2,697 research outputs found

    CLIL and Writing: A Double Challenge

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    The EU has promoted multilingualism through the implementation of CLIL at the three educational levels to support FL learning. Two major concerns stand out. On the one hand, the current focus on CLIL is largely on content, and the integration of content and language cannot be assumed. On the other hand, students show deficiencies in the writing skill, which is underappreciated. This paper aims at analysing the paradoxes in CLIL, and at describing why and how to support writing development in secondary school. Whilst the development of an integrated perspective on CLIL is yet under construction, more explicit attention to the FL in CLIL training, classrooms and textbooks would already mean better CLIL practice. A genre-based approach and register scaffolding would help CLIL teachers raise learners’ language awareness improving this way their written performance. Key words: CLIL, bilingualism, writing, secondary school, language awareness, genreLa UE ha promocionado el multilingüismo mediante la implantación de AICLE en los tres niveles educativos para favorecer el aprendizaje de LE. Destacan dos problemas. Por un lado, se presta más atención al contenido que a la lengua, y la integración de ambos es incompleta. Por otro, los alumnos muestran deficiencias en la destreza de escritura, que está infravalorada. Este trabajo pretende analizar las paradojas en AICLE, y describir por qué y cómo ayudar a mejorar la escritura en el instituto. Aunque el desarrollo de una perspectiva integrada en AICLE está por construir, la práctica mejoraría prestando atención explícita a la LE en la formación del profesorado, aulas y libros de texto AICLE. La pedagogía basada en los géneros y el andamiaje del registro ayudarían al profesorado CLIL a despertar la conciencia lingüística del alumnado mejorarando así sus composiciones escritas. Palabras clave: AICLE, bilingüismo, escritura, Secundaria, conciencia lingüística, génerosDepartamento de Filología InglesaGrado en Estudios Inglese

    Los primeros andares del Archivo histórico de la Misión Biológica de Galicia (ABL)… o cómo empezó todo

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    Sección: Así somosDicen que un viaje de diez mil kilómetros empieza por un solo paso… …aunque este sea de bajada por una escalera de caracol. El detonante fue el colapso del sótano húmedo al que había ido a parar buena parte de la documentación procedente de los despachos de nuestros investigadores ya jubilados: libros, revistas, carpetas de trabajo, correspondencia, separatas… No era la primera vez que, cuando el clima les era propicio, los escarabajos subían en tropel por la escalera de caracol hasta la planta baja, inquietando a sus moradores. Había que hacer algo con todo aquello, levantar del suelo las cajas y atados que impedían el paso y la limpieza.N

    Conflictos entre profesionales sanitarios y pacientes: ¿Una cuestión de percepciones estereotipadas o de insatisfacción laboral?

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    Según los datos del Instituto Nacional de Estadística, durante los años 2012-2017, el número total de la población inmigrante residente en nuestro país fue 4.424.409 habitantes. Con la crisis económica, la inmigración ha aparecido como uno de los problemas que más preocupan a los españoles, generando actitudes de rechazo, especialmente al uso de la sanidad pública (Cea D’Ancona y Vallés, 2008, 2009). Estas percepciones negativas y estereotipadas también se encuentran dentro de las organizaciones sanitarias, siendo el colectivo marroquí el más damnificado, con los estereotipos de poco higiénicos, intolerantes, machistas y fanáticos (Plaza-del Pino y Soriano, 2011). En este contexto estresante, cada vez son más frecuentes los conflictos que surgen entre pacientes sanitarios y pacientes de otras nacionalidades. Sin embargo, son pocos los estudios que han analizado los factores psicosociales que anteceden a estos conflictos. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de este estudio ha sido explorar la relación entre las actitudes de los profesionales sanitarios (actitud hacia los inmigrantes y actitud hacia el trabajo) y la percepción de conflictos con pacientes inmigrantes. Para ello, hemos administrado los respectivos cuestionarios a 100 trabajadores de varios hospitales. Los principales resultados indican que: (a) Tanto el pensamiento como la intención de conducta estereotipada se relacionan de manera positiva con la percepción de conflictos con pacientes inmigrantes (β = .48, p = .01; β = .37, p = .01); (b) La satisfacción laboral juega un papel modelador en la relación entre el pensamiento estereotipado y la percepción de conflictos con pacientes inmigrantes. De manera que, aunque los profesionales tengan un pensamiento estereotipado, los conflictos no se incrementan si están satisfechos en el trabajo.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Grado de autocompasión en deportistas de alto rendimiento lesionados

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    It has been observed how self-compassion improves adaptive coping, well-being and reduces anxiety in situations of stress. The present study tried to see if there were significant differences in the level of self-compassion in high-performance athletes with or without injury at different times of the season. With a sample composed of 79 athletes from different disciplines, it was carried out through the Scale of Self-compassion SCS in Spanish, summarized from 12 articles (García-Campayo, Navarro, Andrés, Mortero, López and Piva, 2014). The results collected in this research were not conclusive or significant, so it would be advisable for future studies with a larger sample, in contexts of sports injury and with a psychological intervention of the environment.  Se ha observado como la autocompasión mejora el afrontamiento adaptativo, bienestar y reduce la ansiedad en situaciones de estrés. El presente estudio trató de ver si existían diferencias significativas en el nivel de autocompasión en deportistas de alto rendimiento con o sin lesión en momentos diferentes de la temporada. Con una muestra compuesta de 79 deportistas de diferentes disciplinas, se llevo a cabo a través de la Escala de Autocompasión SCS en español resumida de 12 items (Garcia-Campayo, Navarro, Andrés, Mortero, López, & Piva, 2014),. Los resultados recogidos en esta investigación no fueron concluyentes ni significativos, por lo que se recomendaría efectuar estudios futuros similares con una mayor muestra,  en contextos de lesión deportiva y con una intervención psicológica de por medio

    An Institutional Analysis of Cost Accounting Practices in the Spanish Eighteenth Century

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    A growing body of literature (Johnson, 1972; Tyson, 1990; Fleischman and Parker, 1990 and 1991; Edwards and Newell, 1991 and Fleischman et al., 1996) has evidenced that sophisticated costing techniques were used in the early stages of the Industrial Revolution for efficiency reasons. However, some scholars have questioned the role of efficiency (Hoskin and Macve, 1988; Miller, 1994, Carmona et al., 1997, 1998 and 2002 and Gutiérrez et al., 2005) and have suggested institutional explanations for the development of cost accounting. The purpose of this research is to extend this institutional explanation of accounting spreading in the second half of the 18th century, Enlightenment Century Spain. With this aim, this work explores the changes that took place in six organizations depended of the Crown. The study reveals the importance of the role played by a group of managers belonging to the Spanish Enlightenment Movement.Institutional Analysis, Cost Accounting, Spanish Eighteenth Century.

    Divorce and the business cycle: a cross-country analysis

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    In this paper, we examine the role of the business cycle in divorce. To do so, we use a panel of 29 European countries covering the period from 1991 to 2012. We find the unemployment rate negatively affects the divorce rate, pointing to a pro-cyclical evolution of the divorce rate, even after controlling for socio-economic variables and unobservable characteristics that can vary by country, and/or over time. Results indicate that a onepercentage-point increase in the unemployment rate involves almost 0.025 fewer divorces per thousand inhabitants. The impact is small, representing around 1.2% of the average divorce rate in Europe during the period considered. Supplementary analysis, developed to explore a possible non-linear pattern, confirms a negative relationship between unemployment and divorce in European countries, with the inverse relationship being more pronounced in those countries with higher divorce rates

    Regional unemployment, marriage, and divorce

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    In this paper, we examine whether the business cycle plays a role in marriage and divorce. We use data on Spain, since the differences between recession and expansion periods across regions are quite pronounced in that country. We find that the unemployment rate is negatively associated with the marriage rate, pointing to a pro-cyclical evolution of marriage; however the response of the divorce rate to the business cycle is mixed. Results show the existence of different patterns, depending on geography: divorce rates in coastal regions are procyclical, while in inland regions divorces react to unemployment in a counter-cyclical way. Other factors, such as changes in divorce law and duration of the marriage also have a significant effect on divorce rates

    Agglomeration economies in small cities and business: The impact of the great recession in Aragón (Spain)

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    In this paper, we analyze the effects of productive specialization and productive diversity on employment growth at the local level during the Great Recession in Aragon, a NUTS II region in Spain. This region is characterized by (i) a high population density in the capital city (around half of the total population), giving rise to a very uneven population distribution and therefore a lot of small cities and municipalities, and (ii) a large proportion of small businesses (95% of the firms in this region have fewer than ten employees). We use annual data from 2000 to 2015 and panel data models, and grouped local business activities into three main categories: industry, construction and services. Our results show that, during this period, local specialization in any of these activities hurt local employment growth, whereas diversity had a non-significant effect on employment growth. Only in the case of services did we obtain a positive effect of diversity on local employment growth, which was restricted to the most populated cities (i.e., cities with more than 3000 inhabitants). Therefore, only diversity in services activities located in large cities contributed to employment growth during the Great Recession

    Growth in small cities: the case of Aragon (Spain)

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    In this paper, we analyse the effects of productive specialisation and diversity on population growth at the local level in Aragon, a NUTS 2 region in Spain. This region is characterised by a highly uneven population distribution, with numerous small cities, and a large proportion of small businesses. We estimate panel data models considering data from 2000 to 2015 at the local level, encompassing 577 municipalities. Our results show that both localisation and urbanisation have a statistically significant positive effect on growth in Aragonese municipalities but only in cities with a population threshold of 3,000 or more inhabitants.En este trabajo analizamos los efectos de la especialización y diversidad productiva en el crecimiento de la población a nivel local en Aragón, una región NUTS 2 de España. Esta región se caracteriza por una distribución de la población altamente desigual, con numerosas ciudades pequeñas, y una elevada proporción de empresas pequeñas. Estimamos modelos de datos panel considerando datos desde el año 2000 al 2015 a nivel local que abarcan 577 municipios. Nuestros resultados muestran que tanto la especialización como la diversidad tienen un efecto positivo estadísticamente significativo en el crecimiento de los municipios aragoneses, pero solo en aquellas ciudades con una población superior a los 3.000 habitantes

    Development in Rural Areas Through Capacity Building and Education for Business

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    This paper is based on a case study located in Avila, central Spain. Its main objectives are to implement an entrepreneurship program and design a plan of capacity building and education for business in order to promote the development of rural areas. The methodological approach of the program is based on the use of tools that permit involving the various actors of the area from the early planning stages. The university's group that is carrying out the field work has relied on these participatory tools in very different areas and contexts for over 25 years. This has allowed the development of an advanced planning model called ?Working With People? that connects expert and experience knowledge in the territories where it is applied. With this methodological approach, the diagnosis of the territory and the design of the program's strategy has been carried out. Once completed the first phase of the program and in order to ensure the sustainability and applicability of future entrepreneurial initiatives, it is necessary to support and strengthen potential entrepreneurs through training activities and capacity building. It relies on ?How to learn from people who live there? to promote investment projects and to teach them with adequate educational skills. In this context, this article aims to study the implementation strategy of these training and capacity building activities studied from an academic perspective, as well as analyzing the potential effects of these actions in promoting entrepreneurship in the territorie