748 research outputs found

    Framing Parenthood: An Interpretive Analysis of Fertility in Brazil

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    Understanding the fertility transition is of extreme importance for planning public policies on national levels and on a global scale. The fertility transition has been the subject of numerous studies for the past four decades, especially in regards to the determinants of fertility. Nonetheless, in the case of Brazil the literature concentrates on quantitative and positivistic determinants, lacking qualitative studies to complement demographic theories. This thesis seeks to fill this gap by offering a qualitative analysis of fertility in Brazil. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in and around Belo Horizonte in order to capture the meaning given to parenthood between 1964 and 2005, period of fast decline in fertility rates in Brazil. With the use of Frame Analysis, three main frames for parenthood are identified, along with four influencing factors for fertility in the Brazilian context. Other important contributions to the demographic debate are the identification of emotional factors, as well as determinants that influence the fertility of who is labelled as the other

    Essays in development economics.

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    In this thesis I analyze the households’ decisions regarding education. While education increases the child’s future earnings, there is an opportunity cost related to schooling. The parents’ decision to send their child to school or work depends on the comparison of costs and benefits from education. In the first chapter I investigate the impact of adult mortality on the parents’ decisions to educate their children. I show that the parents under or overinvest in their child’s education depending on the direction of intergenerational transfers. The latter is determined by the relative parental and filial level of altruism and productivity. In the second chapter I show how low enrollment rates may have a negative impact on the level of public educational expenditures. This is due to the fact that the households out of school have low incentives to vote for high taxes. Thus, a conditional cash transfer program may help improving the quality of public school by augmenting political support for educational expenditures. In the third chapter I consider the choice of public versus private schools. Using Brazilian data I show that a policy aimed at improving the quality of public schools may attract pupils that would otherwise enroll at private institutions. However, this effect seems to be limited to the first grade of primary school. It also appears that such policy attracts to public schools children that were previously out of school.Dans cette thèse, j’analyse les décisions des ménages concernant l’éducation. L’éducation augment le rendement futur de l’enfant, mais il y a un coût d’opportunité lié à la scolarité. La décision des parents d’envoyer leur enfant à l’école ou au travail est basée sur une analyse des coûts bénéfices. Dans le premier chapitre, j’examine l’impact que la mortalité adulte peut avoir sur la décision d’éduquer les enfants. Je montre que les parents ont tendance à sous ou surinvestir en éducation en fonction de la direction des transferts intergénérationnelles. Ce dernier est déterminé par les niveaux de productivité et altruisme des enfants et des parents. Dans le deuxième chapitre je montre que des faibles taux de participation scolaire peuvent avoir un impact négatif dans le niveau des dépenses publiques en éducation. Cela est dû au fait que les ménages qui ne sont pas à l’école ont peu d’incitation à voter pour des taux élevés de taxation. Dans ce contexte, un programme des transferts conditionnels sur l’éducation peut aider à améliorer la qualité des écoles publiques en augmentant le support politique pour les dépenses scolaires. Dans le troisième chapitre je considère le choix d’école publique et privée. En utilisant des données brésiliennes, je montre qu’une politique d’amélioration de l’école publique a comme effet d’attirer des enfants qui iraient au privé. Cependant, cet effet est limité à la première année de l’école primaire. Il apparaît également que cette politique augmente la fréquentation scolaire.Education; Child labor; Conditional cash transfer;

    Effects of dexamethasone on the Li-pilocarpine model of epilepsy : protection against hippocampal inflammation and astrogliosis

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    Background: Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) is the most common form of partial epilepsy and is accompanied, in one third of cases, by resistance to antiepileptic drugs (AED). Most AED target neuronal activity modulated by ionic channels, and the steroid sensitivity of these channels has supported the use of corticosteroids as adjunctives to AED. Assuming the importance of astrocytes in neuronal activity, we investigated inflammatory and astroglial markers in the hippocampus, a key structure affected in TLE and in the Li-pilocarpine model of epilepsy. Methods: Initially, hippocampal slices were obtained from sham rats and rats subjected to the Li-pilocarpine model of epilepsy, at 1, 14, and 56 days after status epilepticus (SE), which correspond to the acute, silent, and chronic phases. Dexamethasone was added to the incubation medium to evaluate the secretion of S100B, an astrocyte-derived protein widely used as a marker of brain injury. In the second set of experiments, we evaluated the in vivo effect of dexamethasone, administrated at 2 days after SE, on hippocampal inflammatory (COX-1/2, PGE2, and cytokines) and astroglial parameters: GFAP, S100B, glutamine synthetase (GS) and water (AQP-4), and K+ (Kir 4.1) channels. Results: Basal S100B secretion and S100B secretion in high-K+ medium did not differ at 1, 14, and 56 days for the hippocampal slices from epileptic rats, in contrast to sham animal slices, where high-K+ medium decreased S100B secretion. Dexamethasone addition to the incubation medium per se induced a decrease in S100B secretion in sham and epileptic rats (1 and 56 days after SE induction). Following in vivo dexamethasone administration, inflammatory improvements were observed, astrogliosis was prevented (based on GFAP and S100B content), and astroglial dysfunction was partially abrogated (based on Kir 4.1 protein and GSH content). The GS decrease was not prevented by dexamethasone, and AQP-4 was not altered in this epileptic model. Conclusions: Changes in astroglial parameters emphasize the importance of these cells for understanding alterations and mechanisms of epileptic disorders in this model. In vivo dexamethasone administration prevented most of the parameters analyzed, reinforcing the importance of anti-inflammatory steroid therapy in the Li-pilocarpine model and possibly in other epileptic conditions in which neuroinflammation is present

    Uncovering the Hidden Co-Evolution in the Work History of Software Projects

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    The monitoring of project-oriented business processes is difficult because their state is fragmented and represented by the progress of different documents and artifacts being worked on. This observation holds in particular for software development projects in which various developers work on different parts of the software concurrently. Prior contributions in this area have proposed a plethora of techniques to analyze and visualize the current state of the software artifact as a product. It is surprising that these techniques are missing to provide insights into what types of work are conducted at different stages of the project and how they are dependent upon another. In this paper, we address this research gap and present a technique for mining the software process including dependencies between artifacts. Our evaluation of various open-source projects demonstrates the applicability of our technique

    Oral granuloma gravidarum: a retrospective study of 41 cases in Southern Brazil

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    Granuloma gravidarum (GG) is an inflammatory lesion, which develops in the oral mucosa of pregnant women in response to chronic low-grade irritants, under the influence of hormonal factors. Objective To characterize GG clinically by means of a retrospective study of the cases of the Oral Medicine Division, São Lucas Hospital, Brazil. Material and Methods Cases of GG diagnosed between 1980 and 2012 were analyzed. Data were obtained referring to the age of the patients, lesion location, clinical features, as well as the presence of local irritants. The gestation period in which the lesion developed was also investigated. Results Forty-one cases of GG were found. The lesions developed predominantly in the third trimester of pregnancy (51.22%) and the mean age of the patients was 28 years. Most GG was found in the gingiva (73.17%), was reddish color and had a mean diameter of 1.5 cm. Local irritants were involved in 75.6% of the cases. Conclusions The hormonal conditions of pregnancy can have an impact on the oral cavity, predisposing the patient to inflammatory lesions such as GG

    Auditory evoked potentials: predicting speech therapy outcomes in children with phonological disorders

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    OBJECTIVES: This study investigated whether neurophysiologic responses (auditory evoked potentials) differ between typically developed children and children with phonological disorders and whether these responses are modified in children with phonological disorders after speech therapy. METHODS: The participants included 24 typically developing children (Control Group, mean age: eight years and ten months) and 23 children clinically diagnosed with phonological disorders (Study Group, mean age: eight years and eleven months). Additionally, 12 study group children were enrolled in speech therapy (Study Group 1), and 11 were not enrolled in speech therapy (Study Group 2). The subjects were submitted to the following procedures: conventional audiological, auditory brainstem response, auditory middle-latency response, and P300 assessments. All participants presented with normal hearing thresholds. The study group 1 subjects were reassessed after 12 speech therapy sessions, and the study group 2 subjects were reassessed 3 months after the initial assessment. Electrophysiological results were compared between the groups. RESULTS: Latency differences were observed between the groups (the control and study groups) regarding the auditory brainstem response and the P300 tests. Additionally, the P300 responses improved in the study group 1 children after speech therapy. CONCLUSION: The findings suggest that children with phonological disorders have impaired auditory brainstem and cortical region pathways that may benefit from speech therapy

    Fatores associados à qualidade de vida da pessoa idosa em instituições de longa permanência públicas

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    Objective: to evaluate the quality of life of the institutionalized elderly and its association with sociodemographic variables, symptoms of depression and self-care capacity. Method: cross-sectional study, between 2017 and 2019, with a sample of 99 elderly people. The collection was performed through an interview conducted in a private room. Associations were tested by multivariate linear regression, adopting p<0.05. Results: depressive symptom worsens quality of life; longer time living and freedom to leave the institution improve the perception of past, present and future activities, social participation and being illiterate in both; Dependents are satisfied with the environment and social participation; receiving visit improves the psychological and social relations; limitation of movements harms the physical; and age over 70 harms social relations. Conclusion: environment that stimulates mental and physical health and relationships and social participation are factors that improve the quality of life of the elderly.Objetivo: evaluar la calidad de vida de ancianos institucionalizados y su asociación a variables sociodemográficas, síntomas de depresión y capacidad de autocuidado. Método: estudio transversal, entre 2017 y 2019, con muestra de 99 ancianos. La colecta fue realizada por medio de entrevista dirigida en sala privada. Las asociaciones fueron probadas por regresión lineal multivariada, adoptando p<0,05. Resultados: síntoma depresivo empeora la calidad de vida; mayor tiempo de vivienda y libertad para salir de la institución mejoran la percepción de actividades pasadas, presentes y futuras, participación social y ser analfabeto en ambos; los dependientes están satisfechos con el ambiente y participación social; recibir visita mejora lo psicológico y relaciones sociales; limitación de movimientos perjudica lo físico; y edad superior a 70 años perjudica las relaciones sociales. Conclusión: ambiente que estimule la salud mental y física y las relaciones y participaciones sociales son factores que mejoran la calidad de vida de los ancianos.Objetivo: avaliar a qualidade de vida de idosos institucionalizados e sua associação a variáveis sociodemográficas, sintomas de depressão e capacidade de autocuidado. Método: estudo transversal, entre 2017 e 2019, com amostra de 99 idosos. A coleta foi realizada por meio de entrevista dirigida em sala privativa. Associações foram testadas por regressão linear multivariada, adotando p<0,05. Resultados: sintoma depressivo piora a qualidade de vida; maior tempo de moradia e liberdade para sair da instituição melhoram a percepção de atividades passadas, presentes e futuras, participação social e ser analfabeto em ambos; os dependentes estão satisfeitos com o ambiente e participação social; receber visita melhora o psicológico e relações sociais; limitação de movimentos prejudica o físico; e idade superior a 70 anos prejudica as relações sociais. Conclusão: ambiente que estimule a saúde mental e física e as relações e participações sociais são fatores que melhoram a qualidade de vida dos idosos

    Qual Física Se Aprende? Qual Física Se Observa? Qual Física Se Ensina? E, Afinal, Qual Professor De Física Se Forma?â Reflexões Sobre A Potencialidade Do Estágio Supervisionado Num Cenário Controverso

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    The aim of this paper is to highlight the potentials of the supervised internship in the Physics course as a preparatory moment of extreme importance when it is linked to the well-founded aspects in the exercise of the teaching, such as association between research and teaching, discussions about the universe of the public school, problematization of the teaching profession, and others. It is highlighted the controversial scenario in the formation of this professional because on the one hand the university sets limited emphasis for teachers in formation with a curriculum determined under bachelor's degree principles instead of licentiate degree. On the other hand, it is potentially able to enable a promising supervised insternship when it promotes a critical reflection about teaching, school, science, etc. It was used data produced by students from reports submitted as a requirement for approval in the internschip subjects. In these documents, it was possible to find evidence about learning training of teaching, recognition of the singularity of the school knowledge, rupture with the technical knowledge, relationship between the supervised internship and research, and valorization of the teaching profession.22516

    Piketty: Desigualdad y Tributación

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    Este artículo examina críticamente la obra del economista francés Thomas Piketty, El Capital en el siglo XXI (2013), que muestra que en la medida en que la tasa de retorno del capital es mayor que la tasa de crecimiento de la economía, el capitalismo genera desigualdades. Su preocupación se centra en el proceso de acumulación del capitalismo dentro de las fronteras nacionales y no en la desigualdad entre países. Piketty no considera que, debido a la alta movilidad del capital globalizado, hay una fuerte tendencia a cambiar las bases fiscales de los ingresos hacia el consumo, el trabajo, y los activos fijos. Este cambio debilita los Estados Nacionales e intensifica la desigualdad entre los países en favor del capital. Para terminar con la desigualdad se debe establecer impuestos globales para la financiación de un ingreso mínimo global para sostener el derecho universal a la subsistencia y terminar con el hambre y la miseria en el mundo. Palabras Clave: Desigualdad, Tributación, Modernidad Líquida, Tributos Globales.Abstract:This article critically examines Capital in the Twenty-First Century (2013), by the French economist Thomas Piketty. It demonstrates that, as the rate of capital return is greater than the rate of economic growth, capitalism generates inequalities. Piketty´s concern focuses on the process of capitalism accumulation within national borders and not on inequality between countries. The author does not consider that, due to the high mobility of capital there is a strong tendency to change tax grounds of income consumption, labor and fixed assets. These shifts weaken nations and intensify inequality between countries in favor of capital. Thus, to end inequality, global tax must be established to finance a minimum income which will give support to the universal right to subsistence, lessen inequality and will abate world hunger and misery.Keywords: Inequality, Tax, Liquid Modernity, Global Taxes. 

    Formación de lectores literarios: itinerarios interdisciplinarios con libros ilustrados para Primer Ciclo en la biblioteca escolar

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    Actualmente se encuentran disponibles en las escuelas materiales renovados, diversos, de calidad literaria, junto con orientaciones didácticas desde un enfoque actualizado de la alfabetización para la formación de lectores literarios. No obstante, desde la biblioteca escolar se observa que existe escaso material que aborde propuestas con libros ilustrados que desde lo metodológico-didáctico focalicen en la relación entre texto e imagen. Desde estas premisas, entendiendo que el rol de la lectura literaria en la alfabetización resulta clave, interesa compartir una experiencia enmarcada dentro del campo de la didáctica de la alfabetización y la formación de lectores literarios que considera el potencial didáctico de la lectura de imágenes y sus vínculos con el texto en los libros de literatura infantil, poniendo especial énfasis en el género denominado “libro álbum”. Desde este lugar, se vincula a su vez, con itinerarios de lectura y secuencias didácticas que se proponen desde la biblioteca escolar, en propuestas de abordaje interdisciplinario de libros de literatura infantil ilustrados, desde Lengua y Lenguaje Plástico visual. Tomando como referencia el primer ciclo de la Educación Primaria, a partir de considerar que es aquel en el que esta mirada de la formación de lectores, desde un enfoque alfabetizador, se propone ser innovador y propedéutico para la trayectoria lectora de niños/as, la experiencia a comunicar surge como proyecto de Desarrollo Profesional e Investigación del IES Nº 813 de Lago Puelo (Chubut) en articulación con escuelas primarias de la región.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació