119 research outputs found

    Hubungan Kandungan Mineral Antara Tanah, Tanaman dan Ternak

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    Hand-Rearing Technique of Tropical Deer from Birth to Weaning A

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    A technique in hand-rearing of tropical deer from birth to weaning age was developed using 52 sambar (Cervus unicolor) fawns. Fawns were best snatched between 24 to 48 hrs after birth. A milk powder specially made for daii calves was the best compared to the homogenized commercial milk. Suitable length of the artificial teat was between 3 to 4.2 cm, with the slit length of 3 mm. The main problems during the rearing time were the refusal in taking the first artificial mik diarrhoea, bloat and suckling the penis, button or anal areas. Giving moist dirts of 112 teaspoon once a day after the feeding would reduce the incident of bloating or diarrhoea


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    Faktor kecukupan gizi di negara kita seolah tidak pernah habisnya di bahas sejak negara ini merdeka. Permasalahan perlindungan hidupan liar untuk suatu negara berkembang (dunia ketiga) juga merupakan suatu polemik yang sangat dalam, tetapi walau bagaimanapun keadaannya, konservasi hidupan liar haruslah tetap mendapatkan perhatian mengingat fungsi dan perannya sebagai suatu bagian dari ekosistim dan kekayaan alam. Rusa dapat merupakan salah satu contoh pemanfaatan satwa liar yang dilindungi yang berkembang pesat di luar negeri tetapi masih belum termanfaatkan di Indonesia. Untuk itu pemahaman akan potensi suatu satwa liar sebagai sumber gizi masyarakat diantara birokrat maupun LSM masih perlu ditingkatkan

    Karakteristik Penangkapan Ular di Wilayah Sumatera Utara

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    Beberapa jenis ular eksport asal Indonesia yang mendapat perhatian dunia adalah Python reticulatus (sanca sawah), dan kelompok “sanca gendang†yaitu: P. curtus (sanca ekor pendek) dan P. brongersmai (sanca darah). Ketiganya masuk dalam daftar Apendik II CITES. Salah satu permasalahan dalam memahami kondisi populasi di alam pada kelompok reptil ini adalah luasnya habitat dan letak geografis, selain dari sifat satwa itu sendiri yang tidak memungkinkan dilakukan sensus secara terstruktur dalam satu satuan waktu yang pendek. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan suatu kajian tidak langsung yang dapat menjadi indikator penting mengenai kondisinya di alam. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui karakteristik dan produksi dari kegiatan pengumpulan sanca sawah dan gendang di daerah Sumatera Utara. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan September 2008 dengan metode survei terstruktur secara snow ball technique. Survei dilakukan dengan menelusuri para pengumpul daerah, agen serta masyarakat penangkap satwa liar dari mulai daerah Nangro Aceh Darusalam hingga Rantau Prapat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan penangkapan ular di wilayah Sumatera merupakan suatu kegiatan yang melibatkan cukup banyak anggota masyarakat. Secara kualitas, kemungkinan telah terjadi penurunan pada ular P. reticulatus, tetapi belum begitu tampak pada ular P. brongersmai dan P. curtus. Namun dari segi populasi tangkapan untuk semua kelompok ular tersebut ada kecenderungan penurunan dibandingkan dengan masa sepuluh tahun yang lalu, walau secara kuantitas masih perlu dilakukan perhitungan yang lebih mendalam lagi

    Gerakan Anggota Kaki pada Hewan

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    Artikel dalam bentuk PD

    Hand-Rearing Technique of Tropical Deer From Birth to Weaning A

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    A technique in hand-rearing of tropical deer from birth to weaning age was developed using 52 sambar (Cervus unicolor) fawns. Fawns were best snatched between 24 to 48 hrs after birth. A milk powder specially made for daii calves was the best compared to the homogenized commercial milk. Suitable length of the artificial teat was between 3 to 4.2 cm, with the slit length of 3 mm. The main problems during the rearing time were the refusal in taking the first artificial mik diarrhoea, bloat and suckling the penis, button or anal areas. Giving moist dirts of 112 teaspoon once a day after the feeding would reduce the incident of bloating or diarrhoea

    Kandungan Senyawa Alkaloida, Tanin Serta Nilai Nutrisi Beberapa Jenis Hijauan Yang Diberikan Padaternak Dl Pulau Timor (the Contents of Alkaloid, Tannin and Its Nutritional- Values From Several Browse Fed to Livestock in Timor Island)

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    A study was conducted in determining the contents of alkaloid, tannin and nutritional Values from six browses fed to fattening cattle in Timor island. The samples Were gmelina (Gmelina arborea Roxb.),pates/lamtoro (Leucaena leucocephala [Lamk.J De Wit),daun kupu-kupu (Bauhinia malabarica Roxb.), gala-galaAuri (Sesbania grandiflora [Li Pers.l gamal (Gliriddia sep/um [lick] Steud.).and kabesak (Acacialeucoohloea Willd.).Samples were collected during wet and dry seasons.Results showed that total number of alkaloid compounds varied from 14 to 30.There was an increase in concentration for alkaloid and tannin from Wet to dry season, however the concentrations were low (< 1%).The increase in the concentrations between seasons Were ranged from 20% to 32096.Nutritional values of the browse during wet season were considered high, however there is a need in evaluating the nutritional values of the browses during dry season as well

    Tinjauan Pemanfaatan Ranggah Rusa dan Karapas Kura-kura Air Tawar Di Propinsi Papua

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    In Papua, rusa deer (Rusa timorensis) and freshwater turtles constitute the local people bush meat resources through hunting. These hunting activities are produced some by-products i.e. hard antlers from deer and carapace shells from freshwater turtles, where both have a high economic value. The purpose of this study was to investigate the level of production of those by-products and the pathway of the local market being established. The study was conducted at Merauke Regency, Papua, and its vicinity by visiting the key players of all collectors and trade levels. The results showed that on almost all harvested bush meat came from freshwater turtles were cooked on the location, leaving only the carapace shells. Only small quantity of the bush meat was taken home or for trading purposes. However for deer, the majority of hunting activities was done on the purpose for the meat to be sold in the market and small quantity was used for personal needs. Trading on the by-products was conducted at three levels, they were local collectors, middle collectors and local exporter. In general, over 62% of hard antlers samples being observed were uncast hard antlers and 88% of the hard antlers came from the third growth onwards. In a year, at least 1.600-3.700 pairs of hard antlers were acquired, or equivalent to 2.8-6.6 tons. The freshwater turtles being identified were Macrochelodina parkeri, Chelodina reimanni, Macrochelodina rugosa, Elseya braderhorsti and Emydura subglobosa, in which none of the species is under Appendix CITES's list or as Indonesian protected species
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