2,521 research outputs found

    Hawking radiation and propagation of massive charged scalar field on a three-dimensional G\"{o}del black hole

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    In this paper we consider the three-dimensional G\"{o}del black hole as a background and we study the vector particle tunneling from this background in order to obtain the Hawking temperature. Then, we study the propagation of a massive charged scalar field and we find the quasinormal modes analytically, which turns out be unstable as a consequence of the existence of closed time-like curves. Also, we consider the flux at the horizon and at infinity, and we compute the reflection and transmission coefficients as well as the absorption cross section. Mainly, we show that massive charged scalar waves can be superradiantly amplified by the three-dimensional G\"{o}del black hole and that the coefficients have an oscillatory behavior. Moreover, the absorption cross section is null at the high frequency limit and for certain values of the frequency.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figures. Accepted for publication in General Relativity and Gravitatio

    Les curses de carretons com a element motivador del mòdul de síntesi del CFGM de Soldadura i Caldereria

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    Aquest treball estableix una programació per al mòdul de Síntesi del cicle de Soldadura i Caldereria al voltant del tema de les curses de carretons. Es plantegen solucions a diferents aspectes logístics i organitzatius per tal de poder portar a terme amb èxit la fabricació d'un carretó a partir de materials reciclats. Apart de la viabilitat de la programació proposada, paral·lelament el treball també planteja potenciar la motivació dels alumnes pel seu ofici mitjançant diferents estratègies. Per una banda, pel tipus de projecte i reptes als que s'hauran d'enfrontar al llarg del desenvolupament i fabricació del carretó, que prova d'assimilar-se a les condicions reals de treball d'aquest ofici. També, plantejant un Taller de Servei, en el que els alumnes oferiran les seves habilitats de soldador fora de l'àmbit escolar, a altres joves que vulguin fer-se un carretó en alguna de les curses que hi ha a Catalunya al llarg de l'any, posant en valor així els seus coneixements davant la societat. De forma complementària, també es treballa la motivació des del punt de vista més lúdic i competitiu, facilitant que els alumnes puguin utilitzar el seu carretó en alguna cursa

    El Reino Unido y España: Revisión sistemática de sus sistemas sanitarios.

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    Los Sistemas Sanitarios de España y Reino Unido son una parte integral y fundamental de las sociedades de estos países y tienen un gran impacto en el desarrollo de cambios sociales y políticos así como en los ciudadanos. Las modificaciones implementadas en los últimos años y sus implicaciones prácticas justifican el motivo de esta revisión. Método: Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica para conocer la evolución de los Sistemas y su estado actual, identificando los cambios y transformaciones recientes. La consulta de bases de datos online y la estrategia de búsqueda empleada identificó un total de n=30 estudios relevantes. Resultados: Los cambios implementados han demostrado ser más profundos en el Sistema Nacional español que el británico. Se han visto afectados en ambos países el conjunto de la financiación y la procedencia de ésta. También ha sido modificada la organización de base especialmente en el Reino Unido. La Atención Primaria ha demostrado ser en ambos países la base funcional más eficaz, pero un mayor desarrollo resultaría en mayor eficiencia. Conclusión: Las reformas en ambos Sistemas han conseguido mantener relativamente intacta la estructura sanitaria. Existen diversos enfoques acerca del siguiente desarrollo de los Sistemas Sanitarios, aunque necesitan investigación y comparación.Grado en Enfermerí

    Motion and collision of particles near DST Black holes

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    We consider Deser-Sarioglu-Tekin (DST) black holes as background and we study such the motion of massive particles as the collision of two spinning particles in the vicinity of its horizon. New kinds of orbits are allowed for small deviations of General Relativity, but the behavior of the collision is similar to the one observed for General Relativity. Some observables like bending of light and the perihelion precession are analyzed.Comment: 21 pages and 10 figures. New versio

    Quasinormal modes and Stability Analysis for 4-dimensional Lifshitz Black Hole

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    We study the Lifshitz black hole in 4-dimensions with dynamical exponent z=2 and we calculate analytically the quasinormal modes of scalar perturbations. These quasinormal modes allows to study the stability of the Lifshitz black hole and we have obtained that Lifshitz black hole is stable.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1205.058

    Can ultrastrong coupling change ground state chemical reactions?

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    Recent advancements on the fabrication of organic micro- and nanostructures have permitted the strong collective light-matter coupling regime to be reached with molecular materials. Pioneering works in this direction have shown the effects of this regime in the excited state reactivity of molecular systems and at the same time has opened up the question of whether it is possible to introduce any modifications in the electronic ground energy landscape which could affect chemical thermodynamics and/or kinetics. In this work, we use a model system of many molecules coupled to a surface-plasmon field to gain insight on the key parameters which govern the modifications of the ground-state Potential Energy Surface (PES). Our findings confirm that the energetic changes per molecule are determined by single-molecule-light couplings which are essentially local, in contrast with those of the electronically excited states, for which energetic corrections are of a collective nature. Still, we reveal some intriguing quantum-coherent effects associated with pathways of concerted reactions, where two or more molecules undergo reactions simultaneously, and which can be of relevance in low-barrier reactions. Finally, we also explore modifications to nonadiabatic dynamics and conclude that, for this particular model, the presence of a large number of dark states yields negligible changes. Our study reveals new possibilities as well as limitations for the emerging field of polariton chemistry


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    The sport can enhance psychological variables in young people, such as commitment or fun, and maybe differently in each sport category. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there are significant differences between competitiveness, social anxiety, engagement, fun and motivational orientation (to the ego and to the task) to the sports category U11(under-11 years old), U14(under-14 years old) and U16(under-16 years old). Total sample of this study, with a quantitative methodology, and a design descriptive and correlational, was N = 205 subjects (90 U11, 34 U14 and 81 U16). Instruments about Competitiveness Scale-10 (C-10), Social Anxiety Scale for Adolescents (SASC-R), Perception of Success Questionnaire (POSQ), SCQ-e (The Sport Commitment Model Questionnaire) and Fun Questionnaire Subjects Sports Practice (CDPD) were applicated. The main results highlight that fear of negative evaluation scale is higher in U11, U14 and U16 in first year compared in later years; and opportunities for involvement and enjoyment increase from the first year to the subsequent years in each category, reflecting the importance of learning about experience and continuity in sport practice.  Article visualizations

    Precompetitive anxiety profiles in runners: Differences in the running motives

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    The study aimed to identify precompetitive anxiety profiles and analyze the impact of those profiles in their reasons to adhere to running. A sample of 473 Spanish Amateur Athletes participated in the study. Results revealed the emergence of three profiles: (a) a high precompetitive anxiety profile characterized by high cognitive and somatic anxiety and low self-confidence; (b) a precompetitive medium-low anxiety profile characterized by medium-low scores in cognitive and somatic anxiety and medium self-confidence; (c) a precompetitive low anxiety profile characterized by low scores in cognitive and somatic anxiety and medium self-confidence. Results showed that most of the working runners, who participate in ten-kilometer races, who practice three days a week, and most experienced runners, belonged to the extremely low anxiety profile. In conclusion, the precompetitive low anxiety profile reported the most suited outcomes which mean that is a more adaptive profile

    Gaudibilidade e percepção do estado de saúde em uma amostra mexicana

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    En la actualidad, para el abordaje del proceso salud-enfermedad se requiere, además de controlar la enfermedad, preservar en lo posible la calidad de vida de la persona. En este sentido, el objetivo del presente trabajo fue identificar la relación entre la gaudibilidad y la percepción del estado de salud en una muestra de mexicanos, y comparar dichas variables según el género de los participantes. Para esto, se utilizó un diseño transversal y correlacional con la aplicación de la Escala de Gaudibilidad y la versión corta del Cuestionario de Salud (SF-36). En total, participaron 285 personas de entre 14 y 78 años (M = 32.13, DE = 13.38), reclutados por medio de la técnica de bola de nieve, con quienes se formó una muestra no probabilística. Los resultados indicaron una relación estadísticamente significativa, positiva y moderada entre la gaudibilidad y la salud general de los participantes (p = .407, p < .001), debido a que las personas con alta gaudibilidad percibieron menos riesgos en salud general en comparación con las personas con baja y moderada gaudibilidad (RM = 4.527, 2.434 - 8.419). Asimismo, se identificó una diferencia estadísticamente significativa en cuanto al género en los factores funcionamiento físico (z = -2.293, p = .022) y salud mental (z = -2.243, p = .025) del SF-36, ya que los hombres refirieron un nivel mayor en ambos casos. Se concluye que la gaudibilidad tiene una influencia relevante sobre la percepción del estado de salud.Na atualidade, para a abordagem do processo saúde-doença requer-se, além de controlar a doença, preservar, na medida do possível, a qualidade de vida da pessoa. Nesse sentido, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi identificar a relação entre a gaudibilidade e a percepção do estado de saúde em uma amostra de mexicanos e comparar tais variáveis de acordo com o gênero dos participantes. Para isso, utilizou-se um desenho transversal e correlacional com a aplicação da Escala de Gaudibilidade e a versão curta do Questionário de Saúde (SF-36). No total, participaram 285 pessoas com idades entre 14 e 78 anos (M = 32.13, DP = 13.38) recrutados por meio da técnica de bola de neve, com quem se formou uma amostra não probabilística. Os resultados indicaram uma relação estatisticamente significativa, positiva e moderada entre a gaudibilidade e a saúde geral dos participantes (p = .407, p < .001), devido ao fato de que as pessoas com alta gaudibilidade perceberam menos riscos em saúde geral em comparação com as pessoas com gaudibilidade baixa e moderada (RM = 4.527, 2.434 - 8.419). Igualmente, identificou-se uma diferença estatisticamente significativa com respeito ao gênero nos fatores funcionamento físico (z = -2.293, p = .022) e saúde mental (z = -2.243, p = .025) do SF-36, já que os homens indicaram um maior nível em ambos os casos. Conclui-se que a gaudibilidade tem uma influência relevante sobre a percepção do estado de saúde.The current approach to the health-illness process requires, in addition to disease control, the preservation of the person's quality of life. This study has the purpose of identifying the relationship between gaudiebility and the perception of health status in a Mexican sample, as well as comparing these variables by gender. A cross-sectional and correlational study was conducted for such purposes. Gaudiebility was measured with the Gaudiebility Scale and the perception of health status with the MOS 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36). The sample consisted of 285 people between the ages of 14 and 78 (M = 32.13, SD = 13.38), who were recruited with the snowball sampling method, forming a non-probability sample. Results indicate a statistically significant positive and moderate relationship between gaudiebility and the General Health of people (p = .433, p < .001). Thus, people with high gaudiebility perceive less risks to their General Health compared with people who have low and moderate gaudiebility (RM = 4.527, 2.434 - 8.419). Furthermore, a statistically significant difference was identified by gender regarding Physical Functioning (z = -2.293, p = .022) and Mental Health (z = -2.243, p = .025) on the SF-36, where men reported a higher level in both cases. It was concluded that gaudiebility has a relevant influence on the perception of health status