4,088 research outputs found

    More Pushed than Pulled: Self-employment in rural Mexico ten years after NAFTA

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    Who are the self-employed in rural Mexico? This paper tries to answer that question with special emphasis on the role of human capital in self-employment decisions. The model presented suggests that the need for leisure/flexibility may have a driving effect once the household framework is considered. Imperfect markets may hinder possible gains of self-employment with particular groups being more vulnerable (e.g. women). Some estimated parameters in this study for propensities to become self-employed and returns to education vary between 1994 and 2004, the first decade of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Pull and push factors emerge in the decision to enter into self-employment in rural area. Being self-employed still may be the best or sole option for a considerable percentage of the population. The alter may suggest that if self-employment in the rural sector is posed as a development strategy, this should come with adequate policy supports.Mexico, rural, NAFTA, self-employment, leisure, flexibility

    Brecha en productividad y relaciones comerciales asimétricas: el proceso de integración de Canadá y Estados Unidos de Norteamérica

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    The usefulness of the European model of integration is currently subject to debate and the North American integration process has been largely ignored as a comparative framework. The asymmetrical relationship between Canada and the United States began a long time before NAFTA, and the study of this process could shed light on the usual problems faced by Latin American countries. This article attempts to encourage discussion about this topic. Particularly, there is evidence for a substantial and positive change in Canadian productivity at the time of the Canada-US Free Trade Agreement (CUFTA). However, the enactment of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) does not seem to have had the same effect as the earlier treaty.La utilidad del modelo europeo de integración es actualmente sujeto de debate, mientras que el proceso de integración norteamericano ha sido largamente ignorado como un marco comparativo. La relación asimétrica entre Canadá y los Estados Unidos empezó hace mucho tiempo antes del NAFTA, y el estudio de este proceso podría dar luces en los problemas usuales enfrentados por países latinoamericanos. Este artículo intenta promover la discusión sobre este asunto. Particularmente, existe evidencia de un cambio positivo y sustancial en la productividad canadiense en el momento del acuerdo comercial entre Canadá y los Estados Unidos (CUFTA). Sin embargo, la promulgación del Acuerdo de Libre Comercio de Norteamérica (NAFTA) no parece que haya tenido el mismo efecto que el tratado anterior.Fil: González, Germán Héctor. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientííficas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas y Sociales del Sur; Argentin

    Les saintes travesties dans le christianisme primitif et proto-byzantin

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    Transvestite nuns is a really common topic in Byzantine hagiographical literature. The stories of saints like Marina, Matrona of Perge, Anastasia Patrikia or Euphrosyne of Alexandria, among many others, as well as in other situations in hagiographies in which women dress up like men (i.e. in Saint Tarasius Life, when a group of women in disguise to enter the saint's tomb) reflect a common practice during Late Antiquity. Although it has been studied as a peculiar case of Byzantine society or in a Medieval context, I believe that this is the result of a long process about the role of women in society that starts in Classical Greece and Rome and hatchs out with the arrival of the new religions in the Mediterranean, specially Christianity. Dress in Antiquity does not only mean clothes, but identity: dressing as a man suppose the asuming of a maculine role or, at least, a denial of feminity (and what it involves: marriage, children, housekeeping...). Through cross-dressing and the renunciation of sexuality (another of their classical primary functions), these women were able to preach and convert as males, although they were not unanimously seing positively by their peers. Christianity in Late Antiquity and Proto-Byzantine Period allowed women an alternative discourse through asceticism, in which they could assume an asexual masculine role. Asceticism meant a threat, especially in Late Antiquity, to classical patriarchal family, because chastity and its consecutive sanctity became a new element of prestige through which the individual could arise. Christian transvestite Holy Women fought between fame and marginalisation, between the new models that radical forms of Christianity proposed and the classical patriarchal ones that defended other Christian leaders, like Saint Paul or Tertullian.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Colonial Origins of Inequality in Hispanic America? Some reflections based on new empirical evidence

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    This paper attempts at contributing to the ongoing debate on the historical roots of the high economic inequality of contemporary Iberian America. Basically empirical, our approach departs from mainstream scholarship. We show new data on wages and heights in several viceroyalties that: 1) suggest relatively medium to high levels of material welfare among the commoners in Bourbon Hispanic America; 2) allow us to build indexes of economic inequality. An international comparison of those indexes casts some doubts on the widely accepted view that Viceroyal America’s economy was exclusively based on extremely unequal or extractive institutions, as it has been popularized by the influential works by Engerman and Sokoloff (1994, 2002, 2005), Acemoglu et al. (2002).economic inequality, Iberian America, Viceroyal America’s economy

    Algunos aspectos brechtianos en la pieza "Un pequeño día de ira" de Emilio Carballido

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    1 archivo PDF (14 páginas). tyvlxx

    Sobrepeso en personal de enfermería, Hospital Teodoro J. Schestakow, San Rafael-Mendoza

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    El sobrepeso se manifiesta a partir del aumento de grasa como resultado de un desequilibrio entre el consumo de alimentos y el gasto energético, por un periodo de tiempo prolongado. En la muestra seleccionada para este estudio, se puede observar la conducta alimentaria que adoptan los individuos a partir de su entorno, principalmente por su lugar de trabajo. Además se señala la actitud de los sujetos ante la práctica de ejercicio físico. También se reconocen una serie de enfermedades asociadas con el sobrepeso, las cuales producen trastornos físicos y a partir de ello cómo llevan a cabo el autocuidado. ÇEsta investigación persiguió los soguientes objetivos: conocer las conductas de autocuidado que adoptan los enfermeros del Hospital Schestakow; determinar mediante un estudio descriptivo, de corte transversal la prevalencia de sobrepeso en enfermeros del Hospital Schestakow; determinar características de los alimentos que consumen; determinar la actividad física que realizan; establecer qué patologías de base presentan y conocer el tipo y frecuencia de consultas que realizan con profesionales de la salud.Fil: González, Sandra. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Enfermería..Fil: Pozo, Héctor. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Enfermería.

    El empleo de las técnicas de sugestión e hipnosis en el control y reducción del dolor: implicaciones para la psicooncología

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    Sin lugar a dudas, uno de los campos de aplicación de las técnicas de sugestión e hipnosis mejor documentados es el del control y el alivio tanto del dolor agudo como crónico. La analgesia hipnótica, o el empleo de sugestiones hipnóticas específicas para la reducción y el alivio del dolor, ha mostrado ser eficaz en la reducción tanto del dolor inducido experimentalmente en laboratorio (dolor experimental) como del dolor en contextos clínicos (dolor clínico), y con respecto a este último, tanto para el tratamiento del dolor agudo como del dolor crónico. En este artículo se comentan los ámbitos de aplicación tanto en el dolor agudo como crónico donde el empleo de la hipnosis se ha visto eficaz. Así mismo, se revisan las bases psicofisiológicas y neurofisiológicas que explican hasta el momento la posible eficacia de la hipnosis en el alivio del dolor. Finalmente, se comentan los estudios centrados en la reducción y el alivio del dolor oncológico.Acute and chronic pain control and relief is one of the best documented areas of application for techniques of suggestion and hypnosis. Hypnotic analgesia, the use of specific hypnotic suggestions for reducing and relieving pain, is effectively used both for decreasing experimentally- induced pain (experimental pain) and acute and chronic clinical pain. In this paper, applications of hypnosis for acute and chronic clinical pain are discussed in terms of its effectiveness. Psychophysiological and neurophysiological aspects of hypnotic analgesia are also addressed in order to explain up to now the possible efficacy of hypnosis in pain relief. Finally, controlled studies focused on reducing and relieving cancer pain are also described and commented