66 research outputs found

    Interannual and spatial impacts of phenological transitions, growing season length, and spring and autumn temperatures on carbon sequestration: A North America flux data synthesis

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    Understanding feedbacks of ecosystem carbon sequestration to climate change is an urgent step in developing future ecosystem models. Using 187 site-years of flux data observed at 24 sites covering three plant functional types (i.e. evergreen forests (EF), deciduous forests (DF) and non-forest ecosystems (NF) (e.g., crop, grassland, wetland)) in North America, we present an analysis of both interannual and spatial relationships between annual net ecosystem production (NEP) and phenological indicators, including the flux-based carbon uptake period (CUP) and its transitions, degree-day-derived growing season length (GSL), and spring and autumn temperatures. Diverse responses were acquired between annul NEP and these indicators across PFTs. Forest ecosystems showed consistent patterns and sensitivities in the responses of annual NEP to CUP and its transitions both interannually and spatially. The NF ecosystems, on the contrary, exhibited different trends between interannual and spatial relationships. The impact of CUP onset on annual NEP in NF ecosystems was interannually negative but spatially positive. Generally, the GSL was observed to be a likely good indicator of annual NEP for all PFTs both interannually and spatially, although with relatively moderate correlations in NF sites. Both spring and autumn temperatures were positively correlated with annual NEP across sites while this potential was greatly reduced temporally with only negative impacts of autumn temperature on annual NEP in DF sites. Our analysis showed that DF ecosystems have the highest efficiency in accumulating NEP from warmer spring temperature and prolonged GSL, suggesting that future climate warming will favor deciduous species over evergreen species, and supporting the earlier observation that ecosystems with the greatest net carbon uptake have the longest GSL

    Interannual and spatial impacts of phenological transitions, growing season length, and spring and autumn temperatures on carbon sequestration: A North America flux data synthesis

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    Understanding feedbacks of ecosystem carbon sequestration to climate change is an urgent step in developing future ecosystem models. Using 187 site-years of flux data observed at 24 sites covering three plant functional types (i.e. evergreen forests (EF), deciduous forests (DF) and non-forest ecosystems (NF) (e.g., crop, grassland, wetland)) in North America, we present an analysis of both interannual and spatial relationships between annual net ecosystem production (NEP) and phenological indicators, including the flux-based carbon uptake period (CUP) and its transitions, degree-day-derived growing season length (GSL), and spring and autumn temperatures. Diverse responses were acquired between annul NEP and these indicators across PFTs. Forest ecosystems showed consistent patterns and sensitivities in the responses of annual NEP to CUP and its transitions both interannually and spatially. The NF ecosystems, on the contrary, exhibited different trends between interannual and spatial relationships. The impact of CUP onset on annual NEP in NF ecosystems was interannually negative but spatially positive. Generally, the GSL was observed to be a likely good indicator of annual NEP for all PFTs both interannually and spatially, although with relatively moderate correlations in NF sites. Both spring and autumn temperatures were positively correlated with annual NEP across sites while this potential was greatly reduced temporally with only negative impacts of autumn temperature on annual NEP in DF sites. Our analysis showed that DF ecosystems have the highest efficiency in accumulating NEP from warmer spring temperature and prolonged GSL, suggesting that future climate warming will favor deciduous species over evergreen species, and supporting the earlier observation that ecosystems with the greatest net carbon uptake have the longest GSL

    Estimate of Leaf Area Index in an Old-Growth Mixed Broadleaved-Korean Pine Forest in Northeastern China

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    Leaf area index (LAI) is an important variable in the study of forest ecosystem processes, but very few studies are designed to monitor LAI and the seasonal variability in a mixed forest using non-destructive sampling. In this study, first, true LAI from May 1st and November 15th was estimated by making several calibrations to LAI as measured from the WinSCANOPY 2006 Plant Canopy Analyzer. These calibrations include a foliage element (shoot, that is considered to be a collection of needles) clumping index measured directly from the optical instrument, TRAC (Tracing Radiation and Architecture of Canopies); a needle-to-shoot area ratio obtained from shoot samples; and a woody-to-total area ratio. Second, by periodically combining true LAI (May 1st) with the seasonality of LAI for deciduous and coniferous species throughout the leaf-expansion season (from May to August), we estimated LAI of each investigation period in the leaf-expansion season. Third, by combining true LAI (November 15th) with litter trap data (both deciduous and coniferous species), we estimated LAI of each investigation period during the leaf-fall season (from September to mid-November). Finally, LAI for the entire canopy then was derived from the initial leaf expansion to the leaf fall. The results showed that LAI reached its peak with a value of 6.53 m2 m−2 (a corresponding value of 3.83 m2 m−2 from optical instrument) in early August, and the mean LAI was 4.97 m2 m−2 from May to November using the proposed method. The optical instrument method underestimated LAI by an average of 41.64% (SD = 6.54) throughout the whole study period compared to that estimated by the proposed method. The result of the present work implied that our method would be suitable for measuring LAI, for detecting the seasonality of LAI in a mixed forest, and for measuring LAI seasonality for each species

    Satellite Data-Based Phenological Evaluation of the Nationwide Reforestation of South Korea

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    Through the past 60 years, forests, now of various age classes, have been established in the southern part of the Korean Peninsula through nationwide efforts to reestablish forests since the Korean War (1950-53), during which more than 65% of the nation's forest was destroyed. Careful evaluation of long-term changes in vegetation growth after reforestation is one of the essential steps to ensuring sustainable forest management. This study investigated nationwide variations in vegetation phenology using satellite-based growing season estimates for 1982-2008. The start of the growing season calculated from the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) agrees reasonably with the ground-observed first flowering date both temporally (correlation coefficient, r = 0.54) and spatially (r = 0.64) at the 95% confidence level. Over the entire 27-year period, South Korea, on average, experienced a lengthening of the growing season of 4.5 days decade(-1), perhaps due to recent global warming. The lengthening of the growing season is attributed mostly to delays in the end of the growing season. The retrieved nationwide growing season data were used to compare the spatial variations in forest biomass carbon density with the time-averaged growing season length for 61 forests. Relatively higher forest biomass carbon density was observed over the regions having a longer growing season, especially for the regions dominated by young (<30 year) forests. These results imply that a lengthening of the growing season related to the ongoing global warming may have positive impacts on carbon sequestration, an important aspect of large-scale forest management for sustainable development.open2

    The global distribution of leaf chlorophyll content

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    Leaf chlorophyll is central to the exchange of carbon, water and energy between the biosphere and the atmosphere, and to the functioning of terrestrial ecosystems. This paper presents the first spatially-continuous view of terrestrial leaf chlorophyll content (ChlLeaf) at the global scale. Weekly maps of ChlLeaf were produced from ENVISAT MERIS full resolution (300 m) satellite data using a two-stage physically-based radiative transfer modelling approach. Firstly, leaf-level reflectance was derived from top-of-canopy satellite reflectance observations using 4-Scale and SAIL canopy radiative transfer models for woody and non-woody vegetation, respectively. Secondly, the modelled leaf-level reflectance was input into the PROSPECT leaf-level radiative transfer model to derive ChlLeaf. The ChlLeaf retrieval algorithm was validated using measured ChlLeaf data from 248 sample measurements at 28 field locations, and covering six plant functional types (PFTs). Modelled results show strong relationships with field measurements, particularly for deciduous broadleaf forests (R2 = 0.67; RMSE = 9.25 μg cm-2; p < 0.001), croplands (R2 = 0.41; RMSE = 13.18 μg cm-2; p < 0.001) and evergreen needleleaf forests (R2 = 0.47; RMSE = 10.63 μg cm-2; p < 0.001). When the modelled results from all PFTs were considered together, the overall relationship with measured ChlLeaf remained good (R2 = 0.47, RMSE = 10.79 μg cm-2; p < 0.001). This result is an improvement on the relationship between measured ChlLeaf and a commonly used chlorophyll-sensitive spectral vegetation index; the MERIS Terrestrial Chlorophyll Index (MTCI; R2 = 0.27, p < 0.001). The global maps show large temporal and spatial variability in ChlLeaf, with evergreen broadleaf forests presenting the highest leaf chlorophyll values, with global annual median values of 54.4 μg cm-2. Distinct seasonal ChlLeaf phenologies are also visible, particularly in deciduous plant forms, associated with budburst and crop growth, and leaf senescence. It is anticipated that this global ChlLeaf product will make an important step towards the explicit consideration of leaf-level biochemistry in terrestrial water, energy and carbon cycle modelling

    Interactions between canopy structure and herbaceous biomass along environmental gradients in moist forest and dry miombo woodland of Tanzania

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    We have limited understanding of how tropical canopy foliage varies along environmental gradients, and how this may in turn affect forest processes and functions. Here, we analyse the relationships between canopy leaf area index (LAI) and above ground herbaceous biomass (AGBH) along environmental gradients in a moist forest and miombo woodland in Tanzania. We recorded canopy structure and herbaceous biomass in 100 permanent vegetation plots (20 m × 40 m), stratified by elevation. We quantified tree species richness, evenness, Shannon diversity and predominant height as measures of structural variability, and disturbance (tree stumps), soil nutrients and elevation as indicators of environmental variability. Moist forest and miombo woodland differed substantially with respect to nearly all variables tested. Both structural and environmental variables were found to affect LAI and AGBH, the latter being additionally dependent on LAI in moist forest but not in miombo, where other factors are limiting. Combining structural and environmental predictors yielded the most powerful models. In moist forest, they explained 76% and 25% of deviance in LAI and AGBH, respectively. In miombo woodland, they explained 82% and 45% of deviance in LAI and AGBH. In moist forest, LAI increased non-linearly with predominant height and linearly with tree richness, and decreased with soil nitrogen except under high disturbance. Miombo woodland LAI increased linearly with stem density, soil phosphorous and nitrogen, and decreased linearly with tree species evenness. AGBH in moist forest decreased with LAI at lower elevations whilst increasing slightly at higher elevations. AGBH in miombo woodland increased linearly with soil nitrogen and soil pH. Overall, moist forest plots had denser canopies and lower AGBH compared with miombo plots. Further field studies are encouraged, to disentangle the direct influence of LAI on AGBH from complex interrelationships between stand structure, environmental gradients and disturbance in African forests and woodlands

    Quantifying Vegetation Biophysical Variables from Imaging Spectroscopy Data: A Review on Retrieval Methods

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    An unprecedented spectroscopic data stream will soon become available with forthcoming Earth-observing satellite missions equipped with imaging spectroradiometers. This data stream will open up a vast array of opportunities to quantify a diversity of biochemical and structural vegetation properties. The processing requirements for such large data streams require reliable retrieval techniques enabling the spatiotemporally explicit quantification of biophysical variables. With the aim of preparing for this new era of Earth observation, this review summarizes the state-of-the-art retrieval methods that have been applied in experimental imaging spectroscopy studies inferring all kinds of vegetation biophysical variables. Identified retrieval methods are categorized into: (1) parametric regression, including vegetation indices, shape indices and spectral transformations; (2) nonparametric regression, including linear and nonlinear machine learning regression algorithms; (3) physically based, including inversion of radiative transfer models (RTMs) using numerical optimization and look-up table approaches; and (4) hybrid regression methods, which combine RTM simulations with machine learning regression methods. For each of these categories, an overview of widely applied methods with application to mapping vegetation properties is given. In view of processing imaging spectroscopy data, a critical aspect involves the challenge of dealing with spectral multicollinearity. The ability to provide robust estimates, retrieval uncertainties and acceptable retrieval processing speed are other important aspects in view of operational processing. Recommendations towards new-generation spectroscopy-based processing chains for operational production of biophysical variables are given

    Spatially Continuous Mapping of Forest Canopy Height in Canada by Combining GEDI and ICESat-2 with PALSAR and Sentinel

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    Continuous large-scale mapping of forest canopy height is crucial for estimating and reporting forest carbon content, analyzing forest degradation and restoration, or to model ecosystem variables such as aboveground biomass. Over the last years, the spaceborne Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) sensor specifically designed to acquire forest structure information, Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI), has been used to extract forest canopy height information over large areas. Yet, GEDI has no spatial coverage for most forested areas in Canada and other high latitude regions. On the other hand, the spaceborne LiDAR called Ice, Cloud, and Land Elevation Satellite-2 (ICESat-2) provides a global coverage but was not specially developed to study forested ecosystems. Nonetheless, both spaceborne LiDAR sensors obtain point-based information, making spatially continuous forest canopy height estimation very challenging. This study compared the performance of both spaceborne LiDAR, GEDI and ICESat-2, combined with ALOS-2/PALSAR-2 and Sentinel-1 and -2 data to produce continuous canopy height maps in Canada for the year 2020. A set-aside dataset and airborne LiDAR (ALS) from a national LiDAR campaign were used for accuracy assessment. Both maps overestimated canopy height in relation to ALS data, but GEDI had a better performance than ICESat-2 with a mean difference (MD) of 0.9 m and 2.9 m, and a root mean square error (RMSE) of 4.2 m and 5.2 m, respectively. However, as both GEDI and ALS have no coverage in most of the hemi-boreal forests, ICESat-2 captures the tall canopy heights expected for these forests better than GEDI. PALSAR-2 HV polarization was the most important covariate to predict canopy height, showing the great potential of L-band in comparison to C-band from Sentinel-1 or optical data from Sentinel-2. The approach proposed here can be used operationally to produce annual canopy height maps for areas that lack GEDI and ICESat-2 coverage