146 research outputs found


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    The article considers modern views on the organization and conduct of regular monitoring in the field of physical culture and sports, in particular in the system of long-term training of highly qualified and young athletes. The paper presents a problematic review of monitoring in the long-term system of training athletes. The main aspects of monitoring in the system-structural approach in the preparation of high-class athletes are presented and the effectiveness of solving this issue in the management of athletes ' training during the training process and competitive activities is shown.The article considers modern views on the organization and conduct of regular monitoring in the field of physical culture and sports, in particular in the system of long-term training of highly qualified and young athletes. The paper presents a problematic review of monitoring in the long-term system of training athletes. The main aspects of monitoring in the system-structural approach in the preparation of high-class athletes are presented and the effectiveness of solving this issue in the management of athletes ' training during the training process and competitive activities is shown


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    The article discusses points of views on the organization and implementation of monitoring in the field of physical culture and sports, in particular in the system of highly qualified junior athletes training. The  article presents consideration of the problems in monitoring  of the long-term system of athletes training, based on a three-component innovative approach to the system of sports  training, which will allow  to carry out more competent and balanced scientific and methodological steps in managing the athletes training during the educational and training processes.The article discusses points of views on the organization and implementation of monitoring in the field of physical culture and sports, in particular in the system of highly qualified junior athletes training. The  article presents consideration of the problems in monitoring  of the long-term system of athletes training, based on a three-component innovative approach to the system of sports  training, which will allow  to carry out more competent and balanced scientific and methodological steps in managing the athletes training during the educational and training processes

    State policy in the field of innovation in Russia

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    The current stage of development of the entire world community, including Russia, is associated with the transition to the sixth technological order, the development of Industry 4.0, and the development of the digital economy. The importance of solving the problem of Russia's transition to an innovative path of development is obvious; numerous scientific publications of the last two decades have been devoted to this. However, the real results of the policy of the Russian state in the field of innovation are rather contradictory. Within the framework of this article, the evolution of state policy, its current trends and problems in the field of innovations in the Russian Federation are considered. The purpose of this study is to identify the features and prospects of the innovation policy of the Russian Federation. In this regard, the following tasks were set: to determine the place of Russia in the modern world in terms of the development of the innovation system, as well as its potential, to identify the features, strengths and weaknesses of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of innovation, and to determine possible directions for its adjustment in order to overcome the country's lag in the innovation field. Based on the results of the study, directions of economic development have been proposed. The conclusions obtained in the course of the study may be of interest to the scientific community studying the experience and problems of organizing and managing innovations in the countries solving the problem of keeping pace with the leaders of innovative development by mastering the advantages and possibilities of transition to a new technological order, the fourth industrial revolution and digitalization of the economy

    The Mandatory Nature of Online Learning During COVID-19: A Comparative Study of the Experience of Three Universities

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    This paper is devoted to the comparative analysis of three online learning plat forms used by three universities (Dubna State University and Pyatigorsk State University in Russia and University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli” in Italy) for the forced adoption of online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. The advantages, defects and restrictions of each learning platform are analyzed along with the factor of human error and incompetence while using the platforms. It was found that it was difficult to establish the authorship of the tasks performed, to check the real attendance and level of involvement during online lectures, and to ascertain students’ identity without violating laws on personal data and privacy. What is more, the participants of the educational process demonstrated their lack of experience and technical skills to work with the platforms, and their lack of motivation and self-discipline. In accordance with the data received and analyzed in this research, a list of recommendations and technical specifications required is offered. This research is useful for government institutions, universities, academic staff and students working or planning to start working with online learning instruments.Este artículo está dedicado al análisis comparativo de tres plataformas educativas en línea utilizadas por tres universidades (la Universidad Estatal de Dubná y la Universidad Estatal de Pyatigorsk en Rusia y la Universidad de Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli” en Italia) para la adopción forzosa del aprendizaje en línea durante la pandemia del COVID-19. Se analizan las ventajas, los defectos y las restricciones de cada plataforma educativa junto con el factor de error e incompetencia humana durante el uso de las plataformas. Se comprobó que era difícil establecer la autoría de las tareas realizadas, comprobar la asistencia real y el grado de participación durante las clases en línea y averiguar la identidad de los estudiantes sin violar las leyes sobre datos personales y privacidad. Además, los participantes del proceso educativo demostraron la falta de experiencia y habilidades técnicas para trabajar con las plataformas y la falta de motivación y autodisciplina. De acuerdo con los datos recibidos y analizados en esta investigación, se ofrece una lista de recomendaciones y especificaciones técnicas necesarias. Esta investigación es útil para las instituciones gubernamentales, las universidades, el personal académico y los estudiantes que trabajan o planean empezar a trabajar con instrumentos de aprendizaje en línea

    Teaching the EU common values in the context of war in Ukraine

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    This paper deals with the peculiarities of teaching the EU common values in the context of Russia’s unjustified and unprovoked war against Ukraine. The authors describe the EU common values, such as human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, rule of law, human rights in detail and present the analysis of scholars’ opinions on this issue. It is also mentioned that under the conditions of war in Ukraine all these values are being violated. As well as all the spheres of life of Ukrainian people the sphere of education suffers greatly from the Russian aggression. The authors acquaint the readers with the statistics from official sources as for the number of educational institutions which were totally or partly damaged or temporarily displaced to the territory, controlled by Ukraine. The publication highlights the necessity of promoting the EU common values among young generations and presents a training course "Strengthening the EU common values through the policy of multilingualism in the education and training of future teachers" (J. Monet module), designed by a group of teachers of Bogdan Khmelnystky Melitopol State Pedagogical University (Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine). Aims, outcomes, objectives, structure of the course are described in the publication

    Building up the European common values in professional training of future foreign language teachers

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    Ukraine is now on the threshold of entering the European Union which affects all the life spheres and education in particular. The article deals with the analysis of the European common values in terms of their introduction in the system of teacher training of Ukraine. The authors draw the attention to the issue of multilingualism which enhances learning foreign languages, helps to protect Europe’s rich linguistic diversity, and improves the competitiveness of the EU economy. As a result of the theoretical analysis authors come to the conclusion that building up the EU common values and incorporating them into the process of future foreign language teachers training is a life-long process that demands daily and persistent work as teachers should put much effort to organize the appropriate educational context and make a new generation of children raised in Ukraine not only feel European but act according to European values. The article also provides the results of the survey that on one hand show that future foreign language teachers are not aware enough of the European policy of multilingualism as well as European common values, on the other hand students realize the necessity of the integration of Ukraine into the European educational environment and importance of foreign language learning and teaching. The obtained results emphasize the necessity of the introduction of the Module on “Strengthening the EU common values through the policy of multilingualism in the education and training of future teachers” into the educational process of the university

    Sustainable tourism as a method of forming a tolerant society

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    The article concentrates on potential capabilities for the development of sustainable tourism, as well as its role in the formation of tolerant social relations. The authors revealed the profound impact of sustainable and hike tourism on emergence of the phenomenon ‘new tourist’. They also offered the description of levels of tolerance and their influence on the sustainable tendencies in modern tourism. There is a growing trend for tourism in modern international community to act as a high-powered regulator of socio-cultural relations and, simultaneously, as the crucial factor of counteraction to that xenophobia. A head-on clash of local and foreign cultures, which is an integral part of the very notion of tourism, is not supposed to assume itself in highly extreme forms, with the air of predominance of any of them, moreover, to be based on national, racial, religious, linguistic or educational differences. To put the idea across more efficiently, the authors resorted to exploiting such useful tools as the analysis and synthesis methodology, as well as that of comparison and prognostics. What is produced in the outcome of this study is revealing and emphasizing the levels of tolerance, characterizing the uneasy interrelationships between the so-called ‘new’ tourists and local community. The research findings could find practical applications for designing of new tourist products and elaborating of new networks of footpaths for walking tours

    Theoretical principles and practice of EU regional policy monitoring

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    У статті досліджено практику моніторингу та оцінки регіональної політики розвитку в Європейському Союзі, їх вплив на основні показники економічного та соціального розвитку як окремих регіоні, так і ЄС у цілому. Проведено аналіз розвитку практики моніторингу регіональної політики, ідентифікацію особливостей процесу моніторингу імплементації програм розвитку та основні етапи їх оцінки. Виявлено основні труднощі в організації системи моніторингу та оцінки досягнення цілей та координації регіональних програм. Охараткеризовано основні диспаритети економічного та соціального розвитку країн-членів ЄС у межах програм розвитку та визначено основні показники регіональних диспропорцій ЄС. Визначено засади, інструменти та механізми моніторингу регіональної політики ЄС. Проаналізовано зміни у парадигмі регіонального розвитку ЄС, щодо пріоритетів зосередження фінансових ресурсів та інструментів у політиці згуртування.The paper explores the practice of monitoring and evaluating of regional development policy in the European Union, as well as the impact on the key indicators of economic and social development both in separate regions and in the EU as a whole. The authors analyzed developments in the regional policy monitoring practice, simultaneously identifying peculiar characteristic of the monitoring process regarding implementation of development programs and determined the main stages of evaluation. The paper specifies basic difficulties in setting up the system of monitoring and evaluating achievement of objectives and coordination of regional programs. The authors described major disparity in economic and social development of the EU Member States under their development programs as well as determined main indicators of EU regional disparities. Principles, instruments and mechanisms for monitoring EU regional policy were also defined. The paper analyzes changes in the EU regional development paradigm focusing on the priorities for concentrating financial resources and instruments in terms of cohesion policy