data (TG-GATEs, Toxicogenomics Project-Genomics Assisted Toxicity Evaluation System, Osaka, Japan). To build our model we performed Random Forests together with a recursive elimination algorithm (VarSelRF). Gene set enrichment analysis was employed for functional interpretation. A total of 770 microarrays comprising 96 different compounds were analyzed and a predictor of 54 genes was built. Prediction accuracy was 0.85 in the training set, 0.87 in the test set and increased with increasing concentration in the validation set: 0.6 at low dose, 0.7 at medium doses and 0.81 at high doses. Pathway analysis revealed gene prominence of cellular respiration, energy production and lipoprotein metabolism. The biggest target of toxicogenomics is accurately predict the toxicity of unknown drugs. In this analysis, we presented a classifier that can predict non-genotoxic carcinogenicity by using short term exposure assays. In this approach, dose level is critical when evaluating chemicals at early time points.Fil: Perez, Luis Orlando. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico. Instituto Patagónico para el Estudio de los Ecosistemas Continentales; ArgentinaFil: González José, Rolando. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico. Instituto Patagónico para el Estudio de los Ecosistemas Continentales; ArgentinaFil: Peral Garcia, Pilar. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico CONICET- La Plata. Instituto de Genética Veterinaria ; Argentin

    La dinámica fluvial del Turia en la construcción de la ciudad de Valencia

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    Se analiza la repercusión de las avenidas del río Turia en el entorno ambiental de Valencia. La ciudad se inunda desde su fundación en época romana. En la edad moderna se crea la Fàbrica Nova del Riu, cuya misión es canalizar el río entre pretiles; en las crónicas de la época pueden interpretarse las consecuencias hidrogeomorfológicas de la intervención en el canal: erosión del lecho y agravamiento de la inundación aguas arriba y abajo del sector canalizado. El resultado final es un proceso de progradación en la llanura aluvial. La colmatación progresiva del lecho del río impide la navegación y dificulta el mantenimiento de los diferentes puertos de la ciudad.En aquest article s'analitza l'impacte de les revingudes del riu Túria a l'entorn ambiental de València. La ciutat s'inunda des de la seva fundació en època romana. A l'edat moderna es crea la Fàbrica Nova del Riu amb la missió de canalitzar el riu entre murs. A les cròniques de l'època es poden deduir les conseqüències hidrogeomorfològiques de la intervenció al canal: erosió del llit i agreujament de les inundacions aigües amunt i avall del tram canalitzat. La progradació de la planura al·luvial n'és el resultat. El rebliment progressiu del llit impedeix el manteniment dels diferents ports de la ciutat.L'on analyse la répercussion des crues du fleuve Turia sur l'environnement de Valencia. La ville s'inonde dès sa fondation en époque romaine. En époque Moderne, l'on crée la Fàbrica Nova del Riu, chargée de canaliser le fleuve entre les murs d'appui (garde fou); dans les chroniques de l'époque l'on peut détecter les conséquences hidrogéomorphologiques de l'intervention dans le canal: érosion du lit et aggravement de l'inondation en amont et en aval du secteur canalisé. Le résultat final est un processus de progradation dans la plaine alluviale. La colmatation progressive du lit du fleuve empêche la navigation et rend difficile la subsistance (continuité) des différents ports de la ville.The impact of the Turia river floods on the environment of Valencia city is analysed. The city has suffered from flooding since its foundation in Roman times. During Modern times the Fàbrica Nova del Riu was created in order to confine the river between banks. Chronicles show the hydrogeomorphological consequences of channel embankment: bank erosion and flood frequency increase upstream and downstream. As a consequence, a process of progradation on the alluvial plain has taken place. River bed sedimentation impedes navigation and makes maintance of the city's docks difficult


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    Protección penal de los daños al patrimonio histórico (tras la reforma del Código Penal operada por la LO 1/2015)

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    Se analizan los tipos penales que protegen los daños sobre el patrimonio histórico tras la reforma del Código Penal operada por LO 1/2015, destacando especialmente algunos defectos de técnica legislativa que impiden proteger correctamente este tipo de bienes y proponiendo posibles mejoras que deben hacer hincapié en la protección penal de estos bienes frente a los atentados en la segunda fase, esto es, el tráfico ilícito posterior a la conducta delictiva de robo o daños a los mismosI analyze the existing penal provisions regarding criminal damage in the protection of historic patrimony after the reform of the Criminal Code operated by the Organic Law 1/2015, highlighting especially those defects in legislative technique that prevent the proper protection of such goods, and proposing possible improvements needed to emphasize the penal protections against these attacks in the second phase, that is, in the illicit traffic after the original criminal conduct of theft or damage to these propertie