6,159 research outputs found

    On Some Properties of Tribonacci Quaternions

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    In this paper, we give some properties of the Tribonacci and Tribonacci-Lucas quaternions and obtain some identities for them

    Is there a plastic which can be decomposed by bacteria and other living organisms within the environment over a specific time interval which is also called biodegradable plastic?

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    In this experiment I have investigated the research question: “Is there a plastic which can be decomposed by bacteria and other living organisms within the environment over a specific time interval which is also called biodegradable plastic?” This experiment was done in order to indicate if there was a plastic that could be dissolved faster and easier than other usual plastics like nylons under environmental conditions and which can also solve the global waste problem of plastics. From this experiment and the results of the experiment it was seen that biodegradable plastics were in existence and they would decompose more in a specific time interval than usual plastics would decompose. In the experiment, firstly nylon 6,10 and biodegradable plastic was synthesized and same amount of plastics were collected. Then these plastics were buried into the soil for 180 days and from this the decomposition rates of the biodegradable plastic and the nylon 6,10 used in the experiment was calculated for 180 days. Although the ASTM’s biodegradability method focused on the amount of the carbon that converted into the carbondioxide at the end of the 180 days, in this experiment the decomposition rates of the plastics were calculated and detected by the change in masses of the plastics over 180 days. But from the data obtained from this experiment, it was seen that there were a lot of systematic errors that caused by this mass change technique which showed that this technique was not appropriate to detect the decomposition rates of the biodegradable plastic and nylon 6,10 over 180 days

    Türk Çini Sanatında Saz Yolu Ekolü

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    Kanûnî Sultan Süleyman dönemi Osmanlı Saray nakkaşhânesi sernakkaşı olan Şah Kulu, “Saz Yolu” adıyla bilinen bezeme üslûbunun ilk temsilcisidir. XVI. yüzyıl ilk yarısından XVII. yüzyıl başlarına kadar üretilmiş resimlerde, sivri uçlu kıvrık hançerî yapraklar, hatâyî üslûbu çiçekler, efsanevî hayvanlar (ejderha, zümrüd-ü ankā, ch’i-lin), orman hayvanları ve periler görülmektedir. Kanûnî Sultan Süleyman devrinde en parlak dönemi yaşayan Osmanlı sanatında ortaya çıkmış olan bu üslûp padişah tarafından büyük beğeni kazanmış yüzyıllar içinde tezhip, halkâr, cilt, çini ve seramik sanatlarında, kalem işlerinde, kumaş, halı ve maden gibi sanatlarda en güzel örneklerini vermiştir. XVI. yüzyılın ikinci yarısında Mimar Sinan’ın bazı yapılarında çiniyi bir tezyîni eleman olarak kullanması, bu yeni üslûbun çinide de en güzel örneklerinin ortaya çıkmasını sağlamıştır. Saray nakkaşhânesinin hazırlamış olduğu bezemeler İznik atölyelerinde çiniye sıraltı tekniği ile uygulanmıştır. Bu dönemde çinide teknik açıdan ulaşılan kalite, motif ve desenlerle birleşmiş ve mükemmel eserler ortaya çıkmıştır. Şah Kulu tarafından Osmanlı süsleme sanatına katılmış olan saz üslûbunun çini sanatında da örnekleri görülmektedir. “Türk Çini Sanatında Saz Yolu Ekolü” adlı tezimizde, bu üslûpta kullanılmış karakteristik motiflerin çini sanatında daha önce değerlendirilmemiş olması, çalışmanın önemini arttırmaktadır. Tez üç bölümden oluşmaktadır: Birinci bölümde Şah Kulu’nun hayatı, saz üslûbu ve bu üslûbun kullanıldığı diğer sanat dalları incelenmiştir. İkinci bölümde Topkapı Sarayı Sünnet Odası dış cephesindeki yekpâre saz üslubu pano’nun motif özellikleriyle beraber tanıtılmasına çalışılmış, üçüncü bölümde ise, İstanbul’daki bazı çinili yapılarda, Saz Yolu Ekolü’nün üslûp özelliklerini gösteren örneklerden yola çıkılarak, resimleri ile ayrıntılı olarak ele alınmıştır. Değerlendirme ve Sonuç bölümde, saz üslûbu özellikleri taşıyan İstanbul’daki çinili yapılara ait örneklerin birbirleriyle benzerliklerini ve farklılıklarını ortaya koyan karşılaştırmalar, motif çizimleriyle bir arada verilmiştir. Türk Çini sanatında saz üslûbu motiflerinin yeri ve öneminin çizimlerle ele alındığı bu tezin, bundan sonraki çalışmalara yardımcı olacağı düşüncesindeyiz.Şah Kulu who was the chief muralist of The Ottoman Palace Design-House (Nakkaşhâne) during the period of Suleiman The Magnificent is the first representative of Saz üslûbu (Leafy Way) decoration style. We can see the sharp-pointed, curved dagger-shaped leaves, (hatâyî) style flowers, mythical animals (dragon, phoenix, ch’i-lin), forest animals and fairies on the paintings made during from the first half of XVI. to the early XVII. centuries. This style had its brightest era during the period of Suleiman The Magnificent who has shown a strong appreciation to its outcomes. And this style had produced its best samples in the arts of ornamentation, (halkâr), gold, book-binding, hand-drawn painting (kalem işi), clothes, carpet arts, mine working, tiling and ceramics for the centuries to come. In the second half of XVI. century; by use of tiles on many of the structures, Royal Achitect (Mimar) Sinan had provided the best samples of this new style in tile art. Tiles designed by artists of Nakkaşhane were produced at Iznik (Nikeae) workhouses by applying the underglaze (sıraltı) technique. In this period; with a combintion of designs, figures and the technique, many tiles and kitchenware (evani) were produced with excellent quality. Moreover, in the same period, many good examples of saz-yolu style ornamentation by Şah Kulu were created. In the present thesis, as its name “Saz-Yolu Ecole In Turkish Tile Art” (Türk Çini Sanatında Saz Yolu Ekolü) implies, an evaluation of the characteristic motifs used in this style attaching a special importance to it in the develoment of Turkih tile art. Present volume is composed of the following chapters: Şah Kulu’s life, the “saz-style” and many branches of art that uses this style are summarized in the first chapter. In the second chapter; the motif characteristic and description of the massive “Saz-Yolu” Pane on the external wall of the “Sünnet Odası” (The Circumcision Room) in Topkapı Palace has taken place. In the third chapter; the samples that show the style characteristics of Saz üslûbuEcole on some tiled structures in İstanbul have been specified together with further information about these structures. Characteristics of specified motifs have also been represented in detail with their pictures. In the assessment and conclusion chapter; the comparisons that represent the similarities and differences of the samples we have determined in Istanbul on the tiled structures showing the characteristics of saz style have been given with the motif drawings. We have the opinion that our present perspective and approach with the detailed drawings, on the The Saz Style motifs in Turkish Tile Art will help the further studies in the area

    Puntos de vista de Maestros de Educación Física y Deportes que implementaron por primera vez un informe relacionado con el estado de la salud

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    The Health-Related Fitness Report Card (HRFRC) has been implemented first-time by physical education and sports teachers in the 2016-2017 academic year under the leadership of the Ministry of National Education in Turkey. The purpose of this study was to obtain the views of the physical education and sports teachers on the first time implemented HRFRC and the content of the fitness test. Participants were composed of 10 physical education and sports teachers with seniority between 2 and 30 years and actively working in the middle and high schools. Semi-structured in-depth individual interviews and field notes were chosen as the data collection tools. Collected data were analysed using the content analysis method. Identified themes are (1) Benefits of the Practice, (2) Reasons for Not Achieving the Objective of the Practice, (3) Challenges Experienced with the Practice, and (4) Recommendations for the Practice. Teachers emphasized that improving the quality of HRFRC training provided by the government, using standard materials for measurements, changing the time of the implementation, increasing the integration of stakeholders such as a nutritionist, health experts and families into implementation and providing a more confidential atmosphere in the implementation for increasing participation rate and the quality of the HRFRC.El Informe de estado físico relacionado con la salud (HRFRC) ha sido implementado por primera vez por profesores de educación física y deportes en el año académico 2016-2017 bajo la dirección del Ministerio de Educación Nacional en Turquía. El propósito de este estudio fue obtener los puntos de vista de los profesores de educación física y deportes en la HRFRC implementada por primera vez y el contenido de la prueba de aptitud física. Los participantes estuvieron compuestos por 10 maestros de educación física y deportes con antigüedad de entre 2 y 30 años y trabajando activamente en las escuelas intermedias y secundarias. Se eligieron entrevistas individuales en profundidad semiestructuradas y notas de campo como herramientas de recopilación de datos. Los datos recopilados se analizaron mediante el método de análisis de contenido. Los temas identificados son (1) Beneficios de la práctica, (2) Razones para no lograr el objetivo de la práctica, (3) Desafíos experimentados con la práctica y (4) Recomendaciones para la práctica. Los docentes enfatizaron que mejorar la calidad de la capacitación HRFRC brindada por el gobierno, usando materiales estándar para mediciones, cambiando el tiempo de implementación, aumentando la integración de partes interesadas como nutricionista, expertos en salud y familias en la implementación y proporcionando una atmósfera más confidencial en la implementación para aumentar la tasa de participación y la calidad de la HRFRC

    Pandemi sürecinde lojistik yönetiminde uygulanan rekabet stratejilerinin değerlendirilmesi: İstanbul'daki lojistik firmaları üzerine bir araştırma

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    This study aims to determine the changes in the changing competition, growth, and customer strategies within the scope of the logistics management of the COVID-19 process that affects the whole world. The study will be carried out in the form of an interview, and it will be evaluated how the changes in the supply chain processes during the pandemic process reflect on the competition, growth, and customer strategies business basis. According to the results, recommendations will be made to companies operating in the logistics sector in parallel with the changes in competition, growth, and customer strategies. The study results include the need for speed, digitization, improving the quality of customer relationships, working from home, and expanding e-commerce to create a competitive advantage.Bu çalışmanın amacı, tüm dünyayı etkisi altına alan COVİD -19 sürecinin lojistik yönetimi kapsamında değişen rekabet, büyüme ve müşteri stratejilerinde meydana gelen değişimleri belirlemektir. Çalışma görüşme şeklinde gerçekleştirilecek olup, pandemi sürecinde tedarik zinciri süreçlerinde yaşanan değişimlerin iş bazında rekabet, büyüme ve müşteri stratejilerine nasıl yansıdığı değerlendirilecektir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre rekabet, büyüme ve müşteri stratejilerindeki değişimlere paralel olarak lojistik sektöründe faaliyet gösteren firmalara önerilerde bulunulacaktır. Çalışma sonuçları, rekabet avantajı yaratmak için hız, dijitalleşme, müşteri ilişkilerinin kalitesinin arttırılması, evden çalışma ve e-ticaretin genişlemesi gerekliliğini içerir


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    Purpose: In this study, it has been aimed to determine the effect of 8-week ball-handling training program on upper-lower extremity muscular strength of individuals with Down syndrome.Method: In the study, twenty one individuals who had been medically diagnosed with trisomy down syndrome and still attending special education and rehabilitation centres have participated as voluntarily. The participants have been selected randomly and divided into exercise (10 participants) and control groups (11 participants). The exercise group was trained with Ball-handling Training Program for 8 weeks; 2 days a week and a 60 minute per day. However, the control group did not participate in any activities regularly. In the study, Takei hand grip dynamometer was used to measure upper extremity strength. For the measurement of lower extremity strength, standing broad jump–vertical jump, wall squat test and Takei leg dynamometer strength tests were utilized. The statistical analyses of the data were realized by using SPSS 21.0 package program.Results: The means of after eight weeks, leg strength test (pre:22.47±13.12; post:30.90±13.87; p=.005) wall squat test (pre:23.55±10.95; post:30.92±13.87; p=.005) and dominant hand grip strength (pre:11.35±5.74; post:14.55±7.18; p=.024) were found more significant than the means of baseline in exercise group. But, It was not significant differences between post measurements of exercise and control groups (p>0.05).Conclusion: The findings of the study have revealed that 8-week ball-handling training program made a positive effect on upper-lower extremity strength of individuals with Down syndrome. However, it is assumed that if the program implemented is maintained for a longer period of time, the positive effect of the training on individuals with DS will increase.  Article visualizations


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    This study compared the effectiveness of negative evidence and enriched input on learning the verb-noun collocations. There were 52 English as Foreign Language (EFL) learners in this research study and they were randomly assigned to the negative evidence or enriched input groups. While the negative evidence group (n=27) was provided with instruction about what was not acceptable for verb-noun collocation structure, the enriched input group (n=25) was exposed to the target verb-noun collocations many times without any instruction or feedback. In order to determine the effects of the implementation, pre- and post- form recognition tests and pre-and post-production tests were administered to the participants. Wilcoxon signed rank test for paired samples and Mann Whitney U tests were conducted since the data did not meet normality assumptions. The Wilcoxon test results indicated that the negative evidence group achieved significant improvement in both their recognition and production test results. As for the enriched input group, the students presented a considerable improvement in terms of the production test; however, their performance was not very significant on the recognition test results. To compare both groups, Mann Whitney U test was run and it was evident that both the negative evidence and enriched input groups had positive effects on the production of verb-noun collocations. On the other hand, the form recognition test results revealed that the negative evidence group outperformed the enriched input group

    Impact of a non-uniform charge distribution on virus assembly

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    Many spherical viruses encapsulate their genome in protein shells with icosahedral symmetry. This process is spontaneous and driven by electrostatic interactions between positive domains on the virus coat proteins and the negative genome. We model the effect of the icosahedral charge distribution from the protein shell instead of uniform using a mean-field theory. We find that the non-uniform charge distribution strongly affects the optimal genome length, and that it can explain the experimentally observed phenomenon of overcharging of virus and virus-like particles

    Optimization of characteristics of multilayer spherical control joint-hinge stiffness

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    In this work the analytical expression is derived on the basis of the variational method for the evaluation of angular stiffness characteristics of the spherical multilayered elastomeric package joint-hinge subjected to loading with hinge moment and hydrostatic pressure on the lateral surfaces. Joint-package consists of alternating metallic and thin elastomeric layers. Metallic plates-layers are assumed to be rigid. It is demonstrated that the hydrostatic pressure can both mitigate and "harden" the hinge angular stiffness characteristics depending on which side surface of the elastomeric layer it is applied. Obtained relationships allow solving problems of optimal design, operation and control program selection for compensating joints of this type