513 research outputs found

    Estimation of Technical Reserves using Stochastic Methods

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Statistics and Information Management, specialization in Risk Analysis and ManagementInsurance companies need to have proper technical reserves in order to stay solvent, due to the liabilities that they take responsibility for. The notion of what are proper reserves is a subject studied by insurers and academics. For the non-life insurance the claim reserves, amongst other types of reserves, have great significance. Hence the existence of many kinds of reserving methods, either stochastic or deterministic. This work aims to compare the estimates of claim reserves using the Thomas Mack and the Bootstrap methods for the workers compensation insurance.Companhias de seguros precisam de ter provisões técnicas apropriadas de forma a se manterem solventes, dados os riscos que estas tomam responsabilidade. A noção de o que é uma provisão adequada é um tema estudado pelas seguradoras. Para o ramo Não-Vida a provisões de sinistros, de entre outros tipos de provisões, têm grande significância. Consequentemente, existem vários métodos para a sua determinação, quer estocásticos, quer determinísticos. O propósito deste trabalho é a comparação das estimativas das provisões de sinistros no ramo de acidentes de trabalho usando os métodos de Thomas Mack e de Bootstrap

    Entrevista com Michael Lowy

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    Michael Lowy é brasileiro, estudou na USP e atualmente reside na França, trabalhando na Escola de Altos Estudos de Ciências Sociais, em Paris. É Diretor de Pesquisa do Centro Nacional de Pesquisa Científica da França.  Publicou vários livros, inclusive muito utilizados por educadores brasileiros nas áreas de ciências sociais e humanas:  As Aventuras de Marx Contra o Barão de Münchhausen; Método Dialético e Teoria Política; Vida e a Guerra dos Deuses; Marxismo na América Latina; Política na América Latina.  Este último recebeu o prêmio “Sérgio Buarque de Holanda” na categoria Ensaio, cujo prêmio foi doado ao MST – Movimento dos Trabalhadores Sem Terra. Em novembro de 2004 esteve em Foz do Iguaçu a convite de professores desta universidade, ocasião em que proferiu palestra sobre metodologia da pesquisa em ciências sociais

    A relevância da estética na criação de arte em propaganda – comunicação direta

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    Monografia apresentada à Diretoria de Pós-graduação da Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense - UNESC, para a obtenção do título de especialista em Educação Estética: Arte e as Perspectivas Contemporâneas.O presente trabalho foi realizado no município de Içara, Estado de Santa Catarina e envolveu além do autor Rodrigo Gonçalves Sebastião, as pessoas questionadas de forma aleatória com duração total de três meses. Apresenta uma análise da qualidade estética dos panfletos de ofertas supermercadistas na divulgação de produtos da empresa relacionada, além de uma fundamentação teórica sobre concepções de layout e a avaliação da influência da estética de um panfleto na decisão de compra a partir da pesquisa de opinião. Algumas técnicas no desenvolvimento do material em questão utilizaram-se do Photoshop e do CorelDRAW. Nas atuais projeções da empresa, faz-se necessária uma análise sobre a importância da estética nos panfletos. Foram percebidos alguns pontos importantes na conclusão do trabalho como a influência que a qualidade estética do material tem na visão das pessoas com relação ao supermercado. Um panfleto bem elaborado vende mais

    Extending 5G capacity planning through advanced subscriber behavior-centric clustering

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    his work focuses on providing enhanced capacity planning and resource management for 5G networks through bridging data science concepts with usual network planning processes. For this purpose, we propose using a subscriber-centric clustering approach, based on subscribers’ behavior, leading to the concept of intelligent 5G networks, ultimately resulting in relevant advantages and improvements to the cellular planning process. Such advanced data-science-related techniques provide powerful insights into subscribers’ characteristics that can be extremely useful for mobile network operators. We demonstrate the advantages of using such techniques, focusing on the particular case of subscribers’ behavior, which has not yet been the subject of relevant studies. In this sense, we extend previously developed work, contributing further by showing that by applying advanced clustering, two new behavioral clusters appear, whose traffic generation and capacity demand profiles are very relevant for network planning and resource management and, therefore, should be taken into account by mobile network operators. As far as we are aware, for network, capacity, and resource management planning processes, it is the first time that such groups have been considered. We also contribute by demonstrating that there are extensive advantages for both operators and subscribers by performing advanced subscriber clustering and analytics.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Femtocell deployment in LTE-A networks: A sustainability, economical and capacity analysis

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    Increasingly mobile data traffic and high quality service demand has driven standard developments and new mobile technologies deployment at an unprecedented level. Long Term Evolution (LTE) standard and its improved version LTE-Advanced (LTE-A) are two technology standards developed to cope with high levels of mobile data traffic demand. However, traffic and revenue disparity still is a reality, suggesting that traditional network deployment methods - based mainly on macro cellular sites - might prove to be cost ineffective in the long term. From another perspective, and increasingly important for mobile network operators, revenue is also a function of each mobile network deployment's sustainability. This work aims to comprehensively elaborate on those matters by presenting four specific scenarios with a comparative analysis of both macro and femtocell deployments (single and both technology networks). For each scenario, capacity, cost effectiveness and expected carbon emissions are the evaluated key indicators. This kind of analysis provides mobile networks operators with relevant information, enabling them to sustainably adapt business and provisioning models as well as network deployment strategies to current and future technological standards, while minimizing capital and operational expenditure (CAPEX/OPEX). The main contribution is that in short term, mixed macro and femtocell deployment scenarios are the most cost effective and sustainable option, while in mid to long term, as data traffic demand rises, femtocell deployments become the most sustainable, not only from economical and environmental points of view, but also from network coverage stand point.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Economic and environmental comparative analysis on macro-femtocell deployments in LTE-A

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    This paper describes the economic and environmental comparative analysis performed on macro and femtocell deployments and most prevalent results obtained. Four specific scenarios are studied and, for each one, an evaluation is made in terms of capacity, cost effectiveness and expected carbon emissions. It provides mobile networks operators (MNO) with relevant information, enabling them to adapt business models and deployment approaches to current and future trends in a sustainable way, while minimizing capital (CAPEX) and operation expenses (OPEX).info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    One step greener: reducing 5G and beyond networks’ carbon footprint by 2-tiering energy efficiency with CO2 offsetting

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    Fifth generation (5G) and Beyond-5G (B5G) will be characterized by highly dense deployments, both on network plane and user plane. Internet of Things, massive sensor deployments and base stations will drive even more energy consumption. User behavior towards mobile service usage is witnessing a paradigm shift with heavy capacity, demanding services resulting in an increase of both screen time and data transfers, which leads to additional power consumption. Mobile network operators will face additional energetic challenges, mainly related to power consumption and network sustainability, starting right in the planning phase with concepts like energy efficiency and greenness by design coming into play. The main contribution of this work is a two-tier method to address such challenges leading to positively-offset carbon dioxide emissions related to mobile networks using a novel approach. The first tier contributes to overall power reduction and optimization based on energy efficient methods applied to 5G and B5G networks. The second tier aims to offset the remaining operational power usage by completely offsetting its carbon footprint through geosequestration. This way, we show that the objective of minimizing overall networks’ carbon footprint is achievable. Conclusions are drawn and it is shown that carbon sequestration initiatives or program adherence represent a negligible cost impact on overall network cost, with the added value of greener and more environmentally friendly network operation. This can also relieve the pressure on mobile network operators in order to maximize compliance with environmentally neutral activity.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    In this paper, I present an analysis of data on initial aquisition of Portuguese as second language by six children living in a Japanese-Brazilian community in Brazil. These children speak only Japanese as their mother tongue, until school age. In this study, the principles and parameters model of generative grammar theory (Chomsky 1981, 1988) has been used together with studies on language transfer (Odlin 1989). I have chosen to investigate a syntactic phenomenon which distinguishes the Japanese and the Portuguese languages: the parameter of linearity (that is, word order). According to this parameter, in Japanese the phrase head is in final position and in Portuguese it is in initial position. I show that, in this initial stage of second language acquisition, children transfer the head-last parameter of Japanese to Portuguese, when they are producing noun phrases (NP ® N + complement) and verbal phrases (VP ® V + complement). The evidence presented contradicts other studies which deny the existence of language transfer at all (Dulay e Burt 1974; Dulay, Burt e Krashen 1982), and those who deny it mainly at the syntactic level (Felix 1978; Paradis and Genesee 1996)

    5G mobile challenges: A feasibility study on achieving carbon neutrality

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    Increasingly mobile data traffic and high quality service demand has driven fast standards development and new mobile technologies deployment. Traffic demand in 5G networks is expected to rise unprecedentedly, bringing mobile network operators (MNOs) additional challenges, and added pressure regarding carbon footprint reduction. This work aims to study the environmental and financial feasibility of MNOs becoming carbon neutral, by developing biotic carbon dioxide sequestration programs. If feasibility exists, it would be extended and applied to future networks and other environmental scenarios. It is shown that achieving carbon neutrality is possible for heterogeneous deployments, especially when low energy powered base stations like femtocells exist and that the financial costs of such aim might represent little or negligible additional cost expenditure, with the added value of greener and environmental friendly network operation.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    O parâmetro da linearidade em sintagmas nominais produzidos por crianças durante a aquisição do português como segunda língua

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    O propósito deste trabalho é apresentar um estudo do início daaquisição do português como segunda língua por três crianças de umacomunidade de nipo-brasileiros do Brasil. Até a idade escolar, fase em quecomeça a aquisição do português, estas crianças falam unicamente o japonêscomo língua materna. Com base no modelo de princípios e parâmetrosda teoria da gramática gerativa (Chomsky, 1981), foi tomado comoobjeto de estudo um fenômeno sintático que diferencia o japonês do português:o parâmetro da linearidade (isto é, ordem das palavras), o qual estabelecepara o japonês o núcleo sintagmático em posição final (head-last) epara o português, em posição inicial (head-first). Valendo-me dos estudossobre language transfer (Odlin, 1989), mostro que, nesta fase da aquisição,as crianças, na produção de sintagmas nominais (NP -> N + complemento),transferem o parâmetro head-last do japonês para o português. As evidênciasmostradas neste trabalho contrariam alguns estudos que negam aexistência de transfer (Dulay & Burt, 1974; Dulay et al., 1982), sobretudono nível sintático (Felix, 1978; Genesee et al., 1995; Paradis & Genesee,1996)
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